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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-24 06:54:36
  • 118




1、Reading the marvellous words and achievements of Julius Caesar. 他正读着尤利乌斯·恺撒闪光的字句和辉煌的功业。

2、The incident neutron spectrum at the experimental condition has been simulated with the code MCNP, and the tering neutron influence has been calculated with the spectrum. 并用MCNP程序模拟了在高压倍加器的实验条件下的散射中子能谱,进而计算了低能散射中子引起的修正量。

3、In nonrelativistic quantum tunneling, the probability that a low-energy particle will tunnel through a high potential-energy barrier varies, but it can never be 100 percent. 在非相对论性量子穿隧中,低能量粒子穿越高位能障碍的机率不一,但不可能达到100%。

4、Adler is correct in this declar that educ does not end with grpublishingu. 阿得勒这句话很无误,教育不能随着毕业而终了。

5、The first was "if you can't produce the sounds of a langua-ge acceptable, then you can't really hear them when other people make them". 第一句话是"对于一种语言如果你不能正确地发音,那么当别人发这些音时你实际上不可能听懂。"

6、In tropoter transmission it turns out that M is of the order of magnitude of 100 to 1000. 在对流层散射通讯中已证明M在100到1000的数量级。

7、C. Check for proper spelling, phrasing and sentence construction. 检查拼写,措辞和句法的正确性。

8、Long after hope has vanished, these phantom-words remain. 希望破灭许久之后,这些词句“阴魂不散”。

9、The whole place smells like the sweat from his . 整个屋子里弥漫着他袜子上散发出的脚汗味儿。

10、Dauphin is sitting on the chair lazily, he is looking a letter. 王太子查理懒散地坐在椅子上, 正把玩着一封信。

11、These elements are mainly distributed in the argumentative or lyric writings, while the narrative writings are completely made up of unparallel sentences. 这些成分集中分布在议论性和抒情性的文体中,在叙事性文体中,句式则以纯正散体为多。

12、Throughput flattens out as CPU utilization approaches 100 percent, as expected. 正如预期的,随着 CPU 利用率接近 100%,吞吐量曲线逐渐变平。

13、The achievement of PQF-Technology marks development and perfection of the MPM Technology, and it has also placed a full-stop to the course of the mandrel tube rolling technology in recent 100 years. PQF轧管工艺的成就标志着MPM轧管工艺的发展完善,也为长芯棒连轧管工艺近百年的历程画上了句号。

14、To put it differently, does the thought process discover the real? 换句话说,思维过程是否能发现实相?

15、A room of 10 people requires different energy from that needed for a room of 100. 对着10个人讲和对着100人讲,需要的力量截然不同。

16、In other words, the less volatile component is enriched up in the gas phase. 换句话说,挥发性弱的组分,在气象里的含量高。

17、Only after supper do we take a walk. (倒装句)我们只是晚饭后才散散步。

18、But I could no longer sit and look into the fire, and the pertinent words of a poet recurred to me with new force. 可是我再不能坐着凝望火焰了,有一位诗人的切题的诗句对我发生了新的力量。

19、As it turns out, King is right about dad-power. 随着它的发展,孩子王关于父亲的力量的说法是正确的。

20、The voice of wayside pansies , that do not attract the careless glance, murmurs in these desultory lines. 路边三色堇的声息引不来那粗心的目光,只能在这散乱的诗句里嘟囔。

21、Unfortunately, this also means that you do not have control over which prepared statements are pooled, only the number of statements that are cached. 但可惜的是,这也意味着您将不能控制哪个预备语句将被缓冲,而只能控制被缓存的语句的数目。

22、That train is running at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. 那列火车正以每小时100公里的速度行驶着。

23、I was outside my 100-square-foot house washing dishes, looking at the utensils with longing because I hadn't eaten in two days. 我正在我100平方英尺(9.29平方米-译注)的房子外面洗着碟子,饥渴的盯着这些餐具因为我已经两天没吃东西了。

24、This dissemination of plum wine aroma. 此酒悠悠散发着梅子香气。

25、The bourgeon rate of its spores was 100%. 测得孢子的萌发率为100%。


26、Monochromator in TEM can effectively diminish energy spread of the incident electron beam, consequently reducing the limitation on TEM's performances by chromatic aberration . 在场发射枪透射电子显微镜上增加单色器(能量过滤器)可有效降低电子束的能量色散,减小色差对电子显微镜性能的影响。

27、Taste: T degrees at his dissemination of plum wine aroma. 品鉴:此酒悠悠散发着梅子香气。

28、These allow you to quickly see where time is spent, as well as correlate transaction throughput and statement throughput over the time interval. 这些能让您快速看到时间花费在哪里,以及随着时间间隔,相关事务和语句的吞吐量。

29、If, as the Chinese proverb says, women hold up half the sky, then brace yourself—the sky is falling. 假如,像中国那句古话所说,妇女能顶半边天,当你撑起自己发现——这半边天正在陨落。

30、Point out the mistakes in the sentences and correct them. 指出句中的错误并订正。

31、Each day you loseabout 50 to 100 hairs but, when all is well with your body, an equalnumber is growing back. 正常人每天大约要掉50到100根头发,与此同时,同样数量的新头发也会长出来。

32、If you begin by trying to lift 100 lb. weights, you will probably feel overwhelmed and quickly give up. 如果你从一开始就试着举起100磅的重量,你可能会感到挫败,很快便放弃。

33、We may say that a parrot talks, but cannot say that it really speaks, because it cannot from new sentences out of the words it knows. 我们只能说鹦鹉会学舌,但我们不能说鹦鹉会真正发表讲话。因为鹦鹉不会用所知道的单词形成一些新的句子。

34、To produce the characteristic greenish glow, the energetic particles excite oxygen atoms at altitudes of 100 kilometers or more. 高能粒子激发100千米或更高处的氧原子,产生特有的绿色光辉。

35、This invites a question: what do you think I could do? 这句话引发我的一个问题:你觉得我能做什么呢?

