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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-30 00:50:51
  • 81


关于”高级的句型“的英语句子59个,句子主体:Advanced sentence patterns。以下是关于高级的句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Advanced sentence patterns

1、The outbound event goes to the high-level monitor model and contains a metric value that is necessary for the high-level monitor model to correlate the same instances of the end-to-end process. 出站事件前往高级监测模型,且包含一个度量指标值,该值对于高级监测模型关联端到端流程中的相同实例是必需的。

2、Each copper rivet on all Special saddle models is carefully hand hammered by skilled craftsmen. 车座的每个型号都有高级技师特别小心的手工锤制铜铆钉。

3、Pofessional education trains high technology, applied talents, which is characterized by strong practical skills. 高职教育培养高级技术型、应用型人才,其特点是实践技能强。

4、I’m a marketing executive with a large advertising agency in Chicago. 我是芝加哥一家大型广告公司市场部的高级管理人员。

5、Compared with a conventional cylindrical spiral classifier, the spiral classifier can increase greatly the classification efficiency to 81% by quantity and 67% by quality. 与传统圆柱形螺旋分级机的对比试验结果表明,新型螺旋分级机的分级效率大幅度提高,分级量效率达到81%,质效率达到67%。

6、Insulator's pollution level: Normal class is 0, anti-pollution is III level. 绝缘子秽等级:普通级为0级;防型为III级;

7、The utility model discloses a nuclear-grade high-pressure centrifugal fan used for a large-scale nuclear power plant. 本实用新型公开了一种用于大型核电站的核级高压离心风机。

8、This folder should now contain the high- and low-level monitor models generated by the plug-in. 这个文件夹现在应该包含插件生成的高级和低级监测模型。

9、Sixth graders' partition in the "social type", the "skill type", and the "knowledge culture type" is higher than that of the fifth graders; 六年级学童在「社交型」、「技艺型」、「知識文化型」的參与上高于五年级学童;

10、A person of high rank, especially in India. 酋长,贵族,高级军官:级别高的人,尤用于印度。

11、A typical seven-week stay can cost more than $10,000. 一个典型的、为时七周的高级夏令营可能要价1万多美金。

12、Routers operate at the network layer in the network model, one step above Ethernet. 路由器在整个网络模型的网络层运行,比以太网高了一级。

13、The outbound event (in Listing 1) sends this value to the high-level monitor model. 出站事件(清单 1)将这个值发送到高级监测模型。

14、Sets priority for this file type. If more than one file type selects the same file, the one with the highest priority will be used. 设置文件类型的优先级。如果有多于一个文件类型选择了同一个文件,那么最高优先级的类型将会被使用。

15、Considering the energy consumption of the HP-pump for SWRO, a reasonable type of high pressure pump was selected, and a new structure of the axial suction segment multistage pump was proposed. 结合反渗透海水淡化高压泵的能耗状况,合理选择了万吨级反渗透海水淡化高压泵的泵型,提出了一种轴向吸入节段式高压多级泵的新型结构型式。

16、Fig. 1: A typical separation of standard and advanced search (Yahoo!). The design discourages use of advanced search. 图1.一个普通搜索和高级搜索的典型分布 (雅虎)这种设计不鼓励用户使用高级搜索

17、This model is based on 4 sensorial experiences rated by maximum 20 points. 该模型是基于最高20分,分为4个感官评定等级。

18、The outbound event goes to the high-level monitor model and contains a metric value, which is necessary for the high-level monitor model to correlate the same instances of the end-to-end process. 出站事件到达高级监测模型,其中包含一个度量值,该值是高级监测模型关联端到端流程的相同实例所必不可少的。

19、With domestic and foreign precision injection molding machine, with processing high-level technical personnel and professional production team. 并拥有国内外精密的注塑成型机,拥有成型加工的高级技术人才及专业的生产队伍。

20、The inbound event is matched by the high-level monitor model according to the value of the correlation predicate. 高级监测模型根据关联谓词的值匹配入站事件。

21、Multi-stage buck noise reduction type: when the medium flow through the pipe in the pipe is quite high, it can be resolved through the multi-level buck. 多级降压降噪型: 当介质在管道中流过后噪声级别相当高时,也可通过多级降压降噪的方式来解决。

