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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-15 17:44:37
  • 82




1、I needed that time to heal myself and, also, figure out what I was going to do about the loss of words. 我需要时间来治愈我的伤痛,也想要想一想,如何去处理在脑海中消逝的词句。

2、Wang also in the poem, there are "war of undetermined Yuhe, Liang Bin silk nothing, " sighs the language. 又王中的诗句,也有“干戈未定欲何之,一事无成两鬓丝”的感叹语。

3、Every sentence of kindness was a fresh source of happiness to Jane. 她每说一句亲切的话,就增加吉英一分幸福的感觉。

4、"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore" was at No 62. 第62句是:“托托,我感觉我们不在堪萨斯了。”

5、The white show hesitates, but listens to harm Xiao"the half engraves backward the granite bridge see". 白秀犹疑着,却听伤筱一句“半刻后青石桥见”。

6、Autumn, think of Indus Yela sound, only because of easy ANN that trees more with rain, because of the subtle euphemistic sorrow. 秋,便想起梧桐叶落声,只因易安那句梧桐更兼细雨,只因那道淡淡的委婉伤愁。

7、At these times, a heartfelt "I'm sorry" may redress the pain of the one inflicted by love's arrows. 在这些时候,真心的一句“I'm sorry” 也许就能减轻被爱的利箭所刺伤的一方的痛苦。

8、The implications and veracity of this argument seem self-evident, but in fact require closer examination. ( 58words ) 特别是最后半句: but in fact require closer examination ,感觉是在抛砖引玉。

9、Thus, if someone were to utter the sentence "I am simply a body stuck in a pod somewhere being fed sensory information by a computer" that sentence would itself be necessarily false. 因此,如果有人要说出“我只是一具被困在壳中,接收着电脑传输的感官信息的人体”这样一句话,那这句话本身就必然是错误的。

10、From the aspects of language, syntax and diachronic heritage, the writer here attempts to clarify that the book of 《On Shanghan. 本文从语言、句法、历代征引、医学传承几个方面考证,认定《 伤寒论。

11、People often get their feelings hurt when a weakness is pointed out in a hurtful way. 人们往往在被别人恶意揭短时感情会受到伤害。

12、I really felt sorry for my roommate Dora at the party last night. 这句话的意思是:"我昨晚在聚会上真为我的室友多拉感到难受。

13、Even in his style there is something of a modern epigrammatic ring. 即使在他的风格中也可见几分现代警句的感觉。

14、Believe you also have such agree, that you want to use a word to each other hit? 相信你也有这样的同感,那你想不想用一句话就把对方打到呢?

15、This interactive feature is also reflected in the use of parallel sentence patterns and rhetorical devices. 兴的感应性特征还体现在释兴时所采用的对称呼应的句式与语辞上。

16、Queen Marie Antoinette is still much maligned over this quote - and she never even said it! 玛丽·安托瓦内特王后至今还因这句引语而被中伤,但她从来没有说过这样的话。

17、Emotional life of the most troublesome is that there is no dispute the referee will not tell you say stop intensifying Naju Hua, or soldiers will fire a result, there is usually a personal injury. 词串介绍:感情生活中的争吵最麻烦的就是没有裁判,不会告诉你说的哪句话会过火或何时休兵,结果通常会有某个人受伤。

18、"Yes, I hate him! " repeated Hester, more bitterly than before. "He betrayed me! He has done me worse wrong than I did him! " “是啊,我是恨他!”海丝特又重复了一句,口气更狠了。“他害苦了我!他伤我要比我伤他厉害得多!”

19、The phrasing sticks out to me. Like it's not just who he is but "a weakness". 这句话深深刺到我了,感觉这不仅仅是他的一个“弱点”。

20、Can we withdraw malicious words or fist or whatever that brought sorrow? 一句出口的恶言,一记挥出的拳头,一切造成的伤痛,能收回吗?

