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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-16 19:55:08
  • 95


关于”50句优美的短句“的英语句子34个,句子主体:50 beautiful short sentences。以下是关于50句优美的短句的九年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:50 beautiful short sentences

1、The euro's next short-term key level was around $1.3511, a 50 percent Fibonacci retracement of its fall from $1.5145 last November to its June low around $1.1876. 欧元下一短线关键水准为约1.3511美元,这是欧元自去年11月的1.5145美元高位至今年6月的约1.1876美元低点跌势的50%费波纳奇回档位.

2、NPR.org, June 19, 2005 ·Over 50 years ago, at the age of 16, I wrote an essay published in the original This I Believe series. 50多年前,在16岁的时候,我写了一篇短文在当时的“我相信”节目中播出。

3、Skullcandy has a whole range of inexpensive in-ears, like the 50/50 ($45). Skullcandy拥有各个价位的廉价入耳式耳机,比如50/50(45美元)。

4、Threads and posts must contain at least 50 words, but to make things appear genuine the posts must vary in length, 50 words is just a benchmark for the minimum. 主题帖子必须包含至少50个字,而是要真正让事情出现的职位必须长短不一,只是一个50字的最低基准。

5、For example I have 50 credits and the value of each credit is 50 cents. 举个例子,我有50个积分,每个积分的价值是50美分。

6、Detroit has a very short and violent history, it rose to the very top in 50 years, and fell to the very bottom within 50 years as well.It would not be a surprise to see it rise again. 底特律的历史短暂而又轰轰烈烈,它崛起用了50年,衰落也用了50年,想看到它再次崛起也并不奇怪,对此我们很乐观。

7、Oldsters are not far behind them: 92 percent of the 30 to 49 set text every day and 72 percent of the 50 to 64 age group do too. 年纪长点的也不甘落后:在30-49岁年龄段,有92%的人每天发短信; 在50-64岁年龄段,72%的人也每天发短信。

8、It's the boyshorts you paid $50 for, but ride up your crack every time you climb a stair. 你可能花了50块钱买了条低腰平脚短裤,但是每次你爬个台阶你的都快裂开了,这都是糟糕的。

9、Abdul Kareem used to buy $50 worth of prepaid phone cards a month to send his girlfriend a lot of "I miss you" texts - until they broke up. 阿布杜勒·卡里姆在和女朋友分手之前,每个月要买面值50美元的充值卡来发“我想你”短信。

10、According to a recent study, 50 years from now oil will become scarce. 据最近的研究,50年后石 油将短缺。

11、Our gas bill averages about $50 a month. 我们每个月得煤气费平均50美金。

12、The horse fetched $50 . 这马卖了50美元。

13、Groupon claims to offer discounts of 50% to 90%. Groupon 主张提供 50% 至 90% 的优惠。

14、For long-term 75 percent of male partints wanted to see the face, but for short-term flings 50 percent of men chose face and 50 percent chose the body. 就长久恋情来说,75%的男性参与者表示想看对方的样貌来做选择,而就短暂恋情而言,有50%选择了样貌,剩下50%选择了身材。

15、Minimum heating time is over 50% less than that of traditional vacuum drying oven. 最短加热时间,与传统真空干燥箱相比加热时间减少50%以上。

16、I'll raise 50 dollars. 我加50美元(赌注)。

17、It is claimed that over 50% of the total short-term lending is sourced from the UK clearing banks. 它超过总数的50% 被声称那个短期的借给被从英国清算银行发源。

18、I paid $50 for it. 我花了50美元买它。

19、I am looking to pay from $50 - $175 for this project. 我希望由50元工资 - 175美元的这个项目。

20、Another bearish sign: The shorter-term, 50-day moving average of all three ETFs crossed below the 200-day at the start of this month. 另外一个疲软的信号显示,自本月起短期而言, 50日均线的三个ETF均低于200天以来的水平。

21、Of the $88 billion in short-term liquid liabilities held byforeigners, some 50 percent was held by foreign central banks. 国外所持有的880亿短期流动债务,约50%是由外国中央银行持有。

22、If you didn’t see last years collection of 50mm prime shots check them out: “80 Awe-Inspiring Photographs Taken With a “Nifty Fifty” 如果你没有欣赏去年收集的50mm镜头拍摄的优秀照片,查看下这个:“利用‘漂亮50’拍摄出的80副令人惊叹的照片。”

23、Bright stability of bleached popular pulp was better than that of bleached wheat straw pulp. So was the blend of bleached popular and wheat straw pulp (50:50). 漂白杨木浆白度稳定性比漂白麦草浆要好,且漂白杨木-麦草混合浆(各50%)的白度稳定性也远优于漂白麦草浆。

24、The selected poem is a slender book of only 50 pages. 这本精美的诗选是一个仅有50页的薄书。

25、If you choose this plan, you can get 120 free text messages and 50 free minutes. 若您选择此方案,可享免费发送120则短讯及50分钟的免费通话费。


26、In other words, those 50 pounds can't be erased in one mega-marathon treadmill session. 换句话说,你身上的50磅的肉不会因为你一次性在跑步机上做足了长时间枯燥的马拉松式跑步而立即被消除。

