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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-20 20:23:58
  • 85


关于”圣诞的诗“的英语句子27个,句子主体:Christmas poem。以下是关于圣诞的诗的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Christmas poem

1、Christmas carols? 这是圣诞颂歌吗?

2、As this year's Christmas approaches, Santa Claus comes all the way from Rovaniemi to Helsinki to greet local residents. 今年,随着圣诞临近,这些“正宗的圣诞老人”从罗瓦涅米一路赶来,给赫尔辛基带来圣诞祝福。

3、my arms are wide open for you this christmas. 圣诞老奶奶祝福圣诞老爷爷!

4、And in this Christmas message, 圣诞传佳音,

5、Merry Christmas, Marmee! 圣诞快乐,妈咪!

6、A father with his kids take a break after they bought a tree at a Christmas tree farm on December 12, 2010 in Mellensee near Berlin, Germany. 德国柏林附近梅伦西,一位圣诞树经销商在圣诞树农场包装圣诞树。

7、A Christmas institution, the 10-minute broadcast is televised at 3:00 pm in Britain as many families are recovering from their traditional turkey lunch. 这个10分钟的圣诞祝辞已成了英国的圣诞习俗,会在每年圣诞节的下午3点通过电视台向英国民众播放,此时大多数家庭已经吃完传统的圣诞火鸡午餐了。

8、Michael: What about Xmas cards? Have you sent yours yet? 麦迈克尔:那圣诞卡呢?你的圣诞卡寄走了吗?

9、圣诞快乐! 愿圣诞的喜悦整年萦绕你心间。A wish for a truly merry Christmas and may the joy of Christmas linger in your heart all the year!

10、Merry Christmas and best wishes for happy new year! 快乐圣诞,什么是圣诞快乐?

11、sweater, O Christmas sweater! 圣诞 毛衫!

12、Christmass tree is not complete without snow, and the design of these two Christmas Handbags is inspired from this wonderful combination. 圣诞树和雪花是圣诞节最经典的组合,用一锤一斩、一针一线,亲手为自己或家人做一份心爱的圣诞礼物。

13、But among the foreign-faced Santas in Shanghai, the most "original" is believed to be the one who comes from Santa Claus Village in Lapland region of Finland. 但是在上海的那些外国圣诞老人里,最“正宗”的圣诞老人来自于芬兰拉普兰地区圣诞老人村。

14、One of the most popular plants at Christmas is the poinsettia. 圣诞中最流行的植物之一就是圣诞红。

15、祝您圣诞快乐! Have a Merry Christmas.

16、祝杨老师圣诞快乐 merry christmas to miss yang 祝杨老师圣诞快乐 merry christmas to miss yang

17、Christmas is coming in 359 days! Here's a sneak preview of what's to come … 圣诞还有359日便到,现在让我预告今年圣诞会是怎样吧!

18、Our factory products with PVC Christmas tree, optic fibre tree Christmas product serial product of main fact, the ornaments including satin silk fabric, burlap hang one on Christmas . 本厂产品以PVC圣诞树,光纤树为主的圣诞品系列产品,圣诞饰品包括缎绸、麻布类吊件。

19、There are many beautiful Christmas songs, such as "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". "Jingle Bells", "Silent Night", "White Christmas" and "Joy to the World". 有很多动听的圣诞歌曲,如《恭祝圣诞》, 《铃儿响叮当》,《平安夜》,《白色圣诞》,《普天同庆》。

20、The Christmas themed activities lasted for one week, including photo shoot with the Santa, lighting, sending gifts and two special activities. 本次丰谷园圣诞主题活动持续一周,包括:与圣诞老人合影,亮灯活动,送圣诞礼物,以及两场专场活动。

21、United Kingdom: British is to eat attach importance to most on Christmas Day , includes fever pig , turkey , Christmas pudding , broken meat pie of the birthday of Jesus Christ etc. in food. 英国:英国人在圣诞节是最注重吃的,食品中包括烧猪、 火鸡、 圣诞布丁、圣诞碎肉饼等。

