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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-28 08:15:50
  • 173




1、Moreover, poetry and calligraphy have played an important role in the development of it. 诗歌与书法对写意画的产生发展过程起了重要作用。

2、The author holds that, by borrowing symbolism from the West, Li Jinfa expressed his deep understanding of life in a foreign land. 李金发诗歌借用西方象徵主义的表现手法,书写诗人对异域生存的理解。

3、Vivaldi wrote the music of each concerto to follow a sonnet, or poem, about each season. 维瓦尔第的音乐写每个协奏曲遵循了一首诗,或诗,大约每个赛季。

4、The residents of Cybertron wrote poetry … mostly of the great achievements by their ancestors. 塞伯坦的子民书写了无数诗篇……来歌颂他们祖先的伟大成就。

5、It is a sonnet, too. It's a sort of song of a worker. 也是一首十四行诗,是一个劳动者内心的歌。

6、Take a poem with a strong story and re-write it as prose. 找一篇故事性强的诗歌,用散文的形式重写。

7、So I wrote a chapter on him called Jean Cocteau and the poetry of film. 我曾写过一章来写他,章名叫,让·科克托和电影诗歌。

8、I wrote about poetry and literature and then branched out into chemistry, despite having no scientific background. 刚开始我写诗歌和文学的论文,后来又写化学的,尽管没有任何学术背景。

9、Tan Yi was born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. She started to write poems in 2007. She teaches in the Fine Art Department, School of Art and Design, Yunnan University. 谭毅,四川成都人。2007年开始从事诗歌写作。现为云南大学艺术与设计学院美术系教师。

10、"who, with the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose, depicts the landscape of the dispossessed". “她,用诗歌的洗练与散文的直白(笔法),描绘出了无助者的境遇”、。

11、You may want to get involved in writing, be it lyrics, poetry or just self reflection. 或许你会想去做一些写作工作,可能是歌词、诗歌等等反映自己感受的文字。

12、This contained two theme songs: "Four Seasons Song" and "The Wandering Songtress" which enjoyed long-lasting popularity. 其中两首主题歌《四季歌》和《天涯歌女》成为流行经典。

13、Write down your thoughts and emotions. You can write things in lots of ways; for example, in a journal or as your own poetry or song lyrics. 写下自己的想法与情绪:你可以以多种方式记录东西;例如,写日记或者写自己的诗歌或者以歌词的形式。

14、Lord Visnu then described the glories of the fourth chapter of the Bhagavad-gita. 主维施努接下来描述了博伽梵歌第四章的荣耀。

15、Tchaikovsky's piano essay THE FOUR SEASONS expressed infinite love to his motherland by description of the nature regarding the spring, summer, autumn and winter as the background. 柴可夫斯基的钢琴小品《四季》以春、夏、秋、冬为背景,通过对大自然的描写,表达了他对祖国的无限热爱。

16、Then the fourth part reveals the artistic foundation of the Gong-Ti"s poetry after tracing the female images back into Book of Poetry, Song Yu" Ci-Fu, Cao Zhi"s Shi-Fu and Shen Yue"s poetry. 第四部分在史的纵向描述上,着重撷取《诗经》、宋玉辞赋、曹植诗赋、沈约诗歌中的女性形象,进行回溯,揭示了宫体诗产生的艺术土壤。

17、Some of the poems in this book dramatize, and describe the stylistic changes I'm talking about. 这本书里的一些诗歌生动表现,描述了我所讲的这种风格变化。

18、The fourth part is the position and acceptance of Xiang Si and his poems. 第四部分,主要探讨项斯诗歌的地位和接受。

19、So Beasts of England was heard no more. In its place Minimus, the poet, had composed another song which began. 于是再也听不到“英格兰兽”这首歌了,取而代之的,是善写诗的梅尼缪斯写的另外一首歌,它是这样开头的。

20、Aryan beliefs and daily life are described in the four Vedas - collection of poems and sacred hymns, composed in about 1500 BC. 雅利安人的信仰和日常生活就记述在四本吠陀经上——大约在公元前1500年就编写好的诗集和神圣的赞美歌。

