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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-03 07:24:28
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关于”雪的诗句“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Poem of snow。以下是关于雪的诗句的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poem of snow

1、" the hazy feeling. The poet put this feeling into a couplet, " water from Jasper ring out, people in Qinglian flap in" verse points out its charm. 诗人更把这种感受写成了一幅楹联,用“水从碧玉环中出,人在青莲瓣里行”的诗句点出了它的神韵。

2、This is the second time the East Emperor Kangxi, when the customs officials who patrol the poem written. 这是康熙皇帝第二次东巡山海关时写下的诗句。

3、You may need to put that verse on your refrigerator. 你也许需要将这句诗贴在冰箱上。

4、But hia sober assurance was arresting. I could not forget it. 不过他的冷静与自信却俘获了我,所以我一直无法忘记这句诗。

5、Joking remarks on six quatrains by Du fu has long been the focus of poetic criticism study. 历来对杜甫诗论的研究主要集中在《戏为六绝句》。

6、In the rainy day, I love reading Yuguangzhong's poem "listen to the cold rain" and let the damp verses cover my heart, my blood and my whole body. 雨天,我喜欢读余光中的诗《听听那冷雨》,让那潮湿的诗句覆盖我的心,我的血液以及我的全身。

7、By the way, it requires that you already have Snow Leopard. 顺便提一句,它要求你已事先安装了“雪豹”系统。

8、Thetitle suggests more hopefully that poetry is a craft, like carpentry:this book contains Hass's best and most careful verse in almost 30years. 标题显示更希望这是一个工艺的诗一样,木工:这本书包含哈斯的最佳和最认真的诗句在将近30年。

9、In the Tang dynasty. At that time, a lot of poets wrote down many beautiful lines singing the moon. 在唐朝,当时,很多诗人都留下了歌颂的佳句。

10、Later, Professor Ye Jiaying said, this is about the poetry of the most exciting one definition. 后来叶嘉莹教授说,这是关于诗的最精彩的一句定义了。

11、Persons who can write such poems now are already very rare. 能写出如此诗句的人,现在已经是凤毛麟角了。

12、The biggest stone which sculptured the poem of "A Night Mooring By Maple Bridge". 身后是最大的刻有枫桥夜泊诗句的碑文。

13、His humorous rhymes were, however, more often quips and cranks at the expense of his contemporaries. 不过,他的幽默诗句更多是对同辈人的揶揄和打趣。

14、He quoted Mario Cuomo’s line about campaigning in poetry and governing in prose. 他引用了马利奥·库默散文与诗中关于活动与治理的语句。

15、Six songs in The Book of Songs with lyrics that were lost actually have music without lyrics. Shu Xi's supplied songs are closer to the Ya of The Book of Songs in terms of sentence and language. 《诗经》六首“有义无辞”之作实为“有声无辞”之作,束皙为其所作的《补亡诗》在句式和语言上都更趋近《诗经•小雅》的特色。

16、Is that true for everybody? Or it was just poetic ? 每个人都是如此么?还是说,这只是一句听上去像诗的屁话?

17、" Based on this spontaneous inspiration, people later nicknamed the dish "Buddha's Favorite". 后来人们便根据这两句诗,将此菜改名为「佛跳墙」。

18、What was my own was the restlessness, the seething tension within me. 我个人写的东西都是烦躁不安的诗句,在我内心深处翻腾躁动。

19、I merely remembered these verses came from the Soviet novel How Was the Steel Tempered . 我只记得这些诗句,出自苏联小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》。

20、Under the influence of haiku, the Chinese short poem focused on describing the landscape and constructing poetic atmosphere, so that it conveyed a hint of meditation and sentiment. 俳句的精神浸染,使“小诗”擅长写景和注意纯粹的诗意建构,具有一种“冥想”的理趣和感伤的情调。

21、A verse form Psalms knifed into her mind;"put not your trust in princes." 《诗篇》里的一句话挤进她的脑海:“不要信任君王。”

22、At dusk, the west snow mountain is in the bank of clouds on, person can go together with strange city in high and big male in sort on all sides teeth of resemble at sing Du Fu's poem . 黄昏时分,西边雪山晶亮巍峨的姿影突立在云层之上,可人可心,配着成都四周锯齿般高大雄奇的城堞,像在吟哦着杜甫的诗句。

23、Ovid , the Greek poet, said that, and he was right. 这句话是希腊诗人奥维德说的,他说得没错。

24、However, he does not support parody but advocates the natural balance of all the lines instead. 但他并不主张摹拟,而是力求诗句的自然匀稳。

