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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-03 11:23:31
  • 134


关于”生活的句子“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Sentences of life。以下是关于生活的句子的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences of life

1、Children are the rainbow of life and grandchildren are the pot of gold. 孩子是生活中的彩虹,孙子孙女则是黄金。

2、414. Children and fools have merry lives. 孩子和傻瓜,生活乐哈哈。

3、Having a baby, and going through the fast together, cements amarriage. 生了一个孩子,在一起生活,才是牢固的婚姻”。

4、Mongfind feared for the lives of her sons. 而生活中Mongfind很害怕她的儿子。

5、Satoko was yearning for former life, always. 笑十子怀念那个朴素的生活。

6、She has a grown-up son, several grandchildren and lives in Cambridge. 她有一个成年的儿子,孙子和几个在剑桥的生活。

7、Mr. JIANGs a native villager of Zui lived with his wife, 2 sons and a daughter. 江先生和他的妻子、两个儿子和女儿生活在当地的璻之村。

8、He has lived in the country for long. 他在屯子生活了很长时间。

9、And they all lived together in a little crooked house. 一起生活在歪扭的房子里。

10、To procure the necessities of life had always been the business of the man; he produced and owned the means of doing so. 谋取生活资料总是男子的事情,谋取生活资料的工具是由男子制造的,并且是他们的财产。

11、Is it merely because he was born in the land where Lao-tzu once lived ? 难道仅仅只是因为他恰好生活在老子曾经生活过的那片热土吗?

12、What would life be like if you went back to that lifestyle? 如果你想回到那种生活方式你的生活会是什么样子的?

13、Man did not weave the fabric of life. 男子做不织布的生活。

14、Yourre right. Itrs just the way Irm living. 陶子:“对啊,这就是我过的生活。” …

15、Often, these kids have trouble getting through school and face other difficulties later in life. 通常,这些孩子在完成学校生活和面对未来生活中会碰到困难。

16、Layla:You know the old saying. When live gives you lemons …? 莱拉:你知道有一句老话:“当生活赋予你柠檬时……”

17、ErNian living down and out, sell black mule to send his bracelets. 二娘生活落魄,卖掉黑骡子送他的镯子。

18、The life of the tree lives in the branch. 树的生命活在枝子里面。

19、At the time, like most young people, I regarded this proverb as an old wive's tale with no relevance to my own life. 当时,我像绝大多数年青人一样,认为这一句谚语是跟我自己的生活毫无关系的,这是一句老太婆们瞎编的愚蠢的话。

20、More than one person came up with the cliched "It changed my life! "reply. 不止一团体说到那句已是老生常谈的话:“它改动了我的生活!”

21、Still, life is on, and here we stand. 岂止是奥运?生活也是。还是那句话。

22、In daily life, a wide range of festive activities, festive activities common marriage, have children, birthday, celebration, opening up a business. 在日常生活中,喜庆活动的范围很广,常见的喜庆活动有结婚、生子、寿诞、乔迁、开业等。

23、One-child and non-only-child in the quality of life dimensions were significantly different. 独生子女与非独生子女在生活质量维度上有显著差异;

24、Our supplies for this month are in the cupboard. 我们这个月的生活用品在橱子里。

25、He lived in the countryside all his life. 他一辈子都生活在乡下。


26、A party for all students, graduates and friends of the Department, as well as overseas and local scholars attending Crooads. 文研的师生﹑毕业生﹑和海内外朋友聚首一堂﹐为十周年庆祝活动划上欢乐句号。

27、There are lots of happinesses and sorrows in life. Any way , I belive that there are charming pleasures and hurts in it when one enjoy it. 生活总让人欢喜也让人忧。我总喜欢说那句:享受生活赐予的迷人的痛和乐。

28、Subsidizes him and a life child. 资助他和一起生活的孩子。

29、They are the living proof that it can be done. 他们是活生生的例子,证明能够实现目标。

30、Short life cycle. Seed germination to production of new seed in 6-8 weeks. 生活周期短,从萌发到新的产生只需要6~8周。

31、Kids have a long way to go in their lives. 孩子们需要走的生活道路很长。

32、While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. -Angela Schwindt. 当我们想要试图教给孩子所有生活知识的时候,孩子却告诉我们什么是生活本身。

33、I had kids of my own. I was happy with my life, my kids and the comforts. 我很幸福地生活,很满意我的生活孩子和安慰。

34、Always remember, you’re becoming involved in your child’s life. It’s essential you don’t encroach too much upon it. 牢记你要参与孩子的生活,但本质上不要侵犯他们的生活。

35、Life was hard in those days . 在那些日子,生活很苦。

36、Public Hall indoor environment is the human material life and spiritual life of a mirror, is to create a stage of life. 公共厅堂室内环境是反映人类物质生活和精神生活的一面镜子,是生活创造的舞台。

37、In other words, they expect everything in life to be easy and pleasant. 换句话说,他们将生活上的每件事设想得太容易、太合心意了。

38、The children still live in squalor. 孩子们仍在肮脏的环境中生活。

39、The life suddenly losed its color. 生活一下子重新失去了颜色。

40、Rabbits have different lives than bluebirds, and we should expect neither to replicate our own. 兔子拥有着和蓝鸟不一样的生活,我们又怎么能指望它们能复制我们的生活。

41、Once upon a time there was a miller. He lived contentedly with his wife. 从前,有位磨坊主和妻子生活在一块,生活十分富足。

42、You're having a baby out of wedlock, your life is over. 你有一个非婚生子的话,你的生活就算是完了。

43、More than one person came up with the cliched "It changed my life!" 不止一个人说到那句已是陈词滥调的话:“它改变了我的生活!”

