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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-30 07:16:19
  • 219


关于”询问物品的句型“的英语句子54个,句子主体:Sentence pattern of asking for items。以下是关于询问物品的句型的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence pattern of asking for items

1、An inquiry is sent or received to seek a supply of products, service information. 询问函的发送与接收是为了获得有关商品、服务和信息。

2、You use the "who" questions to ask about subjects, to ask who the subject is of the certain action or anything really. 当你要询问主体,即某一行为或事物的主体时,你可以用“who”问句。

3、The value of the register in turn determines what types of refresh deferred materialized query tables will be used during query optimization. 注册表的值又确定在查询优化期间将使用何种类型的刷新延迟物化查询表。

4、YangGuang looked at it and ask what red bottle inside. 杨广见状询问红瓶内装有何物。

5、The use of stationery without permission and asking colleagues about their personal lives were also deemed insulting. 此外,未经允许使用办公用品及询问同事的私人生活问题也被视为无礼。

6、Another time, I had a customer question regarding how the product handles transaction recovery under heavy load. 还有一次,有个客户向我询问关于产品如何在重负载下处理事务恢复的问题。

7、ERIKA: Asking me how things taste before I even eat them. Erika:喜欢在我还没有品尝前就询问我食物的味道。

8、Terrariums, lighting, insects and all other supplies are available but have to be inquired bye-mail. 笼子。环境品 ,照明,昆虫和所有其他用品都有,但要询问的电子邮件。

9、RDQL allows complex queries to be expressed concisely, with a query engine performing the hard work of accessing the data model. RDQL 允许简明地表达复杂的查询,查询引擎执行访问数据模型的繁重工作。

10、That way, data access functions will not use database-dependent query statements, but call some other functions that will do the queries themselves. 这样,数据访问功能将不能使用数据库相关的查询语句,但调用一些其他功能也将这样做查询本身。

11、I am one of three directors at a small consultancy. 问题我是一家小型咨询公司的三个董事之一。

12、The answer is only meaningful because the questioner knows the question that was asked. 应当只有在询问者知道所询问的问题时,这个应答才有意义。

13、And it also provide services to members or common visitants services like merchandise search, on-line shopping etc. 对会员或普通访问者提供诸如:商品查询、在线购物在线洽谈等服务。

14、In an effort to not get all frizzed out, we asked Aussie celebrity stylist Sarah Potempa for some tips and tricks to style bangs as they grow. 为了不让所有的刘海卷曲,我们咨询了澳大利亚的名人造型师莎拉,询问了长刘海时对刘海造型的一些小技巧。

15、Ask-Ahead of time, ask her what she wants to do. 提前询问,询问母亲她想做什么。

16、02-startup-ty[e.pngYou'll also run into a screen asking you to set the startup type. 你也会进入一个询问启动类型的屏幕。

17、This week brand consultant, Sara Keeny is in Barcelona, Spain. 本周我们请到了西班牙巴塞罗那的品牌咨询顾问萨拉·科尼。

18、You can use a "Can" question when you're asking to speak with somebody, when you're asking to receive an object, 你可以用“Can”问句来询问跟某个人说话或接受某物。

19、The model of layout of single variety network flow is built for many actual problem, but variety problem is more universal. The most typical issue is multi-material. 尽管有许多实际问题都可以建立单品种网络流规划模型,但是多品种问题则更为普遍,其中最典型的是运输中的多物资问题。

20、Ask them how they found out about you and what it was that brought them your way. 询问他们是如何找到你的产品的,又是什么原因让他们远离你的产品的。

21、Don't ask questions about routine elements or functions of a company: where stuff is, the size of your cube, and company policy on coffeebreaks. 不要询问与公司的常规事务或职能相关的问题:比如物品位置,你的办公隔间大小,咖啡休息时间的政策等。

22、Interestingly, we've also received a couple of e-mails asking whether Gentoo Linux is a commercial or free product. 有趣的是,我们还接收到一些电子邮件,询问 Gentoo Linux 是商业产品还是免费产品。

23、Keep them informed throughout the process, ask their opinion, send mock ups, get revisions. 保持客户知晓创作过程,询问他们的看法,发送样品,然后修改。

24、When prompted, you can type in your query statement directly or use the wizards to help you create one. 当出现提示时,您可以直接键入查询语句或者使用向导帮助您创建一个查询语句。

25、They were then shown two similar but not identical versions of the object and asked to identify the one they had seen earlier. 然后,研究人员给她们出示两件相似但不完全相同的物品,并询问她们最先看到的是哪一件物品。


