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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-27 17:06:18
  • 137




1、John Oldman:I meet someone, learn their name, say a word, they're gone. 约翰·奥德曼:我遇到某个人,知道了他的名字,说了几句话,然后他就死了。

2、If you are tempted to use the GO TO statement with a procedure name, consider the EVALUATE statement as an alternative option. 如果试图将 GO TO 语句与程序名一起使用,那么可以考虑将 EVALUATE 语句作为一个替换选项。

3、In other words, the structure is the same with substitutions for different class or variable names. 换句话说,结构相同,但是代入不同的类或变量名。

4、Bake salmon in foil or poach in a light stock for 8-10 minutes. 三文鱼 [名] salmon; [例句]用箔纸包烤或用清汤蒸煮三文鱼8至10分钟。

5、The one-sentence report did not specify what charges the Americans will face. 这个“一句话新闻”没有说明这两位记者将被指控什麽罪名。

6、I I meet someone, learn their name, say a word, they're gone. 我遇到某个人,知道了他的名字,说了几句话,然后他就死了。剀。

7、Perhaps other people have said so before, but not one with such justice. 也许别人以前也说过这句话,可是谁也不能象我这样名副实在。

8、Please visit our Quote of the Day page to read daily quotes with explanations. 我们摘录自名家散文,提供每日一句,并加以解释,请浏览。

9、By the way, you said they were known as a delicacy, right? 顺便问一句,你刚才说它因为其鲜嫩而闻名对吧?

10、Notice that login failed for user '' (in other words, no login name is specified). 注意,登录失败的原因是 user ''(换句话说,没有指定登录名)。

11、In another experiment, partints typed thestatements and saved them to folders with nondescript names, such as “facts, ’’“data, ’’ and “info. 而在另一项实验中,参与者把这些语句分别保存在以“事实”“数据”“信息”等不可名状的名字命名的文件夹中。

12、During the process of converting a clause into a noun phrase, some information is lost and ambiguity may arise. 在小句转换成名词词组的过程中有些信息被丢失,因而名物化结构常产生歧义。

13、Two tigers one mountain can not be epted, unless a public and a mother. 一山不能容二虎,除非一公和一母。(这句英文个性署名很雷人)

14、Who, in other words, ? is not present in Machiavelli's list of great prophets that one should imitate? 换句话说,谁未名列马奇亚维利的伟大先知名单,即那些该被仿效的伟人?

15、The infamous words of Peter Druker say it clearly “Fail to Plan and Plan to Fail”. 皮特•德鲁克说过一句著名的话:“失败的计划正计划走向失败”。

16、China has a proverb:"The famous teacher left the outstandingdisciple" to explain this truth. 中国有句俗语:“ 名师出高徒”就说明了这个道理。

17、She had not thought of that, but a name suggested by a phrase in the book of Genesis came into her head as she proceeded with the baptismal service, and now she ounced it 她没有想到要取名字的事,不过在她继续进行洗礼仪式的时候,突然想到了《创世纪》里的一句话,那句话里提到一个名字,就随口念了出来

18、From these words the criticconcludes that the author admits the fatality of the Atheists. 从这寥寥几句里,那名批判者总结出作者承认无神论者要灭亡。

19、This thesis is the study of the merger and topicality of Mandarin Chinese topic and the topic construction as well as the collocation between genous and heterogeneous topics. 篇名与自然语句的差别主要是由于篇名的性质引起的 ,本文从篇名的指称性与话题性、形式标记、强弱程度、篇名的历史和篇名的倾前性等方面论述了篇名的话题性。

20、The man, whose name was Jim Logan, added, “Give me two dollars. 这个名叫吉姆·洛根的人补上一句,“只须两块钱”。

21、We have also discussed the problem of adding "a" before the Proper Nouns in Existing Sentence. 我们还探讨了关于存现句中专有名词前面加“一个”的问题。

22、In the past, there was a well known saying - that "3,000 beauties live in the Inner Court". 在过去,有一句很有名的话就是“三千佳丽集于后宫”。

23、And because BigInteger has already been put into scope by the previous import statement, there's no need to explicitly package-qualify the class name. 由于 BigInteger 已经被先前的导入语句导入到作用域中,因此无需显式地使用包名限定类名。

24、The next statement sets the text box with name q with the value HttpUnit. 下一条语句用值 HttpUnit 设置名为 q 的文本框。

25、Two tigers one mountain can not be accepted, uns a public and a mother. 一山不能容二虎,除非一公和一母。(这句英文个性签名很雷人)


26、Two tigers one mountain can not be accepted, unless a public and a mother. 一山不能容二虎,除非一公和一母。(这句英文个性签名很雷人)

27、hooks into - in this case a test failure. 以上语句展示的是当测试失败时的处理方式,其中第一个参数是hook的名称。

