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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-04 13:09:55
  • 79


关于”解读句子的软件“的英语句子27个,句子主体:Software for interpreting sentences。以下是关于解读句子的软件的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Software for interpreting sentences

1、Its application is not just limited to hardware synthesis, but also to software compilation, especially to retargetable compiler design. 它不仅适用于硬件综合,也可用于软件编译,特别是可重定向软件编译器设计。

2、Google what he really said, and even translate it yourself with a Farsi pr if you don't believe it. 搜索一下他其实是怎么说的,你要是信不过翻译的,就自己找个波斯语翻译软件。

3、All translatable documents in this folder and its sub-folders are included for translation in the project. 在此文件夹及其子文件夹中所有可翻译文件都包括在此以进行项目翻译。

4、WordFisher enables translators to work in a human_machine interactive environment, allows them to improve their translation speed and quality in certain extension. 它为译者提供了一个人机交互式翻译环境,具备了许多大型翻译记忆软件的基本功能,有助于提高翻译速度和质量。

5、If you have comments about Microsoft Translator, visit the Microsoft Translator team’s forum. 关于微软翻译器如果您有什么评论,请访问微软翻译器团队的论坛。

6、The golden hill software of responsible software business is advanced vice-president arrowroot as jade-like stone to golden hill " Internet is changed " having oneself unscramble. 负责软件业务的金山软件高级副总裁葛珂对于金山的“互联网化”有着自己的解读。

7、Possession of DVD-cracking software 写出所有的DVD破解软件

8、Machine Translation is the use of software to translate your own or another’s words into another language. 机器翻译是指用软件将自己或他人的文章翻译成另一种语言。

9、Original marriage documents, translations and certifications. 结婚证件原件,翻译,和翻译公证。

10、Familiar with translation memory application such as Trados. 熟悉翻译记忆软件如塔多思。

11、Interpretation -- As the old joke goes: software, free. The manual, $10, 000. 专业解读 ── 就像一个老笑话说的:软件,免费;手册,$10 000。

12、Lingoes is a dictionary and multi-language translation software providing results in over 60 languages. 灵格斯是一款多语翻译软件,支持多达60种语言的翻译,并可附加更多的权威词典。

13、My first exposure to software craftsmanship was in Pete McBreen's book Software Craftsmanship, which I read back in 2002. 我第一次接触到软件工艺,是在2002年的时候读了Pete McBreen的书软件工艺。

14、Moreover, translation softwares can't help anywhere and anytime. 另外,翻译软件不能随时随地提供帮助。

15、That is because I have to translate from English to Chinese writing using softwares. 那是使用软件,因为我必须从英语到汉语文字翻译。

16、The goal of the Biblia Sacra project is to create a Bible study and translation software. 项目计划创建一个《圣经》学习和翻译软件。

17、Software compiled with GCC 4 will be generally more compact and faster, meaning software industry goodness all around. 用 GCC 4 编译的软件通常更加紧凑和快速,这意味着软件行业的全面改善。

18、Can you use article spinning software to publish Press Releases? 你会使用article spinning软件(暂译:造文软件)去发布新闻稿吗?

19、By using the machine-aided translation software, the translator is using a more efficient tool, but the work intensity may increase accordingly. 翻译人员使用机器辅助翻译软件只是使用更有效率的工具,但劳动强度可因而增加。

20、thanksgiving teachers语法上有错误,好象英语翻译软件是这样翻译的吧 我觉得应该是 gratitudes to teachers

21、Through upwards research , develop interpretation and off-take potential forecasting software. 通过以上研究,研制了资料解释软件及产能软件。

22、Lingoes is a dictionary and multi-language translation software providing results in over 60 languages. It offers text translation, cursor translator, index list group and … 灵格斯 是一款多语 翻译 软件,支持多达60种语言的 翻译 ,并可附加更多的权威词典。

23、Features like these make it easy to send Dictionary files to third-party translators, who can use their own software to edit the data. 这些特性使得将 Dictionary 文件发送到第三方翻译器变得容易,第三方翻译器可以使用自己的软件来编辑数据。

24、Admittedly, translation machines and software bring much convenience for our study and our work. 诚然,翻译机和软件为我们的学习和我们的工作方便。

25、Thank you to all concerned about me to love me the person, thank you! 专业软件译的


26、Jinshan and Google translation market-oriented joint development of the Internet, applicable to individual users free translation software. 是金山与谷歌面向互联网翻译市场联合开发,适用于个人用户的免费翻译软件。

