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  • 2022-08-06 08:31:11
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关于”描写花的诗歌“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Poetry about flowers。以下是关于描写花的诗歌的四年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry about flowers

1、The contemporary poetry forms two major trends after hazy poem , what we call them Secular writing and Extensive intellectual writing . 当代诗歌在“朦胧诗”后形成了二股大的流向,即所谓的“俗化写作”和“泛知识分子写作“。

2、It was the setting for almost all of his novels, almost all of his poetry. 这一视角也是他写小说和诗歌的视角。

3、Homer composed two epics: (the) one is about the fall of Troy, the other about Ulysses' journey. 荷马写过两部史诗,一部关于特洛伊的陷落,另一部关于尤里西斯的旅行。

4、China is in the realm of poetry, but also spent country. 中国是诗的王国,更是花的国度。

5、It will mean reading alot of poems and writing about them some. 这意味着我们会读很多的诗歌,写赏析的文章。

6、As an artisan, the poet is most concerned with effectively developing the poem's structure, for the artist realizes that the meaning of a text emerges from its structure. 诗人就是艺匠,诗人最关心的是设计有效的诗歌结构,因为艺术家明白文本的意义源自于文本的结构。

7、Tao Yuanming's "take prose as poem" firstly is a method of writing, a technique of poetic art expression, and has no relationship with the "movement". 陶渊明的“以文为诗”首先是一个写作方法问题,是诗歌艺术表现手法,跟“运动”不“运动”实在是没有什么关系!

8、Chhabi o Gan, Picture and Songs, was the title of a book of poems most of which were written at this time. 《画与歌》是一本诗集的名字,其中大部分的诗都是这个时期写的。

9、Thus, it was help fal to understand Du Fu and his poesy that paying attention to Du Fu's poesy of this period. 因此关注此时杜甫诗歌创作.对于理解杜甫及其创作诗风大有裨益。

10、West of Guling is the Flowerpath where the noted poet of the Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi, wrote poems expressing his admiration of the peach blossoms. 牯岭西是的Flowerpath 在哪里白居易,唐代著名的诗人写诗言志钦佩的桃花。

11、Poets, who can not afford flowers, express themselves by flower-like words instead. 诗人是买不起花来表达,故而用花一般的语言表达的人。

12、Bold, handsome woodcuts reinforce the powerful drama depicted in poetry. 大胆的,英俊的强大戏剧木刻加强在诗歌描绘。

13、China is a kingdom of poetry in the country, but also flowers. 中国是诗的王国,更是花的国度。

14、Take a poem with a strong story and re-write it as prose. 找一篇故事性强的诗歌,用散文的形式重写。

15、I'll say more about this next time with reference to Yeats's late poetry. 下次我会多谈些这方面的,关于叶芝晚期诗歌的内容。

16、And the poem goes on, and this is the tone of a poem. It's a poem of crisis, a poem of a kind of hollow speaker, someone who emerges as, more or less, buried alive. And this is supposed to reflect both personal crisis and a historical crisis. 然后这首诗继续娓娓道来,这就是诗歌的韵律,这是首关于危机的诗,关于一个有点言之无物的叙述者,最后活活烧死的诗,这恰好反映了,个人和历史的危机。

17、From the poem, I am deeply feeling that windflower is the most beautiful thing which we should not touch. 听完诗歌,我深切的感受到“风飞花”是如此的美丽,我们不应该轻易的去碰它。

18、“Anyway, ” Tovah said, “I’ve been working on a poem cycle about you.” “不管怎样,”托娃说,“我已经开始写关于你的组诗了。”

19、This monumentality , mild and poetic, dialogs with the image of the garden. 这个纪念碑,温和和诗歌与花园的形象,对话。

20、So Beasts of England was heard no more. In its place Minimus, the poet, had composed another song which began. 于是再也听不到“英格兰兽”这首歌了,取而代之的,是善写诗的梅尼缪斯写的另外一首歌,它是这样开头的。

21、The great poet Pindar wrote poems of praise in memory of the winners of the laurel or wild olive wreath. 伟大的诗人品达,曾为那些获得桂冠或橄榄枝编织的花环的优胜者,写下了赞诗。

