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  • 2022-07-29 10:10:22
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关于”清明节的古诗“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Ancient poems on the Qingming Festival。以下是关于清明节的古诗的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Ancient poems on the Qingming Festival

1、Yuan poem developed with the historic process of Mongolians unification of the north part of China, the unification of the whole country and the division of the country by Yuan and Ming Dynasties. 元诗发展大体与蒙古统一北方、统一全国和元明鼎革的历史进程相对应。

2、The fraud novel , which was an important genre of Chinese classical novels, originated in Tang dynasty and flourished in Ming or Qing dynasty. 小说是中国古代的一种重要小说类型,起源于唐,兴盛于明、清,对中国古代小说的各种文体、各种类型都有所渗透。

3、Popular to eastern Inner Mongolia, Kerchin style performers use the pads of their fingers to press the strings generating a light, muted tone. 土尔古特演奏法流行于内蒙古的西部,以指甲从弦侧触弦发音,音色清晰、明亮,宜于奏出丰富的泛音,富有草原特色。

4、Two basic exhibitions"Chongming Island History and Ancient Boats"and"Chongming Folk"in the museum have definite themes, clear context, informative contents and rich exhibits. 博物馆内现有“崇明岛史与古船”、“崇明民俗”两个基本陈列,其主题鲜明,脉络清晰,内容翔实,展品丰富。

5、The difficulties were made clear in articles by Nicholas Wade and Andrew Pollack in The Times this month. 这个月尼古拉斯·韦德和安德鲁·波拉克在本报发表的文章清楚地表明了困难所在。

6、Pingyao Ancient City (Shanxi) is a large building composed of complete city walls, lanes and residences, the most complete antitype of county of Ming and Qing Dynasty. 平遥古城是由完整的城墙、街巷和民居组成的大型古城建筑群,是中国境内迄今保存最完整的明清时期的县城原型。

7、Eating Sanzi (or deep-fried dough twist)on Qingming Festival is a convention throughout China. Sanzi is a kind of fried food. People called it cold food in the old days. 中国人有在清明节时吃“馓子”(或者叫油炸面团)的习俗,馓子是一种油炸食品,古时候被称为“寒具”。

8、UNSECON said, "The Ancient City of Pingyao is an outstanding examples of a Han Chinese city of the Ming and Qing Dynasties." UNSECON说:“平遥古城是一个突出的例子的汉族城市的明清时期。

9、On the other hand, some deciduous gymnosperms including Ginkgoales, and the presence of growth rings in the fossil secondary wood, indicate seasonal changes. 另一方面,落叶的银杏类和松柏类,以及裸子植物木化石中具有清楚的生长轮,又说明该地区的古气候存在着季节变化。

10、Xu Can was well-known as a woman writer during the late Ming and early Qing period, who was spoken highly by people living in the Qing Dynasty and looked up to as Li Qingzhao. 徐灿是明末清初的著名女词人,清人对其评价甚高,认为可与李清照并峙千古。

11、The archeologist discovered the remains of an ancient culture. 考古学家发现了一处古文明遗址。

12、The maturity of learning case style between the Ming and Qing dynasties marks the maturity of ancient Chinese academic style and also one of the creations of ancient Chinese historiography style. 明清之际学案体的成熟是中国古代学术史体例成熟的标志,也是中国古代史学体裁的一大创新。

13、In the old days, Ching Ming was celebrated 3 days after the Cold Food Day but Cold Food Day was shorted to one day and then abandoned. 在古早清明节是庆祝3天之后,寒食一天,但寒食一天缩短了1天,然后被遗弃。

14、The ancients had endowed "Poetry Today": "Today's complex today, today, fewer repeat itself! Today not as a matter of when. Person-years a few today, today is not a pity! 古人有赋“诗今天”:“今天的复杂的今天,今天少重演今天不作为的问题时人年几今日,今日不可惜无论如果该语句是明明!

15、Guide not only to Ming City famous for medicated bath spa, plateau and dynamic Qinghai. 贵德不仅以明清古城闻名,也因高原药浴温泉而名动青海。

16、The village of Tangmo grew as time passed from Song and Yuan dynasty, and developed in Ming and Qing dynasty. 唐模古村经宋、元发展,到明、清时期逐渐强盛。特别是清初最为鼎盛,这与历史上徽商的发展时间基本上吻合。

17、Is a history of deep, ancientyun ji , a beautiful ancient village millennium. 是一个历史渊深、古建蕴积、山清水秀的千年古村落。

18、Artificial Landscape Architects play an important part in gardening design in ancient China, which has a deep influence on Chinese ancient horticulture, especially the one in both Ming Qing Dynasty. 职业叠山家是我国古代造园家群体的重要组成部分,其对我国古代尤其是明清园林艺术的发展有着深刻的影响。

19、This has annotated the spirit of the Gutian Meeting and clarified "the Gutian spirit". 科学诠释了古田会议精神,澄清了“古田精神”一说。

20、The discovery of the Qinghezhen fauna shows that during the Early Palaeozoic there occurred a significant event in the North China geosyncline. 清河镇动物群的存在说明我国北部地槽区早古生代早期的一次重大生物事件。