21、The article is divided into four parts , The first part points out that situation on application of colour in poetry in Tang Dynasty; 文章分为四个部分,第一部分是对整个唐朝诗歌用色概况的描述;

22、The singer poetically describes the panic, fear, and struggle against the unappeasable invading force. 歌手以诗一样的语言描述了无休止的入侵带来的恐慌、畏惧以及奋争。

23、Or you can sing this song as a demonstration to the public. 不如你示范唱这首(四季歌) 给大家听吓。

24、And what he writes about is an extraordinary concept really: it's something called "the ility of the poem". 他所写的是一个绝妙的理念,叫做,诗歌的高贵。

25、It got a theory from Mao Shi, and influenced the theory of poem in Wen Xin Diao Long. 刘勰的《文心雕龙》中也有“四始”说,其来源于《毛诗》,并影响了《文心雕龙》的诗歌理论。


26、Everyone contributed to a colorful 22)sbook with notes of thanks, poems, and little kids' 23)crayon drawings of Don and the store. 每个人都在七彩的剪贴画册上写下感谢的话语和诗歌,还有小孩们用彩色蜡笔描绘的唐和他的商店。

27、The forced vibration of pendulum is described by four-dimensional phase space and the fourth order autonomous ordinary differential equation. 本文用四维相空间和四阶自洽常微分方程描写了单摆的受迫振动。

28、Four brilliant poets in Yongjia are members of a poetic school during the South Song Dynasty. “永嘉四灵”是南宋时期的一个诗歌流派。

29、Chapter IV investigates the influence of Li Ye's poems and her own image in the future. 第四章,探讨李冶诗歌及其本身形象在后世的影响。

30、They are spring . I like summer best because I can swim 你好,summer ,很高兴在这里回答你的问题,autumn and winter. I also like winter. I can make snowman in winter: . . . There are four seasons in a year

31、The night that Tojo … before Tojo died, he, … in Japan, he wrote some poems. Tojo 去世前一晚,……在日本, 他写了一些诗歌。

32、Bold, handsome woodcuts reinforce the powerful drama depicted in poetry. 大胆的,英俊的强大戏剧木刻加强在诗歌描绘。

33、Singer R. Kelly wrote this song in response to his own personal difficulties. 歌手凯利(Kelly)写了一首歌来描述自己面临的困境。

34、Its editor, Archie Burnett, has carefully collected all of the poems Larkin ever wrote. 本书的编辑阿奇•伯内特仔细收集拉金写过的所有诗歌。

35、Wang shows her students a white board with a poem written in Chinese characters. 王老师展示一块白板,上面用汉字写了一首诗歌。

36、The fourth part—the forms of expression of implication of text in Russian poems. 第四部分——语篇隐含在俄罗斯诗歌语篇中的表现形式。

37、Nie Le’s poems and narration of his own life were fascinating. 梁写道:“聂勒的诗歌及他对自己一生的讲述十分精彩。

38、It requires us to place ourselves at what T. S. Eliot, in his poem "Four Quartets," called "the still point of the turning world." 我们必须像T.S.艾略特在他的诗歌“四重奏”中写的那样,把自己放在“这个旋转世界的静点”上。

39、In chapter IV, the author makes researches on the topic of his poem respectively. 第四章对其诗歌的题材类型进行分析。

40、So I wrote a chapter on him called Jean Cocteau and the poetry of film. 我曾写过一章来写他,章名叫,让·科克托和电影诗歌。

41、A reader can now trace Larkin's development from his allusive Oxford University Labour Club Bulletin efforts "about trees and the sky and the seasons" to his more mature, better-known works. 读者能够从书中追溯拉金的发展,从他在《牛津大学工党俱乐部简报》上引经据典,描写“关于树木、天空和季节”的诗歌到他更为成熟,有名气的作品。

42、The forth kind is scenery poetry. 第四类是写景诗。

43、They began to write for record, to help and fix their bardic tradition . 他们开始为记事而书写,助长并固定了他们的诗歌传统。