36、Most compilers have the ability to issue warnings for statements that may cause bugs, even though these statements do not cause a compilation error. 大部分编译器都能够就可能导致问题的语句发出警告,即使这些语句并不导致编译错误。

37、One thinks of nature as "red in tooth and claw, " as the old saying goes. 有人认为正如一句古话,自然界充斥着腥牙血爪。

38、In general relativity theory, graviton is the massless tensor particle, which results in gravitation action in proportion to the energy. 在爱因斯坦引力理论下,引力子为零质量的张量粒子,它导致了粒子之间存在着正比于能量的引力作用。

39、He looked me up and down and smiled. He said, “Very nice.” 他上下打量着我,笑了起来,说了句:“真棒!”

40、With the rapid development of economy, a lot of social problems are knowed. 造句︰随着经济的快速发展,许多社会问题产生了。

41、I originally posted this on my personal blog in 2007 where it gets a steady 100-300 hits a day. 这原本是我2007年发表在我的博客中的一篇文章,还保持着日点击量100-300本。

42、Shengli NO. 100 Asphalt Was modified by SBR latex, It was found that the high temperature properties and adhesion properties of asphalt were improved greatly with increment of latex. 用丁苯胶乳对胜利100号沥青进行改性试验.发现随着胶乳掺量的增加.沥青的高温性能、 粘结性能改善幅度也大。

43、Divine remarks on Jiagu, which are the proses in the bud, lay the foundation of prose development in the sense of diction, sentence patterns and narration. 甲骨卜辞虽属萌芽状态的散文,但在用词、句式以及记事等方面为散文的发展奠定了基础。

44、With this sentence he sent me a picture of ghost! 紧跟着这句话他还发过来一张恐怖图片!

45、Taste: This dissemination of plum wine aroma. 品尝:此酒悠悠散发着梅子香气。

46、At the end of the West Han Dynasty, Wangmang usurped the leadership and waged a 15-year-old war against Gouding, driving multiple soldiers and people to immigrate to the south. 西汉末年,王莽篡夺汉位并对句町发动长达15年的战争,迫使大量句町军民南迁。

47、In the years with larger rainfall more spores were spread and resulted in heavier infection. 降雨量大的年份,孢子放散数量多,病害发生重。

48、Currently, the Force Field ability costs 30 energy with the Nullifiers energy capacity at 100. 目前原力场消耗30能量,而归零者的能量上限是100。

49、Say this sentence, the mother is open water, wash clothes. 说这句的时候,母亲正开着自来水,洗着衣服。

50、With her hair loose, meaningless tiny dressed, sitting at the computer one day, because, I waiting for you a sentence. 散着头发,无谓玓穿着,在电脑前坐一天,因为,涐在等沵一句话。


51、Read the birds will smell collection of poems in the soil, emits light of … 阅读过集的人都会闻到作者的诗句中的泥土的芬芳,散发出人性的光芒。

52、An entire financial army, in other words, is being demobilised – of all ages and ranks. 换句话说,整个金融大军正在遣散——不论年龄和职衔。

53、The energy spectrum of neutral particles is measured from 20keV to 100keV by a silicon-gold barrier detector. The pressure is about 10-6 torr, and the temperature is about-100℃. 本文叙述了应用金-硅面垒型探测器在真空度为10~(-6)托和温度为-100℃左右的条件下,测量能量为20—100千电子伏中性粒子的能谱。

54、I was outside my 100-square-foot house washing dishes, looking at the utensils with longing because I hadn’t eaten in two days. 我正在我100平方英尺(9.29平方米-译注)的房子外面洗着碟子,饥渴的盯着这些餐具因为我已经两天没吃东西了。

55、But although small, the flare are still up to 100 times brighter than Sgr A*'s background emissions. 但是尽管射线很少,耀斑的光却仍能比Sgr A*的背景散发物的光亮100多倍。

56、On the nose cherry and ripe plums, spiced with vanilla. 散发着樱桃、成熟李子及香草辛香。

57、Meausuring time also implies situating events in relation to each other in other words dating them. 测量时间还意味着确定事件相互之间的时间关系,换句话说,即标明这些事件发生的年月日。

58、If you write E-mail in English, please check your spellings and ensure that you are truely expressing what you are trying to say. 如果你用英语发邮件时,请多次检查一下你的每一个字是否正确; 每一句话是否能正确的表达你的意思。

59、On behalf of everyone who has ever worked next to a co-worker who smells like he just ran a marathon, we thank you for trying not to smell bad. 为那些曾坐在散发着汗臭味、彷佛刚跑过马拉松的同事旁边工作过的人说句公道话,我们挺谢谢你的努力。

60、The initial objective of the prototype was to prove that 1 liter of fuel could deliver 100 kilos of travel. 这款车在正常情况下能够保证一升汽油能够行带起100公斤的重量。

61、Home is where you can say anything you like 'cause ody listens to you anyway. 家是你想说什么就说什么的地方,因为反正也没人听。注:前半句说明家是自由的港湾,你可以发泄倾诉,后半句说在家里没人搭理你。

62、Furthermore, repetition usually plays the role of cohesion in conversations, mainly the functions of in-sentence cohesion and inter-sentence cohesion. 重复在语篇中起着衔接上下话语的作用,主要具有句内衔接和跨句衔接两方面的功能。

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