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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-19 03:28:11
  • 140


关于”爱好的句子“的英语句子47个,句子主体:Favorite sentences。以下是关于爱好的句子的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Favorite sentences

1、You pretend to like me,i feel you don't like me though. 你装出好象很喜欢我的样子,可我觉得你并不喜欢我。

2、Martin is a quiet, contemplative sort of chap . 马丁是个不爱讲话、喜欢沉思默想的小伙子。

3、A good heart , suit the sky fell along with all can. 一副好心肠,一身天塌下来都可以欢欢喜喜过日子的本事。

4、Food is the best example. The French don't like rushing their meals. 美食就是一个最好的例子,法国人不喜欢匆匆忙忙地吃饭。

5、The car I like is available in my favorite color. 我喜欢的车子正好有我最爱的颜色。

6、I love that phrasing. "Regarded as devils to distract us." 我喜欢那句“被当做会让我们分心的猛兽。”

7、He liked the dish of kidneys best. 他最喜欢吃那盘腰子。

8、This information will be sincerely appreciated.” We sincerely appreciate your information. 明显地,我们会喜欢第2句.

9、He likes things that girls like. 他喜欢女孩子喜欢的。

10、The sentences are "Fred likes Fred," "Fred likes Barney," "Fred likes Wilma," "Fred thinks Fred," "Fred thinks Barney," "Fred thinks Wilma," and so on. 这些句子是,"弗雷德喜欢弗雷德","弗雷德喜欢巴尼","弗雷德喜欢威尔玛","弗雷德觉得弗雷德","弗雷德觉得巴尼","弗雷德觉得威尔玛",等等

11、Tiger preferred gaur and avoided muntjac, while the leopard avoided wild pig. 虎偏爱白肢野牛,而不喜欢麂,而豹子则不喜欢猎取野猪。

12、We have a good class of lovely children. I like them. 我们班的伢子兜好可爱。我喜欢他们。

13、She had laid out her son’s body, having dressed him in smart clothes and surrounded him with his favourite cuddly toys. 她把儿子的尸体平放,为他穿上最漂亮醒目的衣服,四周堆满儿子最喜欢的可具。

14、Love children, be loving, caring, patient and good at guiding the children. 喜欢孩子,有爱心,有耐心,善于引导孩子。

15、I have many hobbies, I like drawing, I like drawing animals, rabbits are cute. I like singing, I often singing after class, i also like studying, I study every day, I am very happy when I was study. 我有很多的兴趣爱好,我喜欢画画,我喜欢画动物,兔子很可爱,我也喜欢唱歌,我经常在 下课后去唱歌,我还喜欢学习,我每天都学习,学习的时候令我感觉很开心。

16、I prefer potatoes to eggplants. 我喜欢土豆,不喜欢茄子。

17、His favorite funny sign: "Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, and the pig likes it." 他最爱的一句话是:不要与猪摔跤,你们两个都会被弄得脏兮兮的,但是猪喜欢那样。

18、I like meat.They're tasty. 我喜欢肉丸子.他们是好吃的。

19、I hope that he is 40 - 56 men , good health, love kids, like nature, like reading, like sports. 我希望他是40岁以上的男性,身体健康,喜欢孩子,喜欢大自然,喜欢阅读,喜欢运动的男子汉。

20、I like cute when you make me look as if a child never grew up, filled with a variety of childlike. 我喜欢你逗我时的可爱样子,就好像是一个从未长大的孩子,充满着各种各样的童稚。

21、I love Ice Cream - Bluebell is the best! 我爱吃冰激淋,这是我最喜欢的牌子。

22、It's my favorite epithet, an ode to interdependence. 这是我最喜欢的一句格言,揭示了我们是互相依存的。

23、The most silly , lazy , artful , shrewish, ugly , weak and unlikable child among all usually is most doted on by parents. 孩子之中比较最蠢,最懒,最刁,最泼,最丑,最弱,最不讨人喜欢的,往往最得父母钟爱。

