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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:57
  • 115


关于”了不起的盖茨比句子中“的英语句子40个,句子主体:In the Great Gatsby sentence。以下是关于了不起的盖茨比句子中的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:In the Great Gatsby sentence

1、Stepping away from average Joes , $700 billion is equal to about 12 Bill Gateses. 不谈普通人的话,七千亿大约相当于12个比尔盖茨。

2、It even coaxed a rare essay out of Bill Gates, who objected to Ridley's claim that Africa needs industrialization rather than aid (it needs both, Mr. Gates said). 本书还让比尔盖茨写了一片短文,文中他驳斥了里德利“非洲需要工业化而非援助”的主张,盖茨先生说,非洲两者皆需要。

3、Bill Gates once remarked that the key to succeed in business is to innovate and make yourself obsolete. 比尔盖茨曾经提到,在职场中成功的关键就是不断的否定自己进行革新。

4、The trial was funded by the Gates Malaria Partnership which is supported by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 这项试验主要由比尔及梅琳林达盖茨基金会支持的盖茨疟疾伙伴计划提供资助。

5、About six months later, standing in a line for a movie with his son and daughter-in-law, Melinda, the elder Mr. Gates again broached the idea of philanthropy. 约6个月之后,在和盖茨小两口一起排队进电影院时,老盖茨再次提起慈善事业的想法。

6、Bill Gates gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. 比尔盖茨在一所高中发表演讲, 讲了11件在学校里学不到的事。

7、As a tourist promotion, Newcastle and Gateshead have linked together under the banner " NewcastleGateshead", to spearhead the regeneration of the North-East. 为了推动旅游,纽卡斯尔和盖茨黑德联合起来,打出“纽卡斯尔盖茨黑德”的标语以带领复兴英国东北部的计划。

8、Gates said that he would donate his 580 billion dollars to charity fund in name of Bill and Melinda Gates fund, none left for his children. 盖茨表示,他计划将自己的580亿美元财产,全数捐给名下慈善基金“比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会”,一分一毫也不会留给自己子女。

9、It’s called subroutines, ” said Bill Gates, Microsoft’s founder, in a recent interview. 子程序。” 微软创始人比尔·盖茨在最近的一次访谈中这么说。

10、Ever the optimist, Bill Gates sees a possible change of attitude among China's new crop of billionaires. 永远的乐天派,比尔.盖茨在中国的新一代亿万富豪中看出了观念上可能的转变。

11、(比尔·盖茨常用)  I can't believe a word you say. 我才不信你呢!

12、He folded the overcoat carefully while speaking to me, and evened it with his palm. So I began to call him "Mgr. Chesterfield" or " 他一边说,一边在椅子背儿上把衣服仔细地叠起来,并甩手把它展平。我于是就开始叫他“切斯特菲尔德大人”和“了不起的盖茨比”。

13、Suddenly, the barriers to entry were low, and entrepreneurs such as Mitch Kapor of Lotus and Bill Gates took off. 突然,进入门槛很低,如米奇的莲花和比尔盖茨卡普尔企业家起飞。

14、We have some joint efforts with the Gates Foundation in Zambia. 我们正在同盖茨基金会在赞比亚开展合作。

15、Gates also wrote The Road Ahead in 1995 with two other authors. 1995年,盖茨与另两名作者一起合写了《未来之路》。

16、The working group was convened in 2002 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. 这个工作组是在2002年由比尔·盖茨和美琳达·盖茨基金会以及Henry J. Kaiser家族基金会召集的。

17、In 1999 Gates folded his various charitable efforts into one organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and in 2000, Gates stepped down as CEO to spend more time on philanthropy. 在1999年,盖茨将他参与的各项慈善活动统一为一个组织,这就是比尔梅琳达盖茨基金,在2000年,盖茨告别了他在微软的CEO生涯,全身心投入到慈善事业中。

18、Bill Gates dies and is met at the pearly gates by St. Peter. 比尔.盖茨死了,在天堂之门前遇到了彼得大帝。

19、Bill Gates (1955 -) 比尔—盖茨(1955-)

20、Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school . 比尔·盖茨最近在一所高中作了一场名为"学校里学不到的11条生存法则"的演讲。

