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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-31 18:26:36
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关于”表达父爱的句子“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Sentences expressing fatherly love。以下是关于表达父爱的句子的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences expressing fatherly love

1、Love is the cloth woven net, seemingly rough, children sleep are safe inside. Love like the sun continuously, can give children life warm. 父爱就像用布条编成的网,看似粗糙,孩子睡在里面却很安全。父爱像缕缕阳光,能给孩子一生温暖。

2、Sometimes, Rufo would be like his father, caring for this child. 有时,瑞弗也会像父亲一样,关爱着这孩子。

3、We parents who indulge our kids rather than chasten them, are we being loving or self-indulgent? 我们这些不管教反而纵容子女的父母亲,究竟我们在表现慈爱还是放纵自己?

4、Charles Darwin wed his cousin Emma and sed 10 children, including four brilliant scientists. 查尔斯-达尔文与其表妹爱玛结合,养育了10个子女,其中有四位杰出的科学家。

5、In this way the young people can express their gratefulness and show respect for the elderly. 年轻人以此来表示对老人的尊敬,表达对父辈养育之恩的报答。

6、Jada's son , in spite of his father, was religious and learned in the Vedic scriptures. 加达的儿子却不像父亲,他很虔诚而且精通韦达经典。

7、The result, published in the latest edition of Animal Behaviour, is that children who looked and smelled like their fathers did indeed enjoy more paternal care than those who did not. 研究结果被发布在最新一期的《动物行为研究》上。结论是外表和气味更像父亲的孩子确实得到了更多的父爱。

8、"I'm using the term 'Chinese mother' loosely, " she writes. "I know Korean, Indian, Jamaican, Irish and Ghanaian parents who qualify too." 就实而论,Chua在她的文章中也表达了对和中国文化相关的不认同,“实际上我用‘中国妈妈’来定义是不够严谨的,就我所知,韩国、印度、牙买加、爱尔兰和加纳的父母的教子之方也是如此。”

9、Dad, happy Father's day! ! ! I love you! ! ! Your son Zhang Haolun. 爸爸,父亲节快乐!!!我爱你!!! 你的儿子张浩伦。

10、Although their biological dad has disappeared, Michele Weldon's three sons have not been fatherless. 虽然没有了亲生父亲,但米歇尔•韦尔登的三个儿子并不缺少父爱。

11、In the radiance of this day, love's presence is joyously expressed again and again, in countless ways. 在今天这光辉的日子,爱被人们用无数的方式一遍又一遍、欢乐地表达着。

12、“Each child knows who his father is, but you call your eldest uncle father, ” said Neelchand Bhagsen, Sukh Dayal Bhagsen’s 40-year-old son. 达雅·巴森40岁的儿子尼查德·巴森表示:“每个孩子都知道自己的亲爹是谁,但还是得称大伯父为爸爸。”

13、The young Einstein was fascinated by the electric motors and dynamos in his father's factory. 年轻的爱因斯坦迷恋父亲工厂里的电动马达和发电机。

14、I wish this error can also make up. 吃完饭,我拿出了给同学林买的礼物,现在只有它能表达一下我对父亲的爱了。

15、So this idea that the Old Testament represents a God of anger, and a God of strictness,and a God of judgment, and the New Testament represents a God who's a father, and loving,and full of grace. 所以变成了旧约代表着愤怒的上帝,严格的上帝,审判的上帝,而新约代表了慈父般的上帝,慈爱且通情达理。

16、For whom the LORD loves he reproves, and he chastises the son he favors. 因为上主谴责他所爱的,有如父亲谴责他的爱子。

17、The Father loves the Son and has given all into His hand. 父爱子,已将万有交在祂手里。

18、His parents' obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood. 父母过于爱面子的做法在他儿时一直困扰着他。

19、Why express parent-child relationships between elements? 为什么要表达元素之间的父子关系呢?