27、The solution is a consolidated package of anti-spyware, anti-virus and anti-malware components. 该解决方案是一个反间谍软件,防病毒和反恶意软件组件的综合包。

28、Its authors had detailed knowledge of Siemens’ software and its security weaknesses. 笔者已经详细的了解了西门子软件的安全漏洞在哪里。

29、The young woman nodded. "If it's made in Korea I can hack it." 年轻女子点点头:“只要是韩文软件,我就能破解。”

30、Packages usually contain precompiled software, but you can also package source code. 软件包通常包含的是预编译的软件,但您也可以打包源代码。

31、Still, the translation aspect of i18n is the most resource demanding, requiring much work from the software developers. 不过,i18n 的翻译部分是最需要资源的,要求软件开发人员进行大量工作。

32、It would probably make more sense to call precompiled software "executable" packages. 将预先编译的软件称为“可执行”软件包可能更有意义。

33、Software Engineering based on object-oriented method is a new way to solve software crisis and to improve software productivity and quality. 基于面向对象方法的软件工程是一个解决软件危机、提高软件生产率和质量的有效途迳。

34、Automatic-translation software has long been treated as a joke because of how hilariously it mangles phrases. 自动翻译软件一直被人当做笑话,因为它翻译出来的东西真是惨不忍睹。

35、Application of this soft ware can raise working efficiency and quality of interpreting data greatly and it has been a necessary one for daily well testing interpretation work. 该软件的使用使工作效率和资料解释质量大大提高,该软件已成为日常试井资料解释工作的必备软件。

36、While early versions of Google's website translation software sometimes produced little more than gobblede, an ever-growing database has enabled it to achieve far greater accuracy. 虽然早期版本的谷歌的翻译软件 有时可能会翻译出冗长而难以理解的词句 相信随着时间的推移,它一定能提供更准确的翻译。

37、For Google, it was perhaps the toughest scrutiny of their translation software to date. 对于谷歌,这也许是他们的翻译软件迄今最艰难的审议。

38、His team is also working on translation software that eschews parallel data. 凯里森的研究小组也在研究能够避开平行数据的翻译软件。

39、In addition, this chapter also tentatively proposes the criteria and general principles for software translation. 此外,本章也尝试性地提出了软件翻译标准以及基本原则。

40、Topics of study include keyboarding, dictation, and the use of specific types of software. 课程包括键盘,翻译,以及特定软件的使用。

41、You went to the supermarket to buy food that morning.楼上的建议很好,电脑pc端或手机上下个翻译软件,有道词典,或者百度翻译,google翻译都可以的。

42、Incidentally, what comes from the online translation softwares may not be correct. 有时候,在线翻译软件译出来的可能是不对的。

43、I think that nowadays human translation also includes the translation of the translator who uses the machine-aided translation software. 我认为目前的人工翻译也包括翻译者使用机器辅助翻译软件进行翻译。

44、A real job translating emojis, but why would translation software be inadequate? 真实的表情符号翻译职位,但翻译软件为什么会不够用呢?

45、Today too painful, because I found out that the translation of the entire software is Binggou , also suffering translation! 今天太痛苦了,因为我发现这种软件翻译的出来的全是病句,还得痛苦翻译啊!

46、After the departure, you lived in Paris and I was in Tokyo. 还有,不要用软件翻译,翻得好我加分 离别以后,您在巴黎,我在东京。

47、Or, do you think that the advances in translation technology will discourage people from wanting to learn other languages? 越来越先进的翻译器(翻译软件)会降低人们学外语的积极性么?

48、If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing well. 那你们就安个译点通软件,它翻的要好一些。

49、In effect, Web 2.0 software components can be intentionally dumbed down because they don't have to contain compile-time management software. 实际上,可以对 Web 2.0 软件组件进行有意识地简化,因为它们不一定包含编译时的管理软件。

50、Software reuse technology is a effective avenue of solving the software crisis, and improving the efficiency and quality of the software development. 软件复用技术是解决软件危机,提高软件开发效率和质量的有效途径。


51、I'm most good at written translation and have translated many articles relating to computer software, film review, advertising project, guide book, medicine and science. 本人最擅长笔译,曾翻译过涉及电脑软件、影评、广告方案、导游介绍、医学类和学术类文章多篇,五年翻译经验。

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