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关于环保的英语句子 13个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-23 07:37:22
  • 107

关于环保的英语句子 13个

1. It is our duty to protect the planet and preserve it for future generations. 我们有责任保护地球,为未来的世代保存它。

2. We need to reduce our carbon footprint and use more renewable energy sources. 我们需要减少碳足迹并使用更多的可再生能源。

3. Recycling is a simple but effective way to reduce waste and conserve resources. 回收是减少浪费和保护资源的简单而有效的方法。

4. Air pollution is a major problem in many cities around the world. 空气染是全世界许多城市面临的主要问题。

5. We should try to use public transportation or carpool to reduce traffic congestion and emissions. 我们应该尝试使用公共交通或拼车来减少交通拥堵和排放。

6. The destruction of natural habitats and ecosystems is a serious threat to biodiversity. 自然栖息地和生态系统的对生物多样性构成严重威胁。

7. We need to conserve water and avoid wasting it unnecessarily. 我们需要节约用水并避免不必要的浪费。

8. Plastic pollution is harming marine life and damaging the oceans. 塑料染正在损害海洋生物并海洋。

9. Deforestation is a major cause of climate change and loss of biodiversity. 森林砍伐是气候变化和生物多样性丧失的主要原因。

10. We should support companies and organizations that are committed to sustainability and environmental protection. 我们应该支持致力于可持续发展和环境保护的公司和组织。

11. Green spaces and parks are important for our physical and mental well-being, as well as for the environment. 绿地和公园对我们的身心健康以及环境都非常重要。

12. It is important to properly dispose of hazardous waste to prevent contamination of the soil and water. 妥善处理有害废物以防止染土壤和水源非常重要。

13. Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. 可再生能源如太阳能和风能可以帮助我们减少对化石燃料的依赖。

14. We should choose environmentally-friendly products and packaging to reduce waste and pollution. 我们应该选择环保的产品和包装来减少浪费和染。

15. Climate change is a global crisis that requires urgent action from governments, businesses, and individuals. 气候变化是全球危机,需要、企业和个人采取紧急行动。

16. We all have a role to play in protecting the environment and creating a more sustainable future. 我们都扮演着保护环境和创造更可持续未来的角色。

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