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  • 2022-07-08 10:03:27
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关于”很仙的温柔句“的英语句子43个,句子主体:Very gentle sentence。以下是关于很仙的温柔句的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Very gentle sentence

1、"你好,"他温柔地说道。" "Hello," he said softly.

2、The days are dry, a soft, gentle wind is blowing. 天气是干的,柔软的,温柔的风扑面而来。

3、There is one problem, Wendy can't fly. Peter Pan calls on Tinker Bell the Pixie Fairy, to sprinkle her Magic Dust on Wendy so that she will be able to fly. 但温迪不会飞,所以彼得叫来小仙女,把“仙尘”洒在温迪的身上,这样她就能飞了。

4、Friendly and agreeable in disposition; 温柔的性情友好亲切的;

5、You're a sweet guy, Kev. 你是个温柔的男人,凯。

6、The legend goes that Mt. Qianxianlin was named after seven fairies coming down to bath in the sacred spring, which is also touted as amrita referring to a wonderland for spa and fitness buildup. 据传“七仙岭”曾引来七仙女下凡沐浴圣泉而得名,其温泉亦被誉为“神仙甘露水”,是一处康体温浴的世外天堂。

7、But I am gentle and considerate, mature and more stable. 但是我很温柔体贴,成熟稳重。

8、I have always admired Zhang's gentle, 'crystal voice' and she is a really good singer. 我一直很欣赏张静的温柔‘水晶声音’,她是一位很棒的歌手。

9、Ralph . W. Sockman said Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as real strength. 没有什么比温柔更坚强,而也没有什么比真正的坚强更温柔。

10、He embraced his daughter tenderly. 他温柔地拥抱女儿。

11、She has an unamiable disposition. 她的性情不温柔。

12、Many straight men are in fact softer and sweeter than their goty brothers. 很多直男事实上比他们的同志兄弟们要温柔体贴的多。

13、Spring of the south is beautiful, the wind is very soft, the air is fresh, the sun is very warm. 春天的江南是美丽的,风很柔和,空气很清新,太阳很温暖。

14、He would talk to her so sweetly and gently that Ophelia was deeply in love with him. 他会很甜蜜很温柔地跟她说话,因而欧菲莉亚深爱着他,但是如今他变了很多。

15、"Hello," he said softly. "你好,"他温柔地说道。"

16、Was it like, was it like a soft brush against your lips? 它是很温柔的拂过你的嘴唇还是很饥渴的要吃掉你的那种?

17、The gentleness is kind, is my internality; 温柔善良,是我的内在;

18、Voice like a gentle mother. 春姑娘像一个温柔的妈妈。

19、Blandness is women's special weapon . 温柔是女人特有的武器。

20、The tender women are ugly. 温柔的女人不美。

21、The agreeable and soft voice, mighty face in Europe, Moncler Outlet, there namely likewise his eyes, quite full is all quite thick gentleness. 温柔的嗓音,欧烈的脸,还有他的眼,满满的都是浓浓的温柔。

22、I have heard quite a few comments about myself: William is a very gentle person because he is very soft spoken. 我曾听到关于我的评语“薛孔伟是一个很温柔的人,因为他讲话声音很细柔”。

23、Or softly lightens o'er her face; 在她的脸上温柔地闪光;

24、Jane is of such a gentle nature. 简的性格十分温柔。

25、Will be Thy gentle gopi maids. 如同温柔的牧牛姑娘。


26、Tyrone later asked me, gently, "What difference does it make?" 后来,泰龙很温柔地对我说:“这有什么区别吗?”

27、Antarctic the temperature rarely rises above freezing point. 在南极,温度很少升到零度以上。更多例句。

28、In the treatment of chronic renal failure by nourishing and warming kidney-yang, Cortex Cinnamomi, Radix Aconiti Preaeparata and Herba Epimedii are often used. 前言温补肾阳是中医治疗慢性肾衰竭的常用治法,温补肾阳多用、和仙灵脾。附子、肉桂偏于温燥,以祛寒见长,仙灵脾偏于温润,以填精见长。

29、Blessed are the meek. 温柔的人有福了。

30、My feelings are tender; please be sensitive to my needs; don’t nag me all day long. 我内心很柔弱;所以请对我的需求温柔对待;不要整天唠唠叨叨。

31、Art thou weary, tender heart? 温柔的心,你是否倦了?

32、As you know- I herenos a somewhat kind person. 你知道,我是个很温柔的人。

33、He said it was warm and soft and wonderful. 他说那张纸币很温暖,柔软,手感太好了。

34、I am fat and short, but I am very soft and have a kind heart. 我长得又肥又矮,但我很温柔而且心地善良。

35、And" tender is the way to make your life and keep the love ever-young of medicine." 而且“温柔是使人生和爱情保持长生不老的仙药。”

36、Tenderness is the most long-lasting beautiful, gentle like white stretch and style million. 温柔是最长久的美丽,温柔如白云舒展而风情万种。

37、Because of your gentleness and consideration. 因为的温柔体贴。

38、Yet, in the balmy current, Born on the wings of Zephyr, A scent, more witching Than all the rest, Wakes tender memories In my breast: 'Tis Narcissus! 然而,与和风相伴而来, 有种花香,更加醉人, 唤起那心中温柔的回忆, 那是水仙花。

39、At that point, I just heard the Lord softly speak to my heart, very gentle but piercing into my heart like a knife, He said: GT, why do you draw near to me? 这时只听到上帝轻轻的在我心中说一句话,很温柔但如刀一样刺入我的心,他说:林义忠,你为什么亲近我?

40、Basuyai is tender. Plus, he has many wooers. 小头很温柔。此外,他有许多追求者。

41、因为你的温柔体贴 because of your gentleness and considerate

42、The best hot spring is in Qixianling. 七仙岭的温泉最好。

43、"The Palace of Love, " he said softly. “爱之宫,”他温柔的说。

44、'His voice namely incredibly very gentle and soft, mention ugg boots life person's pendency namely a cordage. 他的声音居然很温柔,说着就命人垂下一条绳子。

45、The woman was very good at commending: her orders were all couched in soft-toned imperative sentences. 女人发号施令的手段很高明,使用的都是口气柔和的祈使句。

46、Speak tenderly to them. 温柔地对他们说。

47、My dieing point is gentle. 我的死穴就是温柔。

48、IN THE FOREST, ZULEIKA gently reaches up and bends a large flower toward her. 森林中 ,Neytiri温柔地将一朵很大的花弯向自己。

49、because i miss you every moment 因为你的温柔体贴

50、She was gentle and very kind to me, and good company in a quiet, listening-type way. 她很温柔,对我也很好,是那种安静倾听型的好伴侣。


51、The jellyfish. Their long tender half-transparent pink tentacles, actually should be called oral arms, are softly floating like the ribbon of a fairy maiden. 水母,长长的粉红色的触角,宛如仙女的衣带,如此温柔地漂动着。

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