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英语分析句子成分的软件 15个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-27 15:47:18
  • 113

英语分析句子成分的软件 15个

1. The cat sat on the mat.(这只猫坐在垫子上。)

2. John visited his grandparents last weekend.(约翰上周末去拜访了他的祖父母。)

3. She enjoys reading books and watching movies.(她喜欢阅读书籍和观看电影。)

4. The sun is shining brightly in the sky.(太阳在天空中照耀得明亮。)

5. They are planning to go on a vacation next month.(他们计划下个月去度假。)

6. I baked a cake for my friend's birthday.(我为我的朋友生日烤了一个蛋糕。)

7. The teacher gave the students a difficult assignment.(老师给学生们布置了一项难题。)

8. My brother and I went swimming yesterday.(我和我兄弟昨天去游泳了。)

9. The dog barked loudly at the mailman.(这只狗对邮递员大声吠叫。)

10. We watched a scary movie last night.(昨晚我们观看了一部恐怖电影。)

11. The flowers in the garden are blooming beautifully.(花园里的花儿正盛开得很漂亮。)

12. She painted a beautiful picture of the beach.(她画了一幅美丽的沙滩画。)

13. My parents went out for dinner with their friends.(我父母和他们的朋友们一起出去吃饭了。)

14. The baby cried all night because of a toothache.(这个宝宝因为牙痛整晚都在哭。)

15. The truck driver delivered the packages to the warehouse.(卡车司机把包裹运送到仓库。)

16. She bought a new dress for her sister's wedding.(她为的婚礼买了一件新连衣裙。)

17. The children played in the park for hours.(孩子们在公园里玩了好几个小时。)

18. He wrote a letter to his girlfriend while he was on vacation.(他在度假期间给他的女朋友写了一封信。)

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