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  • 2022-07-14 12:47:24
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关于”简爱中的优美句子“的英语句子36个,句子主体:Beautiful sentences in Jane Eyre。以下是关于简爱中的优美句子的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Beautiful sentences in Jane Eyre

1、The girls were as pretty as flowers. One of them called "Jily" was vert beautiful and many boys showed the love to her. But she only loved a poor fisherman, Ah Xiang. 其中有一个叫吉利的姑娘,十分美丽,不少小伙子都向她表示爱意,但她偏偏只爱上一个穷苦渔民阿祥。

2、Beautiful heart-shaped mug, just remember to fill it with non-clear liquid to bring out the love in every sip. 美丽的心形杯子,倒入不透明的液体,每一口都是爱。

3、I love stars, and you're as beautiful as a star .“我爱夜空中的繁星,而你就如同这繁星般美丽”

4、My love, You are like a flower, So sweet and pure and fair. 我简直不敢相信,爱你是如此地美好。

5、life is too short to be used to hate(你要的翻译。

6、Take each stride with youthful elegance in these adorable mary janes. 以在这些可爱的玛丽简氏青春优雅的每个跨度。

7、You are so beautiful my love and my soul mate. 你是如此美丽 我的爱人,我心目中的伴侣。

8、May I Love her beautiful body, But……There are other bodies. 我或许爱她美丽的身体,但美丽的身体多得是,我不必非她不可。

9、No stunning beauty, there is no prominent family background, she - Jane Eyre, so humble small but won enviable world of love and love. 没有惊世的美貌,没有显赫的家世,她——简爱,如此卑微渺小却赢得了令人欣羡的爱情和世人的喜爱。

10、Beauty, search thyself in love, not in the flattery of thy mirror. 啊,美呀,在爱中找你本人吧,无所不能到你镜子的谄谀去找寻。

11、These gestures graceful, beautiful and rare color of exotic ornamental fish trade in the hands of the team, demonstrated in front of fans in the world! 让这些身段优美、颜色珍奇的美丽观赏鱼,在我们团队手中,展现在全世界爱好者的面前!

12、With sumptuous artwork, Jane Ray tells an original fairy tale of a humble princess whose love for nature's beauty restores a kingdom. 与华丽的艺术作品,讲述了一个简雷个谦虚的公主,他们的爱大自然的美丽王国恢复原来的童话故事。

13、我是美丽可爱的小公主 英文 I am a beautiful and lovely little princess.

14、She was, however, deserving of very great praise, especially for her care of the little sea-princesses, her grand-daughters. 除此以外,她是值得大大的称赞的,特别是因为她非常爱那些小小的海公主——她的一些孙女。她们是六个美丽的孩子,而她们之中,那个顶小的要算是最美丽的了。

15、Among all my hobbies, I particularly enjoy ballet dance for its grace and elegancy; 在我所有的爱好中,我特别喜欢芭蕾舞,它是那么的优雅与美丽。

16、The Love of Beauty The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature. 爱美丽爱美及是整个健全人性不可或缺之一部分。

17、And loved your beauty with love false or true, 爱慕你的美丽,假意或真心,

18、She is so lovely with pretty blond hair. 她有着美丽的金发,十分可爱。

19、Jane paired off with Alice in a table tennis doubles match. 在乒乓球双打比赛中简与爱丽丝配对。

20、Real relationships take work and true love requires more than fireworks. 现实生活中的爱情需要经营,真爱远放放烟花那么简单。

21、A beautiful memory to stay in the campus of youth. Dear teacher is one of the most beautiful. 美好的记忆留在青春的校园。亲爱的老师是其中最美丽的主角。

22、The love we shared made everying so beautiful in life. 我们相互的爱使生活中的一切如此美丽。

23、Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain. 宠爱是欺诈的,美丽是空虚的。

24、One Sunday, Jane and Alice went outside for shopping. 一个星期天,简和爱丽斯一起去购物。

25、Beauty, find thyself in love, not in the flattery of thy mirror. 阿,美呀,在爱中找你本人吧,不要到你镜子的谄谀去找寻。


26、So sweet and pure and fair. 我简直不敢相信,爱你是如此地美好。

27、Indeed, I can recall the bridge passage to this day: “We all love you / Beautiful prince and princess. 的确,至今我仍然记得中间章节:“美丽的王子和王妃,我们都爱你。

28、My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife 我的心肝,我的挚爱,我美丽的贤妻

29、Jane #8226; love this book, primarily by Jane. Love w… … 《简爱》这本小说,主要通过简#8226;爱与罗切斯特之间一波三折的爱情故事。

