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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-26 11:24:43
  • 88


关于”鼓励自己的话“的英语句子33个,句子主体:Words of encouragement。以下是关于鼓励自己的话的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Words of encouragement

1、Organizations of all sizes can encourage everyone, from C-level leaders to junior hires, to pursue their convictions. 企业无论规模大小,都应该鼓励每个员工追求自己的信念,从最高管理者到低层雇员都不例外。

2、A big reason for using a coach is it can be very hard to find support and encouragement - even from family and friends. 找一个教练最大的理由就在于你自己是很难获得帮助及鼓励的——即使是从家人及朋友那儿。

3、We encourage you to take what you have learned here and attempt to write your own solution to our puzzle. 我们鼓励您运用在这里学到的东西,并尝试编写您自己的对于这个难题的解决方案。

4、Encourage them to be self-forgiving when they make mistakes--help them to see what they have learned from them and what you have learned from yours. 当他们犯了错误时,鼓励他们原谅自己——帮助他们学会从错误中获得教益并告诉他们你从自己的错误中得到了什么教训。

5、Jia know right bridge and love upstream of the mood, with food metaphor, encourage the upstream stick to your belief confesses to rise. 正桥与爱嘉了解上游的心情,便以食物来作比喻,鼓励上游坚守自己的信念向上升坦白。

6、When it comes to encouraging your bright subordinates to make the extra effort, Lamb has two suggestions. 至于如何鼓励你那些朝气蓬勃的下属,让他们在自己的写作上花点儿心思,莱姆提出了两项建议。

7、He knew from bitter experience what courage it took to ask a favor from a fellow man. 从他自己的悲惨的经历他就知道,那样的一拍对一个来求人帮忙的人来说是多么大的一个鼓励。

8、When politicians implore me to go shopping to “improve the economy, ” I’m inspired to swap, borrow, and make do with what I have. 政客们恳求我去购物来“改善经济”,鼓励我去购物、借贷,凑乎着用自己的东西。

9、"If a shy individual is paired with a very bold individual, the latter 'inspires' the former into becoming a very faithful follower, " Manica said. Manica说,一个胆小的个体与胆大的个体在一起,后者会鼓励前者称成为自己忠实的跟随者。

10、Yoga's core principles can motivate you to take meaningful actions that are good for the planet and also appropriate for you, whatever your cirtances. 瑜伽的核心要义鼓励你做出有意义的行动,益于这个星球的也益于你自己的。

11、Have support for when you falter — either in real life or online. 自己产生怀疑和放弃的念头时须有人鼓励支持——这种支持可以是现实生活中的或是网络虚拟世界的。

12、Farmers nationwide were encouraged, sometimes with cash payments, to stop cultivating their land and to plant native and perennial gr. 全国农民受到鼓励(有时付给现金)放弃耕种自己的土地,而去种植天然牧草和多年生牧草。

13、Jiang yuan know real will be obsolete before their own plans after the overseas push light, no resentment instead encourage real work hard to take care of niura y by heart. 蒋元知道晓阳将自己之前废弃的计划在懋光推行后,没有表示反感反而鼓励晓阳努力工作以用心照顾蒋励。

14、In order to encourage moral confidence of normal people, Mencius declaimed that human nature is kind. 他主张性善,就是鼓励人们的道德自信;

15、She will encourage her 10-year-old twin daughters to hew to similar values when they start their college search, she says. 她说,等自己十岁的双胞胎女儿选择大学时,她会鼓励她们秉承同样的价值理念。

16、In addition, giving yourself positive reinforcement after each small achievement will help you even more in keeping the momentum going. 而且,在每一次小有成就后给你自己正面地鼓励会帮助你更加保持这一势头。

17、My father knows plenty of things in many fields bring me positive energy and encourage me to strive for the higher goals. 我的父亲在很多领域都有知识储备,他总是带给我正能量而且鼓励我为自己的目标努力奋斗。

18、In the afternoon, in the small leap and everyone's teacher encouraged, I stepped onto the platform and sang to belong to my own song… 就在那个午后,在小闫老师和大家的鼓励下,我走上了讲台,唱起了属于我自己的歌……

19、The supremely confident – or arrogant – should be warned that, even if their interlocutor reciprocates, this may not necessarily be a "come on". 强烈的自信心——或者叫自大——应该被提醒注意,即使谈话者们对此报以热情,也不应被视为该受到鼓励的事。

20、He talked about his mentee and his new, soon to be published book, and encouraged us all to find someone to be our own GTY person. 他说了他的聆听者、他即将出版的新书,并且鼓励我们寻找我们自己的聆听教导者。

21、My line is that we can try to change behaviour, but it might be more effective to change the conditions that encourage our behaviours. 我的路线是,我们可以尝试改变自己的行为,但它可能是更有效地改变条件,鼓励我们的行为。

22、Encourage someone to talk about themselves by asking questions like, “What do you do for a living? ” or “What kinds of movies do you like? 鼓励人们去说他们自己,想这样的一些问题,"你是坐什么工作的"或者“你喜欢什么类型的影片?”

