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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-30 12:46:18
  • 80


关于”比较简单的句子“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Relatively simple sentences。以下是关于比较简单的句子的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Relatively simple sentences

1、还有后街男孩和西城男孩的一些歌都有比较简单的,例如my love,as long as you love me等

2、For simplification below, a single "threshold" device will be replaced by a set of comparators and a RS Latch. 因为进行了简化,单“阀门”装置将由一套 比较器和一个RS锁存器代替。

3、I'll start with the PPU code, since it's a little easier. 我将以较为简单的 PPU 代码开始。

4、Download the WSIF distribution on alphaworks and try out the easier samples. 请下载 alphaworks 上的 WSIF 分发包,并且试验比较简单的样本。

5、Tango is easy, much easier than life. If you tangoed up, just tango on. 跳探戈很简单,远远比人生简单。如果你舞步凌乱,仍然继续下去就可以。

6、This purist variant of the GT3 is particularly suited for use on the track. 这个比较简单的一种变体是特别适合使用美洲勒芒网格计算在跑道上。

7、The main trade-off here is in expressiveness vs. simplicity. 在这里主要的优劣在于富于表现力和简单性的比较。

8、“Gandhi’s teachings cannot be squared with the belief that Man is the measure of all things, ” Orwell warned, correctly. “甘地的教诲不能简简单单地用人类是万物之尺度的信条来比较,”奥威尔得体地警告道。

9、the Qixi Festival or the Chinese Valentine's Day 供你参考,比较简单地说法

10、Bachelorhood , sometimes, is not le but maybe more liberal than loneliness. 单身,有时不一定是贵族。单身也许会比较自由但也比较寂寞。

11、Both methods can easily s the crepe effect in an all-round and objective way apart from quick calculation. 两种方法对绉效应的评价均比较全面、客观,简单易行且运算速度更快。

12、Only the constituent comonomer units of the polymers in the series of subheadings under consideration are to be compared. 只有在同级子目中的聚合物共聚单体单元才可以进行比较。

13、But although it's helpful to think of OCAP as an API stack, it is an oversimplification. 不过,尽管将 OCAP 想象成一个 API 堆栈比较有用,但这过于简单了。

14、However, the thickness of each individual layer does not need to be precise. This makes manufacturing easier. 不过,每一层的厚度不需要很精确,这使得加工比较简单。

15、Ikebana is a deep subject, but it is easy to pick up the basics. 插花艺术很深奥,但是掌握一些基本知识还是比较简单的。

16、One of the easiest ways to compare galaxies is to compare their magnitudes. 比较星系最简单的一个方法是比较它们的星等。

17、Well basically, all I'd have to do is go through and find every place I checked the constraint, and change it. To incorporate the new constraint. 比较简单,在最上方,基本上,我做的所有事情就是遍历,整段代码然后找到我对比。

18、So Bobbie Saunders was relieved when her doctor offered to perform the less radical procedure when she was diagnosed with breast cancer eight years ago. 因此,8年前,当医生告诉乳癌患者博比·桑德斯,准备为她做比较简单的手术时,她如释重负。

19、According to Coulomb's theory, this article presents a simplified formula for the computation of earth pressure of cohesive backfill. 本文根据库伦原理,推导出了一个比较简单的计算粘性土土压力的公式。

20、And there's a lot to be said about this but it could be pretty simply ilrated in language. 要想解释清这一点还是比较费劲的,但要用语言来说明就很简单了

21、A method was proposed for obtaining a maximum time interval of status feedback. 实例表明该方法求得的最大时间间隔的保守性较小,并且求解过程也比较简单。

22、These are just a few of the occasions when Knoppix solves simply what otherwise can be t problems. 这是一些 Knoppix 可以简单地解决的情形,而对于其它工具来说可能比较棘手。

23、Fairly straightforward syntax in comparison with some programming languages, where depending on the programming language, coding or syntactical changes may be frequent. 一些编程语言的代码规则或语法的变动可能比较频繁,与它们相比,bash 的语法相当简单明了。

24、Questions after reading our overall feeling is relatively easy. 我们看了试题之后总的感觉是比较简单。

25、Modifying the template to execute the desired kernel code is relatively straightforward. 修改模板来执行期望的内核代码相对也比较简单。


26、The solutions derived can be used to calculate the stability of the grillage easily, reliably and flexibly. 通过计算比较可知,推导出的解能够简单、可靠且灵活地计算船舶板架的稳定性问题。

