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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-05 07:43:14
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关于”利用的词组“的英语句子53个,句子主体:Phrases used。以下是关于利用的词组的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Phrases used

1、Chapter 4: Discussing the crafty employment of English lexemes, i. e. the use of rhetoric's influence on English styles; 第四章论述英语词汇的巧妙使用——即修辞格的使用对英语文体的作用;

2、The information flow is usually represented using a short phrase that can either be a noun or a verb. 信息流通常使用名词或动词短语表示。

3、Dictionaries are an essential tool for keeping a language in cohesive form. They are manuals of usage and receptacles of wisdom. 词典是使语言保持完整的一种重要工具,是指导词汇用法的手册和容纳人类智慧的宝库,也是历代语言使用者如何使用词汇的历史记载。

4、Don’t overcorrect by using made-up words like waitron or co-opting an in-group’s slang or usage—no matter how well-meaning you are or how hip you want to appear. 不要矫枉过正,使用虚构的词语,例如“waitron(waitor)"。不要使用特定团体的俚语或短语,无论你是出于好意或为了与众不同。

5、Do not use obscenities slang or too many idiomatic expression when using an interpreter. 在使用翻译的时候,不要使用不雅的词语、俚语,或使用太多的俗语。

6、It is difficult for English learners to use articles in English sentences and the zero article seems to be more perplexing. 英语冠词的使用复杂,很难掌握,而零冠词的使用则更令人困惑。

7、Clever coinages may be laughed at and enjoyed, but hardly ever adopted by users of the language. 因为一般的原则是,一个语言体系只会接纳那些由熟悉的单词重新组合而成的新词。某些俏皮的新创词可能会让人开怀一笑,但很难被这种语言的使用者采用。

8、It reveals that the high- score students use English vocabulary learning strategies more frequently . 调查结果显示:高分组学生比低分组学生更常使用英语词汇…

9、The number of slang dictionaries is growing, both online and off, not to mention social networking media that invent and discard words, phrases and memes at the speed of broadband. 俚语词典在更新,不论线上还是线下。宽带使网速变快,但网络对于词汇,短语和文化用语的发明与删减影响不到它。

10、Enumeration values should use names consisting of English words. 枚举值应使用由英语单词组成的名称。

11、Overuse of Modern Medical Terms. 过度使用现代医学名词术语。

12、Chunk is a conventional compound, a frequently used phrase or word, which has the characteristics of easy to extract and prefabricate. 语块是约定俗成的复合物,是使用频率较高的短语词汇,它具有易提取性和预制性。

13、The present research aims to investigate the verb-noun collocation patterns of the Chinese English majors (CEMs). 本文运用语料库语言学的方法,对中国英语专业大学生的动词-名词搭配使用进行了研究。

14、Term searches use standard-language words, usually in combination, to locate and rank cataloged information. 词汇搜索使用标准语言的单词(通常是多个单词的组合)来定位分类信息并对它们排名。

15、Numerals are used in flexible and diversified ways in Chinese idioms. 数词在汉语成语中的使用是灵活多样的。

16、Business rules within JRules are expressed using a vocabulary of terms and phrases that are derived from an underlying Business Object Model (BOM). 在 JRules 中使用一个词汇表表达业务规则,其中的词汇和短语来自底层的 Business Object Model (BOM)。

17、By around age three, George has ceased using null subjects, and has the following proportions for overt subject use: he uses full NP subjects 25% of the time, and ominal subjects 75% of the time. 大约到了三岁,乔治开始减少使用空主语,而使用清楚主语的比例如下:他使用完整 名词 词组当主语占25%,代 名词当主语占75%。

18、The English numeral idiom is the numeral together other phrases match the component fixed phrase set or short language. 数词习语是指数词同其他词搭配一起构成的固定词组或短语。

19、The paragraph uses common words but contains almost all of the sounds used in English. Here is that sixty-nine-word paragraph read by our own Bob Doughty 这段短文使用一些常用词,但却包含了英语使用的几乎所有的发音。

20、Little by little, he will be able to explain the words and phrases or even English idioms in English. 它用英语代替中文解释。渐渐地,读者就会习惯用英语来解释词和短语,甚至是英语成语。

21、A term is a word or phrase that can be used to classify and group objects in the metadata repository. 术语是用来对元数据存储库中的对象进行分类和分组的单词或短语。

22、Lake Superior State Universit has published its annual New Year list of Banished Words, words or phrases that it thinks are overused or "'problematic' for thousands of Queen's English 'stakeholders'". 苏必利尔湖州立大学发表了该校每年都会列出的新年禁用劣词清单,这些单词或词组被认为是使用过度,或者由于那些顽守陈词滥调的迂腐之人,这些词语带来了诸多问题。

23、With the interpenetration of pragmatic theory in bilingual lexicography, the pragmatic information in bilingual dictionary has become a focus in recent years. 语用学原理渗透到双语词典编纂理论中,使词典中的语用信息成为词典学研究的新课题。

24、Then organize them in logie order. And next link them with connectives such as: and, before, so, after. 首先列出要用的字和短语,按逻辑顺序组织好,接着用连接词如;and,before,so,after等连接。

25、Have you used the same word or phrase too many times within a paragraph? 是否在同一段落内多次重复使用了同一个词语或者词组?


