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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-18 04:58:58
  • 183




1、This medal winning wine is a fruit driven style of Shiraz . 这是一款传统的果味型的设拉子。

2、Motorola - Good Technology Group, G100 pager, featuring email and traditional paging services. 摩托罗拉-良好的科技集团, G100的传呼,包括电子邮件和传统的寻呼服务。

3、A tradition must be capable of being passed down from one generation to another. 传统必须能一代一代往下传,不能传的,还能叫“传统”吗?

4、I like the old, traditional houses in the Hutongs. 我喜欢古老传统的胡同里的房子。

5、sweet dumplings 年夜饭 the dinner on New Year's Eve 腊八粥 Laba porridge

6、The over two thousand year study of Chinese grammar can be generalized into three traditions: philological tradition, Ma Jianzhong Tradition and Zhao Yuanren Tradition. 两千余年的汉语语法研究史可以概括为三大传统:小学传统、马建忠传统和赵元任传统。

7、What is called the contradiction of Jugou Qingzhe does not exist. 传统所谓的倨句磬折矛盾是不存在的。

8、Compared with the traditional cards, e-cards are lively and interesting. 与传统的贺卡对比,电子卡形象且有趣。

9、Population genetics and molecular phylogeny are the important contents for research of mollusc genetics. 群体遗传学和分子系统学是遗传学研究的重要内容。

10、The traditional forestry is desalinating day by day. 传统林业的影子正在日趋淡化。

11、President Jacob Zuma, a traditional Zulu, has three wives and at least 21 children. 总统Jacob Zuma,传统的祖鲁族人,有三个妻子和至少21个小孩。

12、This method is quite different from the traditional methods in the mode of selecting factors, and the calculating work is less. 其特有的选择因子方式与传统方法迥然不同,而其计算量比传统方法都小。

13、Tattoo used to be a traditional custom among the Dai people. 文身是傣族男子中的一种传统习俗。

14、Replacing RPG traditional archiving and purging techniques with an SQL MERGE statement 使用一个 SQL MERGE 语句替代 RPG 传统归档和清除技术。

15、The traditional classification methods of remote sensing images include statistical pattern recognition, syntax pattern recognition, neural network, genetic algorithm, simulate anneal algorithm etc. 传统的遥感图像的分类方法包括统计模式识别、句法模式识别、以及神经网络、遗传算法、模拟退火算法等。

16、The history of medical genetics was reviewed in this article, through formal genetics, cytogenetics and biochemical genetics to molecular genetics. 系统回顾了医学遗传学的发展历程,从形式遗传学、细胞遗传学、生化遗传学直到近代的分子遗传学;

17、Mothers have traditionally stayed home with their children. 传统上,母亲们留在家里照看孩子。

18、The traditional food that is served is oil dumplings and apple fritters . 吃的传统食物有油饺子和油炸苹果。

19、They serve the best traditional Polish pierogi, or Polish dumplings, in Warsaw. 这里的传统波兰饺子是全华沙最好吃的。

20、Lili: The dumpling is a traditional Chinese food. 丽丽: 饺子是中国人的传统食物。

21、Tens of thousands of verses of poetry merge together myth, legend and history, chronicling the reigns of Persia 's kings. 数万行诗句混合着神话、传奇和历史,记述了波斯诸王的统治。

22、There always has been the opposition and blending of the major tradition and the petty tradition. 中国传统的文化背景始终存在大传统与小传统的对立与交融。

23、The classical examples are strain gage devices . 传统的例子是应变仪装置。

24、Every year on the Chinese valentine's day, people come to take part in the festival. (每年七夕,人们都赶来参与,搭制香桥。

25、East European-style dumplings with cream. 东欧传统的饺子配奶油。


26、Caption :TRADITIONAL DRESS: Men dressed in traditional Bavarian clothes stood near boats at Lake Staffelsee in Seehausen, Germany, Thursday. 描述:传统服饰:周四在德国希豪森的施塔费尔湖畔,两名身穿巴伐利亚传统服装的男子站在船边。

27、In the countryside of zhejiang province, the custom of catching dew with washbasin is popular. (浙江农村,流行用脸盆接露水的习俗。

28、A Sunday morning dishwashing ritual is passed from father to son. 一位父亲把星期日早上洗盘子的传统传给了儿子。

29、Optogenetics: Circuits, Genes, and Photons in Biological Systems. 光遗传学:集成电路,基因,生物系统中光子。

30、In a traditional atomic clock, atoms are illuminated by microwaves, in the gigahertz frequency range. 在传统的原子钟里,原子受到吉赫波段的微波照射。

31、That night, Charlotte performed a more traditional wifely duty. 那天晚上,夏绿蒂履行了一个传统妻子的职责。

32、Of course, our long rope still has its charm. 传统项目跳长绳,踢毽子,仍旧倍受追捧。

33、Schisandra is Chinese traditional medicinal materials. 五味子属植物是我国传统的中药材。

34、In the tradition, one of the companions asked the prophet what's the most powerful verse in Koran. 在传统故事中,有个人问先知,《可兰经》里最有力度的一句诗是什么。

35、"Opera jokery" is a traditional derogatory term for actors. “戏子”就是传统上对演员的鄙称。

36、They regard it as their responsibility to teach their offspring traditional beliefs. 他们把子女的传统信仰视为他们的责任。

37、But WangShuo's subverting had still depended on Chinese traditional ruffianly culture, so ruffians had to surrender to tradition at last. 而其所依据的仍是中国传统的“痞”文化,因此,“痞子”最后只能重归传统。

38、Lao She is a modern intellectual of traditional Chinese spirits. 老舍是集传统精神之大成的现代知识分子。

