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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-24 02:29:33
  • 235


关于”表示重要性的句型“的英语句子25个,句子主体:Sentence patterns indicating importance。以下是关于表示重要性的句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence patterns indicating importance

1、Performance is a serious concern with touch-based applications. 触摸型应用把性能表现放在很重要的位置。

2、Designers of the statue say that doesnt matter. 雕像的设计师表示,这些都不重要。

3、The reliability and validity coefficients of the performance appraisal checklist indicated its applicability and suitability. 本研究依据重要事例法编制的工作考核表,根据信效度分析均显示其可用性与适用性。

4、O'Sullivan also said correlations between equity sectors are coming down, giving more importance to stock pickings. O'Sullivan同时表示,各类股间的关联性下滑,让选股显得更为重要.

5、There were plentiful phenotypic variation and extremely significant correlation among many characters in Oryza rufipogon in Gaozhou. 高野在表型性状上存在丰富的变异,众多重要性状之间呈极显著相关性;

6、Michael Essien has told skysports. com how important Chelsea's win over Liverpool was. 迈克尔-埃辛接受天空体育的采访表示切尔西的战胜利物浦的重要性。

7、The re-constructed adaptive model is shown to be able to well match the actual engine. 仿真结果表明,重构的自适应模型能够满足精度及实时性要求。

8、Dr. Rogers said he was pleased with the new cells’ flexibility and thinness but said that they offered another even more critical advantage. 罗杰斯博士表示,他对这种新型电池的柔韧性及超薄性非常满意,但这种电池还有一个更为重要的优点。

9、“It underscores the importance of subglacial methanogenesis, ” Skidmore said. 他表示:“这一发现凸显了冰川下产甲烷菌的重要性。”

10、Li says the drought has served as a reality check on the importance of water conservation. 他表示,旱情真实地验证了节约用水的重要性。

11、However, Tepco said there was no evidence that the contaminated water had reached the sea. 但是,东电表示没有证据表明含放射性物质的水到海里了。(东电,你这句话要从反方向理解)

12、The performance of electroptic imaging display(EPID) was determined by electroptic inks, and the stability is one of the most important parameters of the suspension. 电泳显示型电子纸的主要性能由电子墨水的性能决定,电子墨水的稳定性又是影响图像显示的重要参数。

13、Pieper said that China is an important partner of Germany. 皮珀尔表示,中国是德国的重要伙伴。

14、A new fuzzy data model method has been gaven after studying the fuzzy knowledge representation. This method describes fuzzy data with fuzzy relation of attribute weight. 研究了模糊知识的表示方法,提出了一种表示模糊知识的模糊数据模型,利用属性加权模糊值来表示模糊性数据。

15、The harmonic series formula of the Earths disturbing potential is the most extensive applicable expression for the Earths gravity field model. 地球扰动位的球谐展开式表示是地球重力场模型应用最广泛的一种表示方法。

16、It has been found that etasis for selective response plays an indispensible role in animal genetics and breeding. 已有研究表明, 上位效应在畜禽重要复杂经济性状的表型形成过程中发挥重要作用。

17、The importance and representations of the reliabilities of optical fiber communication lines are discussed. 本文叙述通信线路可靠性的重要性和各种表示方法。

18、At the same time, be respectful of clerks' efforts. 同时,还是要对店员的努力表示尊重。

19、What matters is that the alterations of phenotypes that the mechanisms of trait transmission produce are random. 最重要的是表型的变异,即性状遗传的产生是随机的。

20、type (represented as a string property) - Holds the type value for a machine. type(表示为 string 属性)—— 保存机器的类型值。

21、The results show that the thermal performance is strongly dependent on the flow patterns and gravity. 实验表明流型及重力等对单回路系统的热力性能有着重要的影响。

22、The suitable nuclear gene type is very important to raise the penetrance of multi-ovary. 因此,欲提高小麦多子房性状表达的外显率,选择合适核型至关重要。

23、Dr. Fauci says this finding is very important. 弗契表示,该项发现非常重要。

24、This showcases a second important aspect of bindings. 这展示了绑定的第二个重要性质。

25、Substitution rate is an important index for intake. 替代率是表示食入量的重要指标。


26、This tells your spouse that you notice who your spouse really is and do not take him or her for granted. 这句话表示你发现你配偶的真实性格,也表示你不认为你们的关系是理所当然的。

27、HTTP content negotiation uses short floating point numbers to indicate the relative importance, or weight, of various negotiable parameters. HTTP 内容协商使用短浮点数来表示各种可协商参数的相对重要性(或权重)。