23、B. Encourage the candidate to connect with those in the field, and to research the career, job opportunities and educational requirements. 鼓励来询者联系自己职业意向领域的从业人员,对新的职业、工作机会及教育要求进行探索;

24、Canyoneering is fun and we encourage you to explore, but remember that your safety is your responsibility. 翻译如下,“峡谷探险是非常有趣的,我们也鼓励大家去探索,但是请记住,你应该对你自己的安全负责。

25、In Mrs. McCampbell's class, I wasn't just taught about great literature, I was encouraged to have something to say. 在麦坎贝尔夫人的课上,她不但教我有关文学巨著的知识,还鼓励我说出自己的想法。


26、Encourage contact by letting the dog sniff the scent of the person's hand, allowing the pup to come on his own. Chasing a dog scares him. 通过让狗狗嗅他人手上的气味,让它们自己来能鼓励它们接触他人。

27、Claudia had tried to encourage her to tell him how she felt for him. But the occasion never showed, and now will never show. 克劳迪亚曾鼓励她向他说出自己的感受,但是这样的机会永远失去了,现在机会再也不会出现。

28、And, in fact, that's much what this is: doctors are encouraged to think of themselves not only as healthcare providers, but as individual economic actors competing in the free market. 事实上,很大程度上就是这么回事:鼓励医生不仅把自己看作白衣天使,还要把自己看作在自由市场上参与竞争的经济人。

29、Frank needs to encourage him to play freely irrespective of his mistakes. 佛兰克应当鼓励他,允许他犯错误。

30、He did this by encouraging the people living in traditional villages around Lake Pátzcuaro to develop unique crafts, which they could use for trading. 他的做法是鼓励住在帕慈库罗湖周边传统村落里的人发展自己独特的手工艺品,用于交易。

31、Although she herself had given birth at home, she encouraged her daughter-in-law Karamjeet to give birth at a health centre. 虽然她自己以往是在家分娩,但她鼓励儿媳Karamjeet在卫生保健中心分娩。

32、She encouraged me to think about what I wanted — short-term and in the future — and then to use my money within a plan. 她鼓励我想自己到底需要什么,现在想要的还有以后想要的,然后有计划的花钱。

33、My self-trust comes from my ability and your encouragement. my hope depends on your insight. 我的自信,来自我的能力与您的鼓励。我的希望。

34、There are steps you can take, however, to encourage your daughter to love her body, regardless of its shape or size. 不过,您可以采取一些措施,鼓励您女儿不论体形胖瘦如何,都可以去爱自己。

35、YouTube is encouraging average citizens to document the campaign and provide their own insights using small, affordable camcorders and computers. YouTube鼓励每一位市民利用小型、低价位的便携式摄像机和电脑记录竞选并提出他们自己的见解。

36、For example, someone who says they have a good sense of humor could try telling jokes to lighten up business meetings or cheer up sad friends. 例如,有人表示自己有幽默感,那 么他就可以尝试用讲笑话的方式来打消商务会议的沉闷或者鼓励悲伤 的朋友重新振奋。

37、Second, the leader's role is to encourage the group's self-leadership. 第二,领导的角色是鼓励团队自我领导的。

38、And it has influenced me and inspired me and changed my own music, and my vision, I think, as an artist. 这部电影影响了我、鼓励我并改变了我自己的音乐,甚至是我作为一名艺人的视野。

39、I applaud you for being yourself. 做你自己,我会为你鼓掌。

40、Meanwhile, Terry revealed how match-winner Drogba had inspired Chelsea with a pre-match speech seconds before kick-off when he called all the players into a huddle in the middle of their own half. 特里还透露说,开赛前片刻、德罗巴把所有队员叫道我们自己半场的中部来,做了鼓励大家的赛前讲话。

41、It could well be that economists whose prior research convinced them of the benefits of greater financial liberalisation were more willing to speak up for Wall Street. 更有甚者,经济学家们之前鼓励进一步加大财政自由的研究结果更像是为华尔街说话。

42、He was spurred on by his friends when he failed the match. 在他比赛失利时,他受到来自他朋友的鼓励。

43、Josh Lipovetsky started his business, Film Insight, when he was just 16 years old. He started it while hospitalized, after being inspired to write about life. 在被鼓励写作之后,Josh Lipovetsky从16岁住院的时候开始自己的事业,“洞悉电影”。

