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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-03 06:32:09
  • 266


关于”积极向上的诗歌“的英语句子52个,句子主体:Positive Poetry。以下是关于积极向上的诗歌的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Positive Poetry

1、In the former dimension, poetry expresses the extreme consciousness of style, pursuing an impossible pure aesthetical experience and disconnecting its link with material world. 在前一向度上,诗歌表现出极端的文体自觉,追求不可能的纯粹的审美体验,割断了与物质现象界应有的现实联系;

2、Because it reminds you of the positive things in your life. 因为它让你记起生活中积极向上的事情。

3、"Higher still and higher", let's take a flight over the blue sky, because that is what we, engaged in translation, sing for our great joy. “向上,一直向上飞翔”,去翱翔那蓝蓝的天,那就是咱翻译人乐极的歌咏。

4、Take the energy of the negative thought and rechannel it into a positive thought. 让消极思想的能量改道流向积极思想。

5、It pulls you in the direction of positive growth. 它将你吸引向积极性成长的方向。

6、Conclusion Young people's motive for postgraduate entrance examination is healthy and positive. 结论青年们考研的动机是健康的、积极向上的。

7、But that doesn’t mean you cannot develop new and positive habits! 但这不意味着你可以停止开始新而积极向上的习惯!

8、All who sit in my claoom are go-getters. 坐在这里的都是积极向上的。

9、China tries to develop omni- directional military diplomacy. 中国积极发展全方向的军事外交。

10、School spirit positive, and together we create a harmonious education atmosphere. 校风积极向上,和我们一起打造了和谐的教育氛围。

11、These poems reflect the reality spirit, love of nature, positive thinking of the Confucian going to career, and the frustrations of melancholy. 这些诗歌反映了项斯的现实主义精神,对自然的热爱,积极入仕的儒家思想和仕途坎坷的惆怅。

12、Also it hopes to show the upward outlook and physical fitness of its people. 而且她希望向世界展示自己民族积极向上的精神面貌和强壮的体魄.

13、Yet again, Google, which is fighting the platform wars on multiple fronts, could be Apple's stiffest competition. 谷歌在平台竞争中的前沿阵地上活动积极,仍旧是苹果最强劲的对手。

14、We had sung simultaneously the sunflowers growing up by the Don River and cherished the memory of the sun in Russian poetry. 我们同声歌唱过顿河上的向日葵,/也曾缅怀俄罗斯诗歌的太阳。

15、This leads to show Carl Sandburg's as well as Whitman's affinity with the people. 从而进一步使自由体诗歌更加为所接受,也在极大程度上体现了这两位诗人的亲民性。

16、"Reading oneself by taking six steps under the condition of internet" as teaching mode proves that it has the active sense of feasibility. “网络状态下诗歌六步自读教学模式”的实验证明了:本模式在中学语文诗歌教学中有较强的可行性和突破性的积极意义。

17、Leo Babuta who is both inspirational and positive, also believes in his minimalist life too. 里奥·巴布塔是个充满勇气,积极向上的人,他也对自己的极简主义生活充满自信。

18、"The feeling in the team is massively positive at the moment, " said Whitmarsh. “车队现在的气氛是非常积极向上的,”Whitmarsh 说。

19、Positive emotions, though fleeting, are arguably the hallmark of happiness, she says, and can lead to upward spirals in mood and behavior. 她说虽然积极情绪是种感觉,但是是可以论证的,它是幸福的标记,并且可以激发出积极向上的精神和行为。

20、(1) I know you're going to make it, 我知道你能做到,It may take time and hard work. 那可能需要时间和努力。

21、Architecture4, science, drama and poetry also flourished here. 建筑、科学、戏剧和诗歌也曾在这里盛极一时。

22、Suddenly, an old man appeared and said, "Why, your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine." 突然,一位老人出现在人群中,说:“你的心不如我的美丽。

23、We need to maintain and promote actively instead of ignoring as pessimistically. 要由消极的漠视走向积极的维护与发扬。

24、Surround yourself with good people . Try to associate only with positive people. Spend most of your time with friends that make you feel loved and respected. 多与积极向上的人来往。尝试结交积极向上等人。花时间和那些让你感受被爱和尊严的朋友在一起。

25、Their poetry was full of aesthetic sentiments: bold and free-wheeling, natural and harmonious, forging ahead, positive and optimistic, multiple accommodated and fresh and smart. 他们的诗歌充满草原文化阳刚豪放、自然和谐、开拓进取、积极乐观、多元包容、鲜活灵动的审美情韵。


