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描写熊猫的英语句子 12个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-28 18:11:59
  • 146

描写熊猫的英语句子 12个

1. Pandas are one of the most beloved animals in the world. (熊猫是世界上最受喜爱的动物之一。)

2. The giant panda is native to China. (大熊猫是中国特有的动物。)

3. Pandas have a distinctive black and white coat. (熊猫有着独特的黑白相间的毛皮。)

4. Pandas are primarily herbivorous, feeding on bamboo. (熊猫主要是食草动物,以竹子为食。)

5. Pandas have a very low reproductive rate. (熊猫的繁殖率非常低。)

6. The birth of a panda cub is a cause for celebration. (熊猫宝宝的出生是一个值得庆祝的事情。)

7. Pandas have large jaws and powerful teeth to help them chew bamboo. (熊猫有大嘴和强大的牙齿,有助于它们咀嚼竹子。)

8. Pandas are generally solitary animals. (熊猫通常是独居的动物。)

9. Pandas are known for their playful behavior. (熊猫以其活泼的行为而闻名。)

10. Pandas have a unique thumb-like digit that helps them hold bamboo. (熊猫有一个类似拇指的独特指位,有助于它们拿着竹子。)

11. Pandas have large, round ears that help them hear approaching predators. (熊猫有着大而圆的耳朵,有助于它们听到接近的捕食者。)

12. Pandas weigh between 150-250 pounds as adults. (成年熊猫体重在150-250磅之间。)

13. Pandas can live up to 30 years in captivity. (熊猫在圈养中可以活到30年。)

14. Pandas are a symbol of peace in China. (熊猫是中国和平的象征。)

15. Pandas are an endangered species due to habitat loss and poaching. (熊猫是由于栖息地丧失和盗猎而濒临灭绝的物种。)

16. Pandas are a flagship species for conservation efforts. (熊猫是保护努力的旗舰物种。)

17. Pandas have been known to climb trees. (熊猫曾被人所知地爬树。)

18. Pandas have a slow metabolic rate and spend most of their day sleeping or eating. (熊猫的新陈代谢缓慢,大部分时间都在睡觉或吃东西。)

19. Pandas have an excellent sense of smell. (熊猫有很好的嗅觉。)

20. Pandas have been the focus of many conservation and research efforts. (熊猫一直是许多保护和研究努力的重点。)

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