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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-05 19:31:01
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关于”结婚的句子“的英语句子41个,句子主体:Marriage sentence。以下是关于结婚的句子的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Marriage sentence

1、WedLock, as it's coyly named, is a new type of casualty insurance that gives the unhappily married policyholder a payout after he or she is unhitched. 婚姻离婚保险“婚姻保护锁”是一种给婚姻不幸福的投保人离婚后赔偿的新型意外保险。

2、The lesson for couples? How you live may determine the length and happiness of your marriage. Where you live is likely to determine how it ends. 由此,夫妇该吸取怎样的教训呢?那就是,你的生活方式将决定你婚姻的寿命长短和幸福与否,而你的居住地点则有可能决定这段婚姻将如何画上句号。

3、International Marriage refers to a country's citizens and foreign nationals (including stateless persons) of the marriage, including foreign and foreign-related marriage divorce. 涉外婚姻是指一国公民同外国人(包括无国籍人)的婚姻,包括涉外结婚和涉外离婚。

4、These differences are possibly related to the marriage squeeze in first marriage market, the marriage gradient in remarriage market and the high educated … 上述差异性可能与初婚市场上的婚姻挤压、再婚市场上的婚姻梯度以及高文化程度男性参与初婚市场上婚姻资源的分配有关。

5、Bigamy: bigamy is the act of marrying a second time while one is still married to an other person. 重婚是一场婚姻继续存在的时候又与别人结婚的行为。

6、marriage是婚姻, get married with someone是和某人结婚, marry someone是娶或嫁某人

7、Marital status:married, single, widowed, divorced, separated. 婚姻状况:已婚,单婚,鳏寡,离婚,分居。

8、Does this mean that daughters are matrimonially risky and sons are marriage saviors? 这是否就意味着女儿是婚姻的风险而儿子是婚姻生活的救世主?

9、The current standard can not meet the demands of theory and practice, and it is easy to lead to misjudging in different marriages. 这种婚姻判断标准,不能满足理论与实践的需要,容易造成对不同婚姻形态的误判。

10、A marriage is not only a merger of the couple; traditionally, it symbolizes the merger of two families. 婚姻不仅是一对新人的结合,按照传统,婚姻也象征着两个家庭的结合。

11、Even more than first-timers, individuals considering remarriage may find at least one meaning of marriage unappealing. 比起第一次结婚者,考虑过结婚的人至少会发现一个婚姻无吸引力的意义。

12、The happiness of marriage counterbalances the unhappiness of marriage, thus what a great happiness marriage brings to us! 婚姻的烦恼可由婚姻的快乐所抵消,由此可知婚姻带给我们的是何等巨大的快乐呀!

13、Frank and Julie LaBoda of Cross Plains, Wis., were just weeks from a divorce decree that would have ended the marriage that began Aug. 7, 1992. Frank和Julie LaBoda来自威斯康辛州的Cross Plains,他们离被判离婚才几周,而一纸判决就终结了他们始于1992年8月7日的婚姻。

14、Twenty-seven percent of women in their second marriages divorce before their 10th wedding anniversary, compared with 23 percent of women in their first marriage. 第二次婚姻中,27%的女性没等到第十次婚姻纪念日就离婚了,第一次婚姻中比例为23%。

15、The marriage persons register marriage or devoice by law, since then they have kept the marriage condition. 当事人依法登记结婚或者离婚,至今仍维持该婚姻状况。

16、After deciding that I never would, I got married a year later. 在决定了我这辈子不太会结婚以后,一年后我却结婚了。

17、Jackson married Debbie Rowe the same year and had two children, before splitting in 1999. The couple never lived together. 同年他和第二任妻子Debbie Rowe结婚,并生下两个孩子,第二段婚姻于1999年破裂。

18、What Yangs novels require for the middle-aged intellectuals is to keep marriage peaceful and lasting, which forms Yangs view on marriage:traditional, peaceful, harmonious. 而保持婚姻、遵循婚姻、让婚姻如细水般长流是杨绛小说对中年知识分子婚姻生活困惑之后的要求。

19、He remained married to Susan Thompson for more than 50 years after their 1952 wedding. 1952年结婚后,巴菲特和妻子苏珊的婚姻持续了50多年。

20、But in marriage, success lies more in "lose-lose" solution. 但在婚姻中,成功更取决于“双输”解决办法。

21、Certain customary marriages and modern marriages remain valid, provided that they were entered into before October 7, 1971. 若干旧式婚姻和新式婚姻也属有效,但这些婚约必须是在一九七一年十月七日以前缔结。

22、Pride and prejudice, money, matrimonial value orientation, marriage. 傲慢与偏见,金钱,婚姻价值取向,婚姻观。

23、The marriage was described in court documents as " irretrievably broken" with no point in trying to reconcile. 离婚判决书称这段婚姻“完全破裂、无可挽回”,没有必要尝试调解。

