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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-24 16:43:10
  • 79


关于”表扬学生的句子“的英语句子30个,句子主体:Sentences praising students。以下是关于表扬学生的句子的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences praising students

1、He had never praised him until he became one of the top students in his grade . 是的,直到他成为他们年级的一个尖子生他的父亲才表扬了他。

2、Said the child praise and criticism, I felt a failure, Wang Ning students parked at home doing the right thing, and I will praise him. 说道表扬和批评孩子,我就觉得很失败,王泊宁同学在家里做了正确的事,我也都会表扬他。

3、Reward your child with plenty of praise and encouragment. 要给予你的孩子许多的表扬。

4、表扬孩子真棒,的英文翻译 表扬孩子真棒, It's great to praise the child. good job well done

5、Where is the student whom Professor Su praised at the meeting? 苏教授在会上表扬的那个学生在哪里?

6、A cross talk of Ma Sanli called Dou Ni Wan make this common saying more famous. People all over the country take delight in talking about. 马三立相生《逗你玩》将这句俗语发扬光大,一时间全国都在用这句话。

7、What about summer in Yangzhong? 引导学生说说扬中的夏天。

8、Must relax the grading criterion suitably to the foundation bad student, gives the praise not parsimoniously , by definitely primarily; 对基础差的学生要适当放宽评分尺度, 不吝啬地给与表扬, 以肯定为主;

9、His imperious look makes us angry. 他那飞扬跋扈的样子令我们生气。

10、The leader of Wenzao's violin club is one of the outstanding students nurtured in Hongdian, whose high quality reputation in teaching has been well-acclaimed among Wenzao's students. 文藻外语学院小提琴社社长亦是宏典音乐教育中心得意门生之一,其教学品质与口碑已全然于学生表现中发扬。

11、In order to make students' school life more relaxing and make more students become interested in learning English, our school held this English talent show. 为丰富学生校园生活、培养学生学习英语的兴趣,学校特举办了此次“英语达人秀”课本剧表扬大赛。

12、I Have Confidence In Your Judgment我坚信你的判断

13、)/your claoom looks tidy and clean! (你们的教室很整洁)/ you have a good taste.(你很有品位。

14、Who is the student whom Professor Wang praised at the meeting? 王教授在会上表扬的那个学生是谁?

15、I am sure you will catch up soon. 学生也想被尊重、被表扬、被认可

16、Education should be in compliance with the learning styles of students, guiding students to enhance advantages and improve disadvantages; 教学应该顺应学生的学习风格,采用“扬长”、“补短”策略对学生进行学习指导。

17、And in the Dominican Republic, Tzi Chi honors exemplary students at the La Romana Tzu Chi School. 在多明尼加慈济举办拉罗马那慈济中小学的模范生表扬。

18、Praise them. 表扬他们。

19、The report praises staff in both schools. 该报告表扬了这两所学校的教职员工。

20、He is the only one who was praised。他是唯一被表扬的学生。

21、Most college students nowadays have no siblings. 清华大学学生咨询中心的副主任刘丹(音译)表示,“如今,大多数学生都是独生子女。

22、People love the antithetical couplet, yangzhou foreign language school prinls funding a students' learning, and let him go to yangzhou foreign language school reading. 爱心人士结对子,扬州外语学校校长资助一位学生学习,让他去扬州外国语学校读书。

23、The research shows that teachers should praise students who are field dependent immediately, orally, publicly and frequently. 对于场依存性的学生,教师应当是及时,频繁地当众给予口头表扬。

24、)/you look nice in that color.(你穿那种颜色很好看。

25、Always make an effort to praise good behavior and make your praise specific. 要时时尽力表扬孩子的好行为,而且必须“扬”之有物。


26、Improper use of projectors in the claoom can damage students' eyesight, Yangtze Evening Post reports. 据《扬子晚报》报道,教室内不当使用投影仪会损害学生视力。

27、)/ this is really a nice place.(这真是个好地方!