22、The high-level monitor model has a corresponding inbound event definition that it receives from the low-level monitor model of Loan_Completion. 高级监测模型拥有一个对应的入站事件定义,该定义是它从 Loan_Completion 的低级监测模型接收的。

23、The result shows:the variation of curve is "unimodal", the highest is in Grade 2, and the obvious decline occurs in Grade 3 and Grade4. 结果显示四年中各指标的变化曲线为“单峰型”, 二年级为最高, 三、四年级明显下降。

24、Python is a freely available, very high-level, interpreted language developed by Guido van Rossum. Python 是由 Guido van Rossum 开发的、可免费获得的、非常高级的解释型语言。

25、The growing volume of traffic and the emergence of large, heavy vehicles call for higher and higher demands to highway. 交通量的日益增长,大型化、重型化车辆的出现,对公路等级的要求也越来越高。


26、Like the first model type, security policies fall into three types: built-in, customized and high-level. 和第一个模型类型类似,安全策略也分为三类:内置、自定义和高级策略。

27、Besides, the results indicate that the population with increasing age structure can form a rational height class structure observing a linear mode between height cl and its number of ramets. 增长型年龄结构的种群可形成合理的等级结构,其不同高度级的个体数量分布符合直线模型。

28、Hydrocyclone, aa new high capacity classifying equipment, has am broad application prospect. 水力旋流器作为一种新型高效的分离分级设备,有着广阔的应用前景。

29、Our IT Consultant was trained to get Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) designation. We provide senior network architect services to medium to large corporation. 我公司的IT咨询专家拥有思科网络高级专家认证(CCIE),主要为各大中型企业提供高级网络咨询服务。

30、High-level models are resilient to changes at the state-of-the-art platform level. 高层的模型对最新平台级上的变更具有弹性。

31、Regular college is to train high-level research and academic talents, while vocational training institutions is to train the application type, skill-based talent. 普通高校培养的是高级研究型、学术型人才,而高职高专院校培养的是应用型、技艺型人才。

32、Prussian Spearmen are professional mercenaries, drawn from the lower cl. 高级类型:雇佣兵普鲁士矛兵是用矛的专家,出于低层。

33、The distributions of size class and height are reverse "J" shaped or approximate reverse "J" shaped. ③植物的高度和径级为倒“J”型分布或近似倒“J”型分布。

34、Describes various types of high-level policies and provides broad definitions of high-level information management policies. 描述了各种类型的高级策略并提供了高级信息管理策略的广泛定义。

35、Tumor microvessels typing degree is higher in low-grade differentiation level HCC, large HCC and HCC without envelope. 低分化、大肝癌、无包膜者微血管分型级别较高。

36、New cars come forth continuously mid and high-class cars meet a new inflexion? 新车型不断涌现中高级车迎来发展新拐点?

37、Improve accuracy, new types of aircraft parts machining accuracy is generally better than the old product level 1-2. 在提高精度方面,新型飞机的零件加工精度普遍提高,普通比老产品提高1~2级。

38、I'll begin with a high-level discussion of the Repository model to familiarize you with the JCR. 我先从对仓库模型的高级讨论开始,以便让您熟悉 JCR。

39、What the higher vocational and technical colleges train are the advanced application-oriented talents. 高等职业院校培养的是高级应用型技术人才。

40、Experiments make up of two groups, Grade one and Grade two in high school, and experiments verify the validity of the model. 实验分两个组,即高一年级和高二年级两个组进行,用以验证给模型的有效性。

41、The baseline encoder framework, key technologies and optional modes in H. 263 are introduced. Finally, the numerous and complicated optional modes are classified according to typical applications. 介绍了H.263的基本框架和关键技术、所包含的各种高级模式,并结合典型应用场合,对纷繁的高级模式做了归类。

42、Students in cohesive cl had higher scores in school liking, learning interest and learning self-confidence and learning self-efficiency and lower scores in sch… 在学校喜欢、学习兴趣、学业效能感和自信心上 ,团结向上型班级的学生得分显著高于一般型和问题型班级的学生。

43、Aluminium alloy stuff and spray molded handling make the appearance more exquisite. 铝合金型材附以高级喷塑处理,体现典雅外观。

44、Finally, through the practice of reflection put forward the construction of high school-type cl of responses: changes in students the idea that the premise of building a learning cl; 最后,通过实践中的反思提出了建设高中学习型班级的对策:转变师生观念是学习型班级建设的前提;

