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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-05 18:45:32
  • 170




1、My hometown is Jinyun. 我的家乡是缙云。

2、Acid House Kings: Are We… 金树林在家乡提子园开园时…

3、He is a well-known township entrepreneur in and around the town. 他是四乡八村有名的乡镇企业家。

4、Home with four distinct seasons, spring wind, so the home is the largest windmill; 家乡四季分明,春天风大,所以家乡大风车是全国最多的;

5、On the beautiful sub bank of Yangtze River is the historic ancient city of Nanjing, my hometown. 美丽的杨子江畔,是悠久的南京古城,我的家乡。

6、No missing to the hometown but to the foreign ones. 没有对家乡的思念,只有对异乡的留恋。

7、We grow rice, wheat and cotton in my hometown. 在家乡,咱们莳植稻子、小麦和草棉。

8、The local-flavour dishes cooked by this restaurant have reminded us of home. 这家饭店的家乡风味菜,勾起了我们的乡思。

9、My hometown is located in a village in Guangdong. 我的家乡坐落在粤东的一个乡村。

10、The populationof our hometown is nearly twice as large as that of yours. 我们家乡的人口是你们家乡人口的将近两倍。

11、My hometown is Tianjin. 我的家乡是天津。

12、I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful. 我爱我的家乡,我更爱我家乡。是他们的辛苦劳动让我们的家乡变得如此的美丽富饶。

13、I got homesick, which has been a bugbear suspending in my heart. 我患了思乡病,我一直牵挂着我的家乡。

14、Haimen is my hometown. 海门市是我的家乡。

15、Pingle is my father's hometown, but also the home of my ancestors. 平乐是我父亲的家乡,也是我的祖先的家乡。

16、His hometown is a small village called Xiao Pu Ze, situated about one and a half hour away by car from the capital Kunming. 他的家乡,是落在离开云南的首都昆明市,约一个半小时车程,名叫小堡子的一个乡村。

17、In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. 自从1949年我的家乡解放以来,家乡发生了翻天覆地的变化。

18、His wife was homesick for her mountainous, green homeland, so he had an artificial mountain garden built for her. 他的妻子由于他们山青水秀的家乡而常年思乡,他便在花园为她造了一座假山。

19、My hometown People often say that most beautiful but hometown of water. 我的家乡 人们常说,最美不过家乡的水。

20、Ah, my hometown of mulberry fruit really is a delicious, I love Mulberry home! 啊,我家乡的桑果真是一种美味果品,我爱家乡的桑果!

21、I love my home town . 我爱我的家乡。

22、The Robinsons decided to lease a house in the country for a year. 罗宾森家决定在乡间租一年的房子。

23、I love my home town. I'd like to have it introduced to more people. Let my home town be known to the world ! 我爱我的家乡,我要向更多的人介绍我的家乡,让我的家乡闻名于世界。

24、Yes, own home is quite poor family. 是的,本乡家是相当贫穷的家庭。

25、By 2007, almost four years after returning home, all the children in Yousuf’s family were in school. 到回到家乡近四年后的2007年,尤素夫家中的孩子们全部入学。


26、My home in the famous town of wire mesh Anping. 我的家乡在闻名的丝网之乡安平。

27、I love my hometownMy hometown is beautiful, especially in Riverside road. 我喜欢家乡我的家乡可美了,特别是滨河路。

28、I choose this major i hope i can use the acadamic knowledge to change my hometown. 我可以用我的知识来为我家乡服务,来改变我家乡的面貌。

29、I love my hometown forever. 景泰,我的家乡。

30、My aunt loves our hometown. 姑姑爱家乡,我更爱家乡。

31、This is my village. my village is very beautiful , there are have a mountain . it some flower near rive; there are people too painstaking. 这是我的家乡,我的家乡非常美丽,那里有一座山脉,它上面长有花,山脉的附近有一条河,家乡的人们很勤劳。

32、My hometown is Mount Lushan. 我的家乡在庐山。

33、Gaochun is my hometown. 高淳是我的家乡。

34、That is the charm of home, number of night dreams of home, sense of spring green, hometown feel that innocent's favorite neighborhood. 那是家乡的魅力所在,多少夜晚梦回故乡,感知春的绿意,感受家乡邻里之间那纯情的至爱。

35、His fwoulmily moved to the countryside for the sake of his sons health. 他一家为了他儿子的壮健搬到乡下去。

36、Traipse gaunt and unbearable inman, frequently only looking at home with that cold mountain, back hometown miss wife, in hard environment, waiting for the moment reunion. 长途跋涉憔悴不堪的英曼,屡屡只能遥望家乡那座冷山,回想家乡怀念妻子,在艰辛的环境里,等待重逢的那一刻。

37、Bamboo reminds me of hometown, a place named Bamboo City. 竹子让我想起家乡,一个叫竹城的地方。

38、Because of his incapability of supporting his family, his wife took their three children together with her father and went far away. 他因家贫无力养家活口, 妻子带著三个孩子随岳父远走他乡。

39、Shanghai is my hometown. 海门市是我的家乡。

40、Hershey is my hometown. 赫尔希是我的家乡。

41、I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. 我爱我的家乡,更爱家乡的人们。

42、Where I come from, if we see a pigeon, we throw a stone at it. 在我的家乡,如果我们看见鸽子,就会拿石子儿丢它。

43、Her strong local accent betrayed her hometown. 口浓浓的乡音可以知道她的家乡。

44、The relatives of the millet is gone, the villagers from back home. 亲戚的谷子没了,乡亲们再从家里背来。

45、C1: My hometown is very famous. Many important Chinese leaders are from my hometown. 我的家乡闻名遐迩,很多中国著名的领袖都出自我的家乡。

46、Qufu, Shandong Province, is the birthplace of Confucius, a ①well-renowned ②ancient ③Chinese thinker and teacher. 山东曲阜是① 中国② 古代③ 著名的思想家、教育家孔子的故乡。

47、This is a peasant boy out of the peasant and back to the countryside, return to the legend of peasant. 这是一位农家小伙子走出农家又回下乡、回报农家的传奇故事。

48、Afternoon home, and I accept the prodigal son in a drifter, had Mancheng see even bowls of rice are not working. 午后的家乡,我一个漂泊在外乡的浪子,居然满城放眼望去,连碗饭都讨不上。

49、She feels a little homesick after working for only days. 她刚工作三天就有点想家了。

50、My hometown is a beautiful place, have water, I love my hometown. 我的家乡是个美丽的地方,有山有水,我很爱我的家乡。


51、When I left my home and my family, I was no more than a boy. 离开家人远走他乡,那时我不过还是个孩子。

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