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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-27 06:42:30
  • 157


关于”某地有某物的句型“的英语句子28个,句子主体:There is something in a certain place。以下是关于某地有某物的句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:There is something in a certain place

1、That’s when you know you’ve actually gone somewhere. 只有那些地方才会让你觉得你确实到过某地。

2、leave somebody out of something 没有给某人留下某物

3、If someone has it, other people want it. 有人有了某种东西,别人就跟风想得到。

4、All the ideas in a day's time and place, disconnected, and then stop. 所有的思想都在某天的某个时间地点,断开,然后停止。

5、Carrot and stick – have protagonists pursued (by an obsession or a villain) and pursuing (idea, object, person, mystery). 软硬兼施---你的主角被(执着者或反派)追击,同时却也追寻着(某个想法,某种东西,某人,某个谜题)。

6、In other words,you believed something was apostolic if it taught stuff you believed. 换句话说,你会相信某本书是某使徒所写,如果它说的东西是你所相信的话。

7、Information has a material basis. It has to be carried by something. 信息拥有物质基础,它必须由某种东西来携带。

8、But some spiritualism is still with me. 但是我仍然没有丧失某些灵性的东西。

9、Someplace, Sometime, Somewhere, Somehow, Somebody said I love you. 释作“某地方、某时、某处、某原因、 某人说‘我爱你’”。

10、In other words, one person might like something very much while another person might hate the same thing. 换句话说,一个人可能非常喜欢某样东西,而另一个人却非常讨厌这种东西。

11、If you want something, and it’s a good thing, and someone gets in your way, you get mad. 假设你想要某件东西,某件好东西,可是有人从中作梗,你就会很生气。

12、I would like to take freight No. XX at XX o'clock to XX. 我想乘坐某某时间的某某航班到某某地。

13、A specialty or special product of the place or area. 某地或某国特有的或著名的产物。

14、For, there was something coming in the ecs, something light, afar off, and scarcely audible yet, that stirredher heart too much. 因为,在回音之中有某种东西正在向她走来,某种辽远的、几乎还听不见的轻柔的东西太沉重地扣击着她的心。

15、Somewhere south of Oxford! 牛津郡的某个地方。

16、If you ever question why they (the bi-polar person) do or say or feel something because you can't understand, this actually might answer some of those questions! 如果你曾经质疑为什么他们(有双相情绪紊乱的人)说了某句话、做了某件事或有某个感受是因为你不了解的话,这就真地有助于回答其中的一些问题!

17、Similarly, every time a biologist discovers a new species, there is the opportunity to honour someone or something. 类似地,每次一位生物学家发现一个新物种,就又有了一个纪念某人或某事的机会。

18、And will some of the objects launched from the Earth s new oases of life elsewhere? 从地球上发射出去的某些东西会不会在其他地方孕育出新的生命绿洲?

19、His greatest plays are all plays of powerful clear-eyed affirmation . 他的最伟大的剧作都鲜明而有力地肯定了某些东西。

20、We have crates full of belongings in storage somewhere in north Jersey and I've never thought about any of it. 我们把一些装满东西的柳条箱存到了新泽西北边的某个地方,我从来没想起过那些物件。

21、There must be something extra, something immaterial about us, the soul. 必定存在某些额外的东西,某些非物质,比如灵魂

22、B: There’s practically no substitute for bristles for certain uses. 在某些用途方面,几乎没有东西可以代替猪鬃。

23、   It is always morning somewhere in the world。世界上总是有某个地方可以看到阳光。

24、Here somewhere, blades wide open 这儿,某个地方,剪刀大开着

25、One ally can fight here but not another place. 某一盟国能在某一地方、却不能在其它地点作战。


26、After all, one can only truly love something when able to accept its worst blemishes. 毕竟,只有愿意接受最糟糕的点才能去真正地热爱某样东西。

27、Drivers in the northeast were most likely to attribute a character to their vehicles with 68 percent saying their car had a personality, compared with 28 percent in Wales. 英国东北部地区的车主则最愿意给自己的爱车加上某种人性化的东西——有68%的人认为他们的汽车具备某种性格特点,而威尔士地区只有28%的车主这么认为。

28、I’ve found that I sometimes get a real happiness boost from giving something up, quitting something, or breaking a bad habit. 我发现自己有时通过放弃某些东西,退出某些东西或戒掉一个坏习惯,才会得到真正的快乐。

29、See you in some place. 在某一地方见。

30、This machine is of a new type except for a few short-comings here and there. 这台机器是新型的,除了某些地方有些缺点。

31、After all, that old thing has to go somewhere. And it's probably in a landfill somewhere. 毕竟那些陈旧的东西还是要处理掉,最大的可能就是在某个地方的填埋场。

32、What is the something? What is the someplace? 某些东西是什么,某些地方是哪里?