24、What a charming young man (lady), I do like him (her). 多么可爱的美男(女)子,我真喜欢他(她)。

25、Garfeild makes my life so interesting.I like hin very much. 我最喜欢的卡通人物是加菲猫,我想大家都知道他,他是一只懒得要命但是非常可爱的猫.他1978年6月19号出生在一个厨房里.他最大的爱好是睡觉,而且他最好的朋友是镜子.他很喜欢吃皮萨饼.但是他一点儿也不喜欢吃水果蛋糕.钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡。


26、My wife andIwere especially fondofanimals. Pluto was our favorite pet and playmate. 我和妻子都特别喜欢动物。布鲁托是我们最喜欢的宠物和玩伴。

27、I prefer dumplings which that have just been cooked. 我比较喜欢吃刚煮好的饺子。

28、I like many kind of foodssuch as dumplingnoodleshamburgeregg soup and so onbut I like dumpling most. 我喜欢许多食物,如饺子,面条,汉堡包,鸡蛋汤等,但我最喜欢饺子。

29、My favorite line is "It was such an unconscious display of strength…". I don't know why. 我最喜欢的一句是“无意间透露出一种对力量的炫示…”我不知道为什么。

30、Of course I enjoy doing fun things. I like to play racquetball, joke with kids (and anybody else), and I probably have too many hobbies. 当然我喜欢做欢乐的事,喜欢打短网墙球,同孩子们(或任何人)开玩笑。我也可能有太多的兴趣爱好。

31、I love one who can enjoy my hobby with me, it is so nice… 我喜欢在爱好上有共同语言的人,有共同语言是多好的一件事啊 南南子 回答…

32、A:I prefer potatoes to eggplants. 我喜欢土豆,不喜欢茄子。

33、Best of all, my sweety loves the smell as well. 最好的一点是我心爱的另一半也喜欢它的味道。

34、Stamp collecting as well as fishing is Mr. Evan's favorite avocation. 集邮以及钓鱼都是艾文先生最喜欢的业余爱好。

35、I like basketball best! It'smy favourite. 我最喜欢打篮球!它是我最喜爱的运动。

36、The Bible says that his old father Jacob loved Joseph best because he was the son of his old age. 在我们今天的圣经故事里,约瑟是十二个孩子中最招人喜爱的,圣经里说老雅各最喜欢约瑟,因为他是他晚年时所生的孩子。

37、I like your name, and you love to laugh. 我喜欢你的名字,还有你爱笑的样子。

38、每个小孩喜欢的日子 Every child loves the day 每个小孩喜欢的日子 Every child loves the day

39、Few girls like playing Go, and why do you like it? 女孩子喜欢下围棋?好像很少见啊, 你为什么喜欢下围棋?

40、I like the dress and the baggy pink pants in the last two pictures! ! ! 我好喜欢最后两张图的那条兰裙子和那条宽大的粉红裤子呀!

41、No one likes a cry baby. 没有人喜欢爱哭的孩子。

42、oranges,橘子. my favorite fruit is apples,梨我最喜欢的水果有苹果, pears

43、He loved Sullen, liked her sisters, respected Gerald and had a genuine fondness for the plantation. 他是爱苏纶的,他也喜欢苏纶的姐妹,他很尊敬嘉乐,也很喜爱这庄子。

44、When she grows fatter, I think how lovely she is! 我喜欢她胖胖的样子,因为那是可爱;

45、Stamp collecting as well as fishing is Mr. Evan's favorite avocation . 集邮和钓鱼都是埃文先生最喜欢的业余爱好。

46、I like his savor, there is likewise his outward, likewise like to hand over with him, the joys adore. 我喜欢他的味道,还有他的样子,还喜欢和他交、欢爱。

47、Incidentally, DownThemAll isn't just one of our favorites—it's also the most popular download manager among Lifehacker readers. 顺便提一句,DownThemAll不仅仅是我们最喜欢用的插件——它也是Lifehacker读者选出的最受欢迎的下载管理器。

48、I like her the last series of questions in the book: why will become more and more blundering? 我喜欢她书里最后的一连串问句:为什么会变得越来越浮躁?