21、I had always been intrigued by Mahatma Gandhi's quote 'Be the change you want to see in the world'. 我一直对圣雄甘地的一句名言感兴趣,即“欲变世界,先变自身。”

22、You know, that painting has a sad story, he added a moment later, almost as an afterthought. 你知道么,关于那幅画还有个伤心的故事,之后,他加了一句,似乎若有所思。

23、In other words, standing tall and firm in Tadasana gives you the steadiness and foundation of a mountain. 换句话说,山式中挺拔而坚定的站立,让你感受到山峰的稳定与根基。

24、So it's for all those reasons that we think this is a completely spontaneous speech. 所以,出于这些理由,我们认为这句‘诗言’完全是自发的感言。

25、Deja vu is a French phrase meaning 'already seen, ' referring to the distinct, puzzling, and mysterious feeling of having experienced a specific set of cirtances before. (幻觉影象)是一句法文短语,意为“似曾体味”,指的是一种令人不解的希罕隐秘体验,便是你感受自已过去经验过某个特定的场景。


26、I could feel something of his magnetism even where I stood. 末了,他又叮咛几句,更是魅力摄人了,连站在那么远之外的我都能感受到。

27、Can I take back the evil that was spoken, the blows that were struck, the pain that was caused? 我能比昨天年轻吗?一句出口的恶言,一记挥出的拳头,一切造成的伤痛,能收回吗?

28、One of the lyrics went, "I feel like I'm falling apart; holding you holds me together." 其中有一句歌词是这样的:“我感觉我已崩溃;你我紧抱在一起。”

29、Firstly, we investigated the error sensitivities of H. 263 syntactical elements and grouped them into several cl of different significance. 首先,我们说明了H。263句法元素的误差敏感性并根据其敏感性将其进行分类。

30、In other words, it is beneficial for us to not kill one another, so we see that as being immoral. 换句话说,这个观点有利于我们不去伤害其他人,所以我们认为它是不道德的。

31、And, by the way, how hard is it to send a hand-written thank-you note afterward? 顺便说一句,面试结束后写一封感谢信应该不难吧?

32、Another is the admonition not to throw your pearls before swine, not to preach to those who can't hear, or won't be perceptive. 第二个是一句警句:,不要在猪的面前乱扔你的珍珠,不要对那些失聪者,和不可感化者布道。

33、Should a person be breathing but not conscious, it is usually best if he or she not be moved. 伤者要是有呼吸但无知觉,那么最好不要移动他(她)。虚拟条件状语从句中的动词部分有。

34、For what you are waiting while the whole world kneels to you? 我觉得, jingling同学的The world is under your feet句法上自然没错,不过这里直译感觉很奇怪。

35、Farewell dinners, after all, serve a function: They help students to bring the "university" chapter of their lives to a tidy - and sometimes emotional - ending. 毕竟,一场场毕业宴会的作用在于:它能帮学生们为大学生涯划上一个完整而略带感伤的句号。

36、The suffocating feeling extinguished the end of the sentence; he could not go on. 窒息的感觉使后半句话哽在喉咙里,他说不下去了。

37、While shorter days and less sunlight can cause cabin fever for some, a portion of the population experiences sadder moods and lower energy levels with the arrival of winter. 在短日照的日子和缺乏阳光照射会使一些人得幽闭症,随着冬季的到来一部分人伤感并且缺乏活力。

38、“Dumped, ” “blown off, ” “told to hit the road, ” “given the heave ho”… you'd never guess from the language that being rejected can possibly carry a painful, demoralizing sting. “被甩了”“吹了”“让你走开”“被拒绝了”。从这些语句中,你永远也想不到被拒绝的话语可能会使人感到痛苦或受伤。

39、Protected three-phase induction motors with short-circuited rotors. 三相感应电动机。防护型。短路转子。

40、But what cared I for delays or difficulties, Valentine, as long as you confessed that you loved me, and took pity on me?If you will only repeat that avowal now and then, I can endure anything . 我感谢你那句甜蜜的话,我只要求你能时时重复一下那句话,因为它可以使我忘掉其他的一切。

41、Do the words, "Billy, don't be a hero, " mean anything to you? 你对”此尔,别逞英雄”这句话有感觉吗?

42、Learn to write your hurts in the sand and to carve your benefits in stone. 我们应该学会把伤害记在沙地上,把恩泽刻在石头上把这句话。

43、Put another way, what one psychologist called the "feeling of nowness" tends to last 3 seconds. 换句话说,这就是一位心理学家所称为3秒钟的“现存感觉”。

44、Now what did you hear in this message? You hear that you were hiding your true feelings in some way . 从这句话里你听出了什么?你可以感觉到自己在隐藏内心的真实感受。

45、She can not even repeat what you tell her a moment before. Parrot can do better than her. 当你对她说话时她很少能重复你的语句,连鹦鹉式的模仿都感困难。

