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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-19 10:11:59
  • 91




1、this is my father, my father is ordinary. i love my father! 少了一句,就这样吧

2、Suddenly look back, that a "big sister" where? 蓦然回首,那一句“大姐”在哪里?

3、This is my father, my father is ordinary. I love my father! 少了一句,就这样吧

4、Put a CONNECT statement in spcat and spalter. 在 spcat 和 spalter 中放置一条 CONNECT 语句。

5、The authors prove the study from more aspects, showing that the different choices are used to express that psychological features in the third part. 复句和句群之间大多可以转换,并有着不同的主观视点和不同的心理特征。

6、c Words like‘said’ and‘asked’ are followed by a comma. We put a full stop after them only when they come at the end of a sentence. 在said, asked等词后面用逗号, 只有当它们位于句尾时, 才在它们的后面用句号.

7、Our comprehension results showed that children who received SVO models predominantly used SVO to interpret NVN sentences (94% of the time). 理解测试结果显示,得到SVO语句输入的儿童使用SVO来理解NVN测试句的比率高达94%。

8、how much will the use of water and power come to。这句的power是指电吗?

9、If you have not associated an input context with the window before, the returned handle is for the default input context. 如果先前没有输入上下文与些窗口相关联,函数将返回的句柄将是默认输入上下文(的句柄)。

10、He is the richest man in the world. 它是世界上最富地人句号。

11、Blurted out the sentence is so easy. 是那么容易脱口而出的一句话。

12、Extraneous null statements are not always harmless. 无关的空语句并非总是无害的。

13、All the stories about Arthur are exactly the same. 哪句是假?请圈出正确答案。

14、It's more expensive than it was last time but not as good. 价钱比上次高,但质量却比上次差。(增补原文省略部分,原句后半句完整形式应该是:...but it's not as good as it was last time.)

15、If the shape does not support any of the use cases for a particular handle (out-going or in-coming), then that handle does not appear. 如果形体不支持特定句柄(输出或者传入)的用例,然后该句柄便不会消失。

16、She exchanged a few words of greeting with the guests. 她同客人寒喧了几句。

17、You can use commas (, ), colons ( or semicolons (; ) in your writing, but they should never be used instead of a full-stop. 我们在句中可以使用逗号、冒号、分号,但绝对不可以使用以上标点符号代替句末标点。

18、I haven't got much on at the moment. 补充佳句一枚:我现在空得很。

19、Sorry, too heavy! I can't afford to. 一句对不起,太沉重!我承担不起。

20、I am sorry, all this is my fault. 对不起,这些都是俺地错句号。

21、In other words, they can be “show-offs.” 换句话说,他们可能是在“炫耀”。

22、It was too frivolous for her to answer. 这句话太刻薄了,她不愿回答。

23、She just responded: "you filthy got". 她只复兴了一句:“你这龌龊的蛆虫。”

24、our school need you to help the students. 以后造句请按照这个思路哦~

25、They are stored in storage areas that you can reference using the connection and statement handles used during execution. 这些结果存储在一些存储区域中,您可以使用执行期间用到的连接和语句句柄来引用结果。


26、Btw D. Rose is the real deal! 顺便说一句,德里克-罗斯真棒!

27、She whispered a few words in her mother's ear. 她在妈妈耳边喳喳了两句。

28、“Liar,” I shot back with a grin. “说谎,”我咧着嘴笑,回敬了他一句。

29、But have you not heard, 'Those that are truly hard can never be ground thin' or 'Those that are truly white can never be stained black'. 可是不也有这么一句话‘坚硬之身磨不薄’或这么一句话‘洁白之身染不黑’。

30、I Hope You Know, what are you doing? 希望老哥能看到我说的这句。

31、How can I get to the shoping centre? (同意句) how to get to the shoping centre Give the purse to me.(换一种说法句意不变) give me the purse It's cold(下划线)in winter there. (对画线部分提问) how is the weather in winter there?

32、To express my love for my mother 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译

33、This made me a tiny bit uneasy. 这句话让我有一丁点儿不舒服。

34、Handle count: Number of handles opened by the process. Handle count:该进程打开的句柄数。

35、And so both of them carried on, alternately putting in their words, while she just cried. She herself knew the rationale. What is a woman's duty? 他们纷纷的你一句,我一句,她只是哭,她也知道自己理曲,妇人的职务是什么?

36、At that time, Zhou Lijun said: "the hungry?" 当时周立军说了一句:“饿了吧?

37、You can step into called functions or programs, or just treat the calls as part of running the current statement. 您可以跳入被调用函数或程序进行逐句调试,或仅仅将整个调用作为一个当前语句来运行。

38、In other words polarization properties are excluded. 换句话说,偏振性质未包括在内。

39、In 3 BC, the Koguryo regime moved it's capital from Huan-ren to Ji-an and developed quickly in the following 425 years. 高句丽政权于公元3年自桓仁迁都至此,历425年,这个时期是高句丽政权的大发展时期。

40、And see Morningside sentence, not the first tears down Yin. 及睹晨兴句,未吟先涕垂。

41、Which of the following will compile without error? 哪句代码编译没有错误。

42、Why won't you even talk to me? 为什么你连句话都不愿和我说。

43、She babbled a few words to him. 她跟他咿咿呀呀地说了几句话。

44、I got no reason to lie to you 普通的一句, 我没有理由骗你

45、Enjoy your time In Jurong This Place! 祝你在句容这个地方玩得愉快!

46、Could you help me pass this card to him ? 第四句:你们刚刚在说什么?

47、Just a few words will incite him into action. 他只需几句话一将, 就会干。

48、She smiled and replied: I only remember one out. 佢笑著答到:只记得一句咗。

49、Mondale laughed along with the audience. 这句话让蒙代尔和观众们都笑了。

50、Presto, sample sentences and usage examples. 转眼间,就能看到例句和用法示例。


51、At that time, can barely cope with a few. 那时,免强也能应付几句。

52、Point out the mistakes in the sentences and correct them. 指出句中的错误并订正。

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