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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-24 00:43:43
  • 91




1、The aged, especially those from empty-nest families, are in eager need for reassurance. 老年人,尤其是那些来自于空巢家庭的老年人,急需安慰慰。

2、Panax(Ginseng) -Panacea or Placebo? 人参——万灵丹还是安慰剂?

3、I wasn't taught ways to comfort myself. 也没人教过我怎么安慰自己。

4、Snail mother comforted him: "So we have the shell ah!" 小蜗牛妈妈安慰它:“所以,我们有壳子保护我们呀!”

5、If someone loses money or other valuable things, you can try to comfort him by saying:"Trade money for safety." 如果某人丢了钱或者贵重的东西,你就可以说“破财免灾”这句话来安慰他。

6、Don't carry your grief to excess. 听到这事我很难过。

7、NRSV: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." 和合本:“哀恸的人有福了,因为他们必得安慰。”

8、That dull child's mother is deluding herself with dreams of his future success. 这个傻孩子的母亲自我安慰地幻想着,将来这个孩子会有出息的。

9、Sharpless asks Suzuki to comfort her mistress and to persuade her to give up her child to Kate. 夏普勒斯请铃木好生安慰她的女主人,并请她动员蝴蝶放弃孩子,交给凯特。

10、The next step in stopping the biting behavior is to create empathy by comforting the biting victim. 要阻止孩子咬人的第二步是通过安慰被咬的孩子来表示对弱者的同情。

11、" Sage words: "Blessed are those who mourn, because he Betrader comfort. 圣哲言:“哀恸的人有福了,因他必得安慰。”

12、For the old lady, these ghosts provide reassurance, a sunny remembrance of days gone by. 对这个老妇人而言,这些幻影带来安慰,带来关于那些逝去日子阳光般的回忆。

13、His family tried to assimilate into the white and Hispanic communities  哭泣着的一家人相互拥抱并彼此安慰。

14、The Charioteer of York will soothe the people . 约克郡的战车御者会安慰人们。

15、Song of small comfort him Road. 小崧安慰他道。

16、When I was frustrated when, need someone to comfort you so-called "good friends" not only does not comfort me, but also to sprinkle salt on my wounds, you know what it's like it? 当我沮丧时,需要有人来安慰你所谓的“好朋友”不仅不安慰我,而且在我的伤口上洒盐,你知道它是什么样子的?

17、We all sympathize with you, but don't take on so;that won't help matters. 不要被悲痛情绪压倒。

18、May this soul rest in peace in heaven and guide you for years to come愿英灵在天堂安息,永永远远保佑你

19、I know that, for some people, comfort is very elusive. 我知道,有些人对安慰的理解是混淆不清的。

20、The studies compared the blood-thinner unfractionated heparin to a placebo, or low-molecular-weight heparin with a placebo, or both types of heparin with each other. 这些研究比较了血液稀释剂普通肝素和安慰剂、低分子肝素和安慰剂或是两种肝素之间的作用比较。

21、Don't carry your grief to excess. 听到这事我很难过。

22、The woman is the man's comfort, because you still need it. ⊙、女人是男人的安慰,因为解铃尚需系铃人。

23、See mother crying, she wants a few words of comfort, but she found herself speechless, she cried. 看到妈妈在哭,她想安慰几句,但是她发现自己说不出话来,她失声了。

24、It must be tough for you. 我理解你的心情。

25、The researchers gave some people either aspirin or a placebo and others an antioxidant or placebo. They found that after eight years the number of heart attacks and strokes was about the same. 研究人员,给一部分人服阿斯比林和安慰剂,另一部分用抗氧化剂和安慰剂。


26、You must be strong and brave for the sake of the other members of the family为了其他的家人,你一定要勇敢坚强

27、He did his best to comfort the old man. 他尽力地去安慰老人。

28、After her divorce she needed a shoulder to cry on. 离婚后她必要一个能给她安慰为的人。女人体图。

29、If you want to reassure someone, you can say: Don't worry. 如果想安慰某人,你可以说:Don't worry.

30、The world is full of comfortless hearts, and ere thou art sufficient for this lofty ministry, thou must be trained. 世上充满了需要安慰的人,可是如果你要作一个安慰使者,你自己必须受过训练,否则不足胜任。

31、Daughter Wang Xinyan comfort. 王新严安慰女儿。

32、And a third group received a placebo. 第三群人吃的则是安慰剂。

33、I bless You always and glorify You with Your only-begotten Son and the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete , forever and ever. 所以我赞美祢,显扬祢,和祢惟一的圣子及安慰人的圣神于无穷之世。

34、By contrast, the 10 who were taking placebos consumed 2.6 drinks. 相反,那服用安慰剂的10人平均喝了2.6杯酒。

35、It must be tough for you. 我理解你的心情。

36、The miser seemed as much consoled at having the halter provided for him free of expense, as the impoverished man had been by the discovery of the treasure. 这个嗜钱如命的人拿到一根不花钱的绳子甚感安慰,与那个一贫如洗的人意外发现财宝所感受到的安慰完全一样。

