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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-09 01:11:06
  • 146


关于”好用的句型“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Easy to use sentence patterns。以下是关于好用的句型的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Easy to use sentence patterns

1、Macrofungi in this region has great potential values of application on the edibility , medicinal and forestation. 该区大型真菌在食用、药用、营林等方面具有很好的开发潜力。

2、Two models can explain the AGN well: Black-Hole Disk Model and Uniformed Model. 黑洞-吸积盘模型和统一模型为 两种可用来较好解释AGN的理论模型。

3、Apparently this model was used until 1619 when a better model was found, the fundamentals of which are still used today. [History of modeling, p. 26] 显然,此模型一直沿用到 1619 年,然后出现了一个更好的模型,该模型的基础理论今天仍然在使用。

4、The utility model has reasonable structure and good sound-insulating effect. 本实用新型结构 合理,隔音效果好。

5、The door plate is made from the material of good plasticity and sock-adsorption buffer function. 本实用新型风门门板采用具 有良好的塑性和吸震缓冲作用材料做成。

6、In order to play the role better, we should increase exoteric, active and experimental chemistry exercises properly. 为更好地发挥义务教育阶段化学习题的作用,在习题中应适当增加开放型、活动型和实验型习题。

7、Preliminary think spot assembled water tank has a good applicability. 初步分析认为新型水窖具有很好的适用性。

8、This article introduces MPS file format for representing LP model, it has improved the portability and reusability of the model. 为了求解线性规划问题,提出用MPS文件来表示LP 模型,这样生成的模型具有良好的复用性和可移植性。

9、Xebec, with it's distinctive graceful look, is good all-around ship that can be used in multiple roles. 小型三桅船,拥有独特的优雅表面,是一种良好的多用途的综合型船只。

10、The utility model has reasonable structure, good check valve action and fire prevention action, easy assembly, long service life, stable performance and good effect. 本实用新型结构合理,具有良好的止回阀作用和防火作用,安装 方便,使用寿命长,性能稳定,效果好。

11、Cover with a damp cloth until you are ready to roll the tortillas. 然后用一块湿布盖住,好让你准备好将饼成型烘烤。

12、Therefore, the nonpropelled double-hull engineering ship has good application prospects. 因此,采用双体结构型式的非自航工程船舶具有很好的应用前景。

13、Structure your use case model appropriately (Principle 2: Challenge your use case goals and Principle 3: Use requirement attributes to determine the best use case model) 适当结构化你的用例模型(原则 2:向你的用例目标和原则挑战; 原则3:使用需求属性决定最好的用例模型)

14、Avoid uint, unless you have a really good reason for forcing the type. 避免使用uint,除非你确实有好的理由必须使用这个类型。

15、The solution of the stomach film coated formulations, eating good, taking pine seed has light fragrance. 采用胃溶薄膜包衣片剂型,口感好,服用时有淡淡的松籽香味。

16、Therefore, the two-parameter logistic model was the best for 2-point scoring model. 因此在采用2级评分模型时双参数模型是最好的。

17、Having non-instantiable types might seem a bit useless: what good is a type if you cannot instantiate an instance of that type ? 使用不可实例的类型似乎是无用的:定义一个不能实例化的类型有什么好处呢?

18、Models of Self-administration and Conditioned Place Preference (CPP) are often applied to study drug addiction. 且该研究中经常采用的动物模型有自我给药模型、条件化位置偏好模型等。

19、Bamboo placed in the stone, it is best to choose a good shape can be highly ornamental stones. 竹林里摆石,最好选用造型好可赏性强的石头。

20、Several types of FCL have been proposed so far. 至今已经有好几种型号的FCL 被推荐使用。

21、>would have been more type-safe for reference types, but would have made it impossible to use Array.newInstance() to create an instance of a primitive array. >泛化 Array.newInstance(),对于引用类型有更好的类型安全,但是就不能使用 Array.newInstance()创建基本类型数组的实例了。

22、Choose oil, had better choose special resistance of turbine oil type ammonia. 选用润滑油时,最好选用专用的抗氨型汽轮机油。

23、Instead of interacting with English speakers, do the next best thing: interact with English-language books, radio programmes and films. 因为书本本身就充满了完美的英语例句。如果不能喝英语使用者直接交流,那么久退而求其次,好好利用英语书籍、音频节目和电影吧!

24、The better seakeeping qualities may be expected, if deep-Vee hull form is adopted for high speed displacement vessels. 高速排水型艇如果采用深V型,可望获得良好的耐波性。

25、Figure 2 ilrates the conceptual model of a "Hollywood"-type adapter, engineered using the above cited design principles. 图 2 演示了使用上面引用的设计原则而设计的“好莱坞”类型适配器的概念模型。


26、The application property showed that the self-crosslinking printing adhesive had good stability, the fabrics had good color fastness, soft handle and sharp definition. 应用性能结果表明:该自交联型印花粘合剂稳定性好,印制的织物牢度好、 手感佳、花型轮廓清晰。

27、It adopts excellent waterpower former so it features high efficiency and large performance range and can better meet customer's requirement. 该型泵由于采用了优秀的水力模型,因此具有效率高,性能范围广等优点,更好的满足用户的使用要求。

28、Matrix inversion can be avoided, in comparison with conventional hybrid element, the method is more convenient in practical application. 这类单元与其他类型的杂交模型相比,精度高且能较好地避免矩阵求逆运算,具有较好的实用性。

