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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-22 10:33:01
  • 132


关于”写作的高级句型“的英语句子56个,句子主体:Advanced sentence patterns in writing。以下是关于写作的高级句型的四年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Advanced sentence patterns in writing

1、In foreign language writing sment field, human rater has been predominantly used to evaluate writing samples both in large-scale test (such as College Entrance Exam) and claoom test. 在外语写作测试领域,人工评估主要应用于大规模写作测试和班级写作测试中。

2、Started writing. The only writing I had done previous to this blog, had been in Elementary school English class. 写作 写作是唯一一件在开博之前就已经做的事,是在初级中学英语课上,是最积极的事之一。

3、Another section offers SAT vocabulary word lessons for 9 - 12 graders, and yet another section contains writing prompts and critical thinking exercises. 另外还有针对9-12年级SAT词汇的课程部分,还有提高写作以及评论思考练习的部分。

4、OV-1: High-level operational concept graphic OV-1: 高级运作概念图

5、This week I have been covering creative writing. 本周我教授创作型写作。

6、In fourth grade the top book was, not surprisingly, "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" by Judy Blume . 四年级最高的书是,不要惊讶,茱蒂·布鲁姆写的《没有四年级的故事》。

7、In short, the process of macro-guidance through micro-guidance to error-correction monitoring is the key to the formative sment of Advanced English Writing. 文章认为,宏观指导→微观指导→纠错监控的写作流程是《高级英语写作》形成性考核的核心因素。

8、M: Volume of logic artifacts by type, complexity. 类型、复杂度的逻辑工作的量级

9、Both FIT/Fitnesse and Cucumber execute acceptance tests written in a high level language. FIT/Fitnesse和Cucumber都执行高级语言编写的验收测试。

10、The more advanced approach also includes localization (abbreviated l10n). 更为高级的方式还包括 本地化(缩写为 l10n)。

11、The author of this article introduces four common English writing styles, their characteristics and special ways of writing, in an attempt to help the students in composition writing. 全面了解大学英语中常见的四种写作类型,有利于熟练掌握各种体裁的写作特点和写作方法、提高学生的英语写作能力。

12、A complete set of lecture notes for an upper-division undergraduate Newtonian dynamics course. 一个为高级教师编写的完整的讲义。

13、In the group teaching of composition, individual teaching can help students′ confidence and writing ability, and makes teacher teach students according to their level. 在班级作文集体教学中,个别教学形式的存在,可以起到补充作用,有利于实现因材施教,提高学生的自信心和写作能力。

14、Class is a boring topic to write about. 作者认为“将阶级作为写作的主题著实显得乏味。

15、Advanced English Writing is designed for the third-year English majors, with 1.5 credit and 26 theoretical lessons in each semester. 《高级写作》是为英语专业大三学生开设的一门必修课程,学分1.5,每学期26节理论课时。

16、Other sections deal with the new type of summary and with composition writing, though each of the proposed types of composition is presented separately as part of a chapter. 其他部分涉及新型的总结和写作,只不过每一种建议的写作类型是作为每章的一个部分单独给出的。

17、Sixth graders' partition in the "social type", the "skill type", and the "knowledge culture type" is higher than that of the fifth graders; 六年级学童在「社交型」、「技艺型」、「知識文化型」的參与上高于五年级学童;

18、I had a senior-level writing course when I was in college. 大学时期,我选修了高级写作这门课。

19、What the higher vocational and technical colleges train are the advanced application-oriented talents. 高等职业院校培养的是高级应用型技术人才。

20、The Newly Published English Syllabus for Students in Full-time Ordinary Senior Middle Schools (1999) puts forward some requirements for the students' writing. 新编《全日制普通高级中学英语教学大纲》在写作方面对中学生有一定的要求;

21、To copy down the original sentence, after a number of years, increased awareness, and then opened, there will be a new understanding, to write more works. 把原句抄下来,经若干年后,认识提高了,再翻开看,一定会有新的理解,写出更高的佳作。

22、Service Specification: Establishes and validates service exposure decisions and derivation of the high-level service model. 服务规范工作:建立并验证服务公开决策和高级服务模型的派生物。

23、This dictionary is designed for advanced learners of English. 本词典是为高级英语学习者编写的。

24、In later years, the kids will get to choose one for writing, but will be expected to read both. 进入高年级后,学生可以自己选择其中一种作为书写语言,阅读的文章则仍然是简繁兼有。

25、It is widely used in house, hotel and office. 是住宅,宾馆和写字间等的高级装潢材料。


26、First, it is much easier to program in a high-level language. 首先,使用高级语言编写程序将更加容易。