28、You can, however, add nymic handlers in place of target processing states. 但是,你可以在应该出现目标处理状态的地方,添加一个同名句柄。

29、This saying refers to Justinian , a mysterious and magnificent figure in history. 这句话说的是查士丁尼,历史上神秘又著名的人物。

30、You can also specify the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) by setting the full hostname and appending a period to the end of the name: amazon IN CNAME www.amazon.com 通过设置完整主机名并在名称末尾追加一个句点,还可以指定完全限定的域名 (FQDN)。

31、You can get this handle in a number of ways (using either the ID, UUID, or domain name). 您可通过多种方式获得该句柄(使用 ID、UUID 或域名)。

32、Hello, my name's George Dickinson. May I have a word with Nelson? 喂,我的名字是乔治·狄更生。我和耐尔逊说几句话行吗?

33、The statement CALLER=`basename $0` is used to get the name of the script being run. 使用语句 CALLER=`basename $0` 可以得到正在运行的脚本名称。

34、It is ounced "egregious". By the way, no, I've never met Pizzaro but I love his pies. 顺便再说一句,是的,我从没见过披萨罗,但我喜欢以他的名字命名的馅饼。

35、In another experiment, partints typed thestatements and saved them to folders with nondescript names, such as “facts,’’“data,’’ and “info. 而在另一项实验中,参与者把这些语句分别保存在以“事实”“数据”“信息”等不可名状的名字命名的文件夹中。

36、The end of sentence rule: The end of sentence markers [.!?] in any quantity, followed by space, will be printed, followed by the famous (or infamous, take your pick) "Bork Bork Bork!" message. 句结束(end of sectence)规则:将打印任意数量后跟空格的句结束标记符 [.!?] ,再跟着打印著名的(或臭名昭著的,随您喜欢)“ Bork Bork Bork!

37、In other words, the business card in the BuddyNote frame displays your business card until you select one from the Contacts list. 换句话说,当您从联系人表中选择对象时,BuddyNote 框架中的名片才会显示您的名片信息。

38、Therefore, the statement will evaluate and return the tables array, and the rest of the statement could be pictured as this 因此,语句被求解后会返回表名数组。

39、" Based on this spontaneous inspiration, people later nicknamed the dish "Buddha's Favorite". 后来人们便根据这两句诗,将此菜改名为「佛跳墙」。

40、This routine checks if the binding handle passed with the routine has an entry name in the name service database. 这个例程检查传递的绑定句柄在名称服务数据库中是否有相应的条目名称。

41、The Yuanju old county is a famous historical city in old Jishui river valley. 冤句县故城是古济水流域的一座历史名城。

42、The entry name must contain at least one non- blank character and cannot begin with a period. Choose a different name. 项目名必须含有至少一个非空白字符,并且不能以句号打头。请选择一个不同的名称。

43、"My name's Ricky, " he spat, "but my fighting name's Gearshift because I have a gearshift. " “我的名字叫里基,”他喷出一句话,“但是我打架的名字叫‘换档’,那是因为我有换档的车。”

44、The thesis explores the deep syntactic and semantic relations within nominalization constructions by investigating their various covert internal "case" relations. 本文通过对名物化内部各种隐含的格关系的分析,探讨了名物化结构的深层句法语义关系。

45、std::string extension(const path&): This function returns the extension of a given file name prefixed with a period (.). string extension(const path&):此函数以前面带句点 (.) 的形式返回给定文件名的扩展名。

46、And probably his most famous line, "Men are not born entitled to equal rights. 是他最著名的一句话,"人们生来就没有同等的权利

47、The user variable is created and referenced by appending a period and name to the name of the scope object. For example, if a on has the following server-side onclick script 通过在 scope 对象名称后附加句点和名称来创建并引用用户变量。

48、I'm ody. John Lee is a some-body, although be was a ody two years ago. 李约翰现在已是名人,虽然两年前是默默无闻的。原句。

49、The new capability will help listeners find songs by entering a search by title, al, artist or even with a line or two of lyrics. 通过使用该项新功能,用户可输入歌名、专辑名、艺人或一两句歌词查找歌曲。

50、In experiment 1, the subjects were asked to determine the more stressed word between the demonstrative noun and the non-demonstrative noun. 实验1请被试比较歧义句中切分出来的所指名词与非所指名词的重读程度。


51、She had passed to me an anonymous note that simply said, "look behind you." 她让人递给我一张匿名纸条,膳缦沔就写了一句:“往后看。”

52、I had only the credit of servilely copying such sentences as I was ashamed to put my name to . 我只是荣幸地恭录那些我羞于为之署名的语句。

53、You named the language variable at the beginning of the closure with the language->statement. 在闭包的开始处使用 language->语句命名 language 变量。

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