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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-08 06:00:16
  • 159


关于”一首诗“的英语句子59个,句子主体:A poem。以下是关于一首诗的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A poem

1、People even wrote a poem for it. 人们还为它配了一首小诗呢。

2、I have been trying during the intervening moments since the Soviet respond a Russian Poem in you honour to translate it into English in such a manner that it might rhyme. 刚才苏联代表在发言中念了一首献给你的诗,我就一直在设法把这时候诗译成一首有韵的英文诗。

3、You are both a poet and a poem, followed by a woman. 您首先既是诗人又是一首诗,其次才是一位女子。

4、Zhang quarter slightly, the first large calendar Scholars. Write a poem. 张季略,大历进士第。诗一首。

5、I want to conclude with a poem by Owen. 我想以一首欧文的诗作结。

6、If a man conceives of two poems. 如果一个男人怀上两首诗。

7、He wrote 40 thousand poems in his life. 他的一生共写了诗4 万余首。

8、Fan mass, dollar and Scholars section. Write a poem. 范传质,元和进士第。诗一首。

9、The other two poems were suggested by my wife; both of us like these two poems. 另外两首诗是我内人提议的,我们俩都喜欢这两首诗。

10、Look at the last stanza. 看这首诗的最后一段。

11、And this poem seemed like one you might find and be able to read yourself, without me there to explain it. 而这首诗似乎是一首,你们自己就可以读懂的,不用我多做解释的诗。

12、Preludes, Book 1: No. 12. Minstrels. 前奏曲,第一集:第12首。游吟诗人。

13、Nine years and not a single love poem written. 九年了,没有一首情诗写成功过。

14、Now readers have always seemed to have agreed that Milton's Lycidas is an enormously admirable poem, but for a few hundred years now there has been a controversy over how admirable Milton's Lycidas is, specifically as an elegy. 现在读者们一致认为,弥尔顿的《利西达斯》是一首极其非凡的诗作,但是几百年来,对于这首诗,特别是作为一首悼亡诗,到底有多么非凡一直有所争论。

15、It is a poem of falling in love, and you and she and he is the poet. 热恋是一首诗,同时热恋也可以把我们变成一个诗人。

16、Now we began Lycidas with an image of a poet who could only write this poem -- this is what we were told -with forced fingers rude. 现在我们带着一个只能创作出这首诗的诗人的印象,来看这首诗,手指粗暴的用力攥着。

17、Let me conclude by just pointing to another poem, a late poem, "Directive," a poem published in 1947. 让我们看看另一首诗来作为结尾吧,一首晚期的诗,1947年发表的“指令

18、The poem that took the place of a mountain. 那首处在一座山的位置上的诗。

19、A few years later I took a second look at that first poem: it was a pretty lousy poem. 几年以后 ,我再把我哪一首诗看了一遍,觉得那首诗实在写的相当的糟。

20、It is, well, it's a great poem. There are lots of them that when I first started teaching this course I decided I wouldn't teach. 它是一首伟大的诗,有很多诗都是,我开始教这门课的时候就决定不去说这首诗。

21、Then now for me you should read some poems. 这时你该为我吟一首诗。

22、Now the subject matter that he's chosen for this poem, for this so-called first poem, couldn't possibly be more appropriate. 现在他选这首诗的主题很重要,这所谓第一首诗可能不太恰当。

23、Coconut Shells… can be made into poems too… 原来… 椰壳… 也可… 以当一首诗…

24、He ended his lecture with a poem. 他以一首诗结束了演讲。

25、She gave a recitation of a poem by Heine . 她朗诵了海涅的一首诗。


26、He was reaching for my poem. 说着他就伸手去拿我那一首诗。

27、The scene moved him to compose a poem. 他即景生情, 赋诗一首。

28、This is really moving poetry, remarkably so. 这真是一首特别感人的诗。

29、Now we began Lycidas with an image of a poet who could only write this poem -- this is what we were told -with forced fingers rude. 现在我们带着一个只能创作出这首诗的诗人的印象,来看这首诗,手指粗暴的用力攥着。

30、This reminds me of a poem by Du Mu. 这让我想起了杜牧的一首诗。

31、He wrote one poem which ensured his undying fame. 他写的一首诗使他永享盛名。

32、It is more a picture than a poem. 更是一个比画面的一首诗。

33、Before, I only knew a similar poem by that Russion poet Pushkin, but now I came across this one and I think this is a better IF poem. 此前,我只知道俄罗斯诗人普希金的一首相似的诗,但现在看来我又遇到了一首不错的关于“如果”的诗作。