27、Editor's Note: This is a very technical article for the advanced user. 编者提示:本文是为高级用户所撰写的纯技术性文章。

28、This task is designed to measure and make distinctions between test takers at the high proficiency levels. 这种题型旨在测量和区分高水平考生的英语写作水平。

29、Platforms can be positioned on any rung of the frames giving increments in height of 46cm; 工作平台可设置在塔架的任意一级,每一级的高度为46cm以配合不同工作高度需要;

30、Having said that small capitals are capitals on x-height, it's mostly not 100% true. 前面说小型大写是和小写字母一样x-高度的大写字母,其实是不太准确的。

31、Nearly native English speaker, College-level writing ability is preferred; 出色的国学表达能力,有高级写作水平者优先考虑;

32、CPS (Collaborative Professional Services) is a newly launched advanced service program for the commercial segment. 协作型专业服务是思科面向商业市场新推出的高级服务。

33、The survey is made to find out non-English majors'writing difficulties and habits. 本文分析了大学生英语写作难点、习惯及不同类型的评语对学生写作的影响。

34、The results show that the Multiple-level Model has greater effects on improvement of the students' writing skills than the traditional product approach. 多层面的写作教学模式的教学实验明显地提高了实验班学生的作文成绩,在提高学生写作水平方面比传统的成果写作教学法更有成效。

35、Students in the Mastering Art class are ready to advance their skills to create more three-dimensionality and realism in their work. 高等班的孩子开始准备提高他们的造型能力使得他们的作品更具立体感和写实性。

36、It is written on a high third-grade level. 这是写在一个高的三年级(high third-grade level)。

37、Split infinitives are common in legal writing, an important type of formal English. 分离不定式在法律写作中很常见,法律写作是正式英语写作的一个重要类型。

38、Admitted to the 1st "Spirit of Image" Doctor Training Programmes in Oil Painting for postgraduate study cl by School of Arts, RENMIN University of China in July ; 考入中国大学艺术学院首届“写意精神”写生与创作(高级)研究课程班;

39、This course fulfills NAU's junior-level writing requirement. 这门课程满足初级写作要求。

40、Improved reliability of writing to high-speed Compact Flash cards. 改进可靠性的写作,以超高速紧凑型闪存卡。

41、High-level positioning: We will be senior headhunting project as major business objectives. 定位高级化:我们将中高级的猎头项目作为主要业务目标。

42、It is expected that research on improving English writing ability through cooperative learning would provide helpful implications for ELT. 本文希望通过探讨合作学习对提高写作能力的作用为高中英语写作教学提供有益的启示。

43、It improves your writing. 它提高你的写作。

44、Blogging has definitely helped my legal writing. 写博客明显地帮我提高了法律写作水平。

45、Regular college is to train high-level research and academic talents, while vocational training institutions is to train the application type, skill-based talent. 普通高校培养的是高级研究型、学术型人才,而高职高专院校培养的是应用型、技艺型人才。

46、The school-enterprise cooperative of economic management major can be divide into elementary, intermediate and advanced levels. 依据校企合作程度,经管类专业校企合作教育大致可分为初级、中级、高级三个层次的合作关系。

47、The pilot test of TOCFL Speaking & Writing is computer-based and has three different levels: TOCFL Speaking & Writing for Beginner, Learner, and Superior. 口语与写作测验分为三个等级: 基础级、 进阶级、高阶级,限定母语非华语的人士报考。

48、You only have this option if you wrote the page or have a higher user level than the author. 如果你编写了网页,或者拥有的用户级别比作者高,你才会拥有这个选项。

49、The course is a senior-level course and the students should either already know it or be able to learn it "on-the-job." 这门课是高级课程,学生应该已经知道如何写,或者能够在工作中学习。

50、Diamond model; High-star hotel; Competitive power. 钻石模型;高星级饭店;竞争力。


51、Considering the energy consumption of the HP-pump for SWRO, a reasonable type of high pressure pump was selected, and a new structure of the axial suction segment multistage pump was proposed. 结合反渗透海水淡化高压泵的能耗状况,合理选择了万吨级反渗透海水淡化高压泵的泵型,提出了一种轴向吸入节段式高压多级泵的新型结构型式。

52、To cultivate applied talents is the basic task of writing course teaching while to construct writing ability training mode is an important task. 培养应用型人才是写作课程教学的根本任务,构建写作能力培养模式是写作教学的重要任务。