27、I think that it's quite easy to determine the counters and the heroes they counter for the rest of the heroes i don't list because these examples will be pretty much generalized. 我想确定他们的克星和所克制的英雄比较简单,而其他没有列出的英雄也可以通过这些例子推广开。

28、Analysis of the concept of three, you will find not simply comparise the concepts of West theatrical and Chinese Chuanqi. 分析三人的观念,会发现无法简单地将传奇和西方的戏剧观念作比较。

29、By comparing a number of microsatellites in a given area, one can identify a person relatively easily. 通过比较已知区域中的大量的微卫星,其中的一个会使识别一个人变得相对简单。

30、Plomin says his intent is more modest. 普洛明说,他的想法则较为简单。

31、The direct reasoning method with data-driven is used in the reasoning machine, which is more simp le and easier to be realized. 该推理机采用事实驱动的方式作正向推理,比较简单,容易实现。

32、The rulers of Xia acted in accordance to their Virtue and never employed weapons, so their weapons are not varied. 夏禹用德取天下,没有使用武力,所以当时兵器种类比较简单。

33、But they do realize it Certainly I decide, I mentioned it was an easier one, we got the other one's bid sheet. 但他们也认识到了,当然在我举那个道德选择比较简单的例子时,提到我们拿到了竞争对手的竞标单。

34、Yesterday's programme was rather dull. 昨天的节目比较单调。

35、The infrastructure is managed by the SOA team so this process is relatively straightforward. 由于基础设施是由 SOA 团队进行管理的,因此该流程相对比较简单。

36、Be assured everything is ready to go ahead, meaning that the period of disruption and uncertainty will be relatively brief. 放心的一切是箭在弦上,这意味着混乱和不确定性的时期会比较简单。

37、Simple linear regression model is applied to compare the difference in SGA usage pattern between public and private hospitals. 使用简单线性回归模型来比较公立医院和私立医院之间SGA使用模式的差异。

38、There's a list, but I didn't, I just said I'll bring dessert. It's easy. 有一个食品清单,但我没看,我只是说了,我会带甜点。比较简单。

39、A general form of generating function of two parameter stationary streams of random events with independent increments is represented briefly. 并用比较简单的方法给出二参数平稳无后效随机事件流的母函数的一般形式。

40、What you need is a more powerful model of authorization that is more expressive without being unduly complex. 您需要的是比较简单的、更具表达力的强大授权模型。

41、One of the easiest ways to compare galaxies is to compare their magnitudes . 比较星系的最简单方法之一是比较它们的星等。

42、Why does computer knowledge alone seem easier? 为什么单纯的电脑知识看起来会比较简单?

43、Review articles and book chapters that discuss sports-related dermatoses are too general and often offer only cursory information. 如果查阅一般的文章或图书,其中涉及的运动相关皮肤病都比较简单而粗略。

44、The results showed that there are few plants species in the Leucaena leucocephala community. Its family and genus are tered composition. 结果表明:该人工林群落植物种类比较简单,科属组成极为分散,区系成分单调;

45、Steering the planes along the zig-zag path for combat would be more fun than just fling around with random targets. 我想这样的构思比赛规则应该很简单,比赛的趣味性很高,比传统的空战胡乱飞行,会吸引较多机手参赛。

46、The data model's comparable simplicity lends itself to modeling data acquired by GPS devices and satellite imaging. 该数据模型可比较的简单性有助于对 GPS 设备和卫星成像捕获的数据进行建模。

47、Non-connection between the Heaven and man in Xun Zi's theory is more complex than the understanding of past scholars. 荀子的天人之分内涵较复杂,以往学术界的理解有简单化的嫌疑。

48、The table below shows a brief comparison of traditional dial-up and broadband services. 的桌子表示传统国内拨接式数据通信和宽频服务的一个简短比较。

49、This is easier coding, but less safe because there's no absolute guarantee that someone may not have deleted one of the breakout subgroups manually, so you miss deleting higher-numbered groups. 这是比较简单的编码,但是安全性比较差,因为不能绝对保证用户没有手工删除过一个断接子组,所以会漏删编号较大的组。

50、This significantly simplifies the design process itself and also generally results in an uncomplicated —yet efficient—ASIP architecture. 这大大简化了设计过程本身,通常也使得结果比较简单而且有效,这就是ASIP架构。


51、The edit and delete functions work in a relatively straightforward way and should not need additional explanation. 编辑和删除功能的原理相对来说比较简单,应该不需要另加解释。

