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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-19 11:08:24
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关于”激励自己的句子“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Encourage your own sentences。以下是关于激励自己的句子的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Encourage your own sentences

1、He knew from bitter experience what courage it took to ask a favor from a fellow man. 从他自己的悲惨的经历他就知道,那样的一拍对一个来求人帮忙的人来说是多么大的一个鼓励。

2、Now how can you give yourself the gift of relaxing breaths during even your busiest days? 现在你怎么才能在自己最忙的时候给自己一个放松呼吸的奖励呢?

3、The fantasy of omnipotence animated not only the trader but also those who let him go his way; 这种全知全能的幻想不仅激励了商人,而且还有那些让他走自己路的人;

4、TCCC's workplace will be a place where everyone's ideas and contributions are valued and where responsibility and accountability are encouraged and rewarded. TCCC的生产场所将是一个每个人都能实现自己的理想,奉献也有所价值,忠于职守受到激励并奖励的地方。

5、Armani began a free-lance design business in 1970 with the encouragement of his close friend Sergio Galeotti, and established his own men's wear label in 1974. 1970年,在好朋友的鼓励下,阿玛尼开始了自由设计职业,并于1974年创立了自己的男装品牌。

6、He loves music and volunteers his time with blind children and other people with disabilities, encouraging them to exercise more. 他喜爱音乐并自愿将自己的时间贡献给失明儿童和其他残疾人,鼓励他们多参加活动。

7、She encouraged me to think about what I wanted — short-term and in the future — and then to use my money within a plan. 她鼓励我想自己到底需要什么,现在想要的还有以后想要的,然后有计划的花钱。

8、It’s the internal gas, the fuel that drives a person to do things without the prodding of others. 自我激励是一种内在的氧气和燃料,无需任何人的督促,人们可以自己地去做许多事情。

9、She also went on to say: "We are looking to encourage voluntary partition from Toy and Leisure manufacturers by incentivising their involvement." 她接着说:“我们希望能鼓励玩具制造商和休闲参与,激励他们自愿参与。”

10、Floss your teeth, and get a gold star on the chart! 同样的,每当你用牙线,就给自己奖励一个金星。

11、Give yourself rewards for not biting your fingers. 如果不咬手了,给自己一些奖励。

12、Yoga's core principles can motivate you to take meaningful actions that are good for the planet and also appropriate for you, whatever your cirtances. 瑜伽的核心要义鼓励你做出有意义的行动,益于这个星球的也益于你自己的。

13、At a dinner at Buckingham Palace to celebrate their fathers’ birthday the two Princes paid tribute to him as ‘an inspiration to us and so many others.’ 在一次为庆祝父亲生日而举办的宴会上,两位王子向父亲献礼,表示要“鼓励我们自己和其他许多人”。

14、She will encourage her 10-year-old twin daughters to hew to similar values when they start their college search, she says. 她说,等自己十岁的双胞胎女儿选择大学时,她会鼓励她们秉承同样的价值理念。

15、A teacher has to walk a narrow path: you want to encourage kids to come up with things on their own, but you can't simply applaud everything they produce. 对教师而言,这无疑是条羊肠小道:你要鼓励孩子发展他们自己的东西,但又不能动辄就对他们报以掌声。

16、And it has influenced me and inspired me and changed my own music, and my vision, I think, as an artist. 这部电影影响了我、鼓励我并改变了我自己的音乐,甚至是我作为一名艺人的视野。

17、With concise, applications-oriented discussion of topics and self-test problems the text encourages students to monitor their own comprehension. 简明,应用为导向的主题和自我测试的问题进行讨论的文字鼓励学生监控自己的理解。

18、“I have always wished that for myself,” he said. “我一直以此勉励自己。” 他说。

19、Reward yourself with a treat after reaching each milestone, to encourage your further. 达到每个预期的目标时别忘了犒劳一下自己,那样可以更进一步的激励你。

