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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-24 14:49:26
  • 159


关于”运动的句子“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Moving sentences。以下是关于运动的句子的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Moving sentences

1、The fate of Sosaria is in your hands. 结尾还是那句:「索沙尼亚的命运在你手!

2、They stare at the boots, pumps, sneakers and moccasins but they do not pass any remarks. 电梯客在电梯里盯着别人的鞋子:靴子、浅口便鞋、运动鞋、软帮鞋,等等。

3、Saay, and his family go activity center, playing baseball, kicking shuttle , sports movement. 周六和家人一起去活动中心,打打球,踢踢毽子,运动运动。

4、In present work, the quantum theory of ter of grain boundary to solutes has been proposed to explain the solute segregation on moving boundaries. 本文提出,可以用晶界对溶质原子热运动散射的量子理论来解释溶质原子在运动晶界上的偏聚现象。

5、As for my past, I grew up a farm boy, cowboy, athlete, and sportsman. 至于我的过去,我长大的农家子弟,牛仔,运动员,和运动员。

6、It's not certain, of course, that a man invented it, but the odds are good, since so many males — far more than females — would be helpless without it. 当然,不能确定就是一个男人发明了这句话,但是可能性还是很大的,因为没有这句话会感到不知所措的男人要远远多过女人。

7、Instead of adding tags (he said/she said) to every bit of dialogue, learn to identify the speaker by showing him/her in action. 不要在每句对话前面加上标签(他说/她说),学着用动作来点明说话人。例子:“把那香喷喷的火鸡端过来。”

8、Several sensors including GPS, electronic compass, inclinometer and encoder are used to realize the autonomous motion control of a shape-shifting robot. 将GPS、电子罗盘、倾角仪、码盘传感器等应用到可变形机器人自主运动控制中。

9、Men regarded the women pioneers in this movements as very manlike . 男人将这场运动的女性先驱视为男子气概十足的女性。

10、So we have the same flux of molecules going this way, is equal to the flux of molecules going the other way. 所以朝这个方向运动的分子数,等于朝另一个方向运动的分子数。

11、Who can tell how they moved in one sentence. 谁能用一句话说一说他们是怎样运动的?

12、Many of us stretch before or after every workout and fret if we can’t lean over and touch our toes. 我们中的许多人都会在每次运动前或运动后做伸展运动。倘若我们在弯下身子后不能触及脚趾,我们会感到苦恼。

13、The conduction of heat by the movement of molecules. 借助分子运动的热的传导。

14、Result shows the mostly effect genes of the constitution of the old are the body component gene, the kinesiology gene, the nervous genes, the cardiovascular gene. 结果表明:影响老年人体质的因子主要是体成分因子、运动机能因子、神经系统因子、心脏血管机能因子。

15、These are the cute children make so soulful and feelingful musics. 这些就是制造出这么多感人动人音乐的可爱的孩子们。

16、Uhm also there was an animatronic lion…uhm, a moving one when we were riding Aslan at the end… 与此同时,它又是一头电子动物的狮子…嗯,一个令人感动的狮子当我们在最后理解默斯里时…

17、Sports Federation: The children sports clubs of Shanghai are there to help you finding the best place and the most suitable activity for you kid to do sport. Activity by Active Kidz. 运动联盟:在这里,上海的儿童运动俱乐部将帮助你为你的孩子找到最合适做运动的地方以及最合适你孩子的运动。

18、A Sporty & Youthful look? 一种看上去更运动和青春的样子?

19、Molecule movement of MA-PPC is less sensitive than that of PPC and MA-PPC is more stable. PPC的分子运动没有PPC那样对温度十分敏感,表现得比较稳定。

20、His son is a cream puff. He should exercise more. 他的儿子弱不禁风,应该多“运动”“运动”。

21、Another version of the experiment had the Tom and Alex sentences gradually forming discernible themes - Alex as a writer who liked snow sports and Tom as a lawyer and family man, or vice versa. 另一个版本的实验中,关于汤姆和埃里克斯的句子逐渐地形成一个可辨识的主题——埃里克斯是一位作家,喜欢雪上运动;而汤姆是一个律师,居家男子。或者是反过来。

22、" Einstein, "according to study molecular motion of suspended particles in the liquid static movement" in the text, to explain Atomism " Brownian motion. 爱因斯坦在《根据分子运动论研究静止液体中悬浮微粒的运动》一文中,以原子论解释“布朗运动”。

23、Perhaps she will allow children to touch her abdomen and feel the fetus move inside. 也许她会允许孩子们触摸她的腹部,感受胎儿在里边的运动。