22、I wrote this sappy love song. 我写了这首相当花痴的爱情歌曲。

23、Humanity's mother tongue is song and poetry, as garden becomes sports fields, painting becomes alphabets, expression becomes debate, fable become dissertations, barter becomes commerce…. 人类的母语是诗歌,如同花园早于竞技场,绘画早于文字创作,演唱早于辩论,寓言早于论文,以物易物早于商业行为。

24、They mostly agreed with the post-modern western writing strategies and ended the writing of sacred po-ems. 它们集体地认同于后现代的写作策略,结束了神圣诗歌的时期。

25、She is skilled in the art of poetry writing, and she uses a variety of artistic techniques, mainly in three metrical which are using the code skillfully, experts in tracing and good at rhythms. 李冶娴熟于诗歌的创作艺术,在诗歌创作中表现出了多样的艺术手法,主要表现为巧于用典、精于描摹、工于格律三个方面。


26、That wonderful poem was just a fluff in the pan; he'll never write another. 他那一首诗属昙花一现的成功,他再也写不出第二首了。

27、I had composed some verses on The Lotus which I recited to Nabagopal Babu then and there, at the foot of the stairs, in a voice pitched as high as my enthusiasm. 我写了一首关于莲花的诗,就在楼梯口当场朗诵给拿巴戈帕尔先生听,音调之高,犹如我的热情之高涨。

28、China is the kingdom, but the flower kingdom. 中国是诗的王国,更是花的国度。

29、But the thing is, how to write a poem about a crushed frog out of respect for Chinese poets? 而事情是,怎样去为中国诗人写一首诗,关于一只由于尊敬而被踩扁的青蛙?

30、Disciple Hong Fu spent 3 days to write up the request attached for these two poems. 弟子虹福花了三天的时间写了附呈之两首诗的提请文。

31、I started writing because poetry sets me free, sir, and I’m never going to stop, he said, with a smile that barely hid his pride and determination. 我开始写诗因为诗歌能释放我的心灵,先生,我绝对不会停止写诗的,他说,露出他那掩饰不住的自豪和决心。

32、Furthermore , the article presents A'long's meditation on "sin" and special comprehension for the symbol of "flower". 文章最后还探讨了阿垅在诗歌中关于“罪”的深思和对“花”这一意象的独特理解。

33、It's almost as if the flower passage is Milton's reward for having written the Saint Peter passage. 似乎描写花朵的段落是对于弥尔顿,描写过圣彼得的章落之后的奖赏。

34、The author holds that, by borrowing symbolism from the West, Li Jinfa expressed his deep understanding of life in a foreign land. 李金发诗歌借用西方象徵主义的表现手法,书写诗人对异域生存的理解。

35、Not only is Pu good at writing legend and mystery stories, but also expert in poetry and folk songs; 蒲氏擅写传奇怪谈小说,更长于诗歌俚曲;

36、With regard to futurist poetry,however,the case is rather difficult,for whatever futurist poetry may be—even admitting 然而关于未来派诗歌,情况就复杂得多,因为不管未来派诗歌到底是什么,—即使承认它有正确的理论基础——我们都很难称之为文。

37、I have a number of columns of poetry that I do in Japanese. 我一些关于诗的专栏,都是用日文写的。

38、A delightful bilingual potpourri of links, poems, trivia, articles, etc. about language and translation from the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe. 一个令人愉快的双语花香环节,诗歌,琐事,文章,关于语言和来自法国的瓜德罗普岛加勒比岛国翻译等。

39、perfect sweetness had blossomed in the depth of my own heart. 莲花开放的那天,哎,我不32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333330333565自觉地在心魂飘荡。

40、In the abundant content that the Poetry Garden in Tang Dynasty, the description of window is rich and colorful. 在唐代园林诗所蕴涵的丰富内容中,对于窗的描写可谓丰富多彩。

41、There are innumerable canticles sand untold poems. surprises one by one show before us, miracles one after another make us daze. 唱不完的赞歌,写不完美诗,一个个惊喜展现在我们面前,一座座奇迹另我们眼花缭乱。

