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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-11 04:01:58
  • 89


关于”好听的句子“的英语句子58个,句子主体:Nice sentence。以下是关于好听的句子的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Nice sentence

1、She wears a dress of heavy, rich silk, with large flowers worked on it; and it rustles when she moves. And then she can tell the most wonderful stories. 她穿一身厚绸子做的裙子,上面有大朵的花;她走动时裙子簌簌响。她还会讲最好听的故事。

2、His language is a sort of mishmash of poorly used academic locutions: "worklife plans." It sounds almost like corporate speak, in a way. 他的语言是一种用得很不好的学术语句的混杂:,职业生涯计划,听起来就像是电脑在说话一样不自然。

3、I would never have known what it meant to build a sandcastle or smell a flower or listen to great music or have a good friend. 我从来不知道建立一个沙子城堡是什么或者是闻一闻花或者是听好听的音乐或者是有一个好朋友。

4、"All right, time to go —it's been charming, " she called out as she walked out the door. 然而,就在她走出“橡胶屋”大门的时候,她又喊道:“好吧,该动身了。这曲子听起来曾经是那么动听。”

5、Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket, it's got a … 拉出一个小小的项链盒子,里面有张照片….beautifu .music box…超好听 …

6、Here I was doing my absolute best, putting in hours of work, only to have every little thing picked out by my wife. 我已经尽量做到最好了,比如花好几个小时只为了从我妻子那打听出所有的小意见。

7、Mother: That just goes to show you, dear, that eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves. 妈妈:孩子,这只不过证明了,偷听者从来不会听到别人说自己的好话。

8、The current best-selling parenting book, "A Good Mom Is Better than a Good Teacher, " advocates listening to kids and developing their potential without forcing them to obey authority. 目前畅销的一本名叫《好妈妈胜过好老师》的育儿书提倡家长倾听孩子的心声,开发孩子的潜力,但不强迫他们遵守权威。

9、A wife is difficult, but one angry mother, had to listen quietly to her mother scolded; 媳妇很为难,但婆婆一肚子气,只好静静地听婆婆骂;

10、Before I had heard a dozen words, I was trembling with fear . 只听他说几句话,我就吓得直发抖。

11、The " pah , pah " sound was heard. And little monkey said unhappily:"The watermelon is not delicious at all as it is said. 只听见“呸、呸、呸”的声音,小猴子苦着脸说:“说什么西瓜好吃,一点都不好吃。”

12、It is said that a real good mirror can't be stained by the dust; 我听说一面真正好的镜子,任何灰尘都沾不上镜面的;

13、A. We may improve our aural ability by speaking English in the native and idiomatic way. The unciation, intonation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style. 可以通过讲隧道的口语来进步听力。发音,语调和句子结构请不要中国化。既然能说出来,当然能听懂。当然这样作有点难。

14、Return of course some are more blackguardly is, link you today, will link yours tomorrow take out, say sentence not Orphean, the family becomes you LULU! 当然还有些更无赖的就是,今天链接你的,明天就把你的链接去掉,说句不好听的,人家把你当LULU了!

15、When it rained, funny sounds came from the splashing raindrop on the erbur leaf. 下雨了,雨点溅在款冬叶子上发出好听的声音。

16、Children at this age can hear the sound of letter combinations better now and can hear the phonic differences. 这个年龄的孩子已经可以更好地听清字词组合,也可以听清字词的不同处。

17、Rachel: All right, listen, missy. If you want this cart, you're gonna have to take me with it! 好吧,听着,女子,如果你想要这个推车,那就把我也推走吧。

18、And the organ pealed, and the children's voices in the choir sounded so sweet and soft! 风琴奏着音乐。孩子们的合唱是非常好听和可爱的。

19、I think they are, literally. It sounds like they're renovating. 我想他们是在拆房子,就跟你说的一样。听起来他们好像在装修。

20、Children can share their thoughts on them, because they are the best listener; 孩子可以对它们倾诉自己的心事,因为它们是最好的倾听者;

21、"Undoubtedly, " replied Darcy, to whom this remark was chiefly addressed, "there is meanness in all the arts which ladies sometimes condescend to employ for captivation. 达西听出她这几句话是有意说给他自己听的,便连忙答道:“毫无疑问,姑娘们为了勾引男子,有时竟不择手段,使用巧计,这真是卑鄙。

