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英语句子结构分析ppt 12个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-19 07:36:44
  • 58

英语句子结构分析ppt 12个

1. The dog chased the cat. (simple sentence) 狗追猫。

2. I love to eat pizza, but it is not very healthy. (compound sentence) 我喜欢吃比萨饼,但它并不太健康。

3. Because it was raining, we decided to stay inside. (complex sentence) 因为下雨了,我们决定呆在室内。

4. She is a great singer, and she plays guitar beautifully. (compound sentence) 她是一位出色的歌手,她还弹吉他非常娴熟。

5. The movie was so boring that I fell asleep. (complex sentence) 这部电影太无聊了,我居然睡着了。

6. The teacher called on the student who was raising his hand. (complex sentence) 老师点名了举手的学生。

7. He woke up early, and he went for a run before work. (compound sentence) 他早早地醒来,上班前去跑步了。

8. Although she was tired, she stayed up late to finish her project. (complex sentence) 尽管她很累,她还是熬夜完成了项目。

9. My favorite color is blue because it reminds me of the ocean. (complex sentence) 我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色,因为它让我想起了海洋。

10. The doctor prescribed some medicine for my sore throat. (simple sentence) 医生给我开了些药治我的喉咙痛。

11. After I finish my homework, I usually watch TV. (complex sentence) 写完作业后,我通常会看电视。

12. She doesn't like coffee, but she loves tea. (compound sentence) 她不喜欢咖啡,但她很喜欢茶。

13. The students studied hard for the final exam, so they did very well. (compound sentence) 学生们为期末考试努力学习,所以他们表现得非常好。

14. I wish I could speak French fluently. (simple sentence) 我希望我能流利地说法语。

15. The cat climbed up the tree to escape from the dog. (simple sentence) 猫爬上树避开了狗。

16. Because we had a lot of time, we decided to take a long walk. (complex sentence) 因为我们有很多时间,我们决定去散一次长步。

17. He washed the dishes before he went to bed. (complex sentence) 他在睡觉前洗了碗。

18. The flowers in the garden are beautiful in the spring. (simple sentence) 花园里的花在春天非常美。

19. She always wears a red scarf on a cold day. (simple sentence) 她在寒冷的天气里总是戴着一条红色的围巾。

20. The baby was crying, so the mother picked him up and comforted him. (compound sentence) 婴儿在哭,于是母亲抱起他安慰他。

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