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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-27 04:53:09
  • 153


关于”包含26个字母的一句话“的英语句子60个,句子主体:A sentence of 26 letters。以下是关于包含26个字母的一句话的四年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A sentence of 26 letters

1、In other words, the type parameter is a string consisting of casting, trolling, or other. 换句话说,type 参数是包含 casting、trolling 或 other 的字符串。

2、This string consists of the characters shown between the quotation marks, including the letters, the comma, and the space. 这个字符串由双引号中的字符组成,包含了字母、逗号还有空格。

3、Some are numeric and others contain letters. 有的是数字,有的则包含字母。

4、In other words, regardless of whether the characters contained in the template are to be displayed right-to-left, the logical ordering of characters is always left-to-right. 换句话说,无论模板中包含的字符将会按哪种顺序显示,字符串的逻辑顺序总是从左到右。

5、Each instance, however, can only contain a single XML data tree -- in other words, there can only be one root node. 然而,每个实例只能包含一个 XML 数据树结构 ― 换句话说,只能有一个根节点。

6、Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. 将五打酒瓶装在我的箱子里。

7、Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel with over 50, 000 words, none of which containing the letter "E". 厄内斯特·文森特·赖特(Ernest Vincent Wright )写了一部超过5万字的小说,其中没有一个单词包含有字母“E”。

8、Row 1 has a multi-byte UTF character containing 3 logical characters containing 3 bytes each (superscript denotes the storage of a single letter). 行 1 有一个包含 3 个逻辑字符的多字节 UTF 字符,其中每个字符包含 3 个字节(上标表示一个字母的存储)。

9、Each column is populated with a field name. 每列都包含一个字段名。

10、Messages must be no longer than 160 alphanumeric characters and contain no images or graphics. 消息不得超过 160 个字母数字字符且不包含图像或图形。

11、Alter the TCPIPSERVICEdefinition (TSB) to contain SSL(CLIENTAUTH), using the command in Listing 26. 使用清单 26 中的命令修改 TCPIPSERVICE 定义(TSB),使其包含 SSL(CLIENTAUTH)。

12、The view contains two fields and a on. 这个视图包含两个字段和一个按钮。

13、Methods containing the Pausable throws clause are processed at runtime by a scheduler, which is part of the Kilim library. 包含 Pausable throws 字句的方法在运行时由一个调度程序处理,该调度程序包含在 Kilim 库中。

14、The implication was clear: a manager was good at painting by numbers, but a business leader was more akin to Turner. 这句话的含义很清楚:一个管理者擅于用数字来描绘,但一个商业领袖可以力挽狂澜。

15、Identifiers cannot contain two consecutive underscores, nor can an identifier begin with an underscore followed immediately by an upper-case letter. 标识符不能包含两个连续的下划线,也不能以下划线开头后面紧跟一个大写字母。

16、' or '…', nor can they contain any non-alphanumeric characters. 项目名称不能包含任何非字母数字字符(包括“。

17、These rules specify what a password can consist of, such as whether a password should consist of only alphabets or alphanumeric characters. The following rules are supported 这些规则指定密码可以包含哪些内容,例如,密码是否应当只包含字母或字母数字字符。

18、Generate a single, secure password with no ambiguous, or easily confused, characters and at least one non-alphanumeric character 生成一个安全的密码,其中不包含含糊(即容易混淆的)字符,至少包含一个非字母数字字符

19、The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 译文:那只敏捷的棕毛狐狸跃过那只懒狗

20、For example, the Metaphone algorithm includes an explicit rule that drops the letter b where it occurs after the letter m at the end of a word. 例如, Metaphone 算法包含一个明确的规则:在字母 b在单词末尾出现在字母 m后面时,就删除它。

21、A character subset that contains letters and may contain control characters, special characters and the space character, but not digits. 相邻的标识符,关键字,数字文字量,和包含字母字符的候选标记之间需要用一些空白分隔开。

22、The WAG generator is simply a table containing letters that represent a range of values. WAG生成器只是一张包含表示值域的字母的表。

23、I've been working as a lettering specialist for 26 years. 我一直作为一个刻字专家为26年。

24、The node name should contain alpha-numeric characters only and be consistent across all platforms in an organization. 节点名应该只包含字母数字字符,应该在组织中的所有平台上保持一致。

25、For example, a VARCHAR column contains the small Greek letter alpha, a, (UTF-8=0xCEB1). 例如,一个 VARCHAR 列包含小写希腊字母 alpha(UTF-8=0xCEB1)。


26、Ms. Bird’s daughter, Katie Bird Hunter, 26, is on the other side of the digital communications divide and finds her parents to be out of touch. Bird女士的女儿,26岁的Katie Bird Hunter,站在这个数字通信落差的另一边。她觉得她的父母太落伍了。

27、That will result in a valid SQL statement with either one or more fields in the selected fields list. 这将在选定字段列表中产生一个包含一个或多个字段的有效 SQL 语句。

28、One will contain the possible selections, and the other will contain the detailed output. 一个字符串包含可能的选择,另一个字符串包含详细的输出。

29、Must only contain Unicode letters, underscore characters, and Unicode digits. 必须只包含 Unicode 字母、下划线和 Unicode 数字。