20、Think Baby Einstein. 世界各地的父母都在寻求让子女成才的良方。想想“小爱因斯坦”吧。

21、Imprinted gene; Birth weight; Paternally expressed gene 3; Placenta; 印迹基因; 出生体重; 父系表达基因3; 胎盘;

22、Lily herself is a child who is completely unloved by her father. 莉莉是一个完全不被父亲喜爱的孩子。

23、A rowdy kid like that is just the kind that parents dote on . 做父母所宠爱的,正是这种调皮捣蛋的孩子。

24、O blessed Son of God, In love and faith we plead. 天父喜悦之子,凭信与爱祈求。

25、The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand. 父爱子,已将万有交在他手里。


26、The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands. 父爱子,已将万有交在他手里。

27、But as you're celebrating, don't forget that you're also a son, and it's good for you to honor your father or father figure. 当你们在庆祝父亲节的时候,别望了您也是为人子,最好也向您的父亲或长辈表达你的孝心。

28、I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus. John 17:23 我是你的父,我爱你如同我爱我的儿子?

29、When your Aries dad is poking fun or picking a fight with you, believe it or not, he is saying that he loves you. 当你的白羊座父亲取笑你或向你挑刺时,信不信由你,他是在向你表达他爱你。

30、Likewise, after his father died, Lucian kept his mother similarly occupied. His series of her, portraits of delicate, cold-eyed attention, express a son’s uncompromising love. 在父亲去世后,路西安以同样的方法安排他的母亲,他的这一系列,以一组敏感、冷静的形象,表达了一个儿子坚定地爱。

31、But each timethey stood in silence as another fallen comrade came out on a stretcher, RoseEllen Dowdell’s two sons felt they were honoring their father. 不过每当看到父亲的同事倒下、被担架抬出来时,柔斯·爱伦·道达尔的两个儿子都会静静地站在一旁,感觉他们像是在向父亲致敬。

32、Part I Expression of PEGS in GliomasPEG3 (Paternally Expressed Gene 5) is an imprinted gene of which only the paternal allele is expressed. 父性表达基因3)是一个印迹基因,只有来源于父方的等位基因才表达。

33、He was from a small town in Idaho and farmed with his father. 他爱达荷州的一个小镇,和他父亲一起经营农场。

34、The sleeping Child you're holding is the Great, I Am. 你怀抱中熟睡的这个孩子,就是自有永有天父的爱子。

35、My cousin John is the child of my uncle. 我的表第约翰是我姨父的孩子。

36、The kindness and generosity you showed at the time of my father's passing are much appreciated. We are very blessed to count you as a friend. 非常感谢你在先父去逝时所表达的关怀和爱心。我们很感恩能有你这样的朋友。

37、The “non-resemblers”, those adjudged by outsiders not to smell or look like their fathers, averaged -1. 而那些“不相像的孩子”(即被评委们认为在外形和气味上不太像父亲的孩子),父爱指数平均为-1。

38、Tenma`s unemotional love for Toby is a typical Chinese father-son relationship. 天马博士给予托比的那段不露声色的父爱正是典型的中国式父子关系。

39、Krishna carried on His head the ss and wooden stool of His father Nanda. 克里希纳把父亲南达的鞋子和木制的凳子举到了头上。

40、Specifies the parent table linked to the child table displayed in a Grid control. 指定与表格控件中所显示子表相链接的父表。

41、She says she was forced to marry the son of her father’s lover. 这个小女孩表示她父亲逼她嫁给父亲情人的儿子。

42、On the one hand, he is a good officer and gentle father; 一方面,他是一个爱民如子的好官、好父亲;

43、It was indicated that the parents' interest and the environment atmosphere of the family have much influence on the children's partition in playing tennis. 结果表明:父母的兴趣爱好,家庭的环境氛围对孩子的网球之路起着举足轻重的作用。

44、To be sensible, gentle and easy, aged respected, honour thy father and thy mother, healthy body… 知书达理,温柔大方,尊老爱幼,孝敬父母,身体健康…

45、They had gotten along well, but his father was overprotective, filling Vincent's head with worrisome thoughts. 温森特和他的父亲感情很好,但父亲很溺爱他,灌输他满脑子的烦心事。

46、Oh, you silly, your father would surely love his child far more than the fowls in the yard. 哦,你这傻孩子! 你父亲爱你当然胜过爱院子里的那些鸡鸭了!

