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描写雨的英语句子 18个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-20 07:31:24
  • 177

描写雨的英语句子 18个

1. The rain pattered against the window. 雨点噼里啪啦地打在窗子上。

2. The rain fell in a gentle drizzle. 雨落下来轻柔地细雨绵绵。

3. The rain lashed against the roof. 雨水猛烈地狂风骤雨地落在屋顶上。

4. The rain poured down from the sky. 雨水从天空中倾泻而下。

5. The raindrops danced on the pavement. 雨滴在人行道上跳舞。

6. The rain made the trees glisten. 雨水让树木闪闪发光。

7. The rain was heavy and unrelenting. 雨势猛烈,不停歇。

8. The rain created a soothing background noise. 雨声营造了一种宁静的背景音乐。

9. The rain added a romantic touch to the evening. 雨水为这个夜晚增添了一份浪漫的气息。

10. The rain turned the streets into rivers. 雨水把街道变成了河流。

11. The rain cooled down the scorching heat. 雨水冷却了炎热的气息。

12. The rain brought a sense of renewal to everything. 雨水带来了一种万物更新的感觉。

13. The rain washed away the dust and grime. 雨水洗去了尘土和垢。

14. The rain made the air fresh and crisp. 雨水使空气新鲜而清爽。

15. The rain decorated the leaves with sparkling droplets. 雨水给叶子点缀了闪亮的水珠。

16. The rain painted a dreary landscape with blues and greys. 雨水用蓝色和灰色点缀了一片沉闷的景象。

17. The rain followed the thunder in a dramatic display of nature's power. 雨水在巨响的雷声后猛烈而戏剧性地降临。

18. The rain soaked through my clothes and chilled me to the bone. 雨水湿透了我的衣服,让我冷到了骨子里。

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