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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-29 08:04:12
  • 151


关于”短句“的英语句子51个,句子主体:Short sentence。以下是关于短句的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Short sentence

1、H&M T-shirt, shorts, ss, bag, water bottles. 的短袖衫,短裤,草鞋,袋,水壶。

2、In a matter of minutes you can completely exfoliate your skin. 短短几分钟就可以使你的肌肤焕然一新。

3、In just three decades ‘childhood’ has been cut back by a year and a half as youngsters develop earlier. 在过去的短短三十年里,童年期由于青少年的过早发育被缩短了一年半。

4、Women's or girls'overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind- cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, knitted or crocheted, other than those of heading No. 61.04 针织或钩编的女式大衣、短大衣、斗篷、短斗篷、带风帽的防寒短上衣(包括滑雪短上衣)、防风衣、防风短上衣及类似品,但税目61.04的货品除外。

5、Don’t bunt. 不要短打。

6、Telomere length tends to shorten with age, and shorter telomeres tend to be linked with shorter life spans. 端粒的长度与寿命的长短有关,染色体端粒越短,它所在的生命跨度也就越短。

7、The short-term issue is that in the near term there will be a painful macroeconomic environment and we don't know how long it will last. 换句话说,长期的经济整张所带来的复利效应才是真正造福我们的来源,短期的波动只是组成这个旋律的跳动的音符。

8、T-Text messaging- Is your library using it yet? T-Text messaging(短信)你的图书馆已经开始利用短信了吗?

9、Should match the coattails either the fur short clothes or the short coat which the dovetail takes, should not put on during the day the short coat. 应配燕尾服用的外套或毛皮短衣或短上衣,不应该穿日间短上衣。

10、It also shortens the minimum focusing distance to 4.6 feet, eight inches better than the first generation lens. 另外镜头的最短焦距被进一步缩短为4.6英尺,比第一代镜头的最短焦距缩短了8英尺。

11、An Alligator is a species of crocodilian that falls under the family Alligatoridae. 短吻鳄是鳄鱼的一种,属短吻鳄科。

12、all three medals in the 400 meter sprint event at the European athletics championships in Barcelona. 在巴塞罗那欧洲田径锦标赛上,俄罗斯赛跑选手在400米短跑项目上包揽了所有3枚金牌。句中的take还可以用 get, win, claim 等来替换。

13、COMEX copper stocks slipped 268 short tons to 9,811 short tons on Tuesday. COMEX铜库存周二跌200短吨,至6,100短吨.

14、The regards are only the short several lines, is actually athick true meaning! 问候只是短短的几行,却是一个浓浓的真意!

15、Glumes and lemmas scent or hispidulous throughout. 颖片和外稃短柔毛或者全部具短硬毛。

16、In two short hours we may look for succor from Webb. 在短短的两小时内,韦布将军的救兵就可望到达。

17、In just a few short years, Box.net has grown tremendously. 在短短的几年时间里,Box.net突飞猛进。

18、Best Short Film - Novelty: 1932 to 1935 最佳电影短片-创意短片:1932-1935

19、The Black Jack series is told in short stories. 黑杰克系列是说,在短短的故事。

20、However, I didn't think our time together would be so short: 23 years from our first meeting (at Kanaka Creek Regional Park, I'm pretty sure) until I died? Not enough. Not nearly enough. 不过,我真的没有想到我们在一起的岁月会如此短暂:23年,从我们初次相遇(卡那卡溪区域公园,我记得很清楚)到我死去,短短的23年。太短了。真的太短了。

21、The time of life is short ; to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long . 人的一生是短的,但如果卑劣地过这短短的一生,就太长了。

22、Deja vu is a French phrase meaning 'already seen, ' referring to the distinct, puzzling, and mysterious feeling of having experienced a specific set of cirtances before. (幻觉影象)是一句法文短语,意为“似曾体味”,指的是一种令人不解的希罕隐秘体验,便是你感受自已过去经验过某个特定的场景。

23、Why does Owen Coyle wear shorts in his technical area? 为什么科易尔在教练席中总是穿着短衣短裤?

24、This par three is short and sweet coming in as the shortest hole on the course. 短而精的球洞,是全场最短的三杆洞。

25、Quick-snap cap that tightens in just a quarter turn. 快速单元的上限,在短短一个季度反过来收紧。


26、A very short space of time through very short times of space. 用短促的时间,跨越短小的空间,一段又一段。

27、Within five years, 150 test-tube babies had been born worldwide. 短短5年,全世界有150位试管婴儿诞生。

28、I have long arms but short legs. 我有长长的胳膊、短短的腿。

29、Hoya is in red trunks while Quartey is in Black. 霍亚穿红色短裤,奎蒂穿黑色短裤。

30、Claim on shortweight is caused by packing damage or shortloading. 短重索赔是由包装破损或装运短重引起的。

31、With his ears cut short and his tail cut long. 它的耳朵剪得短短的,尾巴修得长长的。

32、In other words, this note should be helpful when you are just getting started in your graduate program, as well as later when you start to write your thesis. 用另一句话来说就是,这篇短文应该会对你很有帮助无论是你刚刚开始你的研究生课程还是稍后你要开始写你的论文。

33、Coats, overcoats , shorts, trousers, shirts and are articles of clothing. 上衣、大衣、短裤、长裤、衬衫和短袜等等都是衣物。

