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英语句子的停顿的划分 19个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-30 02:24:13
  • 74

英语句子的停顿的划分 19个

1. She walked slowly along the path, taking in the sights and sounds around her. (她沿着小路慢慢地走着,欣赏着周围的风景和声音。)

2. Despite the rain, the team continued to practice on the field. (尽管下着雨,团队仍在球场上继续练习。)

3. The sun was setting behind the mountains, casting a warm glow over the valley. (太阳正在山后落下,把暖洋洋的光芒洒在山谷上。)

4. He sat quietly in the corner, lost in thought. (他静静地坐在角落里,陷入了思考中。)

5. The teacher handed out the test papers and instructed the students to begin. (老师分发了测试卷,并指示学生开始。)

6. Despite the noise and chaos around him, he remained calm and collected. (尽管周围嘈杂混乱,他仍然保持冷静和镇定。)

7. The baby giggled and cooed as her mother played with her. (婴儿在母亲抚玩她时咯咯地笑着。)

8. The car sputtered and coughed before finally starting up. (汽车发出 咳嗽声、咕噜声后才最终启动。)

9. She stood at the top of the hill, looking out over the vast expanse of land before her. (她站在山顶上,俯瞰着她面前广阔的土地。)

10. The dog barked loudly, alerting its owner to the presence of a stranger. (狗大声吠叫,提醒它的主人有陌生人在附近。)

11. The crowd cheered as the band took the stage and began to play. (乐队上台演出并开始演奏时,人群欢呼声一片。)

12. The sun was shining and the birds were singing, it a perfect day for a picnic. (太阳在照耀,鸟儿在歌唱,这是一个野餐的完美日子。)

13. She hesitated for a moment before finally speaking her mind. (她在犹豫了一会儿后终于说出了自己的想法。)

14. The plane flew smoothly through the air, soaring higher and higher into the clouds. (飞机在空中平稳地飞行,越来越高地飞入云层中。)

15. The wind howled and the rain pounded against the windows, it difficult to sleep. (风呼啸着,雨猛烈地打在窗户上,让人难以入眠。)

16. The children played happily in the park, running, laughing and chasing each other. (孩子们在公园里快乐地玩耍,奔跑、笑着、追逐着。)

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