49、It is just like happened in school, sometimes boys like to bully to the girls they like very much and finally they become friends. 就像小学里的小男孩,心中明明很喜欢某个女孩子,却偏偏喜爱做出表面上欺负该女生的事,最后双成为好朋友。

50、In other words, because she enjoys baking bread in her spare time, she can translate that directly into some cash and some fresh produce. 换句话说,由于她喜欢利用空余时间烤面包这个爱好,可以直接为她赚到钱和其他新鲜的产品。


51、Raspberries were his favourite fruit, served without cream, and he was very fond of dates in boxes. 树莓是他最喜欢的水果,吃时从不加奶油,他还很喜欢装在盒子里的枣子。

52、Amanda should be a good name. The meaning is lovable, worthy of love. 爱运动,喜欢写文章的双重性格女孩子一定是可爱的。

53、简爱》是我的一个好朋友最喜欢的四本书之一 Jane Eyre is one of the four favorite books of my friend's.

54、I tried in a lot of literature and I introduced the story by saying it's her favorite. So they think this is great, 'cause she likes the story and they sit with her after the story is read. 我让孩子们看了很多文学书籍,介绍了大家喜爱的故事,这是她最喜欢的,孩子们认为这个故事很好,因为Harako喜欢这个故事,故事读完后孩子们和她坐在一起。

55、Remember this sentence words" the best friends are those who don't like to say, you can and the relative silence and close to people." 记得有这么一句哲言“最好的朋友是那种不喜欢多说,能与你默默相对而又息息相通的人。”

56、John goes in for tennis, while his wife gees in for painting and sculpture. 约翰喜欢打网球,而他的妻子爱好绘画和雕刻。

57、It's a little hard to say. I like several of them very much, but I think maybe Jane Eyre is my favorite. 很难说。有好几本我都非常喜欢,不过也许《简·爱》是我最喜欢的一本。

58、Love.I like to spend time with my kids or my wife. 爱我喜欢花时间陪陪我的孩子们和妻子。

59、Well. What kind of a ring would you like, my darling? 嗯,亲爱的,你喜欢什么样的戒子呢?

60、I don't recall having shared my love of pizza with you before, but there it is--two favorite things I love--love pizza, delicious, love chocolate, delicious. 我不记得我以前跟你说过我对比萨饼的喜爱,但事实就是--我最喜欢的两种食物,喜欢比萨饼,好吃,喜欢巧克力,好吃。

61、Son: Like me, she loves me. 儿子:喜欢我,他简直爱上我了。

62、My favorite fruit is banana, apple_ and_ orange. 我最喜欢的水果是香蕉、果和橙子。

63、It is my child's favorite sippy cup. 它是我儿子最喜欢的吸管杯。

64、and what about your favourite season,could you tell me? 我最喜欢的季节 你好,我最亲爱的朋友!

65、"Vitality Home", a beloved place full of joy and happiness, is a soul home of the kids. “生命力家园”——一个充满了欢喜快乐的地方,是孩子们最爱的心灵家园。

66、My favorite food is Jiaozi. What about you? 我最喜欢的食品是饺子,你呢?

67、Chestnut coat color is my favorite, like the light to light some assumptions. 栗子皮颜色是我的最爱,假设喜欢亮可以浅些。

68、I like the good man, do not like the bad person, especially lier. 我喜欢好人,不喜欢坏人,特别是。

69、In this pretty little house/The kitchen is my favourite place/Tiny plates, little forks/It looks so real 在这个可爱的小屋里/我最喜欢厨房/小盘子还有小叉子/看起来多么真实

70、In other words, the majority of us prefer lower fares to higher fares, more meals, and emptier airplanes. 换句话说,大多数人们喜欢低廉一些的票价而不喜欢更贵的票价,喜欢更多的伙食和更干净的飞机。

71、Nike is my favorite brand of ss. 耐吉是我最喜欢的鞋子品牌。

72、Yeah, turns out ody likes shorties, least of all prospective parents. 对,好像没人喜欢矮个子,至少那些准父母们不喜欢。

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