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万圣节的英语句子 14个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-27 08:02:17
  • 147

万圣节的英语句子 14个

1. Halloween is celebrated on October 31st every year. (万圣节每年31日庆祝。)

2. The origins of Halloween date back to ancient Celtic traditions. (万圣节的起源可以追溯到古代凯尔特传统。)

3. People often dress up in costumes for Halloween. (人们经常在万圣节穿上服装。)

4. Trick or treating is a popular Halloween activity for children. (骗糖或者要糖是孩子们喜欢做的万圣节活动。)

5. The jack-o'-lantern is a common Halloween decoration. (南瓜灯笼是万圣节常见的装饰物。)

6. Some people believe that Halloween is a time when the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest. (有些人认为万圣节是生与死之间的界限最薄的时候。)

7. Halloween parties often feature spooky decorations and food. (万圣节派对通常有恐怖的装饰和美食。)

8. Black cats are often associated with Halloween. (黑猫常常与万圣节联系在一起。)

9. Halloween is not just celebrated in the United States, but in other parts of the world as well. (万圣节不仅在美国庆祝,也在世界其他地方庆祝。)

10. The colors associated with Halloween are black and orange. (与万圣节相关的颜色是黑色和橙色。)

11. Halloween is a time to have fun and be a little bit spooky. (万圣节是一个有趣和有点恐怖的时候。)

12. Many Halloween traditions stem from the belief that it was a night when supernatural beings roamed the earth. (许多万圣节传统源于这样的信仰:那个晚上,超自然的存在在地球上游荡。)

13. Halloween costumes can range from cute and whimsical to scary and gruesome. (万圣节装扮可以从可爱而奇妙的到恐怖而令人不快的。)

14. Halloween decorations include witches, ghosts, and skeletons. (万圣节装饰包括女巫、幽灵和骷髅。)

15. Halloween is a great time to watch scary movies and read scary stories. (万圣节是看恐怖电影和读恐怖故事的好时机。)

16. Halloween is also known as All Hallows' Eve. (万圣节也被称为万圣节前夜。)

17. The origins of trick or treating go back to medieval times when people would go door-to-door asking for food in exchange for prayers. (骗糖或者要糖的起源可以追溯到中世纪,人们会挨家挨户地要求食物,以换取祈祷。)

18. Some people like to visit haunted houses or go on ghost tours during Halloween. (有些人喜欢在万圣节期间参观鬼屋或进行鬼魂之旅。)

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