21、With this in mind, we can have a clearer understanding of the richness and unity in TAO Yuan-mings poems. 把握了这一点,我们才能对陶渊明诗歌内容的丰富性和统一性有一个更清晰的认识。

22、Pingyao, which has experienced many changes, now becomes the most complete ancient town of Ming and Qing dynasty. 平遥古城历尽沧桑、几经变迁,成为国内现存最完整的一座明清时期中国古代县城的原型。

23、It is the Ming and Qing dynasties of the palace, but also the world's largest existing, building the most magnificent and best preserved of the ancient palaces and ancient buildings. 它是明、清两代的皇宫,也是当今世界上现存规模最大、建筑最雄伟、保存最完整的古代宫殿和古建筑群。

24、The city a large number of the Ming and Qing residential and garden, Doosan Street, and some streets still basically maintained the Ming and Qing era of style. 歙县城池始建于明朝,现保存有古谯楼及部分城垣。城内有大量明、清住宅及庭园,斗山街等一些街巷还基本保持着明、清时代风格。

25、The collection consists of a mix of ancient and modern art – relics from Ming and Qing dynasties as well as contemporary exhibitions. 整个博物馆展览了古典与现代的艺术文物——从明清到当代的艺术展览。


26、According to the investigation, there are 40 ancient big iron pillars remained in China. 据查,我国古代存留至今的大铁柱,还有40根,分别铸造于唐、宋、明、清各代。

27、The residences are all Siheyuan (quadrangles) made of black bricks and grey tiles with clear axes and bilateral symmetry. 城内古居民宅全是清一色青砖灰瓦的四合院。轴线明确,左右对称。

28、The latter Ming dynasty time lofty solemn opinion the sketch is in the Chinese classical literature history one kind of special literary style. 晚明时期的清言小品是中国古典文学历史上一种特殊的文体。

29、This clearly shown how ancient Greeks acquried Egyptian art during the Archaic era. 这清楚地说明了古风时代希腊人是如何欣赏埃及艺术的。

30、A number of ancient sites and gardens dating back to Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties have been well preserved. 迄今仍保留着我国唐、宋、元、明、清以来的若干古迹和富有特色的园林。

31、While farming , i studied ancient Chinese philosophies, yuanqu, and novels and stories of the Ming and Qing dynasties. 我一边工作一边学习中国古代哲学、元曲和明清小说。

32、Gu Lin is not only a famous literator in the middle of Ming Dynasty, but also one of the most important revivalistic poets in the middle Ming Dynasty. 顾璘身为明代中期文坛上的一个文学大家,也是明代中期诗歌复古派的重要成员之一。

33、It's purpose is to help people know the general regularity of those appellations and differentiate them correctly so that they can avoid misinterpretation and misunderstanding. 对此现象进行逐类诠释说明,有助于人们了解古代人名称谓的一般规律,正确分辨古诗文中人名的特殊称谓,避免曲解或误解。

34、This knowledge will provide a clear perspective and help us to understand correctly the ancient Chinese artistic spirit. 厘清“气韵”的含义对于我们正确地把握和理解中国古代艺术精神,将起到正本清源、明晰分理的作用。

35、There are altogether 305 couplets, which have existed since the Ming or Qing Dynasty, in the Laos' old houses accessible to tourists. 在现在开放作景点的劳氏古宅中,从明、清两朝沿用至今的楹联共计305副。

36、On design style, classic pure and fresh quietly elegant and contemporary Ming Yan are lively develop incisively and vividly. 在设计风格上,古典的清新淡雅和现代的明艳欢快都发挥得淋漓尽致。

37、Deep and shallow, with the solid texture of fabric, village style of the classical Chinese Ming furniture, blending Chinese and Western, fashion and beauty. 深与浅,实木质地与布艺、乡村风格里加入中国明清古典家具, 中西合璧,时尚又古朴。

38、Walking in the town Qingshi street, as if into the Ming and Qing Dynasties history. 信步在古镇青石铺就的街巷中,仿佛走进了明清社会的历史画卷。

39、The history of poetry in late Ming and early Qing dynasty is a history of Qi-qi, Chu-feng and Wu-sheng competing and tolerating with one another. 晚明清初诗史即是齐气、楚风与吴声相互抗争、相互包容的历史。

40、Beijing, church Classical Furniture Co. , Ltd. was founded in 2000, is China's earliest collection operation in North China Chinese classical furniture one of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 北京华圣堂古典家具有限公司创建于2000年,是中国华北地区最早收藏经营中式明清古典家具企业之一。

41、The ancient buildings of Ming and Qing dynasties may be a ue picture the town leaves of its old times, still, its relevant background of human culture remains unknown. 依稀尚存的明清古建筑群是古镇留给世人真实可睹的旧日姿态,与其相关的人文背景并不被众人所知。

42、Eight things, beautiful Qingxi Town - the stream of the sky is so blue, the water is so clear! 看点八、美丽的清溪古镇-清溪湖畔的天是那么蓝,水是那么的清!