26、Learn phrases and words with which you can make associations or create mnemonic devices. 学习一些可以使你产生联想或运用记忆技巧的词语和短语。

27、A Celtic idiom . A Greek or Latin expression or idiom . A word, a phrase, or an idiom peculiar to the English language, especially as spoken in England; a Briticism . 英国习语,英国特有用词,英国式的语言现象英语,尤其是在英语口语中所特有的单词、短语或习惯用语;

28、An excess of words for the purpose; wordiness. 冗词,赘语;废话:为了某一意图过多使用词语;冗长。

29、In addition, a locative prepositional phrase is mainly composed of a locative preposition and a nominal group. 此外,处所介词短语主要由处所介词加名词词组组合而成。

30、According to their mutual information, phrases are extracted from the log and they are combined with a general dictionary to construct a topic-specific dictionary. 利用互信息从用户查询日志中提取短语并与通用词典相结合构建主题式词典。

31、There are hundreds of expressions and combinations of words using hand in the English language. 在英语里,有成百上千个短语和词组跟手有关的。

32、Don't string too many prepositional phrases together unless you are walking through the valley of the of death. 别成串地使用介词短语,除非你正穿过死亡之影之谷。(英语中介词成串,汉语却串不起来了。)

33、Using JADT, applications have access to definitions, unciations, synonyms, antonyms, and a lot of other linguistic data for words. 使用 JADT,应用程序可以访问定义、读法、同义词、反义词以及关于词语的其他很多语言数据。

34、You first list the words and expressions you are going to use. Then organize them in logie order. 首先列出要用的字和短语,按逻辑顺序组织好,接着用连接词如;

35、By using numerous examples from contracts, the writer mainly discusses meanings, usages and translations of the frequently used prepositions and prepositional phrases in business contracts in English. 本文作者利用大量的合同用词例子重点论述了英语经贸契约中常见的介词和介词短语的含义、用法和习惯用法及其翻译方法和技巧。

36、Idioms are the gems of a language which have been refined through ages of application. Idioms are fixed sentences or phrases which are concise in forms and comprehensive in meanings. 习语是人们经过长期使用而提炼出来的精华,是人们长期习用的形式简单而又意思精辟的定型词组或短语。

37、因为no conclusion的主语是The longlasting meeting ~~所以用动名词,in common with 是一个固定短语

38、He used lofty terms. 他使用高深的词语。

39、A phrase is a modifying group of words that contains neither a subject nor a verd. 修饰性短语就是一组修饰性的词,没有主语也没有谓语。

40、English words in pairs are one of the most important parts of English idioms. 英语成对词是英语惯用语的主要组成部分之一。

41、a deliberately ambiguous use of certain particles and verb forms in places where the conjunction 'and' would be used in English 有意模棱两可地使用某些小品词,以及在英语中本应该使用连词“and”的地方使用动词形式;

42、Before a noun or adverbial phrase , bothBfrombandBtobare acceptable in British English. 若用在名词或状语短语前,英式英语使用。

43、Validated by the experiments, the WAD has a strong ability to distinguish the errors cased by verb-object phrases and preposition phrases, and the precision reaches 99.97%. 实验表明,采用WAD作为词语搭配评判标准,对由动宾短语和介词短语引发的错误有较强的识别能力,正确率高达99.97%。

44、The brand-new dictionary contains more than 240,000 words, phrases and definitions, reflecting language used widely in the UK today. 这本新出炉的词典包含24万多个词语、短语和释义,反映了英国当下普遍使用的语言。

45、By around age three george has ceased using null subjects and has the following proportions for overt subject use: he uses full np subjects25% of the time and ominal subjects75% of the time. 大约到了三岁,乔治开始减少使用空主语,而使用清楚主语的比例如下:他使用完整名词词组当主语占25%,代名词当主语占75%。

46、Utilize flashcards or small notebooks to review vocabulary words and phrases. 使用快速学习卡片和小手册复习单词和短语。

47、The brand-new dictionary contains more than 240, 000 words, phrases and definitions, reflecting language used widely in the UK today. 这本新出炉的词典包含24万多个词语、短语和释义,反映了英国当下普遍使用的语言。

48、An ERP study on the phonological access of Japanese words in Chinese-Japanese bilinguals; 日本语的使用除日常会话外,还表现为在汉语言文字中大量使用日本语汉字词汇。

49、He uses a stylus pen to edit on a touch screen, rewriting sentences and highlighting words. 他使用铁笔在触摸屏上进行编辑,重组语句,给某些词语做上标记。

50、Person deixis consists of person ouns and nominal phrases that encode the identification of persons who partite in the utterance. 所谓身份语是指用以表示人物身份的代名词,包括敬语、谦词、亲属称谓、表示社会地位、家庭地位的名词短语等。