25、Every Monday, I cite a quote or a poem that is related to mindfulness and psychotherapy and then explore it a bit and how it is relevant to our lives. (这些箴言抑或诗句)以某种方式与正念和精神疗法联系在一起,继之以一点探究,小解其如何与我们的生活息息相关。这些引述的箴言和诗句于我,总能沉吾于更深的禅境。


26、Our verse today says it all. The stronger your team is, the more you can fulfill your dream. 今天我们的诗句是:团队越强大,你成功的机率就越大。

27、I've figured out a couple of verses to describe my current feeling. 我想到了两句诗可以用来形容我自己。

28、It is also one of the longest poems in the English language, the origin of Spenserian stanza, and the old cliché ‘roses are red, violets are blue’ is found in its earliest form in this poem. 这也是英语语言史上最长的诗,斯宾塞体的发端,那句老套话“玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是绿色的”可以在这首诗里找到最早的句式。你怎能不拿起它呢?

29、First we have the "Pilot of some small night-founder'd Skiff," and the pilot stands ab extra, from outside, in the simile. 首先我们有这句“迷茫深夜中,轻舟的导航人“,并且这个导航人在明喻中,体现为从诗句之外向内眺望。

30、“I could if I wrote her a poem,” I replied. “我能做到,只须为她写一首诗,”我回敬了一句。

31、The events involved historical figures or stories familiar to the people, while language involved lines from chiefly poets from the Six Dynasties and Tang Dynasty. 其中,事典多为人们所熟知的历史人物与历史故事,语典则以化用六朝与唐代诗人的诗句为主。

32、I'm mixing it up with a line of Keats, and I'm going to say something else about Keats. 我把它和济慈的一句诗弄混了,待会儿我再讲济慈。

33、That prompted the idea of writing story lines from which each villa design could bud. His narrative for one home, called Bending Paths, begins in a meditative vein 建筑就是一首诗,每个别墅都可以设计成为花的蓓蕾的样子犹如诗里的诗句,他诠释的“家”,叫做弯曲小径,这来自于他一次对树叶的静想。

34、The oldest line of "the landscape of Guilin is the best under heaven" is engraved on its rock. 最早的“桂林山水甲天下”诗句就刻在独秀峰的石岩上。

35、"The Birth of Venus" was inspired from a phrase in "The Venice Kingdom". It is said Venus was created from an ocean bubble. 主题取材于诗人波里齐阿诺「维纳斯王国」中的诗句,相传她是从海的水泡中诞生。

36、Ancient tablets at the Yi Song Pavilion containing Yun Donju s poems have corroded. 一松亭里刻有尹东柱诗句的石碑已被风雨侵蚀。

37、Simon and Garfunkel have taken turns singing alternate verses of the vocal. 的意思是 西蒙和加芬克尔采取轮流演唱的声乐候补诗句。

38、Maybe he thought of that because it's really a poem seems to be a poem of advice for young people because it ends up the last line is ? do you know the last line? 也许他是因为它真的是一首诗歌才想起它,似乎是一首对年轻人忠告的诗歌,因为它以最后一句结尾,你们知道最后一句是什么吗?

39、A curious collection of flowers of rhetoric in Spanish verse could be made from it. 西班牙诗句中修辞学奇葩可能就是从中而来。

40、The sense of ownership of a poem: ask vast earth, who advocate ups and downs? 最有主人翁意识的一句诗:问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮?

41、While in Han Shi Wai Zhuan, it is often the case that the author introduces several stories with similar mores attempting to explicate the same poetic sentence from the perspective of Confucianism. 而《韩诗外传》中,往往是经师从儒学的角度设置多个含义相似的故事来解说同一诗句。

42、It turns out to be a far more irritating poem than its oft -quoted lines suggest. 结果发现这首诗比起它常被引用的那几句来更加恼人。

43、I have read Tagore's poetry, such as Gitanjali, Stray Bird, Gardener and Crescent Moon, many lines of which remain fresh in my mind. 泰戈尔的《吉檀迦利》、《集》、《园丁集》、《新月集》等诗集我都读过,许多诗句让我记忆犹新。

44、Thought of the verse, image of the swan immortal bird becomes after the induction change. 诗句之意念,鸿鹄仙鸟之意象经归纳变化而成。

45、Is it possible to boil down the messages of all your poems into a single sentence or two? Or does each poem have its own life and statement? 有无可能把你所有的诗中的信息用一两句话来归纳?或者每首诗都有它各自的生命与指令?

