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学校安全规则英语句子 15个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-26 09:38:25
  • 171

学校安全规则英语句子 15个

1. Students must walk, not run, in hallways and stairwells. 学生在走廊和楼梯间必须步行,不得奔跑。

2. All visitors must check in at the front office before entering the school. 所有访客进入学校前必须先在前台签到。

3. Students should not bring any weapons or dangerous objects to school. 学生不应该携带任何武器或危险物品进入学校。

4. In case of a fire, students must evacuate the building immediately. 在火灾情况下,学生必须立即撤离建筑物。

5. Students must wear appropriate clothing and ss for physical education cl. 学生上体育课时必须穿着适当的服装和鞋子。

6. Students must use crosswalks and follow traffic signals when crossing the street. 学生过马路时必须使用人行横道和遵守交通信号。

7. Students should report any suspicious behavior or activity to a teacher or administrator. 学生应该向老师或管理员报告任何可疑的行为或活动。

8. All medication should be kept in the nurse's office and taken only as directed. 所有药物都应该存放在护士办公室,并按指示服用。

9. Students should not bring any food or drinks into the computer lab. 学生不应该将任何食物或饮料带入电脑实验室。

10. Students must wear protective equipment in certain cl such as shop, laboratory, or art. 在某些课程中,如车间、实验室或美术,学生必须穿戴保护装备。

11. Students should keep personal belongings with them at all times, and never leave them unattended. 学生应该随身携带个人物品,并且不要让它们无人看管。

12. Students should not engage in any form of bullying or harassment towards others. 学生不应对他人进行任何形式的欺凌或扰。

13. All claoom doors should be locked from the inside during lockdown drills. 在锁定演习期间,所有教室的门应该从内部锁上。

14. Students should not share personal information or engage in online conversation with strangers. 学生不应与陌生人分享个人信息或进行网络交谈。

15. Students should always use handrails when walking on stairs. 学生在楼梯上行走时应始终使用扶手。

16. Students should not use electronic devices during class without permission from the teacher. 学生不得在课堂上未经老师允许使用电子设备。

17. Students should follow the rules and guidelines for using the school library. 学生应遵守使用学校图书馆的规则和指南。

18. All accidents or injuries should be reported to a teacher or administrator immediately. 所有事故或伤害应立即向老师或管理员报告。

19. Students should not bring any animals or pets to school unless prior permission is obtained. 学生不应该携带任何动物或宠物到学校,除非事先获得许可。

20. Students must respect and follow the instructions of school staff at all times. 学生必须始终尊重和遵守学校工作人员的指示。

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