22、"Undoubtedly, " replied Darcy, to whom this remark was chiefly addressed, "there is meanness in all the arts which ladies sometimes condescend to employ for captivation . 达西听出她这几句话是有意说给他自己听的,便连忙答道:“毫无疑问,姑娘们为了勾引男子,有时竟不择手段,使用巧计,这真是卑鄙。

23、You will often hear the phrase "you can achieve anything if you want it bad enough" most of us dismiss it as a line from a movie or something told to children at a sports carnival. 你可能会经常听到这样一句话,“做好最坏的打算,你就能无往不胜”。

24、The tone differs from place to place — listening to a German official denounce deficits, my wife whispered, “We’ll all be handed whips as we leave, so we can flagellate ourselves.” 不过,不同地方说话的调子不同——听到德国官员谴责财政赤字,我太太悄声说“走时大家人人都好像给了把鞭子,回家好好抽打自己。”

25、That picture of the children being tasked to by the PrimeMinister is wonderful. 那张小孩子们正在聆听首相语言的照片照得十分好。


26、You got to be ready to listen to your children even if they have nothing to say. 《Chicken Little》 你随时要当子女的好听众,即使他们没什么要说。

27、Most people have heard this one: “God helps those that help themselves.” 大多人都听过这句话:“天助自助者。”

28、Reprimands give at best but little help in the matter of habits and inclinations. 指责和训诫听来堂皇,但对改变孩子的习惯和好恶效果甚微。

29、Children have nerver been very good at listening to their elders, but they have nerver failed to imitate them. 孩子们从来不会好好听长辈的话,可是他们从来忘不了模仿长辈。---------巴舍拉尔(法)

30、And finally--get this--he folded her nightclothes and left them on a chair by the bed. 最后,你听这个,他把她的睡衣叠好放在床边的椅子上。

31、She touched the son's head and said to his father, "You have such a good son. He is both obedient and hardworking." 她摸着儿子的头夸奖说:“你儿子又听话学习又好,你真有福气!”

32、Upon hearing this, Mo Zi said, "If you were driving a swift horse and a goat to ascend the Mt. Taihang, which one you would whip, the horse or the goat?" 墨子听到以后说:“假如要驾着好马和羊上太行山,如果是你,你是鞭打马好还是鞭打羊好呢?”

33、The crowd in the room seemed full of curiosity. They expressed their eagerness to hear me sing. 那间屋子里的一群人似乎都很好奇,他们迫切希望听我唱一曲。

34、For example, if you go to an interview for a position for which thousands of people are competing with you, you are actually a leaf that matches the final flower-the final winner. 好比你去面试一个有上万人竞争的岗位,而这个岗位只招一个人,那么说句不好听的话,你是去当绿叶的,你是去衬最后一朵红花的。

35、Before leaving , P said :"Do not bloat, maybe we'll meet again in years. "That's the last word I heard from him , I'll never forget. 临走时大P说:“别得意,搞不好折腾了几年还是我们俩。”这是我听到他说的最后一句话,我永远都忘不了。

36、With that, he yelled over his shoulder to a coworker, "Hey, Charlie, get the pigeon ready. 听了这话,他转过头向身后的同事喊道:“嗨,查理,准备好鸽子。”

37、"Such a pretty girl, " she thought she heard the Fifth Master say. "It's shame to make her a concubine of that old man. " 她好像听见五老爷对人说:“好个标致的姑娘,白白送给老头子做姨太太,真可惜。”

38、No, I'm sorry, Jane. Until I hear from Bessie, or see for myself, that you are really trying to behave better , you cannot be treated as a good, happy child , like my children. 对不起,简。如果不听到贝茜说或是由我亲眼看到你的确努力要学好,你就不能像我的孩子那样,被当成是快乐的好孩子。

39、Class I, the teacher of each sentence, listen carefully. 上课,我把老师讲的每一个句段,听得仔仔细细。

40、In other people'eyes, maybe I'm a docile child. Never to court disaster, study is also well, a typical representative who is a lambkin. 在别人眼里,我可能是一个听话的好孩子,从不惹祸,学习也挺好,是一个让父母省心的乖孩子的典型代表。