21、Bill Gates is rumored to be an Aspie. 谣传比尔盖茨就是个亚斯伯格症患者。

22、It seems that the actions of the Gates foundation are entirely consistent with the formula for CO2 reduction that Bill Gates eluded [alluded] to in his TED conference speech: CO2 = P x S x E x C. 看起来盖茨基金会的行为与比尔•盖茨在TED大会演说中所暗示的减低二氧化碳的公式是完全一致的:CO2 = P x S x E x C。

23、He has been feuding with Bill Gates for decades. 他同比尔·盖茨不和已几十年。

24、In comparison, the net worth of both Gates and Slim is estimated to 与之相比,比尔.盖茨和Slim的净资产据估计均略低于大约622.9亿美元,而Slim略微高于比尔.盖茨。

25、(比尔·盖茨常用) I can't believe a word you say. 我才不信你呢!


26、Bill Gates is now a respectable businessman and philanthrot, and is no longer a computer whiz kid. 比尔.盖茨现在是受人尊敬的企业家和慈善家,也不再是当年那个电脑神童了。

27、Zuckerberg's parallels with Gates extend beyond the fact that they both started their companies at 19. 朱克伯格与比尔·盖茨的相似之处不仅在于两人都在19岁时开创了自己的公司。

28、I mean look what happened to Microsoft shares after Bill Gatesleft! 我是说,看比尔·盖茨卸任后,微软的股票跌成啥样儿了吧。

29、When Bill Gates formally stepped away from an active role at Microsoft (MSFT) in July of 2008, he also hung up his golf clubs. 2008年7月,比尔盖茨从微软退出的时候,也收起了自己的高尔夫球棍。

30、Spend time with the family of Bill Gates, and eventually someone will mention the water incident. 与比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)家人在一起时,总会有人提到“泼水事件”。

31、Amazingly, Gates didn't see it coming. As Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen relates in his recent autobiography, the anti-Microsoft sentiment "cut Bill to the core. 令人惊奇的是比尔·盖茨并没有看到这些,当微软的合伙人Paul Allen 在他最近的自传中提起反微软情节“开除比尔”。

32、Gates also got to sit down with Piketty after reading the non-fiction work to discuss the topic. 盖茨在读完这本纪实性著作后,还与作者坐在一起讨论了书中主题。

33、After many trials and tribulations, Bill Gates when on to create, well you know, Microsoft. 在无数次不懈的尝试和失败后,比尔盖茨才随之创建了微软。

34、He and his wife established the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000. 盖茨与其妻于2000年建立了比尔暨梅琳达盖兹基金会。

35、So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. 我们奋力前行,小舟逆水而上,不断地被浪潮推回到过去。《了不起的盖茨比》。

36、The challenge for Mr. Gates’s successor, Leon Panetta, is not just to build on that record but to go much further. 盖茨的继任者莱昂·帕内塔面临的挑战不仅是接手盖茨的工作,还要在盖茨奠定的基础上进行更深入的改革。

37、Bill Gates dropped out of his university when he was a sopre. 比尔。盖茨在他大二时就退学了。

38、Bill Gates is a college drop-out . He dropped out of Harvard University at the age of 19. 比尔盖茨是大学辍学学生。他在19岁时在哈佛大学中途退学了。

39、I see that Bill Gates, that bug-eyed little weasel, is acting like you don't exist. 我看那个比尔?盖茨,那个眼球突出的小滑头,做起事来好像您不存在。

40、The Windows story began in 1975 when Seattle schoolfriends Bill Gates and Paul Allen formed Microsoft. Windows的历史要从1975年谈起,这一年,西雅图的两位校友比尔.盖茨和保罗.艾伦成立了微软公司。

41、About six months later, standing in a line for a movie with his son and daughter-in-law, Melinda, the elder Mr.Gates again broached the idea of philanthropy. 约6个月之后,在和盖茨小两口一起排队进电影院时,老盖茨再次提起慈善事业的想法。

42、(比尔·盖茨常用)             97. I can’t believe a word you say. 我才不信你呢!

43、Bill Gates came out of nowhere and co-founded Microsoft. 比尔·盖茨从不知何处冒了出来,并共同创建了微软。

44、Bill Gates gave abroad 21 bilbobcat babyars that year. 那年比尔·盖茨捐献了二百一十亿美元。

45、And no one understood that better than Bill Gates. 但没有谁能有比尔盖茨那么深刻的领会。

46、Hello, Chinese friends. This is Bill Gates. On behalf of the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation, I wish you all a very happy new year. 各位中国朋友,大家好!我是比尔•盖茨。我代表比尔及梅琳达•盖茨基金会给大家拜年!