46、If she feels uncomfortable in any way, she is to mutter out loud the phrase, “I hope I'm not getting a cold. 只要她感到有一丝不自在,她可以大声咕哝一句话来示警——“我希望我不会得感冒。”。

47、I was to look back on this exchange with amut and also, strangely, comfort: in the midst of the horror, normality was briefly restored by a commuter asking for alternative travel arrangements. 这句话让顿时我回过神来,感觉放松了一下,同时有种莫名的欣慰:我还处在恐惧当中,他这句有关旅客安置的询问又让我回到了正常。

48、My one-sentence take on the campaign was a line from a gospel song I’d heard in Anthony Mangun’s church: The darker the night, the sweeter the victory. 我对这次竞选的感受只有一句话,那是我在安东尼.曼根教堂听到的福音歌曲中的一句歌词:“夜晚越黑暗,胜利就越甜蜜。”

49、If you already have some official appointment, then it must share. 如果已经有一官半职,那对这句一定感同身受。

50、This tells your partner you are still interested and gives him or her a sense of hopefulness, reassurance and security. 这句话表明你对你的伴侣还有感觉,也能给她/他希望、保障与安全的感觉。


51、Each lanterns out of the heart lights behind, there is a cause for sorrow story, and trying Neizhandeng, sometimes only sentence warm words, some minimal assistance. 每一盏熄灭的心灯后面,都有一个令人感伤的故事,而点亮那盏灯,有时候只需一句温暖的话语、一点微不足道的帮助。

52、Books like " tea", which the ups and downs in life are concentrated in every word in the sentence, let us like to win the victory of Life. 书就像“ 柴米油盐酱醋茶”,它们把生活中的酸甜苦辣都浓缩在字字句句中,让我们捧起它就像捧起了对生命的感悟。

53、PTB: One of my favourite quotes which you introduced me to is: “the price of discipline is always less than the pain of regret”. PTB:我最喜欢的一句话是你所说的“努力奋斗付出的代价总是小于后悔带来的伤痛”。

54、Don't argue with me, every word comes out of your mouth would be the solid evidence of hurting me. 你不要和我吵,你的每一字,每一句,都会成为伤害我的呈堂证供!

55、"Fanny will feel quite as grateful as the occasion requires, " was Edmund's only reply, and the subject dropt. “范妮需要感激的时候自然会感激的,”埃德蒙只回答了这么一句,这件事便撇下不提了。

56、After hearing this sentence, I be imperceptible also produced the evil spirit loom over the queen the eerie feeling. 听完这句话,我不知不觉也油然发生恶鬼环伺的诡异感。

57、Since Stowell (1981) and Chomsky (1981) put forward the term small clause, small clauses have drawn the attention of many linguists at home and abroad. 自从Stowell和Chomsky在1981年提出小句这个概念之后,小句就成为国内外众多语言学者感兴趣的研究课题之一。

58、When Gaga paused between songs to utter that line, we suddenly understood the inspiration behind the concert. 当加加暂停歌曲之间说出那一句,我们突然明白背后的音乐会灵感。

59、The feeling of network communication is important, but the feeling is prompted by factors from several a ect. 网络交际重在感觉,而感觉是由多方春心莫共花争发下句面因素所促成的。

60、Bloody hell, I felt good after that performance, as if I was in a low-budget, modern-day version of Robin Hood. 哇塞,说完这句话感觉超棒,仿佛我就是现代版的罗宾汉。

61、Ferguson told SciDev.Net that if a pandemic does occur this year or next, the chances of another occurring in close succession are slight. Ferguson告诉本网络记者说,如果今年或者明年不会发生流感大流行,那么在未来短时间内发生的可能性也很小。“换句话说,假如今年我们成功地扑灭了一场流感大流行,那么我们很可能为下次流感大流行发生争取了至少10年的时间。”

62、And when I grow up, I'll write one--but I'm grown up now, ' she added in a sorrowful tone; ‘at least there's no room to grow up any more HERE.’ 她又伤心地加了一句:“至少这儿已经没有让我再长的余地了。”

63、Thinking is usually a mixture of words, sentences, mental images and sensations. 思维通常是词、句、头脑里的影响和感觉的混合体。

64、I can still remember Tracy's words on press conference after losing at home last season: it hurts! ! ! 在07年主场生死战失利以后,记者发布会上,麦迪就不能言,最后憋出一句:这很伤心!

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