34、For me, it was just a shortest instant of gratification. 对于我,只是短短的一瞬间满足。

35、The authors also test the prediction of phrase breaks on about 1000 sentences using the modified POS tag set, the recalling rate is around 66.21% , the correct rate is about 75.79%. 并采用修改过的词类标注集,对1000句的文本进行了韵律短语切分点的,召回率在66.21%左右,正确率达到了75.79%。

36、Continue using the shorter comb gauge to fade the hair lighter and shorter. 继续用短齿梳剪将头发剪短打薄。

37、The disappearance of the shortage phenomena does not equal the end of shortage economy. 短缺现象消失不一定等于短缺经济终结。

38、Short-time average energy, short-time average zero-crossing rate and short-time energy-zero-product are introduced. 介绍了短时平均能量法、短时平均过零率法和短时能零积法三种语音端点检测法。

39、发短信息;别人给我发个短信,内容是 send mobile messanges someone sent me a message, reading。

40、The Khans had come a long way in just a few decades. 可汗在短短几十年里一直在长途跋涉。

41、The light turned away, bobbed and swayed back down the logging road. 那短短的摇摆的光,纽转方向,顺着伐木路向下。

42、He was texting while being reprimanded for texting. 他在发短信,在因为发短信而受训的时候。

43、You can hear and have Bollywood in a matter of minutes. 你可以听到,有宝莱坞,在短短的几分钟。

44、Accidentally see this diary. but, short video 17 minutes, I was watching with tears. 短短的17分钟的视频,我是流着泪看完的。

45、She lives for only five minutes of Bellas perspective. 她的生命从贝拉的视角来看只存在短短的五分钟。

46、Short-lived. 短期行为。

47、Bell has adjusted duration and the duration of the intermittent function. 具有调整打铃时间长短和间歇时间长短的功能。

48、However, recently eyewitnesses say drift ice now melts in as little as one week. 然而目击者表示,流冰在短短一周内融化。

49、This is a movie about Alkali Metal. 这一套的短片是有关碱金属的短片。

50、Bottom line: Home Inns' imminent purchase of a controlling stake of Motel 168 should give it a nice short-term lift, but recovery for the sluggish budget hotel sector is still a year away. 一句话: 如家即将收购莫泰控股权一事应该会有短期提振效应,但经济型酒店业的复苏至少得等一年以后。


51、I wonder whether you too, even in a miser. 当我发现你回给我的信息只有那么短短的一个字时。

52、Cartoons, newsreels and travelogues are short subjects. 画片、新闻短片和旅行记录片都是短电影片。

53、Of course, after a few minutes, the branch fell and Nasreddin fell with it. 当然,在短短几分钟,树枝落和纳斯雷金掉。

54、A good tyt can finish typing the long article in a short while. 可在短短时间内完成这一长长的文章。

55、It would only take a few seconds and very little effort. 整个过程只需短短几秒而且几乎不费力气。

56、The short-time electric field strength of 2 m above ground reaches 22. 工频短路时变电站内短时电场强度达到22。

57、Lok-Yin and I play a little duet piece. 诺言与我合奏了一首短短的四手联弹作品。

58、Include : Sleeveless coat, Skirt, Shorts, Glove, Elbow pads. 配件包括:无袖上衣,短裙,短裤,手套,护肘。

59、Spattering occurred in both normal and instantaneous short circuiting processes. 在正常短路与瞬时短路两种过程中均能产生飞溅。

60、Over 900 students kneed down in only several seconds. 短短数秒时间,900多名学生跪下。

61、Ci is a kind of particular poetry, which has an arrangement of odd and even, required long and short lines, but its structure is based on the tonal pattern and rhyme scheme. 词体属于诗的奇偶言板块,其句式以奇偶错杂为特质、长短参差为表征,而内在结构则以声律规则为组合。

62、It has long arms and short legs . 长长的胳膊,短短的腿。

63、Men's or boys'overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind- cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, other than those of heading No. 62.03 男式大衣、短大衣、斗篷、短斗篷、带风帽的防寒短上衣(包括滑雪短上衣)、防风衣、防风短上衣及类似品,但税号62.03的货品除外。

64、With one brief hour of madness and joy. 给以短短一个小时的癫狂和豪兴!

65、Female tourists do not wear short-sleeved or sleeveless garment, shorts and skirt. 女游客不可穿短袖或无袖衣服、短裤及短裙。

66、Mr. Petherick gave his dry little cough again. 彭斯瑞克先生又短短的干咳了几声。

67、Short wings. A falcon’s short wings! 一对短翅。一对猎鹰的短翅!

68、She has two long ears and a short tail. 她有两只长长的耳朵和一条短短的尾巴。

69、Short Film:Any film less than 60 mins. 短片电影:任何短于60分钟的影片。

70、Men's or boys'overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind- cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, knitted or crocheted, other than those of heading No. 61.03 针织或钩编的男式大衣、短大衣、斗篷、短斗篷、带风帽的防寒短上衣(包括滑雪短上衣)、防风衣、防风短上衣及类似品,但税目61.03的货品除外。

71、Short-wave transmission technology has been a hot spot in current research. 短波传输技术是短波通信的热点研究课题。

72、Female visitors must not wear short-sleeved or sleeveless clothes and shorts and short skirts. 女游客不可穿短袖或无袖衣服、短裤及短裙。

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