24、Competition, male athletes to wear the shirt collar and sizing Kanjian, female athletes wear skirts and even wear a hat. 比赛时,男运动员要穿上浆领子的衬衣和坎肩,女运动员要穿裙子甚至还要戴帽子。

25、In other words, an Olympic athlete must be in top condition both mentally and physically. 换句话说,一位奥林匹克运动员要同时具备顶尖的身体素质和心理素质。


26、Zhang Yining is a former Chinese table tennis player and has been considered one of thegreatest female table tennis players in the history of the sport. 张怡宁是一名前中国乒乓球队的运动员,被人们认为是乒乓球运动历史上最伟大的女子运动员。

27、Here is a more complicated SELECT statment to calculate and retreive all the batting averages for players in 2004 who had more than 300 at-bats 是一个更复杂的 SELECT 语句,该语句用于计算和检索 2004 年上场击球超过 300 次的所有运动员的击球率

28、He famously left a portion of his estate to his last reform campaign, an ill-fated project to simplify the English language alphabet. 他留下了一句名言其遗产的一部分,以他最后的改革运动,一个命运多舛的项目,以简化英文字母。

29、Cold quells molecular motion . 寒冷抑制了分子的运动。

30、You might think running around after children would put parents in the lead on exercise, but in fact non-parents edged in front by 3 per cent. 你可能觉得有孩子的人围着孩子忙活可以增加运动量,因而是运动最多的人群,但事实是,他们被没有孩子的人以3%优势领先。

31、Motor mimicry fades from toddlers' repertoire at around two and a half years, at which point they realize that someone else's pain is different from their own, and are better able to comfort them. 第二句把主语“运动神经模仿行为”改作宾语,以小孩子作主语,使译文前后主语一致。) 他当时在寻找一个与同情有所区别的词;

32、Sports wear, such as sports wear, sport ss, , knee (wrist, waist) guard, etc. 运动用纺织品,如运动衫(裤)、运动鞋、袜子、护具等…

33、By connecting the sensor to a computer, a person wearing the device can use sniffs to select letters on a screen to build up words and sentences. 通过将传感器与电脑相连,人可以可以带着这个设备在吸气时选择屏幕上的字母,从而打印出词和句子。

34、In the discourse cohesion function of passive sentences, Vietnamese students generally use theme propulsion model. 在运用被动句的语篇衔接功能时,留学生普遍运用第一种主位推进模式。

35、As indicated in the previous tests, the sentence-filling section in the reading part of BEC test has always been the most difficult part for most students. 以往的考试结果表明,剑桥商务英语考试中句子填空是大多数考生感觉最难把握的部分之一。

36、Double wave quantum theory is applied to describe the motion of charged particle in a uniform magnetic field. This description of the motion of the particle is complete. 用双波量子理论描述带电粒子在均匀磁场中的运动,得到对单个粒子运动状况的完全描述。

37、The development of MCT roots in the development of micro-electronics, power electronic, sensor, automatic control and microcomputer application technology. 运动控制技术的发展得力于微电子技术、电力电子技术、传感器技术、自动控制技术、微机应用技术的全面发展。

38、Using the valence grammar theory, this chapter also studies the verb's valence characters and types in the Verb-copying sentence. 同时运用配价语法的方法研究了重动句中的动词的配价特点及其类别。

39、If a photon which has no mass can behave as a particle, does it follow then an electron which has mass can behave as a wave? 1920. 如果一个没有质量的光子,能像粒子一样运动,那么它能像一个,没有质量的电子那样以波的形式运动吗。

40、White are for sports. 白袜子是用来运动的。

41、The training of jumping for women waterpolo players has its own characteristics. 女子水球运动员跳跃技术训练要根据女子运动员自身的特点。

42、One particle comes to you and the other comes to you. 一个粒子向你运动,另一个也向你运动。

43、The movement of the elec '. 电子的运动产生了电流。

44、It is found that the atomic quantized translational motion sensitively depends on the atomic internal state population . 结果表明原子量子化平移运动敏感地依赖于原子的内态布居。

45、We call this motion of the stool, and in this case the motion of the spinning wheel, we call that precession. 我们将这种运动称为,在这个例子,就是旋转的轮子的运动,称为旋进。

46、In other words, Princess Kiko, who is 39, with daughters who are 14 and 11, may have felt pressure to lie back and think of Japan. 换句话说,已经有一对分别为14 岁和11 岁的女儿的39 岁的纪子妃已经感到身体压力,想返回日本。