20、In Mrs. McCampbell's class, I wasn't just taught about great literature, I was encouraged to have something to say. 在麦坎贝尔夫人的课上,她不但教我有关文学巨著的知识,还鼓励我说出自己的想法。

21、Mike Gerard, Ms. Joyce's brother, says his apology was inspired by a book that encouraged readers to think about the unresolved events in their lives, no matter how small. 乔伊斯的哥哥麦克•杰拉德(Mike Gerard)说,自己看了一本书才想到道歉,这本书鼓励读者回想自己人生中的未尽事宜,不管事情多么琐碎。

22、Once people begin to see that you do have a humorous side, you can expand your repertoire until you’re adding funny quotes to your presentations. 一旦别人发现有你幽默的一面时,你可以多多鼓励一下自己丰富你在这方面的能力,说话交流时不妨加入点好笑幽默的段子。

23、Remind us that death may dawn on us anytime, it is to propel us not to waste any single day. 提醒自己死亡随时会来临,就是策励自己不要枉过每一天。

24、'It's easy for me. I'm self-motivated, always at the top. If results are not what we want, that is even a bigger motivation to fight. ' 这对我来说不成问题,我善于激励自己,永远自信满满。假如结果不如人意,那正是让我更加鼓足干劲的理由。

25、Self-motivated people are able to focus on their goals and will not let little barriers stop them from fulfilling these dreams. 自我激励的人非常专注于自己的目标,不会让任何事情阻碍他们实现目标的进程。


26、All of these sites encourage members to take photos of themselves in new outfits and post them on the site. 这些站点都鼓励用户们穿上自己最时尚的搭配,然后将照片上传到网 站上。

27、Still, Ms. Smock has found in her own research that having money does encourage people to tie the knot. 尽管如此,斯莫克女士在自己的研究中发现,有钱确实能鼓励人们结合。

28、There are many ways to motivate yourself with something enjoyable, but no ways to use the nebulous concept of “discipline” to do something you hate. 用愉快的东西激励自己,有很多种方法,但用抽象的概念,用所谓“纪律”来让自己坚持,绝对行不通。

29、Since arriving in Australia in 1961, Wolf Blass has always used the image of the Eaglehawk as a source of pride and inspiration. 直到1961年到达澳大利亚,沃夫都是用鹰的图像来激励自己。

30、Have support for when you falter — either in real life or online. 自己产生怀疑和放弃的念头时须有人鼓励支持——这种支持可以是现实生活中的或是网络虚拟世界的。

31、I have my own motivation, and just now I decide "I want half of the program memorised by Christmas" . 我有激励自己的方法,就在刚才我还作出决定,“要在圣诞节时记住一半的新曲目。”

32、We have never had a manager like José Mourinho, no-one who galvanises his supporters like he does. 我们从没有过像穆里尼奥这样的教练,一个可以像他这样激励自己球迷的教练。

33、Josh Lipovetsky started his business, Film Insight, when he was just 16 years old. He started it while hospitalized, after being inspired to write about life. 在被鼓励写作之后,Josh Lipovetsky从16岁住院的时候开始自己的事业,“洞悉电影”。

34、To encourage myself to play more, I've made resolutions to Be serious about play, Take time to be silly, Force myself to wander. 要鼓励我多玩,我制定了的决意有:”认真对待玩“,”花时间犯傻“,强迫自己漫不经心。

35、I found a speech by the most famous Asian orator, Chen Anzhi and encouraged myself to be the superman… 我找了一段亚洲最著名的演说家,陈安之的演说,把自己激励成…

36、How do you stay motivated to budget and save when it seems like you’ll never reach your target? 当你发现你似乎永远不会达到目标时,你怎样激励自己继续预算和存钱呢?