41、But Shi realized recently that when his own children get home from school, the only question he asks them is if they listened to their teacher. 但是史在最近发现当他自己的孩子从学校归来,他唯一会问的问题就是有没有好好听讲。

42、Curious about its depth they threw in a pebble and waited for the sound of it striking the bottom, but they heard nothing. 他们很好奇,特想知道矿井到底有多深。于是他们扔了一块石子儿下去,等着听石子儿落地的声音。但是什么也没有听到。

43、He heard the note of warning in her statement; 他听得出这句话的弦外之音,这是在提醒他;

44、My father snores so loud that you can hear it from anywhere in the house. 我爸爸打鼾的声音好大声,以至于在屋子里的每个地方都听的到。

45、Now, when you listen to it then, again, knowing that, you hear it that way. 当你再次听到这句话时,你便知道,你是听到的是这个

46、So listen carefully. 请竖起耳朵好好听哦!

47、No, not at all.His father turned white, and his mother passed out at the news. 一点都不好.听到这个消息.他父亲的脸一下子白了.母亲晕倒了.

48、There aring a lot of secrets in the man heart can't say literally that let wife listen to. 男人心中有好多秘密不能随便说给妻子听。

49、What are you mumbling about? I can't understand a word! 你叽里咕噜说什么呀?我一句也听不懂!

50、It is best to hold discussion meeting on prohibiting electric bikes on Orange Island (Juzizhou… 对于橘子洲大桥禁止电动车通行,最好能举行“听证会”。


51、I have heard a saying that every person is an arc, and the two who can form a circle are a couple , at that time I strongly believe that. 我听过一种说法,每个人都是一段弧,能刚好凑成一个圆圈的两个人是一对,那时我特别相信这句话。

52、Bad language is a stage all children go through, and it dies with time when they learn they're not attracting attention with it. 所以如果孩子说脏话,说我们不爱听的不好的话,要知道,那是正常的。不过分关注,就好。

53、Upon hearing this, Mo Zi said, "If you were driving a swift horse and a goat to ascend 2 the Mt. Taihang, which one you would whip, the horse or the goat?" 墨子听到以后说:“假如要驾着好马和羊上太行山,如果是你,你是鞭打马好还是鞭打羊好呢?”

54、Ed's wife is a strong-minded woman and leads him around by the nose. 以德的妻子是一个好强的女生,他什么事都得听她的。

55、He's helping them keep time. Without him, the music might not sound good. 他在帮他们打拍子。没有他,音乐可就没那么好听了。

56、The doctor nodded, "It's alright, now that we have your sinus' cleared up, we'll work on your hearing next! 医生点点头说:“好吧,现在你的鼻子看好了,下一步就该医治你的听力了。”

57、It is best to hold discussion meeting on prohibiting electric bikes on Orange Island (Juzizhou) Bridge. 对于橘子洲大桥禁止电动车通行,最好能举行“听证会”。

58、I would be sure to come to this class again and locate this friendly person. 我肯定还会来听这门课,并来寻找这个很友好的小伙子的。

59、"I'm good" ---- so often heard these days ---- has a complacent and almost boastful ring, very different from that of "I'm well, thank you. 如今,随处可以听见“我状态不错”这句带有自鸣得意和几近傲慢的特质,这与“我身体很好,谢谢”迥然不同。

60、She touched the son's head and said to his father, "You he such a good son. He is both obedient and hardworking." 她摸着儿子的头夸奖说:“你儿子又听话学习又好,你真有福气!”

61、A wise son heeds his father's instruction, but a mocker does not listen to rebuke. - Proverbs 13:1, The Bible. 智慧的儿子听从父亲的教训,好讥笑人的不听责备。-圣经:箴言13:1。

62、Now, listen carefully. 现在,好好听着。

63、A child would tell the pet his own feelings because he thinks it the best listener. 孩子可以对它们倾诉自己的心事,因为它们是最好的倾听者。

64、Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. ---------J. Baldwin. 孩子从来不好好听从长辈,但他们从来不会不模仿长辈。-----------鲍德温。

65、Do you have the saying 'Spare the rod, spoil the child'? 你有没有听说过“不打不成器”这句话?

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