37、) 7. All things are difficult before they are easy.(凡事必先难后易。

38、31The people read it and were glad for its encouraging message. 众人念了,因为信上安慰的话,就欢喜了。

39、Cloth mothers but they give warmth and comfort. 不给孩子提供任何食物,Cloth,mothers,don't,give,any,food,只提供温暖和安慰。

40、To make her comfortable, her little son has come of age safely though he got a chronic inherently. 让她安慰的是,尽管她的小儿子天生就有痨病,还是平安的成年了。

41、Imogene, Amy, and Louise were anxious to be consolatory , but they did not know what to say. 伊木真、阿弥和露意丝都急于要安慰他几句,可是一时找不出话来。

42、我知道,对你们来说,这是一个非常艰难的时刻, 你在我心中. Please let me know if you need anything. 如果需要什么请告诉我。

43、He always does what he can to comfort those who are in trouble. 他总是尽力去安慰处于困境的人。

44、I am so sorry for your loss. 我对你失去亲人深表哀悼。

45、It's like that old saying about what good preaching is, good preaching is supposed to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. 就像俗话说的,好的布道应该安慰受折磨的人,折磨安逸的人。

46、Melanie: And only strangers here to comfort him. 梅兰妮:而且,只有陌生人来安慰他。

47、i appreciate your kind words. 病人手术后感觉良好.我很感谢你好心的安慰。

48、The defects of great men are the consolation of dunces. 伟人有缺点是愚人的安慰。

49、I have heard many such things: miserable comforters are ye all. 这样的话我听了许多。你们安慰人,反叫人愁烦。

50、Mind is tired, no one can give me comfort. 心累了,却没有人能给我安慰。


51、The comforting sounds of her parents' voices drifted from the kitchen. 父母那令人感到安慰的说话声从厨房飘来。

52、The old lady often comforts those who are in trouble. 这位老妇人经常安慰处于困境的人。

53、Physical well-being of students is the greatest comfort. 身体安康是学生们最大的安慰。

54、Old people, far from their families in our mobile, atomized society, depend on their doctors for care and reassurance. 在我们这个流动、原子化的社会里,老人远离自己的家人,依靠医生的照料和安慰。

55、A man needed to have an anchor in the safe world. A man needed a wife. 男子需要扶持和安慰,需要一个铁锚把他碇泊在安全地下,需要一个妻子。

56、For the childless, all this research must certainly feel redeeming. 所有这些研究成果,对于那些膝下无子的人来说,无疑是一种安慰和补偿;

57、But while these figures may be reassuring in one sense, scientifically they are far from comforting. The disparity between them is enormous. 但是虽然这些数字在某种意义上是很安慰人的,可从科学角度讲远远不能令人安慰,而且差距相当之大。

58、The researchers found that naloxone reduced behavioral placebo effects as well as placebo-induced decreases in pain-related brain responses. 研究人员发现,服用安慰剂的行为使纳洛酮的影响减少而且安慰剂引起的疼痛减少有关的大脑反应。

59、Please convey my sympathy to your family请向你的家人传达我的关怀之情

60、The lonely mourner was following to the grave her sole earthly support and comfort. 要埋到坟地去的,是这孤苦伶仃的妇人的儿子,她的唯一依靠和安慰。

61、I am a consolation for human health and water wizard. 我是一个为安慰人类而生的水精灵。

62、But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort. 但作先知讲道的,是对人说,要造就,安慰,劝勉人。

63、This is a kind of comfortable, happy smoothness . 这是一种令人安心、快慰的均匀。

64、A brush on canvas can be remarkably soothing. 在画布上的画笔可以出乎意外地使人感到安慰。

65、No one will make a feast for them in sorrow, to give them comfort for the dead, or put to their lips the cup of comfort on account of their father or their mother. 他们有丧事、 人必不为他们擘饼、 因死人安慰他们. 他们丧父丧母、 人也不给他们一杯酒安慰他们。

66、Your visit may give some comfort to the patient. 你来探视或许能给病人带来些许安慰。

67、A lover can never have enough of the solaces of his beloved. 来自所爱之人的安慰再多,情人也不嫌。

68、Taizu and family console Yongqing who is upset over her breakup. 永庆失恋伤心,泰祖一家人齐力安慰她。

69、We all sympathize with you, but don't take on so;that won't help matters. 不要被悲痛情绪压倒。

70、The sick man found solace in music. 那男病人从音乐中获得了安慰。

71、He might be a comfort to her later when she needed someone around to lean on. 过后指不定他还能好好安慰安慰她,等到她亟需温暖怀抱依靠的时候。

72、Two were given placebos. Six were given the drug. 其中两人使用安慰剂,其他六人用的是实验药。

73、whence shall I seek comforters for thee? 我何处寻得安慰你的人呢。

74、The boys here were annoying but not disgusting--which was a great comfort. 这里的同学讨人嫌,但还不让人可憎---这真让人安慰。

75、Does the response of the four other strings offer consolation, or despair? 其他四件弦乐器的回应是给人以安慰还是令人绝望?

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