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英语通知的万能句子 12个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-23 03:23:04
  • 51

英语通知的万能句子 12个

1. Please be informed that the meeting has been rescheduled for next Monday at 2pm. 请注意,会议已经改期到下周一下午2点。

2. This is to notify you that the deadline for submitting the report has been extended to Friday. 这是通知您报告提交截止日期已延长至星期五。

3. We would like to inform you that the company will be closed for the holidays from December 24th to January 1st. 我们想通知您公司将于12月24日至1月1日放假。

4. Kindly be advised that the office will be open on Saay from 9am to 1pm for any urgent matters. 请注意,办公室将于周六上午9点至下午1点开放处理紧急事宜。

5. We regret to inform you that the shipment has been delayed due to unforeseen cirtances. 我们很遗憾地通知您,由于不可预见的情况,运输被延迟了。

6. Please note that the workshop has been moved to a different location, and the new address is included in this email. 请注意,研讨会已经移到了另外一个地方,新地址已经包含在这封邮件中。

7. We wish to inform you that the website will be undergoing maintenance from 9pm to 11pm on Wednesday. 我们希望通知您,星期三晚上9点至11点,网站将进行维护。

8. This is a reminder that the monthly meeting will take place next week on Wednesday at 10am. 这是提醒您下周星期三上午10点召开月度会议。

9. It has come to our attention that some employees are not following the dress code policy. Please ensure that you are in compliance with the policy. 我们注意到一些员工没有遵循着装规定,请确保您遵守政策。

10. We regret to inform you that your leave request has been denied due to staffing issues. 我们很遗憾地通知您,由于人员配置问题,您的休假请求被拒绝了。

11. Please be advised that the company has implemented new security measures, and all employees are required to follow them. 请注意,公司已经实施了新的安全措施,所有员工必须遵守。

12. We would like to inform you that the project deadline has been moved up to December 15th. 我们想通知您,项目截止日期已经提前到了12月15日。

13. Please note that the email system will be temporarily unavailable from 6pm to 8pm for maintenance. 请注意,电子邮件系统将在6点至8点之间进行维护,暂时无法使用。

14. This is to inform you that the accounting department will be closed tomorrow for a company event. 这是通知您,明天出纳部门将关闭,公司有一个活动。

15. We regret to inform you that the position you applied for has been filled. 我们很遗憾地通知您,您申请的职位已经被填满了。

16. Please be advised that the company policy prohibits the use of personal phones during office hours. 请注意,公司政策禁止在办公时间使用个人手机。

17. We would like to remind you that the performance review is coming up, and you need to schedule a meeting with your supervisor. 我们想提醒您绩效评估即将到来,您需要与您的主管安排一个会议。

18. Please note that the company has adopted a new expense reimburt policy, and all requests must be submitted within 30 days. 请注意,公司已经采用了新的费用报销政策,所有请求必须在30天内提交。

19. This is to notify you that the company has decided to switch to a new software system, and training will be provided to all employees. 这是通知您,公司已经决定切换到一个新的软件系统,并将向所有员工提供培训。

20. We regret to inform you that the product you ordered is out of stock, and we antite receiving a new shipment in three weeks. 我们很遗憾地通知您,您订购的产品缺货了,我们预计三周后将收到新的货物。

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