44、Fourthly , body writing turns body into noumenon and body poetics comes into being. 四是身体写作使身体成为本体,形成新的身体诗学。

45、Eliot was there, in that essay on the metaphysical poets that I'm quoting from, defending as necessary what is the primary characteristic, not only of his own poetry, but really of modern poetry generally, what is often called its difficulty. 艾略特在描写那些抽象派诗人的文章里,就是我引用的那篇,极力维护,诗人的首要特征,不仅是因为他自身的诗性,更因为维护现代诗歌的必要,这是非常困难的一件事。

46、Over the past 10 years, I wrote numerous popular songs, for example: hero tears, my old home village, do you still remember me, Four Seasons Costa Rica blossoms look to … and so on. 近10馀年写过无数脍炙人口的歌曲,例如:英雄泪、我的老屋庄、你还会记得我吗、四季花开望哥来…等等。

47、She was accepted as a partint in poetry at the Bread Loaf and Aspen Writing Conferences. 曾为面包与阿斯本写作会议的诗歌成员。

48、And, I mean, I wouldn't just give it to him because he wrote a sonnet. 我不会只把周期表和十四行诗对应,因为他写的是十四行诗。

49、Maecenas himself wrote both prose and verse, but only fragments survive. 梅塞纳斯自己也写散文与诗歌,但仅有断片传世。

50、Viewed from the aspect of poem's noumenon, Chapter Three, Four, and Five are devoted to lyric art, describing scenery art, language art of his poem. 正文三、四、五部分从诗歌本体的角度,具体由抒情、写景、语言三个方面探讨储诗艺术特色。


51、He directed films, plays and operas. 乌斯季诺夫一生拍过大约90部电影,还写书和剧本,导演电影、戏剧和歌剧。

52、The media of the Yuanjia poem takes the writing media as the core; 元嘉体诗歌的媒介主要是以书写媒介为主;

53、His works on countryside mainly describe the beauty of zilches and compose idyllic life; 乡村题材的作品主要描绘小人物的美,谱写田园牧歌;

54、He did admit (to the dismay of many fans) that he has not yet started writing season four of the show, which is scheduled to premiere in 2016. 莫法特还表示(这让剧迷们十分震惊),他还没开始写第四季的剧本。而第四季预计于2016年回归。

55、It was the setting for almost all of his novels, almost all of his poetry. 这一视角也是他写小说和诗歌的视角。

56、Then, description and praise such a group of heroes have universal value? 那么,描写和歌颂这样一群英雄好汉有没有普世价值呢?

57、Chapter IV of the language of poetry and stories Language Reading in the phase of the difference. 第四章诗歌语言和小说语言在读解阶段的区别。

58、This implies that I will temporarily cease the writing of long poem "Divine prophecy", turn to think over something beside poetry. 这意味着,我将暂时停止写作长诗《神谕》,转而思考一些诗歌之外的东西。

59、Chhabi o Gan, Picture and Songs, was the title of a book of poems most of which were written at this time. 《画与歌》是一本诗集的名字,其中大部分的诗都是这个时期写的。

60、In terms of content Lin Huiyin's poetry mainly sings and delineates her personal life and emotion; 林徽因的诗歌从内容上看侧重于对个人生活、个人情感的吟唱与描绘;

61、Everyone contributed to a colorful 22)sbook with notes of thanks, poems, and little kids’ 23)crayon drawings of Don and the store. 每个人都在七彩的剪贴画册上写下感谢的话语和诗歌,还有小孩们用彩色蜡笔描绘的唐和他的商店。

62、Ode to Xizhou is a representative work that describes a young woman missing her man in the four seasons of the year. 《西州曲》是南朝民歌中的代表作,描写了一个女子一年四季对情人的思念。

63、When his poetry creation is investigated, Zhang's creation course can be divided into 4 stages, in line with which, the mentality, style and development process of his poetry creation can be grasped. 以张以宁的诗歌创作为主要考察对象,可初步将其一生的创作历程分为四个阶段来加以描述,藉此把握他的诗歌创作的心态、风格及其发展脉络。

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