28、Undeserved praise will cause more pangs of conscience later. 不该表扬时表扬将会让人感到良心不安。

29、So we should learn to pile praises on those who deserve and help to create a light, pleasant atmosphere in which to live. 所以我们要大力表扬值得表扬的人,从而共同创造一个令人感到轻松愉快的生活环境。

30、She's very sensitive to her pupils' need for encouragement and knows when to praise them. 她很能体察学生需要鼓励的心情,并且知道该在什么时候表扬他们。

31、German-Chinese university of special science with the premise of teaching German knowledge and scientific life opened campus in 1909 and admitted students from well-off families of the country. 旨在宏扬德国知识与科学生活的德中大学也于1909年开始招生,招生对象限于中国的上层家庭的子女。

32、At the same time, there are still many people who live under the traditional ideas that day schools play an extremely important role in children's study. 同时,仍有许多人持传统概念认为日制学校订孩子的学习阐扬着极为紧张的感化。(超轮回背诵大表)

33、To acquire the specific microsatellite loci of Chinese alligator, it is feasible to clone, sequence and design primers by the classical method of molecular biology. 研究同时表明利用经典分子生物学方法克隆、测序、设计引物,是目前获得扬子鳄特异性微卫星位点较为可行的方案。

34、More than one student was praised at the meeting. 大会上不止一个学生受到了表扬。

35、"Thank you for your nice words" and words like this 就是表示感谢对方表扬你了啊 然后顺道表扬下你老板好了

36、He is one of those were praised。他是被表扬的学生之一。

37、The high polymorphism of MHC genes in Chinese alligator would be of great benefit to genetic conservation in the captive population of Chinese alligator. 本文的研究结果表明扬子鳄MHC基因的多态性较高,这对扬子鳄饲养种群的遗传保护将非常有利。

38、)/ you look like a million dollars. = you look outstanding.=you look like a movie star.(你看上去帅呆了。

39、Panasonic Electronic Devices Co. , Ltd. mainly produces speakers. 松下电子部品主要生产扬声器。

40、(你们的教室很整洁)/ you have a good taste.(你很有品位。

41、I Like The Way You Handled That我欣赏你的做法

42、Another clue is how the first two servants are praised. 另一句线索是前两个仆人是如何被表扬的。

43、It is fun watching the lad", praised Heine." 我很喜欢看着小伙子踢球。” 海涅表扬道。

44、Subject_Topical_Eng: Chemistry; Biochemistry; Biology; Molecular; Biology; News Groups. 化学;生物化学;生物学;分子生物学;新闻组;表单。

45、Yu Xianyang praised the first position, courageous; 先表扬了俞显扬立场好,胆子大;

46、Keung is continuing his exploration of wireless communications as an MPhil candidate in ELEC. 姜振扬同学正在科大攻读电子工程的研究生课程,主修无线电通讯。

47、The basic cultural connotation of "Chegong" and "Jiri"is to publicize the ilrious reputation of the emperor, which exerts a far-reaching impact on the theme of hunting poetry. 《车攻》和《吉日》这两首天子田猎诗最基本的文化内涵就是宣扬周天子的赫赫声威;这种宣扬天子武功的主题对后世田猎文学发生了深远影响。

48、I Knew You Could Do It我知道你能做的

49、Not only did Human's production and life affect the organic environment of the Wild Chinese Alligator, but also affected the inorganic environment of the Wild Chinese Alligators. 人类的生产、生活不但影响了野生扬子鳄的生物环境,也影响和改变了野生扬子鳄的无机环境。

50、In the past I sued Sohu for deleting my blog posts, but now I want to praise them. 过去,我因搜狐删除我的博客帖子而起诉过它,但是现在我想表扬表扬他们。


51、Want to the foundation bad student appropriate loosen grade point dimensions, not and illiberality give give public recognition, regard affirmation as principle; 对基础差的学生要适当放宽评分尺度, 不吝啬地给与表扬, 以肯定为主;

52、Psychologists have done a survey, found blind exaggerating praise your child will lead to children 's self doubt, that child is not confident. 心理学家做过一项调查,发现盲目夸大地表扬孩子会导致孩子的自我怀疑,令孩子不自信。

53、Her conduct at school well merits praise. 她在学校的表现理应受到表扬。

54、In contrast, kids praised for their hard work were more interested in the higher-scoring exams. 对比之下,被表扬努力的学生对取得更高分数的测试更感兴趣。

55、I don't believe the cause that he accounted 我不相信他解释的原因。

56、Improper use of projectors in the claoom can damage students' eyesight, Yangtse Evening Post reports. 据《扬子晚报》报道,教室内不当使用投影仪会损害学生视力。

57、Letters of commendation. 表扬信。

58、Praises will not play me up to be perfect! 表扬是高帽子,我没有那么好;

59、From the Academy of Visual Arts, Betty Lo received the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship for Disabled Students in recognition of her persistence in academic pursuit. 来自视觉艺术院的劳颖雯同学则获得尤德爵士纪念基金残疾学生奖学金,表扬她努力不懈的精神。

60、I avoid general praise, which I do not really mean. 不要空洞地和不真诚的表扬孩子。

61、Praised by the teacher, the student smiled happily. 在此过去分词表示学生被老师表扬。

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