44、With our standard of living has been increasing in the surrounding environment has undergone a drastic change. 与《近年来我们的生活水平和环境都有了很大的提高。改病句。

45、But David Luiz is a walking example of the phrase. 但是蓬蓬就是这个词语的活生生的例子。

46、He who has the son, has life, he who does not have the son does not have life. 那些有圣子德,有生活,谁没有圣子,就没有生活。

47、Sadly, parasitic worms infect people who are still alive, especially kids. 可是,寄生型的蠕虫却可以感染活生生的人,尤其是小孩子。

48、Is betta likes to live in jars? 斗鱼喜欢生活在罐子里吗?

49、Sara: You live in a box. 萨拉:你生活在盒子里。

50、The lads work with furious energy. 小伙子干起活来真是生龙活虎。


51、Her struggles ended when Lao Luo and his music entered her life. 直到有一天老锣和他的音乐走进了她的生活,也为她的苦苦挣扎画上句号。

52、Level of seed vigor increased progressively until moisture concentration of seed reaching 12. 3% when was 3-6 days after PM (average over six genotypes). 的活力水平随发育不断增高,生理成熟后3~6天的活力水平高于生理成熟的。

53、Life always makes a full circle. 生活总是喜欢兜圈子。

54、A normal life in Beijing means time is scarce, stress is high and an ordinary day- filled with chatter and other noise-permits barely a moment for the mind to rest in silence. 这是描述北京生活的一个很好的句子。“在北京一般人的生活是,没时间,压力大,每天被喋喋不休、杂音所包围,根本就不会有片刻安静的时 间,让大脑休息不想事。”

55、I will live here forever, " he said. 我要一辈子生活在这里,”他说。

56、I was living the life of an only child and loving it. 我正在享受着独子生活并且热爱着这样的生活。

57、Just become congruent with life, in other words just stay in the now and enjoy your presence. 仅是与你的生活和谐相处,换句话说,就是活在当下并享受当下。

58、Incidentally, the characters they play in "Meteor Garden" correspond to their real-life personalities. 顺便说一句,他们的特点发挥“流星花园”符合他们的现实生活中的个性。

59、Demi Moore has announced she is ending her six year marriage to Ashton Kutcher. 黛米·摩尔近日宣布,与艾什顿·库彻六年的婚姻生活将划上句号。

60、Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. 在刀子里讨生活的人,迟早死在刀子下。

61、How and where did the biomolecules of the first living cells originate? 第一个活细胞中的生物分子是如何产生的,在哪里产生?

62、A child born in Niger can expect to live to just over 50, which is 30 years less than a child born in Norway. 一个出生在尼日尔的孩子可以活到50多岁,比出生在挪威的孩子少活30年。

63、What particularly troubles me about Ms Partan's article is the statement that "we need to stop blaming poverty, parents or the home environment for the difficulty a child has in learning." 帕坦女士的文章中最困扰我的是那句“我们不应再因孩子在学习中发生的困难而谴责贫困、父母和生活环境。”

64、Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- The saying goes that life imitates art. But that's the last thing you want when you write crime fiction. 加州,洛杉矶(CNN)- 俗话说生活摹仿艺术,但如果你是一名犯罪小说家,你绝不希望这句话成真,你绝不希望你写的东西发生在现实生活中。

65、Like the saying goes, "arts originate from life", are there any origination relation between Gally , Susanna, Carlisle, Francesca, Kincaid, etc. and people living around you? 有一句有名的论断是“艺术源于生活”,佳莉、苏珊娜、卡莱尔、弗朗西丝卡、金凯等角色是否源于生活在你周围的人们?

66、Life story of Cinderella and Prince Charming, I would like to never have happened in real life. 生活中的灰姑娘与白马王子的故事,我想永远也不会发生在现实的生活中。

67、In Mainland China boarding schools, there are caretakers who are responsible for management of students'residential matters, caring about students'feelings, and enriching students'school lives. 生活教师就是在寄宿制学校中负责管理孩子的寄宿生活,与他们交流感情,丰富其在校生活的教师。

68、Monkeys live in an arboreal habitat . 猴子生活在树上的栖息地。

69、My wife and daughter depend on me for their living. 我妻子女儿靠我生活。

70、Chen lives in Haifeng County and owns a small video workshop himself, leading a happy life with two lovely sons. 陈佳塔生活在海城,经营一间影像工作室,原本有两个活泼可受的儿子,过着幸福美满的生活。

71、People with kids and people without kids live in two different universes. 有孩子的人和没孩子的人生活在两个不同的世界。

72、Joy offers a paradise of gift ideas. 快乐生活区提供礼品设计的新点子。

73、“This is to mark that I lived in terror under oppression,” read one message. “这是我生活在压迫恐怖下的印记”有一句这么写到。

74、I’m living proof of that. 我就是一个活生生的例子。

75、The highest type of life after all is the life of sweet reasonableness as taught by Confucius' grandson, Tsesse, author of The Golden Mean. 生活的最高典型终究应属子思所倡导的中庸生活,他即是《中庸》作者,孔子的孙儿。

英文句子模板76:Sentences of life

76、In other words, the chart adjusts for the cost of living in different countries, so we are looking at consistent living standards worldwide. 换句话说,这张图表当中的数字根据各国生活成本进行调整,所以我们现在看到的是全球一致的生活标准。

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