46、So it's for all those reasons that we think this is a completely spontaneous speech. 所以,出于这些理由,我们认为这句‘诗言’完全是自发的感言。

47、He is devoted to reader empowerment like Keats was devoted to euphony . 他致力于让读者觉得自己强大,就像济慈致力于写出悦耳的诗句。

48、The frequency order of existential sentence in diverse styles of literature is: fiction, drama, prose, poetry. 存现句在不同语体的分布强弱序列是小说、戏剧、散文、诗歌。

49、I love the phrase "clobber Scriptures" that you use to describe verses that get held up to condemn certain people or actions. 我喜欢那句“撞圣经”,你用诗句来形容行动得到举起谴责某些人或某些。

50、The regular sentence pattern of Da Ya, that is, a paragon of the style of Book of Songs, actually reflected the rhythm of court music under the restriction of Zhou double-tone bells. “诗体”的典范——《大雅》诗组规整的句式,其实是周代“双音钟”制约下的雅乐节奏的折射。


51、After the two poems, "gracious thank leaves, good to go to the earth", the pen moves more euphemistic. 诗的后两句「殷勤谢红叶,好去到人间」,运笔更委婉含蓄。

52、As for the writing style, the title of the novel is the epigraph Fitzgerald offers from Keats'Ode to a Nightingale. 在内容方面,菲茨杰拉德引用了济慈《夜莺颂》中诗句“夜色温柔”为题目,该题目与诗歌及作品的内容有着密切的联系。

53、Not only can we not fully understand the meaning Tao Poetry statement, but also Tao poems research is difficult to reach a new level. 这样不仅不能充分理解陶诗语句的内涵,而且对陶渊明诗歌的研究也难以达到一个新的层面。

54、Jiju poems created by Li Dong-yang embodied his changing of admiring the Song styles in his later years. 李东阳所作的集句诗,体现出其晚年宗宋的创作转向。

55、Haibun is the Japanese name for 17th Centurey poet-monk Basho Matsuo's poetic-prose travel journals which were studded with haiku. 俳文(haibun)是个日文名称,源于17世纪僧侣诗人松尾芭蕉(Basho Matsuo)的嵌有俳句的诗文云游日记。

56、Each word in the poem like brand Abas left traces in history, his feet firmly set foot on the pace of the rhythm is my definition of a poem. 诗里的字字珠玑会像烙印在历史留下痕迹,双脚踏上坚定步伐是我对诗句节奏的定义。

57、Do not — Dylan Thomas again — go gentle into that good night. 再次奉上迪伦·托马斯的诗句:绝不向黑夜请安。

58、I received a well, you say, the faster the flow time I wait for you turn to the snow. 我收到你说的一句安好,光阴愈流愈快,转至我等你第一场雪。

59、The seven-character quatrain is one of the most representative forms of the Tang poetry. 七言绝句是唐代诗歌中最具代表性的体裁之一。

60、Invented words and syntactic tricks made some of her poems for Polish-speakers only. 自造词和句法变化的把戏让她的一些诗只能被说波兰语的人欣赏。

61、As the only survival of poetical writings of late Tang dynasty, its profound philological connotation proves itself most valuable. 作为唐末诗歌批评中幸存至今的唯一的一部诗句图著作,其丰富的文献内涵,足以说明了它的重要价值。

62、But I could no longer sit and look into the fire, and the pertinent words of a poet recurred to me with new force. 可是我再不能坐着凝望火焰了,有一位诗人的切题的诗句对我发生了新的力量。

63、From that time on, he would now and then ask me to complete a quatrain by adding a couplet of my own to one given by him. 从那时起,他时不时地叫我去完成一首四行诗,把我自己写的对句添加在他给我的对句后面。

64、The poem continues effortlessly through hundreds of lines as well turned and sbish as the famous. 诗人轻而易举地把这首诗继续写下去,洋洋数百行,行行都象下列名句一样精巧、神气十足。

65、He is devoted to reader empowerment like Keats was devoted to euphony. 他致力于让读者觉得自己强大,就像济慈致力于写出动听的诗句。

66、How pleasant to know Mr Lear who had written such volumes of stuff! 认识李尔先生又该多高兴他写下了这么多的诗句。

67、In the poem, “The Place Where Clouds Are Formed,” the lines “with the back of his gloved hand he wipes the window, / ‘is it coming yet?’” 在诗歌《云彩形成的地方》(The Place Where Clouds Are Formed)中有这样的诗句:“他用带着手套的手背擦拭窗户,它要来了吗?”

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