34、Fan Yang Yuen, Zhen Yuan Chin article. Write a poem. 樊阳源,贞元进士第。诗一首。

35、Yu Kuang Chung has just written a poem. 余光中刚刚写了一首诗。

36、There are more than one hundred poems about eating in Du Fu's poetry. 杜甫诗中直接和间接涉及到吃饭的诗大约有一百多首。

37、I have to choose a subject for the poem. 我得为这首诗选一个主题。

38、He opened the inkstand to write a poem. 他打开墨水瓶去写一首诗。

39、Memorize a poem and pass it on. 记忆一首好诗并把它传给后辈。

40、The professor improvised a poem in the class. 教授在课堂上即兴创作了一首诗。

41、Let me conclude by just pointing to another poem, a late poem, "Directive," a poem published in 1947. 让我们看看另一首诗来作为结尾吧,一首晚期的诗,1947年发表的“指令“

42、He wrote a poem in memory of his wife. 他写了一首诗以慰亡妻。

43、But it wasn't until years later that the true meaning of that painful"first poem" experience dawned on me. 几年以后,我再把我哪一首诗看了一遍,觉得那首诗实在写的相当的糟。

44、The speech ended up with a famous poem. 那篇演说是以一首名诗结束的。

45、One boy said the poem was heartbreakingly sad. 一个男生说,这首诗真令人伤心。

46、This poem was probably one of the very last poems father composed before he passed away in June 1960. 这首诗很可能是家父逝世前所作的最后一首遗诗, 家父是于1960年6月去世的。

47、The calligraphy is attached. You had chosen a good poem. 此翰墨附呈。你选了一首好诗。

48、The composer set a sonnet to music. 作曲家为一首十四行诗谱了曲。

49、He also mentioned a poemby Rudyard Kipling called If. I didn't recognize what he was referring to immediately but I looked it up and it's a famous poem that you must have seen written in 1910 an inspirational poem. 他同时也提到了拉迪亚德?吉卜林的一首诗歌,名字叫做《如果》,我当时并没有迅速反应出,他到底指的是哪首诗,但是之后我查了一下发现,它是一首你肯定见过的著名的诗歌,写于1910年,一首启发性的诗。

50、That poem! 又是那首诗。


51、He improvised a poem at the evening party. 他在晚会上现编了一首诗。

52、Chen abysmal, Zhen Yuan in the Scholars. Write a poem. 陈九流,贞元中进士。诗一首。

53、First, its premiss consisted of the integrative theory of poetry and music; 首先,“真诗乃在民间”的理论前提是诗、乐一体说。

54、" The poem is Bai Juyi's poem" boasted five song" one. 全诗本是白居易的七律《放言五首》其中的一首。

55、Not so much a painting as a poem. 与其说那是一幅画,不如说那是一首诗。

56、That wonderful poem was just a fluff in the pan; he'll never write another. 他那一首诗属昙花一现的成功,他再也写不出第二首了。

57、For example, in the whole book there were a hundred poems repeated. 如全书共有一百首回首诗,只有一首作品指出作者姓字而不详出处。

58、He published his first volume of poetry called, Tamerlane and Other Poems. 之后发表了第一首诗,名为《帖木儿及其他诗》。

59、but only god can make a tree. 我想,永远不会看到一首诗,

60、He translated an English poem into French. 他把一首英诗译成了法语。

61、She is an unfinished poem. 她是一首未完的诗。

62、Wang Zhuo, Dali nine Scholars section. Write a poem. 王濯,大历九年进士第。诗一首。

63、他在晚会上现编了一首诗。He improvised a poem at the evening party.

64、I've composed only one idyll. 我只作了一首田园诗。

65、The first published use of the world 'condum' was in a 1706 poem.19 在1706年的一首诗中,世界上首次公开使用“Condum”。

66、He fell hard for Eric, writing sonnets to him. 鲁迪为他创作了一首十四行诗。

67、You need to touch up the poem. 你需要给这首诗润色一下。

68、It is a poem rather than a picture. 与其说那是一幅画,不如说那是一首诗。

69、Zhang device, Huichang Scholars section. Write a poem. 张良器,会昌进士第。诗一首。

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