37、Remembering death is good in that it reminds us not to waste our lives. 提醒自己死亡随时会来临,就是策励自己不要枉过每一天。

38、I am encouraging you and myself, for the entire month of June to put your whole entire beautiful self first. It’s not about ignoring your family members and friends nor becoming totally self absorbed. 我鼓励你以及我自己,在这整个七月能把优秀的自己放在第一位,而这并不意味着让你忽视你的家人以及朋友或完全沉浸于自我之中。

39、That's encouraged an army of young people to start their own companies, often in innovative IT or high-tech businesses. 这鼓励学多年轻人开始自己创业,特别是在创新信息技术和高科技行业里。

40、Doctors don't always take their own advice 自己开的方子,医生自己都不用。

41、When politicians implore me to go shopping to “improve the economy, ” I’m inspired to swap, borrow, and make do with what I have. 政客们恳求我去购物来“改善经济”,鼓励我去购物、借贷,凑乎着用自己的东西。

42、You've been given an incentive to armor up, to consciously screen out the ubiquitous stresses that afflict humanity. 你已经获得了一个武装自己的激励。有意识的屏蔽掉无处不在的、折磨着人性的压抑。

43、Encourage them to be self-forgiving when they make mistakes--help them to see what they have learned from them and what you have learned from yours. 当他们犯了错误时,鼓励他们原谅自己——帮助他们学会从错误中获得教益并告诉他们你从自己的错误中得到了什么教训。

44、Encourage contact by letting the dog sniff the scent of the person's hand, allowing the pup to come on his own. Chasing a dog scares him. 通过让狗狗嗅他人手上的气味,让它们自己来能鼓励它们接触他人。

45、Far more difficult, however, is to have employees be excited about the job and objectives you most need them to do. 但是,让员工受到激励,为自己的工作和你急需完成的目标倍感兴奋就难多了。

46、A 12-month-old baby can be played with using large toys that encourage them to walk or move on their own. 一名12个月大的宝宝可以玩使用,鼓励他们走或移动自己的大型玩具。

47、Real men encourage those around them, male or female, to realize their fullest potential, regardless of their own or others’ preconceptions. 大丈夫者会鼓励身边的人,不管是男的还是女的,不管是自己或是他人的看法,去认清自身所有的潜能。

48、But God's inspiring power gives new vigor to this believer, even though he sees himself as growing "old and gray." 尽管他眼见自己日渐变得「年老发白」,但神的大能激励他,赐给他新的活力。

49、Remind yourself however you can to do what you need to do and reward yourself as often as possible for doing what you’ve done. 无论怎样,要时刻提醒自己什么是自己所需要做的,要尽可能经常性的为自己所做过的事情而奖励自己。

50、The field windings may be separately excited from an external DC source, or they may be self-excited; i. e. , the machine may supply its own excitation. 励磁绕组可以由外部直流电源单独激磁,或者也可自励,即电机提供自身的励磁。


51、Although she herself had given birth at home, she encouraged her daughter-in-law Karamjeet to give birth at a health centre. 虽然她自己以往是在家分娩,但她鼓励儿媳Karamjeet在卫生保健中心分娩。

52、Authorities might also hope that officials would be inspired by Confucius's ideal of the "gentleman, " a righteous person who puts service to others before his own interests. 当局可能还希望孔子的贤人目标能激励官员,也就是做一个把服务他人置于自己利益之上的正直的人。

53、And most importantly, once you achieve your goal, reward yourself! 而且最重要的是,一旦达到目标,就奖励你自己!

54、Another is to reward yourself for keeping away from the bad behavior. 另一个就是只要远离坏毛病,就奖励自己。

55、He never considered himself an activist. 他从来不把自己看着是激进分子。

56、Handle affairs each day. To keep your courage, confidence and self-inspirit, you must do some things everyday and refuse to stop. 每天都要做一些事情。要保持你的勇气,信心和自我激励,每天必须做一些事情,拒绝让自己停下来。

57、The question is: how do you motivate yourself? 问题就是:你怎样自我激励?