51、A word, a phrase, or an idiom peculiar to the English language, especially as spoken in England; a Briticism. 英国习语,英国特有用词,英国式的语言现象英语,尤其是在英语口语中所特有的单词、短语或习惯用语;

52、Metaphorical thinking can not only enable people to form words by means of roots and affixes but also expand the meanings of words. 隐喻思维不仅使人们能够用词根和词缀来组合构词,还能使词语引申出其它意义。

53、Ensure accordant locution (use words correctly). 确保一致的语言风格(词语使用正确)。

54、Knowledge of the linguistic function of verbalization can help us to be more idiomatic in speaking and writing English. 了解英语动词化的语言功能,学会正确使用动词化,有利于提高我们的英语表达能力。

55、Determiners are used at the beginning of noun groups. 限定词用于名词短语前面。

56、It is the logic of the intrinsic organization of a frame that heightens the degree of lexicalization and deletes out some function words in ESP discourses. 词概念框架的内在结构逻辑性使得专门用途英语话语词化程度变得更高,使得某些表示语法关系的虚词失去了用武之地。

57、Chapter IV is the common term study, we select the ten words to study YHL status in the use of commonly used words, seek the ancient Chinese words have in-depth knowledge and understanding. 第四章是常用词研究,我们选取其中的十组词来研究《六韬》中常用词的使用状况,力求有助于古代汉语常用词的深入地认识与瞭解。

58、A wordy phrase or sentence that has little meaning. 冗词,赘语;废话为了某一意图过多使用词语;冗长。

59、This article explores specially the use of inferable anaphoric NPs, esp. definite NPs, in discourse based on some foreigners' pragmatic and cognitive studies. 本文根据国外语用和认知方面的研究理论专门探讨名词(短)语特别是有定名词语在语篇中的可推知照应的用法。

60、I often use Urbandictionary to research slang uses of otherwise staid and respectable words. 我经常使用“城市词典”来研究大量词汇固定用法之外的俚语用法。

61、Its colorful language has the following stylistic features: 1) Simple words; 2) Spoken and informal language; 3) Loanword; 4) Coinage or misspelling; 5) Humorous words; 6) Commendatory adjectives. 广告语独具特色,它具有以下语言特点:1。用词简单;2。使用口语和非正式书面英语;3。借用外来语;4。杜撰新词或拟音拼写;5。使用诙谐幽默的语言;6。喜用褒义形容词等。

62、In addition, a verb Infinitive characteristics, can have their own object and adverbial form Infinitive phrase . 另外,动词不定式具有动词特点,可以有自己的宾语和状语,组成动词不定式短语。

63、Step4: Ask the students to summary the rules of the past participle used as attributive. 要求学生使用过去分词填空,加深学生对过去分词用作定语的语法知识点。

64、Azzoli said words like "whatever" can be quite dismissive depending on how they are used. 阿左利表示,“whatever”这样的词可以表达非常不屑一顾的语气,取决于使用的语境。

65、What is the function of the prepositional phrase? 这个介词短语的作用是什么?

66、British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli is believed to have been the first to use the phrase. 英国首相迪斯雷利被认为是被首先使用的短语。

67、When you use a determiner , you put a noun group, in front of numbers or adjectives. 限定词用于名词短语前面, 置于数字或形容词之前。

68、Abstract : The bulk of literature on the contrastive study of synonyms' phraseological features under the theory of corpus linguistics has focused on individual words rather than phrases. 摘要 : 语料库语言学框架下的同义词使用特征对比主要以单个词为研究对象,很少关注同义词组。

69、Making good use of corpus-based materials; 积极利用基于语料库的词典;

70、In this lesson, we will listen to 10 short dialogues and we will practise using phrasal verbs and gerunds. 在这一科中,你将听到10个短的对话以及练习使用短语动词和动名词。

71、indexer uses a database of word occurrences. indexer 使用出现的词语的数据库。

72、Use plain language and make it quick. 使用平实的语言并且要简短。

73、The paragraph uses common words but contains almost all of the sounds used in English. 这段短文使用一些常用词,但却包含了英语使用的几乎所有的发音。

74、Lexical chunks are the ready-made memorized combinations in a language, which, once acquired and stored in the human brain, can be retrieved and used automatically as wholes. 词汇组块是作为语言记忆单位存储在大脑里的预制短语,可整体或稍作改动后供学习者提取和使用,因此,它在英语习得中起着非常重要的作用。

75、Write a 150-word passage with / using the following expressions in ten minutes. 用下列词语写一篇150字的短文,十分钟完成。

英文句子模板76:Phrases used

76、In addition, it ilrates some ways, such as the use of functional equivalent, lexical expansion, paraphrase, neutral term, borrowing and neologism, to deal with terminology translation. 使用功能对等词、扩充词义、释义、使用非法律专业用语的中性词、译借或创造新词等。

77、The code talkers also chose more than 200 Navajo words and phrases to represent military terms. 密码语者还选择了 200多个纳瓦霍词语和词组,表示一些军用术语。

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