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英语作文开头好句子 11个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-16 10:43:08
  • 70

英语作文开头好句子 11个

1. In today's society, people are facing various challenges. (在今天的社会中,人们面临着各种挑战。)

2. With the advent of technology, our lives have been greatly changed. (随着科技的出现,我们的生活发生了巨大的变化。)

3. Education is considered as the key to success. (教育被认为是成功的关键。)

4. It is widely acknowledged that health is the most important thing in life. (人们普遍认为健康是生命中最重要的事情。)

5. Nowadays, global warming has become a major concern for the whole world. (如今,全球变暖已成为全世界的一大关注点。)

6. As the saying goes, "Time is money." (俗话说,“时间就是金钱”。)

7. Social media has profoundly impacted our daily communication. (社交媒体深刻地影响了我们日常的交流。)

8. It is undeniable that the Internet has brought about tremendous convenience to our daily life. (毋庸置疑,互联网为我们的日常生活带来了巨大的便利。)

9. In the era of globalization, cultural diversity should be respected and celebrated. (在全球化时代,应该尊重和庆祝文化多样性。)

10. The importance of teamwork cannot be overemphasized in today's workplace. (在今天的职场中,团队合作的重要性不可忽视。)

11. With the development of economy, environmental protection should be taken seriously. (随着经济的发展,环境保护应该被认真对待。)

12. It is said that knowledge is power. (有人说,知识就是力量。)

13. In order to achieve success, one must be persistent and hardworking. (为了取得成功,一个人必须要坚持不懈、勤奋努力。)

14. The pursuit of happiness is a common goal for all human beings. (追求幸福是所有人类的共同目标。)

15. In the face of adversity, one must remain optimistic and resilient. (面对逆境,一个人必须保持乐观和坚韧不拔。)

16. Life is full of ups and downs, and it is how we react to them that determines our character. (生活充满了起伏,是我们对待它的态度决定了我们的品格。)

17. The ability to communicate effectively is essential for success in any field. (有效沟通的能力是在任何领域中取得成功必不可少的。)

18. It is important to strike a balance between work and leisure. (在工作和休闲之间保持平衡很重要。)

19. The power of love can conquer all obstacles. (爱的力量可以克服所有的障碍。)

20. It is never too late to learn something new. (学习新事物从不嫌晚。)

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