22、To decorate the Christmas tree together, have a Christmas dinner, pull some Christmas crackers, and maybe Father Christmas will come and join in the fun! 一起布置圣诞树,吃圣诞大餐,玩玩圣诞拉炮,说不定还有圣诞老公公一起来热闹热闹。

23、Yes, I even love the non-stop playing of Christmas music for two months. 没错! 甚至对圣诞月里播个不停的圣诞音乐我都情有独钟。

24、Among the biggest contributors to the canonization of the modern Santa Claus was a poem published in New York's Sentinel in 1823 titled A Visit from St. 最将近代圣诞老人奉为圣人的是一首1823年发表在纽约《前哨报》的诗歌,名为《圣•尼克拉斯的拜访》。

25、Have you ever wondered about the real origin of the star that shines atop many a Christmas tree? 当我们提起圣诞节,我们往往会想到装饰品、闪亮的灯饰、瑞雪、礼物和圣诞树。然而,你知道圣诞树上挂的星星的由来吗?


26、More and more, Santas say the children on their laps are asking for less for themselves — and Santa is promising less as well. 圣诞老人们表示,孩子们的圣诞愿望如今更少顾及自己,而与此同时,圣诞老人的许诺也越来越少了。

27、Merry Christmas, Lily! 莉莉,圣诞快乐!

28、Some local affiliates provide the Yule Log, a block of time on Christmas morning showing footage of a fireplace, coupled with popular Christmas music. 一些地方会员还提供了圣诞园木,一根在圣诞节早晨竖立在壁炉跟前的木头,再加上通俗的圣诞音乐。

29、Christmassweater, O Christmas sweater! Amid a surge in fashion nostalgia , the much-maligned Christmas knit is enjoying a moment of irony-infused popularity. 圣诞毛衫!圣诞毛衫!随着时装怀旧风的兴起,曾经饱受攻击的圣诞毛衫正迎来戏剧性的大流行。

30、Night of the Christmas, the people gather round the Christmas tree to sing dance, is heartily happy. 圣诞之夜,人们围着圣诞树培养跳舞,尽情欢乐。

31、We want to buy Holiday and Christmas Decorations, Artificial Flowers and Plants, Silk Flowers, Bushes, Christmas Santa, Angels, Ornaments, Wooden Nutcrackers Holiday. 我们要采购假期和圣诞装饰品,人造花和植物,丝绸花,灌木,圣诞圣诞老人,天使,饰品。

32、With all the Christmas decorations and carols, it is difficult not to feel the Christmas spirit that is wafting through the town. 那所有的圣诞装饰品和圣诞颂歌,让你很难不感受到溢满整个城市的圣诞精神。

33、After we said"Merry Christmas", we began to sing Christmas songs, such as Edelweiss, andso on. 我们互道“圣诞快乐”后,开始唱圣诞歌,像“雪绒花”等。

34、Presents are bought and wrapped, and traditionally placed under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. 礼物是买来包好的,通常都是在圣诞夜摆放在圣诞树下的。

35、On Christmas Eve, people sing and dance happily and they enjoy themselves around the tree. 圣诞之夜,人们围着圣诞树唱歌、跳舞,尽情欢乐。

36、A wish for a truly merry Christmas and may the joy of Christmas linger in your heart all the year! 圣诞快乐! 愿圣诞的喜悦整年萦绕你心间。

37、A merry yuletide! A Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend. 圣诞快乐!希望圣诞祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友!

38、Grandma got run over by a reindeer. Walking home from our house Christmas Eve. 奶奶被圣诞老人的鹿车撞死,在圣诞前夜从我家走路回去。

39、Have a Merry Christmas. 祝您圣诞快乐!

