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英语句子组成 13个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-15 10:47:21
  • 150

英语句子组成 13个

1. I love reading books in my free time.(我喜欢在空闲时间读书。)

2. She is a talented musician who plays the piano beautifully.(她是一位才华横溢的音乐家,弹钢琴非常漂亮。)

3. He went to the store to buy some groceries for dinner.(他去商店买晚餐的杂货。)

4. My favorite color is blue because it reminds me of the ocean.(我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色,因为它让我想起海洋。)

5. The movie we watched last night was really scary.(我们昨晚看的电影非常恐怖。)

6. She speaks fluent French and Spanish.(她能流利地说法语和西班牙语。)

7. His parents are both doctors and they work at the hospital downtown.(他的父母都是医生,在市中心的医院工作。)

8. The weather is so nice today, let's go for a walk in the park.(今天天气真好,让我们去公园散步。)

9. The little girl was crying because she lost her teddy bear.(那个小女孩哭了,因为她丢了她的泰迪熊。)

10. My grandfather fought in World War II and he has some amazing stories to tell.(我的祖父在二战中参战,他有一些很棒的故事可以讲。)

11. I always forget my phone charger when I travel.(我出门旅行时总是忘记带手机充电器。)

12. The teacher gave us a lot of homework over the weekend.(老师在周末给我们布置了很多作业。)

13. He is allergic to peanuts, so we have to be careful when we order food.(他对花生过敏,所以我们订餐时必须小心。)

14. She is a successful businesswoman who started her own company from scratch.(她是一位成功的商业女性,从零开始创立了自己的公司。)

15. The cat climbed up the tree and wouldn't come down.(那只猫爬上树,不肯下来。)

16. My little brother loves playing video games all day long.(我弟弟喜欢整天玩电子游戏。)

17. I can't wait to go on vacation and relax on the beach.(我迫不及待地想去度假,在海滩上放松一下。)

18. The restaurant we went to last night had amazing food and great service.(我们昨晚去的餐厅有美味的食物,优秀的服务。)

19. He studied hard for the exam and got an A.(他为考试努力学习,得了个A。)

20. She enjoys cooking and trying out new recipes in the kitchen.(她喜欢烹饪,尝试在厨房里做新的菜谱。)

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