33、Freud believed that literature and fairy tales and stories to children and the like carried certain universal themes, certain aspects of unconscious struggles, and certain preoccupations of our unconscious mind. 弗洛伊德认为文学作品,童话故事,儿童读物之类的东西,都含有某个一般性的主题,某些方面的无意识冲突,以及某种无意识偏见。

34、I'm going to mean something immaterial, something distinct from our bodies. 我的意思是指某些非物质的东西,某些区别于我们身体的东西。

35、For example, Jack, your parents has been some place, and lives some hotel. 例如某某某,你父母已经在某地,住在某个招待所。

36、Somewhere else there might be very exotic biologies and technologies and societies. 其他某个地方可能有完全不同的生物,技术和社会。

37、B:A long time … At least since that big breakfast I had this morning. 某甲问某乙多久没有胃口吃东西了;某乙说:A long time……At least since that big breakfast I had this morning.(很久了,起码由今天吃过一顿丰富早餐之后开始)。这句英文有什么错误?

38、Or, given that something is shared, can intruders share something inappropriately? 或者,假定某些东西是共享的,则入侵者是否可以不正当地共享某些东西呢?

39、There’s always a cold wind blowing somewhere. 在某些地方总会有寒风吹过。

40、It's elsewhere on my hardware. 位于硬件的某个地方。

41、I was flying about from one place to another these few years and never settled at one place. 这些年我经常东跑西颠的,而没有安分的住在某个地方。

42、I am very happy to introduce myself here.I'm 某某,from 某某地方..i enjoy these

43、Reciprocity works in the same that permission-based marketing does; you give something to get something at every step in the process. “互惠”和基于许可的行销的运做方式是同样的,在这个过程外每一步你都要给出某样东西来获得某样东西。

44、In our house when it's time to clear a space we pick an area and empty it's contents into a heap. 当我们想整理家中的某个地方时,我们会挑个空地,然后把所有的东西堆成一堆。

45、Acting-out, is the jet, namely what is always produced from an event which comes from somewhere other than the cause that one has just acted on. 换句话说,从一个事件总是被介绍的东西,来自某个其他的地方,除了就是我们刚刚演出的原因。

46、Reciprocity works in the same that permission-based marketing does; you give something to get something at every step in the process. “互惠”和基于许可的行销的运作方式是同样的,在这个过程中每一步你都要给出某样东西来获得某样东西。

47、It may be some sort of Chrome cloud thing. 那可能是某一类有关Chrome云的东西。

48、ZetaTalk Explanation 9/25/2010: Clearly there is something hot under the ground, causing this phenomena. 齐塔人之声2010年9月25日“解释”:很明显地下有某个热的东西引起了该现象。

49、Something , in Somewhere, It's really hard to say…… 有些话,在某些地方,真的很难开口。

50、I think there's still a minus sign problem somewhere. 我感觉在某个地方仍然有负号的问题。


51、I have long known that there is something in me that antagonizes certain persons; 我早就知道,在我身上有某种东西使得某些人对我敌视。

52、He had painted the floors with some kind of black gunge. 他用某种黑色的黏糊糊的东西粉刷地板。

53、Carnegie Mellon University researcher Carey Morewedge uses a food example. 某某大学的研究员某某用食物来打个比方。

54、He seemed to know, and he sometimes said in covert words, that some one had gleaned certain information in a certain district about a family which had disappeared. 他仿佛已经知道底蕴,有时他还遮遮掩掩地说,已有人在某地调查过某个消失了的人家的某些情况。

55、Sometimes it was spiritualized. In this sense, this is why I put this quote up on the board from On the Road: "We've got to go someplace, find something." 有时候这是精神化的,从这个意义上去理解,所以我把《在路上》里的这句话写在黑板上:,我们必须去到某个地方,发现某些东西“

56、i am very happy to introduce myself here.i'm 某某,from 某某地方..i enjoy these

57、He is around somewhere. 他在四周某地方。

58、Dr. Zavos: Somewhere in this world. 扎沃斯医生:地球上的某个地方。

59、Whenever we speak of cause, on the other hand, there is always something anti-conceptual, something indefinite. 在另一方面,每当我们谈论原因,总是有某件东西无法被观念化,某件不明确的东西。

60、Sometimes it was spiritualized. In this sense, this is why I put this quote up on the board from On the Road: "We've got to go someplace, find something." 有时候这是精神化的,从这个意义上去理解,所以我把《在路上》里的这句话写在黑板上:,我们必须去到某个地方,发现某些东西

61、Have you ever experienced similar acquaintance with somebody, someplace or some space? 你有过与某人、某地、某时空似曾相识的经历吗?

62、In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought ith money, resulting in corrupt societies here everybody is miserable. 在某些地方,没有钱买不到的东西,导致社会的腐化堕落。

63、But to the reptile brain, someone, somewhere, is always about to attack. 对爬行脑来说,总有某个地方的某个人要发出攻击。

64、You specialize even further, rigorous emphasis on a single aspect of society to the exclusion of all other thought. 你进一步专业化,对于社会现象中的某一个方面穷追猛打地探究,而对所有其它东西不闻不问。

65、But there is something more fundamental at work. 但还有某种更基本的东西在起作用。

66、In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable. 在某些地方,没有钱买不到的东西,导致社会的腐化堕落。

67、And somewhere in the darkness 在黑暗的某个地方

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