40、Refreshments will include bratwurst and a hog roast as well as gingerbread and mulled wine, and there will be choirs singing Christmas carols. 那里的点心有腊肠、热腾腾的烤肉、圣诞蛋糕及温酒。那里还有圣诞乐队演奏了圣诞颂歌。

41、Many families gather together sing Christmas carols, read the Christmas story from the Bible and then exchange gifts with one another. 许多家庭济济一堂,唱圣诞歌,读圣经里的圣诞故事,然后交换礼物。

42、Another plant that many people connect with Christmas is the poinsettia. 在许多人看来,另一种与圣诞相关的植物便是一品红(圣诞红)。

43、It's really beautiful. A Christmas-tree-shaped candle and a Santas-Claus-shaped chocolate bar. 真漂亮。圣诞树形的蜡烛,还有圣诞老人形的巧克力。

44、   In the west, it is a Christmas custom to dress as Santa Claus。圣诞花是不是圣诞红?

45、The 1823 poem by Clement C. Moore "A Visit from St. Nicholas"is largely credited for the contemporary Christmas lore that includes the eight flying reindeer and their names. 这是1823克莱门特·c·摩尔的诗“圣尼古拉斯的访问”(也称为“平安夜”或“圣诞前夜”)。普遍认为这是圣诞节的传说,包括八个会飞的驯鹿和他们的名字。

46、There are red Christmas flowers and candles for Christmas. 红 读心神探全集播放 色的有圣诞花和圣诞烛炬。

47、Then we told some Christmas stories, such as Christmas Father. 然后我们讲圣诞故事,如“圣诞老人”等,我们都玩得很开心。

48、Christmas music from the Renaissance and Baroque periods right through to carols and music of our own time capture the spirit of Christmas. 圣诞音乐由文艺复兴到巴罗克时期,包括传统圣诞颂歌与现代的圣诞歌曲。

49、Christmas Day is Thursday; the British people a week are simply called Christmas week. 圣诞日是个星期四,英国人索性将一周都封为圣诞周。

50、Build your own Festive Tree Planter to grow and decorate a Winter's Feast Tree. 建造属于你自己的圣诞树墩儿来培养并装饰你的圣诞树。


51、Very famous events are the Christmas Markets that take place throughout Germany. These Markets are little traditional houses lined up selling Christmas ornaments, candy, handmade jewelry, and so on. 其中一个德国著名的圣诞节活动是圣诞市场, 这种圣诞市场由传统房舍排成一列组合而成, 通常贩售一些圣诞饰品、糖果、手工珠宝等等。

52、Holiday and Christmas Decorations, Artificial Flowers and Plants, Silk Flowers, Bushes, Christmas Santa, Angels, Ornaments, Wooden Nutcrackers Holiday. 采购产品假期和圣诞装饰品,人造花和植物,丝绸花,灌木,圣诞圣诞老人,天使,饰品。

53、Pls check if you have existing novelty planter for Xmas like Santa Boot, Snowman Hat, Santa Head, Snowman Head or planter with Santa's or Snowman's clothing pattern. 请查你方是否有现成新颖的圣诞挂件如圣诞老人靴、雪人帽、圣诞老人和雪人头饰或者带圣诞老人和雪人的服饰的挂件。

54、Come and celebrate Christmas with international renowned speaker Dr. Andrew Goh on an evening of songs, music, refreshment and fellowship; and a special talk on "So What's for Christmas This Year?" 邀请您到来共享一个诗歌、音乐、茶点与交流的晚上,让国际知名讲员吴国安博士与您欢庆圣诞,谈谈“今年圣诞有何不同?”

55、Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the Christmas in the orld. 交换礼物和寄圣诞卡是欢度圣诞常见的方式。

56、O Christmas sweater, O Christmas sweater! 圣诞毛衫!

57、So popular is Kentucky Fried Chicken over the festive season that the fast-food chain's Christmas Party Barrels can be ordered up to two months in advance in Japan. 在日本,圣诞节时吃肯德基风行异常。因此,肯德基的圣诞圣诞假日桶要提前两个月定才行。

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