24、However, they are different in forms of marriage, legal age for marriage, disqualifying diseases for marriage and definition of consanguineous marriage, void marriage and voidable marriage. 相异之处主要为结婚形式、结婚年龄、近亲禁婚之范围、医学上不当结婚之疾病、无效婚姻、可撤销婚姻等均有不同之规范、不同之效果。

25、The results held true across all marital status groups, married, divorced or never married. 这个结果在已婚、离异和未婚的所有婚姻状况的群体中都是成立的。


26、Previously married people have probably heard the warning that divorce rates are even higher in second marriages. 之前结过婚的人可能已经听过这个警告,第二次婚姻的离婚率更高。

27、The separation of marriage and parenting requires marriage right and parenting right should make the regulation differently. 婚姻和生育的分离要求婚姻权和生育权、婚姻制度和生育制度应当分别立法规定。

28、However, theunion lasted but a single day before Gabor decided to call it off, saying thetwo never made it far enough into international waters to make it legal anyway. 然而,他们的婚姻只持续了一天,嘉宝便决定离婚。嘉宝称,二人没有在公海上结婚,所有这桩婚事也没有法律效力。

29、My marriage was over. 我的婚姻结束了。

30、They would get married by the judge. My dad was divorced before my mom and my dad got married. 他们可以由法官主持婚姻,在我爸妈结婚前,我父亲离过婚。

31、China's law of marriage was first made in 1950, was refreshed in 1980, and then was revised in 2001. It's a very long exploring process, but the conclusion has still not been broken through until now. 从1950年新中国第一部婚姻法到1980年婚姻法的重新制定,乃至2001年婚姻法的修订,都是一个探索的过程,但探索的结论并没有很大的突破,仍是将离婚法定条件定为感情或婚姻破裂的单一标准。

32、Divorce is the likely fate for almost half of all marriages. 命中注定几乎一半的婚姻会走向离婚的结局。

33、In this Order a decree means a decree of divorce or nullity of marriage. 在本命令中,判令指离婚判令或婚姻无效判令。

34、It also has social value in studying the history of marriage custom , criticizing feudal marria… 哭嫁还具有婚俗史、批判封建的婚姻制度、民族心理渲泄等社会价值。

35、Emery, R. (1999). Marriage, Divorce, and Children's Adjustment, 2nd Edition. 婚姻,离婚,孩子适应第二版

36、The court's May ruling overturned an earlier plebiscite in 2000, when 61 percent of voters agreed marriage should be defined as only being between a man and a woman. 加州最高法院今年5月份做出的同性恋婚姻合法的裁决推翻了2000年的一次全民表决结果,当时有61%的选民赞成只承认异性婚姻。

37、On top of that, through marriage you'll learn the true meaning of self-sacrifice and compromise. 作为十大结婚理由的榜首,通过婚姻你可以领悟到自我牺牲和妥协的真正涵义,这就是其成为十大结婚理由榜首的原因。简而言之,婚姻使你成为纯爷们。

38、In 1215, the church decreed that a “licit” marriage must take place in church. 1215年,教会规定,结婚双方必须在教堂结婚才可视为“合法”婚姻。

39、But after six years of a stormy marriage, Cewe decided to end it. 六载婚姻生活,风雨交加,赛维决定结束这种婚姻。

40、The most impressive of this law of marriage lies in the inverse relationship between the time of marriage and the fees to be charged. 这种婚姻法的高明之处在于,婚姻的期限恰好与结婚的费用成反比。

41、As for the marriage style, abnormal marriage styles appeared massively, especially in the lower cl. 婚姻类型上,寡妇改嫁婚、入赘婚、服役婚等非常态婚姻大量出现。

42、His first marriage, to Fatiha al-Nuri in 1968, lasted just six months; 他与第一任妻子法蒂赫在1968年结婚,这段婚姻仅仅持续了6个月。

43、Dick married five times, and had two daughters and a son. All five marriages ended in divorce. 狄克结婚过五次,并有两女一子,这五次婚姻全都以离婚结束。

44、Hasty marriage seldom proveth well. 草率的婚姻很少有好结果。

45、As expected parents knew the son fears the reason of marriage, begin self-examination their marriage, also had new knowledge to marriage as expected. 果然的父母知道了儿子恐婚的原因,开始反省他们的婚姻,果然也对婚姻有了新的认识。

46、Marriage Customs are much richer in content, including the institution of marriage, marriage ideas, marriage forms, choose methods and standards, the age of marriage, wedding ceremonies, and so on. 婚俗的内容极为丰富,包括婚姻制度、婚姻观念、婚姻形式、择偶方式与标准、婚龄规定、婚礼节式等方面。