43、The construction of this ancient complex, including the surrounding teahouses, restaurants and stores were all built in the style of the Ming and Qing dynasties. 夫子庙古建筑群,包括周围的茶馆、酒楼、店铺等建筑都是明清风格。

44、In ancient times people do not see the moon, moon Ceng Zhao of old people. 不见古时人,曾照古时人。

45、However, the old saying that “ moderation is the key to life” can definitely be used in this example especially. 然而,古语有言:生活关键在于适度。正好可以清楚的说明这个例子。

46、Classic Utilitarianism in China in turn experienced two stages: Utilitarianism in Pre Qin Period and Utilitarianism in Ming and Qing Dynasties. 古典功利论在中国依次经历了先秦功利论和明、清功利论两个阶段。

47、These imitations of Qing-dynasty-style buildings are of quiet elegance and classic beauty. 这些仿清建筑,幽雅别致,古色古香。

48、Among them, major sites are the architecture of Ancient Times and Modern Times, the ancient inscriptions on tablets and the traditional street networks formed in Ming and Qing Dynasties. 主要有古代、近代建筑、古碑刻以及由南门湾、花街、南正街、儒林街和肖家巷组成的明清传统街道网。

49、Chapter one has presented different forms and significance of foreign-related judiciary in Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. 文章第一章阐述了我国古代唐、宋、元、明、清初各朝涉外法权的表现形式及其意义。

50、Anzhen Bridge in north Ming furniture and a display of ancient artifacts Tambo Hall seemed cents obscure. 在安贞桥北边一个以展示明清家具及各种古代文物的坦博艺苑显得有些毫不起眼。


51、Ancient chronicles, epics and medieval foreign writers' notes bear all evidence that the Slavs were extremely fond of music. 古代编年史,史诗和中世纪的作家外国纸币承担一切证据表明,斯拉夫人都非常喜欢音乐的。

52、Combination of poetics in form and utility in connotation is the distinguishing ethnic feature of ancient Chinese literary theories. 形态的诗性化与内涵的功利主义相结合是中国古代文论鲜明的民族特色。

53、Meanwhile, it also shows that the thematic structures and information can be adopted as one of the standards to evaluate the English translations of ancient poems. 说明主位和信息结构可以作为分析评价古诗英译文的标准之一。

54、Various Han through Qing Monuments. 汉代到清代的各式古迹

55、Have collection of antique curio, like Jingtai vases, Jun, pots of gold and so on. 有收藏的古董古玩,像景泰花瓶、钧瓷、清中期的鎏金花盆等。

56、In Wutian village, Dalu town, Tongshan county, there is an ancient residential houses which is the existing largest Ming and Qing residential house, it was one the house of magistrate of Yun county. 通山县大路乡吴田村畈上王自然湾,是清末知县王明通山大夫第璠的府第,是湖北省现存的明清建筑中规模最大的古民居民宅。

57、From ancient times to present, Guangfu is the land of rosewood carving. Since Ming & Qing Dynasties, it has become renowned far and near. 光福自古是红木雕刻之乡,早在明清时期便已闻名遐迩。

58、Secretary under the town, who had been hailed as "little Shanghai", the "pearl of the river water" reputation. 问题补充: 下司古镇,曾被人誉为“小上海”、有“清水江上的明珠”之美称。

59、Notes on poets and poetry of the Qing Dynasty "Quan-song-shi-hua"in the Library of Tsinghua University has rarely been studied for its rarity. 清代是诗话繁荣的时期,珍藏于清华大学图书馆的《全宋诗话》因世所仅见而无人研究。

60、The levels of the selenium in serum and wool in German mutton merino were significantly lower than those in Mongolian sheep(P<0.01). 测定结果表明,德美肉羊和蒙古羊血清和被毛硒含量极显著低于蒙古羊(P<0.01);

61、You will still see some stone windows on antiquated houses of Ming, Qing dynasty when you are wandering about some small and old towns in Zhejiang or Jiangshu province if you are lucky enough. 如果你漫步于江浙一带的古城小镇,或许你仍会有幸看到那些镶嵌于明清古宅中原汁原味的石窗。

62、YANG Yun-fu's Poems on Luanjing(the capital in the Yuan Dynasty) unfolds before the readers a picture of fresh and glorious prairies of Inner Mongolia. 《滦京杂咏》有许多描写蒙古大草原清新壮丽风光的诗篇,还有不少受人称道的风韵之作。

63、Residential House: Tongli Town deserves its reputation of a 'museum of ancient architectures' as there are good many houses and temples dating from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 住宅楼:同里镇不愧为'古文物博物馆'。这里有很多明清时期的古建筑和庙宇。

64、The temple had been preserved and constructed in Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. 以后唐、宋、元、明、清各代都进行修建,从古到今人们都热爱和平寺。

65、The tea-horse trade on this road began from Tang Dynasty, developed at Song Dynasty, flourished at Ming Dynasty, and declined at Qing Dynasty. 这条古道上的茶马贸易始于唐,兴于宋,盛于明,衰于清。

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