27、Results The pearl drop pills can obviously shorten 50% concrescence time of rats oral ulcer. 结果珍珠滴丸给药后可明显缩短大鼠口腔黏膜溃疡50%愈合时间。

28、Other I also cannot say words, I heard that still has a big stomach king, when I hear my prizes after, can only say too stingy, champions just get 50 pieces. 其他我也说不句,我听说还有个大胃王,当我听我奖品后,只能说太小气了,冠军才得到50块。

29、Even though I eager to earn 50 dollars every minute, I won't do short-term investment. 我很想每分钟都赚到50美金,但我不会因此短期投资。

30、She gave the lady $50, fined me $50 for fighting in the market, and gave me the remaining $100. 她给了那个女人50美元,因为我在市场打架,罚了我50美元,又把剩下的100美元给了我。

31、That is, if you have migraine with aura, you have about a 50 percent chance of having a P.F.O. 换句话说,如果你具有先兆偏头痛史,你将有50%的可能患有P.F.O.。

32、A grizzled manager with 50 years of experience made an interesting comment, "OK you geniuses, you math geeks, stop the baloney and tell me what I need to know. 一位具50年经验的老经理曾说过一句打趣的话:“好了,天才们,数学家们,别扯那些没用的。

33、They had 50 doctors start a workday wearing a freshly washed short-sleeve shirt and another 50 in their unwashed long-sleeved white coats. 于是,他们找到50名医生,他们每天穿着刚刚清洗过的短袖服工作,同时找来另外50名医生,则穿着没有清洗的长袖白大褂。

34、Ratio of antimony hanging about the passivator comes up to 50%, it shows remarkable effects passivating on nickel. LMP—4型金属钝化剂挂锑率高达50%, 响应时间短,对镍表现出显著的钝化效果。

35、Changed from Enemies who hit you in melee have a 5/10/15% chance to become unsettled, decreasing their attack speed by 50% for the next 3 swings. 这句不太明白大概是:如果打中你的敌人改变了目标,就有5/10/15几率在他下3次攻击时降低他们的攻击速度50%。

36、Average bih concentrations in these fractions were 50 times higher than the average bih concentrations in the short-chain fractions. 在这些分数的平均浓度分别为50倍铋比在短链组分平均浓度高铋。

37、They had 50 doctors start a workday wearing a freshly washed short-sleeve shirt and another 50 in their unwashed long-sleeved white coats. 他们让50名医生穿刚洗过的短袖衬衫工作一天,另外50名医生穿未洗过的长袖白大褂。

38、Energy saved up to 50%. high brightness, even lighting output. 节省50%能源,亮度高,出光均匀…

39、DBS Vickers said it expects transaction volume could shrink 30% to 50% in the next three months as short-term speculators are driven out of the market. DBS维克斯认为可以在下三个月成交数量会下跌30%到50%,因为短期投机客会离开这个市场。

40、AMSOIL Synthetic 20W-50 Motorcycle Oil is compatible with conventional and synthetic motor oils; however, mixing oils may shorten the oil life expectancy and reduce the performance benefits. AMSOIL合成20瓦- 50摩托车油兼容传统和合成机油,但是,混合油 , 石油可缩短寿命 , 降低性能优势。

41、But nearly 50, 000 people came in to that post over the course of two days. 但是在发布的短短两天时间内就有50 000人浏览过那个帖子。

42、Our gas bill average about $50 a month. 我们每个月的煤气费平均50美元。

43、Half send 50 or more texts a day; 有一半的人每天的短信发送量达50条或者更多;

44、The two components adhesive could be all cured in range of 0-50 ℃. 在0~50℃范围内均可固化,温度越高固化时间越短;

45、We also pay a $50 annual fee, which doesn’t bother me considering the savings we’ll get on plane tickets. 我们还有一个50美元的年费。考虑到我们在机票上得到的优惠,年费并不怎么困扰我。

46、His prodigious output includes approximately 50 dramas, 100 books of verse, 40 volumes of novels and shorter fiction, and books of essays and philosophy. 他一生大约完成了50个戏剧、100本诗集、40册小说和短篇故事、几本论文和哲学书籍。

47、This stage is usually brief averaging 20 minutes for parous women and 50 minutes for nulliparous women. 这一阶段通常较短暂,经产妇平均20分钟,初产妇平均50分钟。

48、Grace periods may vary, but usually range from 20 to 50 days depending on the type of credit card and the issuing bank. 免息期长短不一,不过通常是20-50天,这得看信用卡的类型和发卡银行。

49、Its humiliation at Chinese hands in a brief war nearly 50 years ago still rankles. 50年前在一场短暂的战争中受到的中国的羞辱仍然让人耿耿于怀。

50、About 50% of plants in SD1-LD treatment reversed from reproductive development to vegetative growth, and other plants in this treatment bore short terminal racemes. 经13 d短日照处理后移至长日照下,约50%的植株发生开花逆转,另外50%的植株形成短的顶端花序;


51、The company in the recruitment of two positions, but there are more than 50 individual competition. The interviewer saying sorry to his wish to break. 那个公司招聘两个职位,却有五十多个人来竞争。面试官的一句对不起将他的希望再次打破。

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