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英语句子结构怎么分析 13个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-16 13:41:49
  • 63

英语句子结构怎么分析 13个

1. She went to the store to buy some milk.(她去商店买了些牛奶。)

主语:She;谓语:went;宾语:to the store。

2. The dog barked loudly at the mailman.(狗大声吠向邮递员。)

主语:The dog;谓语:barked;宾语:loudly at the mailman。

3. My sister is studying to become a doctor.(我妹妹正在学习成为一名医生。)

主语:My sister;谓语:is studying;宾语:to become a doctor。

4. They have been friends since they were children.(他们从小就是朋友。)

主语:They;谓语:have been;宾语:friends since they were children。

5. I love the smell of fresh baked bread.(我喜欢新鲜烤面包的味道。)

主语:I;谓语:love;宾语:the smell of fresh baked bread。

6. The teacher gave us a difficult math problem to solve.(老师给我们出了一道难题。)

主语:The teacher;谓语:gave;宾语:us a difficult math problem to solve。

7. The sun is shining brightly today.(今天阳光明媚。)

主语:The sun;谓语:is shining;宾语:brightly today。

8. She played the piano beautifully at the concert.(她在音乐会上演奏钢琴漂亮。)

主语:She;谓语:played;宾语:the piano beautifully at the concert。

9. The movie was really scary, but I still enjoyed it.(电影真的很吓人,但我还是喜欢它。)

主语:The movie;谓语:was;宾语:really scary;宾语补足语:but I still enjoyed it。

10. He ran as fast as he could to catch the train.(他尽力奔跑去追火车。)

主语:He;谓语:ran;宾语:as fast as he could;宾语补足语:to catch the train。

11. The children are playing happily in the park.(孩子们正在公园里快乐地玩。)

主语:The children;谓语:are playing;宾语:happily in the park。

12. I wish I could travel to all the countries in the world.(我希望我能去世界上所有的国家旅行。)

主语:I;谓语:wish;宾语:I could travel to all the countries in the world。

13. The cat jumped onto the table and knocked over a vase.(猫跳上桌子,打翻了一个花瓶。)

主语:The cat;谓语:jumped;宾语:onto the table;宾语补足语:and knocked over a vase。

14. The restaurant serves delicious seafood dishes.(这家餐厅提供美味的海鲜菜肴。)

主语:The restaurant;谓语:serves;宾语:delicious seafood dishes。

15. He is always talking about his favorite sports team.(他总是谈论他最喜欢的运动队。)

主语:He;谓语:is always talking;宾语:about his favorite sports team。

16. The book is about a young girl who goes on a magical adventure.(这本书讲述了一个年轻的女孩去经历一个神奇的冒险。)

主语:The book;谓语:is about;宾语:a young girl who goes on a magical adventure。

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