47、Thermal motion of silicon atoms agitates air molecules behind the CPU racks, heating them up. 硅原子的热运动使CPU架后面的空气分子运动加快,温度升高。

48、CWG is the prime example. 英联邦运动会就是主要的例子。

49、We want to buy Readymade Garments, Athletic Wear, Caps and Hats, Hats, Outerwear, Sportswear. 我们要采购成衣,运动服,盖帽和帽子,帽子,户外休闲服,运动装。

50、The double wave function theory is applied to study the motion of single particle in the quadratic anharmonic model field. 应用双波函数量子理论,研究了在二次型非简谐振子模型场中运动的单粒子的运动状态,给出了力学量的时间演化方程。


51、''But the main distinction which precludes gaming from being a sport is the lack of physical exertion. 但是电子竞技和体育运动也有着本质区别,电子竞技缺少身体上的运动。

52、Now director of Iron Girl, Molnar, 41, has completed many more 5Ks since then, as well as 10Ks, marathons, triathlons and even an Ironman. 现在,41岁的 Molnar是铁人运动(女子)的负责人,从那时起已经参加了很多次5000米,还有1万米,马拉松,三项全能运动甚至一次铁人运动(男子)。

53、As playgrounds become more and more boring, these are some of the few features that still can give children thrilling experiences with heights and high speed. 现在运动场越来越令人厌倦,它们能够让孩子们体验由于高度和高速而产生的惊心动魄的感觉。

54、Most of us, after all, grew up wearing ss. Ss alter how we move. 我们大部分人都是穿着鞋子成长的,而鞋子已经改变了我们运动的方式。

55、Color code sensors were adopted to trace positions of seeds and automatically acquire the position data of each seed in a rapidly moving state. 色标传感器对位置进行实时跟踪,自动获得运动中每一粒的位置信息。

56、In other words, irrespective of whether you exercise vigorously, sitting for long periods is bad for you. 换句话说,无论你是否做剧烈运动,长时间坐着对你有害。

57、Here I support what Berau said with my feet down: “Time and motion is meaningless unless viewed from a human stand point.”This 这里我双手赞成伯劳所说的那一句话:“不站在人的角度,时间与运动是没有意义的!”

58、The functioning of the gates is also autonomous. That is, once we trigger a computation by adding the input to the solution, no more human intervention is required. 逻辑闸的运作也是自动的,换句话说,一旦我们将输入物滴入溶液中,启动运算,就不再需要任何人为干预。

59、In other words, this is a narrative that moves quite by design in the world of fiction. 换句话说,这是一种在虚构的世界,按照特定轨迹运动的叙事体。

60、Still, life is on, and here we stand. 岂止是奥运?生活也是。还是那句话。

61、A coil of wire moving in magnetic field will have an e. m. f induced in it. 当线圈在磁场中运动时,其内部会感应起一个电动势。(译为时间状语从句)

62、Sensors in the seat detect pressure and the angle of the body, while accelerometers measure and track the movement of the user's legs. 动态椅子内的传感器会感知压力以及使用者身体的角度,加速度计也会测量跟踪使用者双腿的运动。

63、Another saying is one's charactor decides his fortune. 还有一句话就是性格决定命运。

64、By the way, the music at this event was played by a man with a cittern, who not only performed with virtuosity, but also with a sense of humour. 顺便说一句,活动的音乐是被人用西特琴演奏的,不仅很艺术,而且感觉上有些幽默。

65、She all but resided in the field house. 她住在运动场附近的房子里。

66、The methods Chi Zi-jian applied in her novels on the motif of animals' gratitude include direct, superposition, expansion and deification. 迟子建小说对动物感恩母题的运用方法是直接运用、叠加运用、拓展运用和神化运用。

67、The arcs are plasma, superheated matter made up of moving charged particles (electrons and ions). 弧形(火焰)是等离子态的超高温物质,由运动的带电粒子(电子和离子)组成。

68、The intellectuality of female players is better than that of male players; 女子运动员理智性强于男子运动员;

69、Ironically, one of Pang Tong's words have changed several human destiny. 可笑的是,庞统的一句话却改变了几个人的命运。

70、One is almost tempted to add : There is nothing about which men cannot feel sbish . 几乎很想加一句:没有什么东西不都引起人的势利感。

71、I love the phrase "clobber Scriptures" that you use to describe verses that get held up to condemn certain people or actions. 我喜欢那句“撞圣经”,你用诗句来形容行动得到举起谴责某些人或某些。

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