42、Eliot was there, in that essay on the metaphysical poets that I'm quoting from, defending as necessary what is the primary characteristic, not only of his own poetry, but really of modern poetry generally, what is often called its difficulty. 艾略特在描写那些抽象派诗人的文章里,就是我引用的那篇,极力维护,诗人的首要特征,不仅是因为他自身的诗性,更因为维护现代诗歌的必要,这是非常困难的一件事。

43、Bored with his professors' directive to research farm equipment, Mr. Yu says, he spent much of his four years writing poetry. 他说,由于厌倦了教授让他研究农业机械的指示,他海外求学的四年中把大部分时间都花在了写诗上。

44、In terms of content Lin Huiyin's poetry mainly sings and delineates her personal life and emotion; 林徽因的诗歌从内容上看侧重于对个人生活、个人情感的吟唱与描绘;

45、There's an extraordinary sense of verbal chaos, a kind of word d that modern poetry and modernism -generally, a kind of linguistic environment of great complexity from which modern poetry and modernism emerge. 这里关于口头言论的混乱有一种独特的理解,关于现代诗歌和现代性的隐藏理解,总之,是一种关于语言环境的庞大复杂性的理解,现代诗歌和现代性即是由此产生发展。

46、There is nothing more poetic than a flowering cherry tree . 没有什么能比花团锦簇的樱花树更富有诗意了。

47、The media of the Yuanjia poem takes the writing media as the core; 元嘉体诗歌的媒介主要是以书写媒介为主;

48、Buy her flowers and chocolates, write poems, sing to her or even spell out her name with rose petals! 除此之外,男孩还要为女朋友买花和巧克力,为她写诗,为她歌唱,甚至还要用玫瑰花瓣拼出女孩的名字。

49、Around 1850 Dickinson started to write poems, first in fairly conventional style, but after ten years of practice she began to give room for experiments. 大约于1850年开始写诗,起初风格传统,但经近十年的磨练,实验性特征开始在其诗歌中显现。

50、Almanac has been written on time, all kinds of awards have been perfunctorily reviewed, and special conferences of research on poetry convened annually. 每年都按时书写自己的年鉴,敷衍地评选出各种不同的诗歌奖项,召开若干次关于诗的专门研究会议。


51、His "colloquial" poems access to the living existence directly , by writing daily life to reveal language truth and nature. 于坚“口语化”的诗性言说直接进入生命存在,以书写生活常态显现出诗歌语言的真实和本色。

52、This implies that I will temporarily cease the writing of long poem "Divine prophecy", turn to think over something beside poetry. 这意味着,我将暂时停止写作长诗《神谕》,转而思考一些诗歌之外的东西。

53、The young would gather in leafy glades or ornamental gardens, where they would listen to music and hear poetry read, then they would stroll off with their valentin together into the gardens. 年轻人会聚集在林间空地或者怡人花园之中,欣赏音乐和诗歌,然后和情人徜徉于花园之中。

54、Concerned human metamorphosis were depicted in the two same name novels, Metamorphosis wrote by ancient Rome writer Ovid, Die Verwandlung by Austria writer Franz Kafka. 在古罗马诗人奥维德与奥地利作家卡夫卡的同名作品《变形记》中,都有关于人类变形的描写。

55、perfect sweetness had blossomed in the depth of my own heart. 莲花开放的那天,哎,我不自觉地在心魂飘荡。

56、Iconicity functions both in cognition and representation. As a rhetoric device, language iconicity is found in every aspect of poetry helping to create images and bring about harmony. 象似性体现于人的认知过程中,又作用于人对客观世界自然、真实的描绘,语言象似性遍及诗歌的各个层面,起到修辞的效果,帮助实现诗歌形意和谐的审美功能。

57、Early modern Chinese length narrative poetry is the embryo of modern narrative poetry. 早期现代长篇叙事诗是现代叙事诗最初的花朵,不可多得的菁华之作。

58、His discussions of Chinese poetry provide a useful perspective of comparative literature. 丁韪良关于中国诗歌的论述为后人提供了比较文学的视角。

59、Ancient poems said" mountains multiply and streams double back no doubt, there is a way out." 现代诗词道“山重火复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”恰是那二心理的写照。

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