28、The findings suggest that sleep is a crucial determinant of productivity and wages, "rivaling ability and human capital in importance, " the researchers write. 不过研究人员表示,这一结果表明睡眠是生产率和工资的一个重要决定因素,其重要性不亚于能力和人力资本。

29、To create a table display with href as the column type, use these property files 要创建列类型为 href 的表格显示,使用以下属性文件

30、Multiple, overlapping views within the framework express subsets of this model. 框架中多重的、重叠视图表示该模型的子集。

31、It's important to remember that "asynchronous" does not imply "instantaneous". 很重要要记住"异步"并不表示"瞬时"。

32、In Chinese traditional culture, green has doubleness , it still expresses wild evil besides expressing justice swordsman. 在中国传统文化中,绿色有两重性,它除了表示义侠外,还表示野恶。

33、“It underscores the importance of subglacial methanogenesis,” Skidmore said. 他表示:“这一发现凸显了冰川下产甲烷菌的重要性。”

34、The indication of the Approximate Number is of great significance to the accuracy and vividness of the language. 概数表示法对于语言表达的准确性和生动性具有重要的意义。

35、The following table shows some important differences between variables and properties. 下表会显示变数和属性间的一些重要差异点。

36、Their big insight was that the importance of a page—how relevant it is—was best understood in terms of the number and importance of the pages linking to it. 他们的伟大见解是:网页重要性(相关程度)可以用连向它的网页数目和重要性来表示。

37、Objective To explore the cause of serious exudative and erythema multiforme, clinical manifestation, treatment and prognosis. 目的探讨重型渗出性多型性红斑的病因、临床表现、治疗及预后。

38、Experts said the findings in Archives of Internal Medicine reinforced the importance that older people exercise regularly. 专家们表示,这个发表在《内科学文献》上的发现,再次表明了老年人有规律地锻炼的重要性。

39、One more small step from presentation markup to structural markup is the renaming of the hr element to separator. 从表示标记到结构型标记还要一小步,把 hr 元素重命名为 separator。

40、More importantly, Yesawich said, on average consumers spend 40% more on celebration vacations than on their other travels. Yesawich表示,更重要的是用户在庆祝型度假的平均花费比其它旅行高出40%。

41、UserRegistration.user.age represents a value-binding property that is of type int. age表示一个值绑定属性,它的类型为 int。

42、Xu said the new aircraft carrier is the first of the Type 001A class, and represents an important step in advancing China's naval power. 徐表示,新航母是第一艘001A型航母,代表着中国海军迈出的重要一步。

43、Conclusion Halosign or air crescent sign, the specific manifestation on CT images, is of clinical significance in the early diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. 结论晕征、空气半月征是侵袭型肺曲霉菌病的CT特征性表现,结合原发病史,对侵袭型肺曲霉菌病诊断或早期提示性具有重要意义。

44、Cloud model is used to express the linguistic sment information given by each decision maker. The power of attribute and decision maker is calculated by the mood arithmetic of cloud. 首先采用云模型表示决策者给出的自然语言评价信息,而属性和决策者权重大小则用云的语气运算表示;

45、"However, there is a misperception of the importance of human capital," he says. 他表示:“然而,人们对人力资本的重要性存在误解。”

46、The biochemical and virulent characteristics of the strain S7COB were similar to those of the vector. 质粒电泳图谱显示重组株中存在被转移的外源质粒。重组株的生化特性和毒力表型与受体相同。

47、According to Xu, salary is an important factor. 徐毅强表示工资是一个重要因素。

48、We should solve the problems that we are confronted (faced) with. 表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能

49、The use of approximate numbers is of great significance in achieving the vividness of language and also a requirement for its exactness . 概数表示法对于语言表达的准确性和生动性具有重要的意义。

50、This example shows the importance of the -m option in the db2look command. 该示例显示了 db2look 命令中 -m 选项的重要性。


51、The steel reinforcement is represented by a bilinear strain hardening model. 钢筋以双线性应变硬化模型表示。

52、The results demonstrated the importance of etasis as a genetic basis of the quantitative traits and also revealed several important features of this phenomenon. 结果表明,上位性是数量性状的重要遗传基础,并揭示了上位性的几个重要特点。

53、Missing data is indicative of its lack of importance or lack of integrity checks to enforce defaulting. 缺失的数据表示数据不重要或者缺少完整性检查(强制设置默认值)。

54、The transition of experience-based teachers to professional teachers is an important symbol of the historical progress of human beings' educational life. 经验型教师向专业型教师的转变是人类教育生活历史性进步的一个重要表征。

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