29、The silage made of grain and forage corn variety was significantly better than that of grain corn variety. 粮饲兼用型玉米秸秆调制的青贮饲料明显好于子实型玉米品种。

30、Managers can make better use of both fixed and matrixed resources. 管理者可以更好地利用固定的和矩阵模型的资源。

31、Risk averter prefers bank deposit and insurance, Risk lover prefers foreign exchange and stock and Risk balancer prefers futures. 而风险趋避型较偏好银行存款和保险,风险爱好型较偏好外汇和股票,风险平衡型偏好期货。

32、"This one is more like it could crush a Hummer, " he said. referring to General Motors' large sport utility vehicle. “这个恐龙好像能嚼碎一辆悍马汽车。”他说。其所指的是通用汽车的大型运动型多用途车。

33、The model is good in practicability, and apts to realize by computer software. 该模型实用性好,易于计算机软件实现。

34、This printing ink cleaner selected a new solvent. It was proved that the cleaner has high efficiency, safety and light smell. 新型印刷油墨清洗剂选用了一种新型溶剂,其清洗效果好,使用安全,气味轻。

35、The 4008 control panel is also contractor-friendly. 该4008型控制面板同时还具有用户友好型特征。

36、If you use a code generator, really look at the code it generates; if you use database tools, take a look at the underlying SQL it generates; and so on. 如果你使用代码生成器,好好看看它生成的代码;如果你使用数据库工具,看看它生成的底层SQL语句,不一而足。

37、Model experiments and field works point out that the EVI has good result. 模型实验和野外应用的实例,表明电法虚拟仪器具有良好的应用效果。

38、Maybe we have to block up the rear wheel. Fortunately we've got a spare wheel. 我们得把后轮垫起来,好歹我们有个备用胎。今日作业:用今天所学的词组造句标明。

39、Cementedless prosthesis can be used for middle-aged or young patients. 非骨水泥型适用于骨质条件比较好的中青年患者。

40、ABS sheet is generally used in therrming applications where good formability, and a cosmetic appearance are desired. 丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯塑料片一般用在热成型应用中,成型性能好,外观漂亮。

41、For this reason, you may only bind references to const objects. 因此最好是将引用与静态类型绑定。

42、In other words, we have to figure out how to best assemble our applications to leverage the technical underpinnings. 换句话说,我们必须找出如何最好地汇集应用程序,以利用技术基础架构。

43、Single type and compound type anti-oxidants were used to modify ferrous hemoproteins respectively in the research. Compound type of anti-oxidant was optimized by testing single ones. 分别选用单一型和复合型抗氧化剂作用于血红素亚铁,通过对单一型抗氧化剂的筛选,优化了具有良好抗氧化效果的复合型抗氧化剂。

44、Universal defoamer. Compatibility of good effective anti-foaming. 相容性好,有效消泡,通用型。

45、ZH-800/800C/880C/1000 is the company's main push ordinary type folder gluer, its stability, versatility and flexibility are the user's praise. ZH-800/800C/880C/1000型是本公司多年主推的普通型糊盒机,其稳定性,通用性,灵活性都得到了用户的好评。

46、The utility model has favorable shock resistance, interference-resistant property, and long service life. 本实用新型具有良好的抗震性、抗干扰性,并且使用寿命长。

47、Ready model with the help of Clone Modifier. 利用复制修改器所准备好的模型。

48、A dimensional data model might also be a good choice because it is user-friendly and has better performance. 维度数据模型也可能是较好的选择,因为它是用户友好的,并具有更好的性能。

49、The results showed that "Zhenong 12" was a good parent for improving leaf and ear types, and "Lixiahuang" c… 从试验结果看,浙农12在改良穗型及叶型中是较好的亲本,立夏黄在改良叶型上可供选用。

50、The BNB model is employed to fit some real data sets, and the goodness of fit tests reveal that it performs better in some occasions. 最后,用BNB模型来拟合两组数据,数值结果表明BNB模型拟合的更好,具有一定的应用价值。


51、Athena: All right. What kind of lifetime should the typical service ticket have? 很好。典型的服务票拥用多长的有效期呢。

52、But this problem will be settled preferably by using synchro-air-stream impact molding method. 应用同步气冲造型法,较好地解决了气冲造型存在的漏斗堵塞问题。

53、FL-J non-hydro-dewaxing catalyst has good application foreground. 型非临氢降凝催化剂具有良好的应用前景。

54、Don’t be too embarrassed; Haltzman says your wife style is actually quite typical. 不用觉得很不好意思,霍斯曼说,这种妻子类型其实相当典型。

55、Owing to high requirement aesthetic perception for the open-faced cellphone lens, injection moulding was more preferably adopted instead of traditional cutting process. 直板薄型手机镜片的美观要求很高,最好采用注射成型的方法来代替传统的型材切割加工方法。

56、A short, buzzed style normally works, but a longer layered style or messy textured cut can also be great options, too. 简而言之,buzzed发型(图1)是挺管用,但稍长些的layered发型(图2)或messy textured发型(图3)也是很好的选择。

57、Within the method of first-order trend OK, Gaussian semi-variogram model performed better than both the spherical and exponential models. 一阶趋势的OK方法中半方差函数模型选用高斯型的比选用球状和指数型的插值效果相对要好。

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