52、Simulation results verify that the MSBC scheme can achieve better peak to average power ratio performance than an SBC scheme under the same input information sequences. 仿真结果表明,在同样的输入信息序列条件下,相对于简单分组编码方法,改进的简单分组编码可以获得较好的峰平比性能改善。

53、This article ilates and discusses one way of the discrimination which is easy to use and solves the problem in the respect of some alterate symbolic progression. 本文提出一个较简便的判别法,在解决变号级数收敛性方面比较简单.便于应用。

54、First of all, we introduce the effective theory and four-quark operators of related mesons, and then present them a brief view about the factorization approach, the pQCD. 我们从基 本的有效理论开始,简单的介绍一下算符乘积展开及四夸克算符,比较了几种因子化的方 案;

55、We moved to a smaller apartment near the school for our childrens sake. 为了孩子们我们搬到了一个离学校近的比较小的单元里。

56、ZFS-Fuse and GerFS are two examples of very sophisticated solutions, yet archivemount and SSHFS are no less useful. ZFS-Fuse 和 GerFS 是非常尖端的解决方案,而 archivemount 和 SSHFS 的功能比较简单。

57、This comparison shows that a wave function of hydrogen atom in stationary state does not describe an individual atom but an ensemble. 类似的比较也推广到相空间进行。由这一比较得出结论:定态氢原子波函数不描述单个原子而描述一个系综。

58、Compared with steam-assisted synthesis and hydrothermal synthesis, solid-phase synthesis is promising and economical, which simplifies the synthetic process and reduce the costs. 与气相法、动态水热法相比,固相合成法工艺简单,成本较低,具有较好的经济前景。

59、Easier picture than the one we constructed last time. 这比上一讲的图要简单

60、“It’s both harder and easier than you think,” he said. “那比你想象的要难,也比你想象的要简单。” 他说。

61、South Carolina's nickname is the easier of the two: It is the Palmetto State because of a fan-leafed palm tree that grows there. 南卡罗莱纳的别名相对来说比较简单,它被称为“棕榈州”,因为这里生长着许多扇形叶子的棕榈树。

62、Try your best not to make this a small-minded feature comparison in which you come out on top in each category. 不要只是简单的比较在每一个竞争点上,你都是排在第一的。

63、When the appropriate character-conversion libraries are installed, configuring Samba for internationalization is straightforward. 安装好适当的字符转换库之后,配置 Samba 以实现国际换的过程比较简单。

64、Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to troubleshoot those ailing machines. 幸运的是,给这些生病的机器诊断一下下个对还是比较简单的。

65、The solution is to encrypt the file, which in db4o is relatively straightforward. 解决方案是对文件进行加密,这在 db4o 中比较简单。

66、This is the easiest thing you can do to get cheap auto insurance. 对保费做比较是获得廉价汽车保险您能做的最简单的事情。

67、Because only single comparators or window comparators are used, this scheme is easy to be implemented. 由于仍使用单比较器或窗口比较器,它的结构简单且易于集成。

68、If fields intensities of two mode are different, single-peak structure appears for strong field mode and three-peak for weak one. 当两模初态场强不同时,较强的一模出现简单的单峰结构,而较弱模光谱中三峰的距离随另一模光子数的增加而增大。

69、The add-compare element may include a plurality of add- compare-select units that each select two trace bits per clock cycle. 加法-比较部件可以包括多个加法-比较-选择单元,每个加法-比 较-选择单元在每个时钟周期选择两个跟踪比特。

70、Back to our dual versus single core examples. 回到我们的双核心与单核心比较的例子中来。

71、The ski jump is a cheaper and less complex take off alternative to the steam catapult. 与蒸汽弹射器起飞相比,滑跃式起飞是比较便宜且较为简单的方法。

72、By means of the comparison theorem, and the oscillation of some non-linear partial difference equations is discussed and some concise conditions and authenticity are given. 给出系统振动的比较定理,利用比较定理讨论了一类非线性偏差分方程的振动性,给出简单的判别条件及证明。

73、One of the advantages of XLIFF is its relative simplicity. XLIFF 的一个优点是相对比较简单。

74、be conventionally/formally/ceremonially dressed 或者直接 be fulldress 这个是比较简单地道的表达。

75、The technology of Compression of the RF synchronous information is comparatively low and secure and it can also produce high quality descrambling signals. 射频行同步信号抑制的加解扰技术成本较低,技术比较成熟,电路实现也较为简单。

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