39、The sedan chair was one of the traditional vehicles in ancient Beijing. 轿子也是老北京的传统交通工具之一。

40、Vogt and Beyer said they don't regret skipping the traditional gown, pomp and cirtance. 拜伊和妻子认为,虽然他们没有穿上传统的礼服,也没有按照传统方式来举办婚礼,但他们一点都不后悔。

41、Traditional books bring less harm to eyes thane-books. 传统书籍对眼睛的伤害少于电子书籍。

42、Confucius and Confucian School inherited and developed the traditional humanist thought. 孔子继承并发展了传统的人文主义思想。

43、Human-machine interaction is the major difference and innovation for E-business from traditional business mode; while human-human interaction exhibits the similarities between them. 人机交互体现了电子商务相对传统商务交互手段的创新,人际交互则表明电子商务和传统商务具有相似性。

44、Man in traditional headdress and face paint. 头戴传统发饰、脸上画着传统图案的男子。

45、Ane-book is the electronic version of a traditionalprint book. 电子书是传统印刷书的电子版。

46、In the anti-traditional wave of people on the one hand, traditional anti-tradition, on the other hand, did not find out what traditions. 在反传统的浪潮中,人们一方面以传统反传统,另一方面却并没有弄清楚传统为何物。

47、But here, all children can learn how to do it, and carry on the tradition. 但是,在这里,所有的孩子都可以学着做,把这个传统传下去。

48、One dumpling is the most traditional food 其中饺子是最传统的食物 .

49、Because of living the period of particular transitional history from traditional ages to modem times, he was influenced by traditional culture as well as modern culture. 丰子恺生活在传统向现代过渡的特定历史时期,他受到传统与现代的双重影响。

50、The tarantula should also be an earlier way of begging. (喜蛛应巧也是较早的一种乞巧方式。


51、Baryonic matter: In this cosmological context, this is "ordinary matter" composed primarily of protons, neutrons and electrons. 重子:这是“传统物质”,主要由质子,中子和电子组成。

52、A non-traditional sweet potato dish. 不传统的传统甜薯菜肴。

53、The Partheno-Genetic Algorithm that repeals the crossover operators of traditional genetic algorithms while uses the reproduction manner with only parent. 单亲遗传算法取消了传统遗传算法的交叉算子,采取单亲繁殖方式。

54、In yixing, jiangsu province, there are qixi xiangqiao customs. (在江苏宜兴,有七夕香桥会习俗。

55、All models are built mainly with splines and typical boxes. 所有的模型都是用曲线和传统盒子建立的。

56、Therefore, the "54" opened up a completely different tradition of China's inherent new tradition, also based on "anti-traditional culture" popping tradition. 因此,“五四”开辟了一个与中国固有传统完全不同的新传统,也就是以“反传统文化”姿态出现的传统。

57、The French are at heart traditionalists. 法国人骨子里是传统主义者。

58、And lions, Beverly Joubert says, traditionally hate water. 贝弗利朱伯特说,传统上狮子不喜欢下水。

59、tons of firework debris were collected after the recent New Year’s Eve, tons more than were collected the same night last year. 回答者: 百万符文 | 四级 | 201132

60、Threading, also known as "sai qiao", that is, women's competition threading. (穿针乞巧,也叫“赛巧”,即女子比赛穿针。

61、“She had a perfect dress, a very traditional dress for a very traditional wedding,” Oscar de la Renta said. 服装设计师奥斯卡•德•拉•伦塔说:“她穿的是一条完美的裙子,一条传统的裙子正好配一场传统的婚礼。

62、There is no real tradition for adjudicating consumer cases. 日本没有真正为消费者的利益审断案子的传统。

63、And it's a worldview deeply rooted in the idea or respect for tradition; tradition and social control. 还是一个深深的,根植于传统思想,尊重传统的世界观,即传统和社会控制

64、On the basis of several characters of traditional genetic algorithm(TGA), multi-parent genetic algorithm(MGA) improved the crossover operation. 多亲遗传算法是在保持了传统遗传算法一些特性的基础上,对传统遗传算法的交叉算子进行了改进。

65、Unified messaging funnels email, fax and voice-mail messages into a mailbox that can be accessed by a PC. 统一的消息传输把电子邮件、传真和话音邮件等消息统统汇集到可由pc机访问的邮箱中。

66、Please be seated. This is our traditional seat for the guest of honor. 请坐!这个位子是我国传统的贵宾席。

67、Dr. Kotha, is this new e-commerce killing traditional companies? 科塔博士,新的电子商务会淘汰传统企业吗?

68、Jiaozi is Chinese traditional leaven for paste. 酵子是我国传统的面团发酵剂。

69、Drawings of Confucius Saint Deeds, a picture al recording Confucius deeds, aimed at commemorating Confucius and propagating Chinese traditional ethical code. “圣迹图”是记述孔子事迹的画册,它是纪念孔子,宣传中国传统礼教的一种方式。

70、Different Cultural Traditions and Stances: Search for Truth and Essence vs Search for Harmony and Happiness. 中欧不同的文化传统:真理传统与和悦传统。

71、Last but not least, living in a traditional house is a way to preserve our culture. 最后一项要点是,住传统式的房子是我们维持本身的传统的一个途径。

72、Dilemma and integration:"tradition" and "anti-tradition" in "Pekingese" 悖论与整合:《北京人》中的“反传统”与“传统”

73、To spare the rod was, traditionally, to spoil the child. 传统上认为,孩子不打不成才。

74、This saying comes from one of the Min operas which are more than four hundred years old. 这句话来源于具有四百年历史的福州传统地方戏曲??闽剧的一个作品。

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