26、Where is the tourist information? 询求;询问…的信息。

27、Pilling writes he took a moment to process the *revelation, before inquiring further. 帕琳在文章中称,在进一步询问前,他花了些时间来消化这句话。

28、or you can turn it into a question, and ask "Is there" to ask the existence of something. 当然你也可以把它变成一个问句,用“Is there”来询问某些事物是否存在。

29、The creation of a query returns a handle, which is used to allow access to the query in PDH functions. 创建查询会返回一个句柄,可以用它来访问 PDH函数中的查询。

30、The question we are asking... 我们询问的问题。

31、A Japanese proverb says that asking does not cost a moment of embarrassment, but do not ask us embarrass our entire lives... 在日本有一句谚语叫做询问并不会造成片刻的尴尬,但是不问会让我们的整个生活都很尴尬。

32、A minimalist is simply one who questions the necessity of things, and who tries to live with what's necessary, rather than with consumerism. 一个极简主义者,简单来说就是那些会询问每件物品必要性的人,或者是那些只靠必须品,不买多余消费品的人。

33、The best litmus test is to ask a customer- “Will you buy my product?” 最好的试金石是询问消费者:“你会买我的产品吗?”

34、Then the opposing counsel may cross -examine the witness; in cross - examination only questions pertaining to the witness's direct examination may be asked. 然后反方律师可能交叉询问这个证人;在交叉询问时,只能向证人提出与直接询问内容有关的问题。

35、Why don't you check the Lost Property Office? 您为何不去失物招领处询问呢?

36、Is there anything valuable or fragile? 请问有无贵重物品和易碎品?

37、Japanese proverb says that asking does not cost a moment of embarrassment, but do not ask us embarrass our entire lives... 在日本有一句谚语叫做询问并不会造成片刻的尴尬,但是不问会让我们的整个生活都很尴尬。

38、Not supported are range cered tables (RCT), materialized query tables (MQT), and typed tables. 不支持范围簇表(RCT)、物化查询表(MQT)和有类型的表。

39、We are obliged for your letter of March 21 inquiring about our model No. 81. 感激您三月二十一日来函询问本公司81型产品。

40、This landscape is inspired by the versatile image the DIESEL brand inquires. 这景观灵感是来自于通用的品牌形象柴油询问。

41、How to answer queries under the K-anonymity privacy protection model is one of problems for the availability of anonymized data. 数据查询问题是K-匿名隐私保护模型下数据可用性问题之一。

42、Article 84 The written record of interrogation shall be checked by the interrogated; 第八十四条询问笔录应当交被询问人核对;

43、This is private project, don't ask any details about development, also don't ask about future releases, I won't answer. Sorry. 这是私人作品,请不要询问任何发展情况的细节,也不要询问未来的版本,不会回答。对不住了。

44、You can ask an employee if she has been drinking or abusing drugs. 你可以询问雇员他她是否饮酒或者滥用药物。

45、She listened to some of the group's work and asked if they would read it on stage. 她聆听了写作组一些人的作品,并询问他们能否在舞台上朗读自己的作品。

46、Methods Methods of Enquiry, catching roach, identifying microorganisms were used. 方法采用询问、捕蜚蠊、微生物鉴定等方法。

47、In order to make an inquiry about our products,a representative of X company paid us a visit. 为了对我们的产品询价,X公司的代表访问了我们。

48、I can use the "what kind of" question to ask him which product would be best for my needs. 我可以用“what kind of”问句来询问哪种产品最符合我的需要。

49、And they're asking such computer-intensive questions as: What do people like? 并且公司可询问以下这些计算机增强型问题:人们喜欢什么?

50、And it refers to a number, it refers to objects. 它可以询问数目或是物品。


51、Don’t ask questions about routine elements or functions of a company: where stuff is, the size of your cube, and company policy on coffee breaks. 不要询问诸如:物品位置、你的办公隔间大小,公司对喝咖啡休息时间的政策等公司的常规事务或职能。

52、For example, you check out a few days after my follow-up asking me whether the goods arrive safely and asked if I was interested to write a product review, these are good. 比如,你在我结账后的几天跟进向我询问商品是否顺利抵达,询问我是否有兴趣写一个商品评论,这些都是挺好的。

53、Another approach to questioning asks if they require convergent or divergent answers. 提问的另外一种方式,就是询问是需要聚合型还是发散型答案。

54、The use of stationery without permission and asking colleagues about their personal lives were also deemed insulting. 此外,未经允许使用办公用品及询问同事的私人生活问题也被视为无礼。

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