47、So, no, Bill Gates won' t send you $5 for forwarding this chain email. 所以说,比尔盖茨不会因为你转发了这个邮件链就给你5美元。

48、In an interview with the Daily Mail (UK), Gates discussed the philanthropic efforts of Zuckerberg, who recently reached out to Gates and his foundation. 盖茨在接管英国《每日邮电》的察访中,谈判扎克伯格的慈善全力时让动静风行一时。扎克伯格自动找到比尔盖茨,向盖茨的基金会捐出善款。

49、At his father's law office late one night, someone present recalls, Bill quarreled with his mother as she urged him to give money away. 当时在场的一个人回忆说,一天晚上在盖茨父亲的律师事务所里,当盖茨的母亲劝他捐钱的时候,两人吵了起来。

50、Remember Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, the libertarian objection to taxation for redistribution? 迈克尔·乔丹,比尔·盖茨的例子中,自由主义反对通过征税进行财富再分配?


51、Gates has no shame. 盖茨真不要脸啦”。

52、The school of arts living of favourite:Fantastic cover ratio Ci. 文科生的最爱:了不起的盖比茨。

53、Cathy: Have you ever seen Bill Gate's home on the Internet? 凯茜:你在网络上看到过比尔·盖茨的家吗?

54、During the antitrust trial, Bill Gates repeatedly denied that Microsoft's dominance was unassailable. 在反垄断案中,比尔·盖茨一再否认微软的优势无懈可击。

55、Bill Gates gave away 21 billion dollars that year. 那年比尔·盖茨捐赠了二百一十亿美元。

56、The development of the Roadmap was sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust. 制订“路线图”是由比尔及梅林达-盖茨基金会和维康基金会发起。

57、Life Scout Gates became fascinated with computers during high school. 作为一个生命军,盖茨迷上了在高中电脑。

58、Fed up, his father threw a glass of cold water in the boy's face. 一旁的父亲实在受够了,端起一杯冷水泼到了小盖茨的脸上。

59、I have a lot to learn from Bill Gates. 比尔•盖茨还有很多值得我学习的呢!

60、But despite his riches, McDuck still trails Microsoft founder Bill Gates' $53 billion. 不过,麦克老鸭的财富还是没能赶上微软创始人比尔? 盖茨。

61、But despite his riches, McDuck still trails Microsoft founder Bill Gates` $53 billion. 不过,麦克老鸭的财富还是没能赶上微软创始人比尔•盖茨。盖茨身价已达530亿美元。

62、It is very hard to imagine anyone bossing around Bill Gates. 太难想象有谁能使唤比尔盖茨!

63、Even Bill Gates faces tradeoffs; he cannot literally do whatever he wants. 即使比尔•盖茨也面临取舍,并不能随心所欲。

64、Life is not fair, you need to get used to it. -----Bill Gates. 生活是不公平的,你要适应它。-----比尔盖茨。

65、Take Microsoft’s Bill Gates: he retired in 2008 at the ripe old age of 52 to run his own charity with his wife. 如微软的当家人比尔.盖茨,在他52岁退休时就和他的妻子一起开始经营起了慈善事业。

66、“I think she’s as impressive as Bill Gates, ” he says, recalling how he met the Microsoft founder in 1993 when Kosnik was putting together a case study. 他说道:“我觉得她和比尔·盖茨一样给人深刻印象,”,接着他想起了1993年他遇见微软创立者比尔·盖茨时的情景,当时他正在进行案例研究。

67、That was Bill Gates talking in 1992. 那是比尔- 盖茨1992 年的说词/ 说的话。

68、One question goes to you as "Bill Gates enjoys general popularity in China". 一个问题是这样问的,比尔·盖茨在中国颇有人缘。

69、The Bill Gates that most people are familiar with is the socially awkward nerd who strong-armed his way into becoming the head of the largest software company in the world. 盖茨的前世今生 人们熟知的比尔·盖茨起初是个社交界菜鸟,而后通过垄断成为世界上最大的软件企业的领导者。

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