30、so sweet and pure and fair. 我简直不敢相信,爱你是如此地美好。

31、I just can't believe 我简直不敢相信,the loveliness of loving you. 爱你是如此地美好。

32、I love the acoustics there – human voices in that great stone room. 美妙的歌声回荡在宏伟的石头房子中—那简直就是天籁之声。

33、She is elegant, beautiful , clever, so her aunt likes her very much. 优雅美丽,乖巧伶俐,因而深得马奇姑婆的喜爱。

34、Love is like a beautiful photograph you store in an al.爱就像一张美丽的照片,存放在你的相簿中

35、Indeed, I can recall the bridge passage to this day: “We all love you / Beautiful prince and princess. / We all love you, / Wish you good luck and God bless. 的确,至今我仍然记得中间章节:“美丽的王子和王妃,我们都爱你。我们都爱你,祝你好运,上帝保佑。”

36、Bella: Juliet. She's like perfect. If you like that obviously beautiful sort of thing. 贝拉:因为朱丽叶吗?她简直完美无暇。如果你喜欢外表美丽的东西。

37、Calligraphy, the quintessential aesthetic form of Chinese writing, in fact favors simplification. 但是,体现汉语文章形式美精髓的书法,实际上却偏爱简化字。

38、my love, you are like a flower, so sweet and pure and fair. 我简直不敢相信,爱你是如此地美好。

39、Rochester: Jane. Jane … you strange almost unearthly thing. You that I love as my own flesh. 罗切斯特:简,简,你奇怪得几乎不象尘世中的物体。我爱你就象爱自己的血肉一样。

40、Butterflies are pretty and dainty and one of the Chinese people's favorite mascots for beauty and auspice . 蝴蝶形象美丽、轻盈,是中国民间喜爱的装饰形象,亦是美好、吉祥的象徵。

41、The best known of all these is the beautiful Taj Mahal, a tomb built by an emperor in honour of his beloved wife. 这其中最著名的就是美丽的泰姬陵,那是一位皇帝为纪念他心爱的妻子而建造的陵墓。

42、"I have many beautiful flowers, " he said, "but the children are the most beautiful flowers of all. "------Wilde, "The Selfish Giant". 「我有许多美丽的花,」他说:「但这些孩子是所有花中最美丽的。」

43、I will love the beautiful for their eyes of sadness; 我爱美丽的人,因为他们眼中流露着凄迷;

44、These slender columns are called ionic columns. 这些纤细秀美的柱子叫爱奥尼柱。

45、In this song, the hunter likens himself to the beautiful blackbird loved by the deer. 在歌中,猎人将自己比作鹿所钟爱的美丽山鸟。

46、And the new movie version of Jane Eyre has been praised as a powerful adaptation of the classic novel, with the lead actress giving the most dynamic performance Jane Eyre has ever seen. 新版电影《简·爱》被誉为是对经典小说《简·爱》的最完美改编,影片中女主角演绎出迄今为止最鲜活的简·爱。

47、Introduce:A is beautiful (Wang Zuxian is acted the role of) the girl that is a beauty, but natural base has disability. 简介:阿美(王祖贤饰)是个美丽的女孩子,可是天生脚就有残疾。

48、Son: Like me, she loves me. 儿子:喜欢我,他简直爱上我了。

49、Jane, a free-standing self-esteem, pursue outstanding women of true love. 简爱,一个自立自尊、追求真爱的优秀女性。

50、And loved your beauty with love falsh or true 爱慕你的美丽,假意或真心


51、It was a wonderful, beautiful book-the story of a little girl called Jane Eyre. 这本书很棒、很美,讲一个叫简·爱的小女孩的故事。

52、The beauty of simplicity. 它们简约的美丽。

53、Oh beauty, find yourself in love, not in the flattery of the mirror. 啊,美啊,在爱中寻找你自己吧,不要到镜子的谄谀中去找寻。

54、However, there are called love, no matter how Xiao Tizi that can Luanxiang white for the United States Meilen the Magic. 但骂中有爱,小蹄子再怎么说,还是可以乱想为洁白美幻美伦的。

55、Her house is built near beautiful pool. 她的房子建中一个美丽的池塘边。

56、O Beauty, find yourself in love, not in the flattery of the mirror. 啊,美呀,在爱中找你自己吧,不要到你镜子旳谄谀中去找啊。

57、There is a saying that everyone has the heart of being a beauty, in fact, the beautiful outlook indeed brings many advantages. 俗话说爱美之心,人皆有之,事实上,美丽的外貌确实可以带来很多优势。

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