30、CDATA is text that may contain character references. 它是一个可以包含字符引用的文本。

31、Included column: the normal checkmark, which all included permissions have, and an additional icon, which looks like a balloon containing the letter "i". “包括”列中有两个图标:一个是正常的选中标记,所有包括的权限都有该标记;另一个是附加图标,看上去像一个含有字母“i”的气球。

32、The first input line contains the string. It's guaranteed, that the string is non-empty, consists of lower-case Latin letters, and its length doesn't exceed 100. 第一行输入包含一个字符串。它一定一个非空,只含小写字母,且长度不超过100 的串。

33、Notice that the generated JSP includes the ID field selected, as shown in Figure 26. 请注意生成的 JSP 中包含了选中的 ID 字段,如图 26 所示。

34、The node name structure consists of alphanumeric characters only. 节点名结构中只包含字母数字字符。

35、Scala allows function names to include non-alphanumeric characters. Scala 允许函数名字包含非字母数字的字符。

36、Making sure your password is of a certain length (eight or more characters) and contains uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters -- like ! 确保您的密码具有某一长度(八个或更多字符),并包含大写字母、数字和特定的字符,如 !

37、A strong password contains a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, along with at least one symbol. 一个强健的密码包含大小写字母以及至少一个符号。

38、Make sure that the profile name contains alphanumeric characters only and does not exceed 128 characters. 确保概要文件名只包含字母数字式字符串,并且长度没有超过 128 个字符。

39、Projects cannot be named '. ' or '…', nor can they contain any non-alphanumeric characters. 项目名称不能包含任何非字母数字字符(包括“。

40、Your new password must be at least six characters and may contain numbers, upper and lowercase letters, and standard symbols . 新密码必须至少包含六个字符,并且可以包括数字、大小写字母和标准符号。

41、All variables in PHP start with a $ sign symbol. Variables may contain strings, numbers, or arrays. 所有的PHP变量的前面都包含一个“$”符号。变量可以包含字符串、数字、数组。

42、Given a non-empty string containing an out-of-order English representation of digits 0-9, output the digits in ascending order. 给定一个非空字符串,包含一组乱序的英文字母表示的数字0-9,按递增序输出这些数字。

43、Some font faces thus include a table containing kerning distances for a set of given glyph pairs for text layout. 有的字体外观包含一个表,它包含文本布局所需的指定字形对的字距距离。

44、A valid name can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, periods, underscores, and dashes. 有效的名称只能包含小写字母、数字、点号、下划线和连字符。

45、Require passwords to include letters, numbers and punctuation. 请求包含字母、数字和标点符号的密码

46、Password length minimum: 7. Non-alphanumeric characters required: 1. 密码最短长度为7,其中必须包含以下非字母数字字符: 1。

47、Every row must contain one of each of the nine digits. 每排一定包含九个数字的每个其中之一。

48、This introduces learning & calculative method of probabilistic neural network and identification of tri - level probabilistic neural network to 26 English capital letters with noise. 本文介绍了概率神经网络的学习算法和一个三层概率神经网络对带有噪声的26个英文大写字母的识别。

49、Part of your conversation might involve telling parents how you feel. 你们对话的部分可能包含告诉父母你的感想。

50、Each crontab entry contains six fields 每个 crontab 条目包含六个字段


51、Each field contains a drop-down selection menu. 每个字段包含一个下拉的选择菜单。

52、The five boxing wizards jump quickly. 五个打拳的男巫快速跳动。

53、If you omit it, your regex would match any string that begins with a letter, contains two to nine alphanumeric characters, and any number of any other characters. 如果忽略掉它,regex 将匹配开头为字母、包含 2 至 9 个字母数字字符以及任意数目的任何其他字符的所有字符串。

54、The short form string should include each valid option letter, followed by a colon (:) to indicate that the command line option should be followed by a value. 短形式字符串应该包含每个有效的选项字母,每个字母后面是一个冒号 (:),这表示命令行选项后面应该是一个值。

55、In one embodiment, the composite material of the present invention comprises a metallic core (12,22), a first layer (14,24), and a second layer (16, 26). 在一个实施方案中, 本发明的复合材料包含金属芯(12、22)、第一层(14、24)和第二层(16、 26)。

56、The next field contains the length of the file in bytes. 下一个字段包含文件的长度,以字节为单位。

57、The translatable strings contained in localization packs can contain variables -- for example, the variable XXX in the sentence "The account number XXX doesn't exist." 本地化包中包含的可翻译字符串可以包含变量 - 例如,“The account number XXXdoesn't exist”一句中的变量 XXX。

58、The first (and only) sorted column contains the ASIN field. 第一个(也是惟一一个)排序列中包含 ASIN 字段。

59、The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. (快速的棕色狐狸跳过一条懒狗。

60、There are 29 initials (zero initials included), 51 finals and 8 tones in the Mian dialect of Liuxing. 榴星勉话的声母(含零声母)有29个,韵母51个,声调8个。

61、I struggled for quite some time with this mysterious message, containing one hundred thirty-two letters. 我同这段包含了一百三十二个字母的神秘信息斗争了很长时间。

62、A unique machine-readable name. Can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. 一个唯一的机器可读名字。仅能包含小写字母、数字和下划线。

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