47、Tenma's unemotional love for Toby is a typical Chellonese father-son relationshellop. 天马博士赐与托比的那段不露神采的父爱恰是典型的神州式父子瓜葛。

48、Some catalog tables have parent-child relationships. 有些编目表还存在父子关系。

49、All parents should re-examine and change some of their ways of showing their love if they want their children to grow up happily and healthily. 如果父母想让孩子快乐健康地成长,那他们就应该重新审视自己表达关爱的一些方式,并做出相应的调整。

50、Let us praise those fathers who, as stepfathers, freely choose the obligation of fatherhood and earned their step children's love and respect. 让我们赞颂那些虽为继父,却选择扛起作为父亲的责任,获得孩子们真爱和尊重的父亲们。


51、Data Sources window until you can see the parent table or object and the related child table or object. “数据源”窗口中的节点,直到您可以看到父表或父对象,以及相关的子表或子对象。

52、My unsentimental dad, who never let his emotions get the best of him; my dad, who almost never outwardly showed his love for me, had kept the one thing that meant so much to him and me. 我那不善表露感情的父亲,从来不让内心的情绪左右自己;我的父亲,几乎从来没有大方地表达对我的爱,却一直保存着这张对他和我都极为重要的照片。

53、Esau went hunting and he was my father’s favourite son. 以扫嗜好打猎,并成为父亲最宠爱的儿子。

54、The gift was so apparently an offering of love he could not verbalize that I would throw my arms around him and kiss him--an act that undoubtedly perpetuated his behavior. 这礼物显然传达着他不善用言辞表达的爱。这时我便会搂住父亲,吻他----这亲昵的行为无疑会使他再度大方。

55、Specifies the expression based on fields in the parent table that relates to an index in the child table. 指定基于父表中的字段而又与子表中的索引相关的表达式。

56、For Darwin, the only thing that organisms contribute to determining how next-generation phenotypes differ from parent-generation phenotypes is random variation. 对达尔文来说,造成子代表型和父代表型存在差异的因素中,生物自身所起的唯一作用就是随机突变。

57、They averaged +1 on the paternal-investment index. 这类孩子的“父爱指数”平均为1。

58、In comparison, the image of paternal love is more typical of a strict father placing a strong value on discipline as a means to survive and thrive in a usually harsh world. 互比之下,父爱通常代表严父的形象,比较偏于管教的价值,教导孩子将来怎样能够生存与发达于浩浩紧迫的世界里。

59、It is universal that parents love their children, but we need to acknowledge that the ways that parents from different cultures show their love towards their children are so much different. 父母爱子女,这是普天之下的一个常理,但是,我们需要承认,不同文化中的父母疼爱子女的方式是非常不同的。

60、Suppose the parent and child tables have different partitioning keys. 假设父表和子表有不同的分区键。

61、35The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands. 父爱子,已将万有交在他手里。

62、And no words can express the joy in a mom’s heart as she watches her spouse connect with their kids—being the father that only he can be. 当妈妈看到丈夫与孩子建立关系时,她心中的喜乐无法用语言表达。作为孩子的父亲,他与孩子的关系多么重要。

63、Father's Day, a day to honor fathers and fatherhood, is celebrated on the third Sunday of June and this year it falls on June 19th. 父亲节是一个向父亲和父爱表达敬意的日子,定在六月份第三个星期天,今年它是在6月19日。

64、When we arrived at the 2)campground, all my cousins, aunts, uncles, and even my grandparents were there. 我们到达营地的时候,我的表亲、姑姨、叔父、甚至祖父母早已到了。

65、My parents did this magic act for five years. 我父母表演这套把戏长达五年之久。

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