53、Hydrocyclone, aa new high capacity classifying equipment, has am broad application prospect. 水力旋流器作为一种新型高效的分离分级设备,有着广阔的应用前景。

54、Now, I can make sentences and write essays. I am so happy I can do these. 现在,我已经能用英语造句和写作文了,我很高兴我能做到。

55、In order to improve their English writing skills, the author used in Teaching English Writing in English writing guide teaching practice-based network. 为提高学生的英语写作能力, 作者在高职英语写作教学中采用了英语导练型网络写作教学模式。

56、There were six writing articles, including two compositions in traditional writing way and four compositions in Blog writing way. 研究对象为21 名国小六年级学生,共进行两篇传统写作及四篇Blog 写作。

57、Fugue is a type of contral compositions for particular number of parts or voices. 赋格是一种用对位法写作的作品体裁,有特定数量的声部。句中的。

58、There is a new economy for writing. 现在有种新经济型写作方法。

59、Every two days to write a diary or composition, improve their writing level. 每两天写一篇日记或作文,提高自己的写作水平。

60、Caps and small caps: Two sizes of capital letters on one typeface, the small caps occupy the same x-height space as the lowercase letters. 大写配小型大写:英文字体内,同一字大小的两个不同高度的大写。小型大写的高度等于小写字母的“X长”。

61、A Web spider is a program written in a high-level language. Web spider 是一种使用高级语言编写的程序。

62、This text is about Susan and Li Jun' s family. Can you write a composition about your family? You may imitate the type of the text. 由于学生正处于学英语的初级阶段,模仿课文写出作文有助于提高学生的写作水平。

63、I was in Beijing, a large media work, retirement, have high economic benefits. I like poetry lyrics, especially the love of reading and writing. 我在北京的一家大型媒体工作、退休,有很高的经济待遇。我喜作诗填词,尤爱读书写作。

64、Our works have proliferated in the national high star hotels, the large-scale markets, the high-quality offices, the upscale offices and the places which have relative spatial and environment. 我们的作品已遍布在全国高星级酒店、大型商场、高级会所、高档写字楼及具有相对空间和环境的地方。

65、From the basic introductory cl to the upper level courses, each professor pushed for higher-quality writing, more attention to accuracy and detail, and a healthy respect for the grammar police. 从基本的概论课到高级课程,每个教授都督促我们写出较高质量的作品、注意文章的准确和细节描写以及语法的规范等。

66、The statement is an interesting clue to both his temperament and his literary method. 从这句话里可以略知他的气质和写作方法。

67、Describes various types of high-level policies and provides broad definitions of high-level information management policies. 描述了各种类型的高级策略并提供了高级信息管理策略的广泛定义。

68、In the area of language -based security, programs written in typed high-level languages need to be translated into those written in typed low-level languages. 在基于语言考虑代码安全性的工作中,往往需要将高级语言程序翻译成类型化低级语言的程序进行类型检查。

69、The results of a questionnaire survey and follow-up interviews show that advanced learners of English have strong inclination to and a high rate of accuracy in peer feedback; 运用问卷、访谈等方法调查表明,高级英语学习者对写作同级反馈有明显的赞同倾向,互改作文的正确率较高;

70、Junior nurses usually work alongside more senior nurses. 初级护士通常和较高级的护士一起工作。

71、QB type explosion-proof hook bridge crane work level is intermediate. QB型防爆吊钩桥式起重机工作级别为中级。

72、Since the 1990s, NAEP scores have gone up for students in grades 4 and 8 in writing, history, and geography. 评价机构资料显示,四到八年级学生的写作、历史和地理成绩得到了提高。

73、For those graduates whose written communication skills are weak, practicing frequently is a good way to improve the written skills. 对于那些表达能力遣词造句水平欠佳的毕业生们,经常练习是一个提高写作水平的最佳方法。

74、As the inventors of the longbow, the Welsh are among it's most skilful proponents. 高级类型:雇佣兵作为长弓始作俑者,威尔士人使用这种武器技艺娴熟。

75、For high-intermediate to advanced ESL / EFL students, this book is focused on particularly troublesome areas of academic writing. 本书是为中高级英语写作者而设计,针对特定易犯错学术写作文法进行分析讲解,而非提供一般写作指导。

英文句子模板76:Advanced sentence patterns in writing

76、Advanced Functionality - commercial vs. open source: ModSecurity has an advanced rules language and a Lua API to allow for complex logic. 商业与开源产品高级功能对比:ModSecurity拥有一个高级的规则语言和Lua API以编写复杂逻辑。

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