26、Dark image cer deeply labels Haizi himself and represents the ultimate state of Hai Zi's poems. 黑暗意象丛深刻地打上了海子自己的个性标签,代表了其诗歌的终极状态。

27、Bao Zhao and Tang Huixiu, their poetic style was mainly in the "vulgar", the poetic trend of secularization, but also close to the public. 汤惠休与鲍照的诗风主要表现在“俗”上,诗歌趋向俗化,更接近于大众。

28、Photographer Huang Hao was impressed by Zeng's outgoing and optimistic character. 曾晶的乐观,积极向上的性格特征给黄摄影师留下了深刻的影响。

29、" up, fly up" to the blue sky, which is the paradise song for us translators. “向上,一直向上飞翔”,去翱翔那蓝蓝的天,那就是咱翻译人乐极的歌咏。

30、So let it go so that you can let that positive light in. 所以,放掉它来迎接积极向上的光明吧。

31、They embraced and walked away side by side. 他们拥抱着,肩并肩离开了。

32、At the same time, the poles of each drop were acquiring opposite electric charges. 同时,每个液滴上的极化朝着相反电荷的方向积累。

33、Positive and progressive, dare to innovate breakthroughs. 积极向上,敢于创新突破。

34、Try to associate only with positive people. 尝试结交积极向上等人。

35、They would talk positively when moving marbles upwards, but negatively when moving them down 当他们向上移动弹 珠时,更倾向于谈论积极的事情;当被实验者向下移动弹珠时,则更倾向于讲述消极的事情。

36、Thirdly, the active application of the image "gyre" to his poetry is the personal feature of his lyricism. 螺旋意象的积极运用是叶芝诗歌抒情性的个性特征。

37、Secondly, it actively encourages, or even exalts, risk-taking. 其次,硅谷极积鼓励甚至讴歌开拓冒险行为。

38、The composition of poetry once pushed the elegance and fantasticality to the acme in a new period, and then started to go back to forward folk language and live language till "slobber poem". 新时期的诗歌创作曾一度将诗语的典雅奇异推向一种极致,随后开始了面向生活语言的俗化的回归,一直发展到当下的“口水诗”,走到了另一个极端。

39、Enjoying the things you love allows you to feel positive, happy, and joyful. 享受你喜爱的事情,让你自己能感受积极向上,快乐和喜悦。

40、When the two are in tune this brings a positive world. 当两者和谐一致,也就会带来积极向上的世界。

41、Until now, she is more than the same period of singers actively partite in the film, singing career. 直到现在,她还是比同期的歌手更积极参与电影、歌唱的事业。

42、But if you’re like most of us, staying positive consistently is tough. 但是如果你像大部分的我们,持续的保持积极向上是艰难的。

43、The misunderstanding of Wang Wei's poem "Ode to the Frontier" not only damages the up-going significance and the rich and powerful character of the poem, but also reduces its aesthetic value. 对王维边塞诗《使至塞上》的诸多误解、曲解,不仅损害该诗积极向上的思想意义、雄迈豪逸的格调,更贬低了它崇高的美学价值。

44、Choose to work with people who have a positive attitude instead. 去选择和那些积极向上的人们共事吧!

45、Poetry anthology is an extremely inclusiveness form of literary criticism. 诗歌选本是一种极具包容性的文学批评形式。

46、Guo's poetics is formed on the basis 'of learning from Chinese and western poetics and is of positive effect on Chinese modern poetics and new poetry. 它是在学习、借鉴中西诗论的基础上形成的,对中国现代诗论和新诗的发展均产生了积极的影响。

47、The spirit of improving the world is the rule of human reason, the orientation of history. 积极向上的淑世精神是人心的法则,是历史的蕲向;

48、Pressure is a motivating thing, especially when it's positive. 压力可以激励人,特别是积极向上的压力。

49、Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active. 浅色或艳丽的色彩不仅使人更加愉快也更积极向上。

50、你能做到,It may take time and hard work. 那可能需要时间和努力。


51、Strong communication skill, positive thinking and self-motivated. 较强的沟通能力, 积极向上,自我推动。

52、Moreover he regarding poetry in"sentiment"the value also has certain positive sense and the value. 另外他对于诗歌中“情”的重视也有一定的积极意义和价值。

53、Through the transition from music literature to language literature, poetry embarked on the road of self-consciousness. 通过音乐文学向语言文学的过渡,诗歌走上了自觉的道路。

54、Upbeat patriotic songs blare on street corners and cars plastered with Qadhafi portraits speed around, sounding their horns. 积极向上的爱国主义歌曲响彻街道的每个角落,贴有卡扎菲肖像的汽车鸣着喇叭到处乱窜。

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