58、Such rewards act as incentives for finishing a task, as well as helping us to maintain momentum. 这种劳逸结合的方式能让人精神焕发,也能更好地激励我们做好自己的工作。

59、Recently, I began pursuing my dream of motivating others. After a 4-year relationship with a. 最近,我开始将激励别人作为自己追逐的梦想。我在主要资产居百强的公司工作了四。

60、Parents who are high frequency readers are more likely to see themselves as primarily responsible for encouraging their children to read than parents who are low-frequency readers (60% vs. 46%). 高频度家长读者比低频度家长读者更有可能把自己看作激励孩子阅读的主要因素(60%∶46%)。

61、Ignite their journey with imagery and challenges that allow them to create their own path to high performance. 用形象的比喻和挑战激励他们建立自己的道路,开启高绩效的旅程。

62、Mom Veronica Anderson was a bit more pragmatic and encouraged her to pursue whatever path gratified her most. 妈妈维罗尼卡·安德森则更现实一些,鼓励她去追求自己最喜爱的任何事业。

63、These types of challenges urge birders to improve continually improve their hobby, leading to even more enjoyment. 如此种种挑战性的任务鼓励着“鸟人”们不断提升自己,而这又将带来更多的乐趣。

64、Reward yourself frequently with the gift of laughter, Hollywood style. 经常奖励自己一点欢笑,好莱坞式的那种。

65、As members of the Family of Light, you bring information to the planet neutrally to stimulate your own growth. 作为光家族成员,你们给行星带来中立的信息以激励你们自己的成长。

66、In Tantra the man can be encouraged to explore his soft, receptive, vulnerable, feminine aspects. 在坦陀罗里面,男人可以被鼓励去探索他自己温柔,善于接受,易受攻击,女性化的一面。

67、On one hand, welfare lottery encourages people to do small kindness for the welfare of others as well as for the profit of oneself. 一方面,福利彩票鼓励人们这样做小善良福利他人以及为自己的利润。

68、Anenvironment that encourages fierce competition between employees or groups ofemployees resulting in individuals feeling like they are losers. 一个鼓励恐怖老公之间进行恐怖比赛的环境会导致个体感觉自己是个失败者

69、Keep the comments in a happy notes file and read it when you need a shot of confidence, Brushfield says. 布拉施菲尔德说,将这些评论写在一个记录快乐的纸条上,当你需要一些自信来激励自己时,就读读它。

70、Self-motivated able to work independently and under pressure; 自我激励,能够承受压力;

71、Everywhere we find kings seeking to extend their dominion over both neighboring territories and their own vassals. 国王们到处扩张自己的势力,激励加强对邻国和属下封臣们的控制。

72、Workouts with more fit people can be motivating and help you improve, but only after you have a good solid base to work with. Otherwise they can be harmful. 和合适的人一起运动更有激励作用也帮助自己提升,但记得先让自己具备稳固的基础,否则只会有害。

73、Natural selection, which usually promotes only selfish behavior, can reward this kind of cooperative behavior, called kin selection, because relatives contain many of the same genes. 通常只会鼓励利己行为的自然进化,也会奖励这种合作行为,称为血亲进化,因为亲属之间包含很多相同的基因。

74、To come above tougher times you have to pep yourself up, when you are feeling low, lost and confused. 当你感觉情绪低落,失落和迷惘时,要从艰难中走出,你要不断激励自己。

75、And, in fact, that's much what this is: doctors are encouraged to think of themselves not only as healthcare providers, but as individual economic actors competing in the free market. 事实上,很大程度上就是这么回事:鼓励医生不仅把自己看作白衣天使,还要把自己看作在自由市场上参与竞争的经济人。

英文句子模板76:Encourage your own sentences

76、We encourage you to take what you have learned here and attempt to write your own solution to our puzzle. 我们鼓励您运用在这里学到的东西,并尝试编写您自己的对于这个难题的解决方案。

77、Encourage everyone to speak their mind -- and always ask for critiques of how well you've been managing the team. 鼓励每个人说出自己的想法——并且请大家对你对团队的管理程度如何发表评论。

78、Collect ten stars and you get a reward, like a favorite coffee drink or a trip to the movies. 每收集到十个金星就给自己一个物质奖励,比如自己喜欢的咖啡或是一场电影。

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