47、After his return, McCain’s marriage with his first wife was never quite the same, and the couple later divorced. 回国后,麦凯恩与结发妻子的婚姻再也未能复原,两人后来离婚。

48、You have marriages within marriages within marriages. 在婚姻的婚姻里,你拥有的还是婚姻。

49、An annulment is simply too expensive for the vast majority of people. 判决婚姻无效对于大多数人来讲费用过于昂贵。

50、Feiwenli and Olive in 1940 married, the marriage maintained for 21 years; 费雯丽与奥利佛1940年结婚,婚姻维持21年;


51、In accordance with China's "Marriage" provisions, delayed marriage and childbearing should be encouraged. 中国的“婚姻法”规定:推迟结婚和生育(又名:晚婚晚育)应予以鼓励。

52、Of course, if they cannot really solve certain problems in their marriage, in my opionion, divorce is an inevitable consequence of an unhappy marriage. 我也非常同情所有婚姻不幸福的人,如实在不能解决婚姻中的问题,离婚是结束不愉快婚姻的必然结果。

53、I was married in my mid-twenties - a traditional wedding with a pregnant bride - and it came apart before I was 30. 我二十几岁就结婚了——一次传统意义上的奉子成婚——这段婚姻在我30岁前就结束了。

54、Having taken the vow, everyone wants a long, loving and happy marriage, yet half of all marriages are destined to fail. 发过了结婚誓言,每个人都想拥有一个幸福长久的婚姻,然而却有一半左右的婚姻以失败而终结。

55、Kennedy's first marriage ended in divorce in 1982. 肯尼迪的第一次婚姻在1982年以离婚告终,此段婚姻育有一女凯拉(Kara)和两个儿子小爱德华(Edward.Jr.)

56、The Chinese wife also faces a possible jail sentence for marrying him despite knowing about his earlier marriage, which amounts to bigamy under the Chineselaw. 他的中国妻子尽管知道他的前段婚姻却仍与他结婚,这构成了中国的重婚罪。她因此可能被判入狱。

57、Marriage is the result and extense of romantic love. 婚姻是爱的结果与延续。

58、Four of his wives have died and he divorced the fifth. 伊萨此前曾有过5段婚姻,前4段都是因为妻子去世而结束,只有第5段的结果是离婚。

59、The marriage actually takes place in the "marriage office" and is simply a matter of signing forms. 这段婚姻真实的发生在婚姻登记处,只是简单的进行了婚姻登记。

60、The final decree dissolved their marriage. 最后的判决解除了他们的婚姻关系。

61、The author's views are expressed in this study on monogamy, bigamy, domestic violence, divorce awards, void marriage, and voidable marriage. 本文对一夫一妻、重婚、家庭暴力、离婚损害赔偿、无效婚姻、可撤销婚姻等婚姻家庭制度之必要性、存在之缺失,浅谈个人的看法。

62、The men tried to get married in Argentina's capital but city officials, who had earlier said the ceremony could proceed, refused to wed them citing conflicting judicial rulings. 这对同性恋新人曾想在阿根廷首都结婚,但该市官员出尔反尔,称他们的婚姻有悖司法判决。

63、According to the National Marriage Project, the average couple who marries today has between a 40 and 50 percent chance of their marriage succeeding. 全国婚姻专桉(National Marriage Project)称,现在结婚的普通夫妻的婚姻成功几率为40%-50%。

64、The marriage ended right then. 这桩婚姻就此结束。

65、Analysis of marriage attitude (1)The unmarried male teachers are tending to have higher marriage attitude than the unmarried female teachers. 婚姻态度分析:(一)未婚男教师的婚姻态度较未婚女教师正向。

66、Not every marriage is about children, some marriages are actually about love and companionship. 并非每个婚姻都是建立在孩子之上,有的婚姻是因为爱和友谊而建立的。

67、Like even if your divorced but the marriage has been annulled, they won't marry you. 就像是即使你离婚的,但是婚姻,被废除,他们不会与你结婚。

68、Connubial:Relating to marriage or the married state; conjugal. 首先,婚姻,那个婚姻的仪式,是虚假的。

69、Conclusion: The individual marriage resource difference between city and rural has effects on the quality of marriage. 结论:城乡夫妻个体婚姻资源量差异对其婚姻质量有一定程度的影响;

70、The marriage finished in failure. 婚姻结果失败了。

71、In otherwords, you're married to a woman who has no objection to another woman joiningthe couple. 换句话说就是,你和一个女人结婚了,这个女人并不介意有其他的女人加入你们的婚姻。

72、According to 《Marriage Law》 and 《Divorce check in work norn》appearing on the stage, the formalities of marriage and divorce are simplified. 伴随《婚姻法》和《婚姻登记工作暂行规范》出台,结婚和离婚手续简化了,“试婚”和“试离婚”却再次悄然流行起来。

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