44、On one hand, welfare lottery encourages people to do small kindness for the welfare of others as well as for the profit of oneself. 一方面,福利彩票鼓励人们这样做小善良福利他人以及为自己的利润。

45、Mike Gerard, Ms. Joyce's brother, says his apology was inspired by a book that encouraged readers to think about the unresolved events in their lives, no matter how small. 乔伊斯的哥哥麦克•杰拉德(Mike Gerard)说,自己看了一本书才想到道歉,这本书鼓励读者回想自己人生中的未尽事宜,不管事情多么琐碎。

46、I can’t clothed the poor, but at least I can give them words of hope {words that I whisper to encourage me as well}. 我不能让贫穷者丰衣足食,但至少我能够给他们希望的语言(那些自我嘀咕自我鼓励的话)。

47、Wang junwork remembered he had smelled a smell of four xi on serpent, and encourage you, four joy may be in the vicinity. 王俊想起自己曾在巨蛇身上闻到了四喜的味道,便鼓励大家,四喜可能就在附近。

48、Natural selection, which usually promotes only selfish behavior, can reward this kind of cooperative behavior, called kin selection, because relatives contain many of the same genes. 通常只会鼓励利己行为的自然进化,也会奖励这种合作行为,称为血亲进化,因为亲属之间包含很多相同的基因。

49、Although you might not always agree with his philosophy, his explanations encourage you to think critically about your own work and the processes you use. 尽管您可能并不完全同意 他的观点,但他的解释会鼓励您批判地考虑自己的工作和过程。

50、For such type of time boxes, I like to configure my timer with a round of applause sound as a little incentive to keep me going. 对于这种时间盒,我常常把闹铃设成掌声雷动来给自己一点点鼓励。


51、Whether you're new to FindBugs or already familiar with it, I encourage you to experiment with your own application-specific detectors. 不管是刚接触 FindBugs 还是已经熟悉它了,我鼓励您用自己的特定于应用程序的检测器进行试验。

52、He still walked onward, if that movement could be so described, which rather resembled the wavering effort of an infant, with its mother's arms in view, outstretched to tempt him forward. 他还继续朝前“走”着——如果我们还把那种动作说成是“走”的话,其实更象一个婴儿看到了母亲在前面伸出双手来鼓励自己前进时那种播摇晃晃的学步。

53、The encouragement of self-operated exploration is a key aspect of petroleum exploration legislation. 鼓励自营勘探应是石油勘探立法的重点。

54、To encourage myself to play more, I've made resolutions to Be serious about play, Take time to be silly, Force myself to wander. 要鼓励我多玩,我制定了的决意有:”认真对待玩“,”花时间犯傻“,强迫自己漫不经心。

55、He values education – when we were younger, he would tell me and my brother to constantly seek improvement in ourselves through learning. 当我们兄妹俩还是少年时,他就鼓励我们锐意进取,在学习中不断提升自己的价值。

56、I am encouraging you and myself, for the entire month of June to put your whole entire beautiful self first. It’s not about ignoring your family members and friends nor becoming totally self absorbed. 我鼓励你以及我自己,在这整个七月能把优秀的自己放在第一位,而这并不意味着让你忽视你的家人以及朋友或完全沉浸于自我之中。

57、Local design products combined with the rewritable characteristics of the ceramic itself, encourages people makes the most of a character, customize your own doll. 本土的设计产品,同时结合陶瓷本身可重复擦写的特点,鼓励人们发挥个性,定制自己的玩偶。

58、It is also encouraging the purchase and consumption of local produce, communicating its long-term benefits. 从长远的利益考虑,鼓励自产自销是基本立足点。

59、She tries to encourage him to talk but he refuses, thinking she doesn't have faith is his ability to solve his problems. 她试图鼓励他说话,但是遭到他的拒绝。他以为她对自己解决问题的能力没有信心。

60、As they address their shortcomings and make plans for getting better, encourage them to make their reflections and choices equal portions of lightness and heaviness. 当他们找出自己的缺点并制定计划做得更好时,鼓励他们进行反思,选择等量的轻活和重活。

61、In the meantime, I encourage you to conduct your own research in Costa Rica, exploring those magnificent beaches or admiring those slothful sloths. 在此期间,我鼓励你们去哥斯达黎加进行自己的研究,探索那些美丽的海滩,或欣赏那些懒树懒。

62、Four seasons that small autumn thoughts, then encourage him to do what you want to do, the burden of the home and a burden. 四季得知了小秋的想法,便鼓励他去做自己想做的事,把家里的重担又一肩挑起。

63、Once people begin to see that you do have a humorous side, you can expand your repertoire until you’re adding funny quotes to your presentations. 一旦别人发现有你幽默的一面时,你可以多多鼓励一下自己丰富你在这方面的能力,说话交流时不妨加入点好笑幽默的段子。

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