45、In the area of language -based security, programs written in typed high-level languages need to be translated into those written in typed low-level languages. 在基于语言考虑代码安全性的工作中,往往需要将高级语言程序翻译成类型化低级语言的程序进行类型检查。

46、The horizontal upgrading is from quasi-hierarchy cer to network cer, constructing horizontal-vertical cer network capital. 横向升级是从准等级型集群升级为网络型集群,倚重于横纵交叉网络资本的构建。

47、Wear a lightweight, high-performance, polyester-based wicking fabric next to the skin. 戴上一个轻量级的,高的性能,聚酯型吸湿排汗面料旁边的皮肤。

48、The CVN-78 supercarrier costs US$8 billion. CVN-78型超级航空母舰造价就高达80亿美元。

49、Now the hospital's administration is discussing turning it into a senior-citizens unit. 现在管理层正在讨论要不要转型为高级社康中心。

50、In the Event Definitions folder, you'll notice a new event definition (.XSD) file for the event passed from the low-level monitor models to the high-level monitor model. 在 Event Definitions 文件夹中,您将注意到一个新的事件定义文件(.XSD),用于从低级监测模型传递到高级监测模型的事件。


51、Haut-Medoc Cru Bourgeois is often medium-full bodied, straightforward fruit and well balanced. 好梅铎高级酒通常是中高身型,果味直接及匀称。

52、Diamond model; High-star hotel; Competitive power. 钻石模型;高星级饭店;竞争力。

53、Is broad caliber "composite" senior engineering and technical personnel. 是宽口径“复合型”高级工程技术人才。

54、There are three cl of physicians: superior, mediocre, and inferior. 有三种类型的医师:高级医师、普通医师和下等医师。

55、Jinbei brand includes Jinbei Haise minibus, Jinbei Granse MPV high grade business purpose vehicle. 金杯品牌包括金杯海狮轻型客车、阁瑞斯MPV高级商务车;

56、It is revealed that senior English majors' motivation for speaking/interpretation learning is both integrative and instrumental and the instrumental orientation plays a far more important role. 在此基础上研究动机变量与英语专业高年级学生口语/口译学习之间的关系,结果表明英语专业高年级学生口语/口译学习的动机取向既有融入型又有工具型,但是工具型更强。

57、Our works have proliferated in the national high star hotels, the large-scale markets, the high-quality offices, the upscale offices and the places which have relative spatial and environment. 我们的作品已遍布在全国高星级酒店、大型商场、高级会所、高档写字楼及具有相对空间和环境的地方。

58、The Teknetics is a new high-performance multi-purpose professional grade metal detector. 新型的高效能的,多用途的专业级别的黄金探测器。

59、A generic component-level simulation model of a turbofan engine was developed using graphical modularization technology in MATLAB/SIMULINK graphical simulation environment. 基于MATLAB/SIMULINK高级图形仿真环境,利用图形模块化技术开发了某型双轴涡扇发动机的通用部件级模型仿真系统。

60、To raise the success rate of opening and closing the two-stage cementing tool, Model DSG—A cementing tool is developed. 为提高现有双级注水泥器打开和关闭的成功率,研制了DSG—A型系列双级注水泥器。

61、The PLX SerDes implementation supports four levels of power off, low, typical, and high. 那个PLX串器执行支持四个级别的电源关闭,低,典型的,高。

62、The business-level monitor model that receives events from low level monitoring models. 业务级监测模型,从低级监测模型接收事件。

63、"large database technology : Oracle 9i Advanced Program Design Guide" CD with the book. 说明:《大型数据库技术:Oracle 9i高级程序设计教程》随书光盘。

64、Third, set up advanced features a dial-up and support all types of dial-up. 高级功能设置拨号,支持所有类型的拨号。

65、CPS (Collaborative Professional Services) is a newly launched advanced service program for the commercial segment. 协作型专业服务是思科面向商业市场新推出的高级服务。

66、WHO Director-General Margaret Chan announced Thursday that the U. N. agency is raising the pandemic alert level from Phase 5 to the maximum Phase 6 following a meeting of experts in Geneva. 世卫总干事陈冯富珍星期四在日内瓦举行一次专傢会议后宣布,世卫组织将甲型H1N1 流感大流行警戒级别从第5 级提高到最高级6 级。

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